And so I'm sucked into yet another Pet Mod. Can't help myself nowadays.
Corsola is a most pitiful mon by today's standards, so to start off, it should gain Spikes. It knows the move Spike Cannon, and all other users of that move (Cloyster, Omastar) can also stack Spikes, which is why Corsola is left out in that regard. And since its movepool and abilities are picked to make a good wall, buffing Corsola's HP stat to 95-105 wouldn't be uncalled for.
True, added.
Castform should gain a boost in its base stats when it gains a weather, going from 60 -> 100 in all stats. There are plenty of alternative forms in other species that comes with base stats changes, such as Darmanitan's Zen Mode and Aegislash's Stance Change, so this would run along the same pattern. Having 100 in all stats wouldn't make it too frightening either as Mew has been managed just fine, not to mention that Castform is still ABSOLUTELY RELIANT on weather.
Hmm, this sounds //ok//, but I think I'll settle on 95 all around.
As for your Rotom formes, I'd suggest these move suggestions:
Surfing generally involves enveloping the user in water, while Rotom-W can only shoot out water. I thought Scald would be just fine as it already had Will-o-Wisp to threaten physical attackers with, but if that doesn't fly, Bubblebeam and Soak really is the only things left to include imo that fits with the washing theme. Maybe Water Pulse as well.
Scald just puts pressure on the opponent and it is un-Tauntable, which could be too strong. It's also 100% accurate, unlike Will-o-Wisp, albeit it doesn't always Burn, it certainly has a high chance. Soak is only learned by pure Water-types (with the exception of Pelipper and Chinchou) by natural means, and Rotom-W just doesn't seem like a good candidate. Bubble Beam makes sense somewhat, but it doesn't help it at all. Water Pulse, however, I like. But, I'm still unsure, as Surf kind of makes sense, but not entirely, as mentioned. I'll think about it.
As for Rotom-F, the freezer is about BEING cold, and not actually shooting out ice, which is why Freeze Dry and Frost Breath both makes more sense flavor wise. The former is somewhat pointless as it already electric stab (although Water/Ground says hi), and the latter is essentially the same as Ice Beam that thwarts setup with lesser accuracy.
Freeze-Dry is cool, I like that, changing Ice Beam to Freeze-Dry.
Rotom-H should have Heat Wave instead of Flamethrower. I really shouldn't need to give any reasons for this.
Thanks :)
Rotom-M is definitely the oddball out of the bunch since being a mower doesn't really make it connected to vegetation itself, but since GF has settled to let it spout out leaves, then that's the line of thought we need to approach, so Grass Knot feels like an appropriate pick since it'll be manipulating the field it's about to mow. Or something. I guess. :M Giga Drain doesn't feel fitting for a mower in any case.
Grass Knot is //ok//, but I think I'll stick with Giga Drain because it doesn't really have vines (does it?) to use Grass Knot.
Hurricane fits well for Rotom-C, although we really should leave Levitate untouched. I mean, I understand why anyone would want to change it, but since all Rotom members have that ability, it's less about function and more about theme.
I guess this is true, or we could change all their abilities to something unique, either way, I don't like Rotom-C with Levitate.
Also, Beedrill needs Mega Horn, for reasons earlier stated (see Escavalier). But if its lack of horn concerns you that much, then making it an Egg move for Weedle (who DO have a horn) shouldn't be too much of a trouble.
Yeah, I'll add this too!
Otherwise, I'd urger everyone to be more restrictive with what they're proposing. If you want to create new moves, abilities and overall boost mons in such a manner that it goes against their flavor in order to become more viable, then there are other Pet Mods that does that very thing. But as the very name of this Mod is 'Justification', then things that have been thoroughly questioned should be corrected here, and not just improve things for the sake of it. Which is why I feel inclined to object against these changes:
Despite its access to Bullet Seed, ALL current users of Icicle Spear are either Ice or Water type (or preferrably both). This change only exists because you want to complement its Skill Link ability it received this gen, and not some glaring flaw that has been around 'til now.
I was unaware of this, but then again, Bullet Seed also follows this change, with their being only seven Pokemon that learn Bullet Seed that aren't Mew, Arceus, or Grass-types. Bullet Seed is also a TM, it's much more widespread. I don't know, Icicle Spear could make sense for this reason, as how does Bullet Seed make sense? It doesn't, just to compliment Skill Link.
You may need to ellaborate on that one. Ground I can understand, but it being a serperent does not justify mythical lizard status.
This is what Dunsparce is based off of: link, and it's also a feathered serpent, a rare serpent considered by many to be supernatural beings. It makes sense, about as much as Altaria, who's Dragon for being based off of an ancient creature with Dragon-like features. I can see how it doesn't make much sense, and I'd be happy to make it Normal / Ground (or just Ground), but Dragon / Ground just makes sense in my eyes.
This was only suggested because it now has Boomburst available. Like its Scrappy ability, this too should be scrapped.
I meant to remove this anyways, thanks for reminding me u.u!
Apart from immensely improving Musharna, what's the
actual reason this is suggested? It's enveloped in dream smoke, not coated in a mystical veil.
Hmm, I actually do not know! Will remove unless someone has a reason for it!
No Huge Power. Just no. Because no.
Also meant to remove this one, it was just a joke lol.
Like others have stated, even in its baby stage, having an egg diaper doesn't make much for a shell. While it's far from broken with it, having it as an option really isn't justified.
Yeah :)
You opted not to give Rotom-W Scald, but you're okay with giving a Defiant user a
130 BP STAB move?
It is called the Bolt Strike Pokemon, but I'm changing Defiant probably, or changing its ability. Here's the change for Defiant, by the way:
- When a stat is lowered, the Pokemon's Attack is raised by one and lowers Speed by one
Sound fair now?
Apart from HP Elecrtric, Delphox has no Electric moves in its arsenal, so please avoid making it a Magmortar clone. It's not unheard of, but I suspect this has more with Del's lack of coverage rather than something it's elligible to have.
Delphox makes sense with Thunderbolt because of its witch / mage theory, but I also don't like this move very much, will most likely remove.
I may suggest more, but if this turns out to be yet another Wishlist Mod, then I see no reason why this mod needs to exist as the suggestions here can be incorporated in the other Mods.