I actually really have always liked Kecleon... This set is very intriguing and I would love to try it out, if I ever have the guts to do so, or pull away from my standard Aerodactyl or Crobat lead...
Aerodactyl used Stealth Rock
Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Coat
Aerodactyl used Taunt
Taunt was bounced back by Magic Coat
Kecleon is tightening its focus.
Foe pulled out Aerodactyl and sent in Tyranitar.
Kecleon used Focus Punch.
Foe's Tyranitar took 100% damage.
Foe's Tyranitar fainted.
Aerodactyl used Stealth Rock
Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Coat
Aerodactyl used Taunt
Taunt was bounced back by Magic Coat
Kecleon is tightening its focus.
Foe pulled out Aerodactyl and sent in Tyranitar.
Kecleon used Focus Punch.
Foe's Tyranitar took 100% damage.
Foe's Tyranitar fainted.
Sucker Punch doesn't work on switches, which he predicted for good reason.Why would you ever Focus Punch against something that has been taunted... it's not like sucker punch hurts Aero that much, who by the way has a sash.
Fuckin' a.
Don't think Magic Coat or Snatch prevent Deo-s from screening, though (according to Bulbapedia since censors block Smogon's page on it), which kinda sucks.
Why would you ever Focus Punch against something that has been taunted... it's not like sucker punch hurts Aero that much, who by the way has a sash.
Well if you're going to switch switch to something not weak to Focus Punch... if your opponent had made the switch because he predicted the sucker punch, lol
It's not all that practical though TBH. Seeing a lead like this, a smart opponent would realize it has no setup moves. Hell, the best you'll ever get is one layer of spikes from nattorei, since after that your opponent will not hesitate to attack.i love these completely random leads. So many "useless" pokemon can make very powerful leads. The best part about this is that uncommon leads dont have common counters. It is awesome!
This Kecleon is a beast:
name: Tank
move 1: Recover
move 2: Magic Coat
move 3: Return
move 4: Shadow Sneak
item: Leftovers
ability: Color Change
nature: Careful
EVs: 252 HP / 40 Def / 216 SpD
Props to you nukes for being able to use a Kecleon in OU successfully, I always tend to fail at using lower tier pokes in OU :(
But for Kecleon itself, I think that PandorasBox's idea about a specially defensive set is'nt all too bad, although I do'nt quite see the reason to use Shadow Sneak.