
I actually really have always liked Kecleon... This set is very intriguing and I would love to try it out, if I ever have the guts to do so, or pull away from my standard Aerodactyl or Crobat lead...
Hi. I'd like to point out that you're not getting the most out of your Kecleon.

With the given nature and evs, it reaches 297 HP, 278 Attack, and 225 defense.

If you give it a +attack nature, 144 HP evs, 148 Attack Evs, and 216 defense evs, he ends up with 297 HP, 278 Attack, and 230 defense. So you're wasting 5 whole stat points. You can put them in Attack or HP if you want too.
Glad to see somebody's finally usign Kecleon! People underestimate its unique ability, great Sp. Def, access to a stack of great lead moves and passable Attack. It has the same Attack as unboosted Scrafty. Also, I think you should put in obligatory CB set. You know Sucker Punch, Trick, Focus Punch and filler (Return, Rock Slide, Shadow Sneak, whatever).
Yeah I like it's ability. It works almost like Torment, since most types resist their own type. The only types that are super effective against their own type is Ghost, which doesn't affect it, and Dragon, which he shouldn't really be taking hits from anyways.
Aerodactyl used Stealth Rock
Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Coat

Aerodactyl used Taunt
Taunt was bounced back by Magic Coat

Kecleon is tightening its focus.
Foe pulled out Aerodactyl and sent in Tyranitar.
Kecleon used Focus Punch.
Foe's Tyranitar took 100% damage.
Foe's Tyranitar fainted.

Fuckin' a.

Don't think Magic Coat or Snatch prevent Deo-s from screening, though (according to Bulbapedia since censors block Smogon's page on it), which kinda sucks.
Aerodactyl used Stealth Rock
Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Coat

Aerodactyl used Taunt
Taunt was bounced back by Magic Coat

Kecleon is tightening its focus.
Foe pulled out Aerodactyl and sent in Tyranitar.
Kecleon used Focus Punch.
Foe's Tyranitar took 100% damage.
Foe's Tyranitar fainted.

Why would you ever Focus Punch against something that has been taunted... it's not like sucker punch hurts Aero that much, who by the way has a sash.
I used basically the op's set in 4th gen uu, and it was quite nice, I'd think even more so now magic coat can net you hazards. I had to use sub over snatch, however, as it was incredibly rare that it worked. Sub helped let you get off either punch more reliably.
Why would you ever Focus Punch against something that has been taunted... it's not like sucker punch hurts Aero that much, who by the way has a sash.

Honestly, I had a feeling there that he would switch. I've seen enough of these to know when my opponent is getting annoyed enough to switch in their heavy hitter, and this was one of those times.
Well if you're going to switch switch to something not weak to Focus Punch... if your opponent had made the switch because he predicted the sucker punch, lol
Well if you're going to switch switch to something not weak to Focus Punch... if your opponent had made the switch because he predicted the sucker punch, lol

Ehh, whatever... Honestly, I send this guy out as a lead to have fun messing with his opponent. If you don't play with him to be the most annoying little prick possible than you won't be doing enough damage to make it worth it.
i love these completely random leads. So many "useless" pokemon can make very powerful leads. The best part about this is that uncommon leads dont have common counters. It is awesome!
i love these completely random leads. So many "useless" pokemon can make very powerful leads. The best part about this is that uncommon leads dont have common counters. It is awesome!
It's not all that practical though TBH. Seeing a lead like this, a smart opponent would realize it has no setup moves. Hell, the best you'll ever get is one layer of spikes from nattorei, since after that your opponent will not hesitate to attack.
Try this set it works wonder

Wall By Day Sweep By Night
Keckleon@Grip Claw
252 Hp/ 252 SpDef/ 4 SpAtk
Nasty Plot/Hone Claws
Wha? There are plenty of ways to get Kecleon to have both. Right off the bat, it's in the same egg group as Smeargle, so that gets it Magic Coat with any other egg move in all the gens it's in. Secondly, Snatch is an egg move in gen 5 and a TM in gen 3/4. Easy accessibility.
This Kecleon is a beast:

name: Tank
move 1: Recover
move 2: Magic Coat
move 3: Return
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Leftovers
ability: Color Change
nature: Careful
EVs: 252 HP / 40 Def / 216 SpD
here is a slightly silly moveset and analysis of a subpuncher kecleon

Set name: Iv'e been ROBBED! (LOL pmd reference)
Move2:focus punch
Move3:sucker punch
Evs:220hp 252atck 36def
the kecleons Evs may seem strange but it gives it a bonus point in its physical defense now you send in kecleon in on an attack that resists itself and set up your "shop" (substitute) Now you get "robbed" by your opponent (sub breaks) and you ram a focus punch in their face Now you either "Chase them down at double speed" (sucker punch) or "Call for backup" (use sub again) depending on whether or not you think the opponent will switch or not Now you either "attack with extreme power" (focus punch) or use an oran berry (recover) rinse and repeat in any order
with some prediction ALL THEIVES SHALL BE IN A WORLD OF PAIN!!!!!!! tell me if you have used this set effectively for those who want to try it out...

"always delighted to be of service".
Props to you nukes for being able to use a Kecleon in OU successfully, I always tend to fail at using lower tier pokes in OU :(
But for Kecleon itself, I think that PandorasBox's idea about a specially defensive set is'nt all too bad, although I do'nt quite see the reason to use Shadow Sneak.
This Kecleon is a beast:

name: Tank
move 1: Recover
move 2: Magic Coat
move 3: Return
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Leftovers
ability: Color Change
nature: Careful
EVs: 252 HP / 40 Def / 216 SpD

Props to you nukes for being able to use a Kecleon in OU successfully, I always tend to fail at using lower tier pokes in OU :(
But for Kecleon itself, I think that PandorasBox's idea about a specially defensive set is'nt all too bad, although I do'nt quite see the reason to use Shadow Sneak.

I agree. Maybe not to be walled by Ghosts? Still seems like an odd choice though. I'd go for Sucker Punch if anything.

I run a pretty similar set, but I use Snatch instead of Sucker Punch or Shadow Sneak. Verrrrrry situational and takes really good prediction to be successful, but very rewarding when it works out. Magic Bounce Jellicent's Toxic, then Snatch her Recover. Fun stuff.