Krookodile (QC 3/3, GP 2/2)

Texas Cloverleaf

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RoAPL Champion
QC: doomvendingmachine, zdrup15, PK Gaming
GP: Komodo, Calm Pokemaster


<p>Krookdile is an extremely threatening Pokemon in RU thanks to its unique Dark / Ground typing, which allows it to hit most of the tier for super effective or neutral damage. This typing also gifts it with immunities to Electric- and Psychic-type moves, making it considerably easier to switch in. Krookodile's most dangerous factor is its Moxie ability, which allows it to abuse its offensive power to great effect; Moxie allows it to pull sweeps out of thin air, as after every KO, Krookodile's Attack is raised. Krookodile can also take on a more supportive role with Intimidate, also easing its ability to switch in. Kookodile's movepool is rather sparse, but it is superbly tailored to what Krookodile needs to be effective.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, there are several factors that hinder Krookodile's success in the tier. It lacks almost any viable alternative move options, which along with its mediocre Special Attack stat, makes it extremely predictable as it will almost always be running the same moveset. Despite having two immunities, Krookodile lacks many useful resistances, which when combined with its poor defensive stats make it very difficult for Krookodile to take many hits. It is also vulnerable to all types of entry hazards, Spikes and Toxic Spikes in particular. In spite of these flaws, Krookodile is a Pokemon you must always consider when making a team, as it can and will sweep you on a moment's notice.</p>

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Crunch
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Pursuit
item: Choice Scarf / Life Orb
ability: Moxie
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>This is the de facto set that Krookodile will run, using its decent coverage and great attacking power to either attempt an endgame sweep or remove key threats. Earthquake is Krookodile's strongest offensive option, hitting most of the tier for neutral or super effective damage. Crunch is Krookodile's other STAB option, killing Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokemon, while also being an attack that can beput to great use on a Choice set as nothing is immune to it. Stone Edge covers the Flying-types that are immune to Earthquake, while Pursuit catches fleeing Ghost-types, also picking off weakened opposition.</p>


<p>Depending on which item you choose, Krookodile can be played in different ways. Choice Scarf turns Krookodile into a very effective late game revenge killer, while Life Orb gives it the freedom to switch moves, also making Moxie boosts easier to accrue. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs maximize Krookodile's sweeping capabilities. Moxie makes it easier for Krookodile to sweep through a weakened team, gaining power with each Pokemon that is defeated. Brick Break is an option over Pursuit if you don't want to be locked into a weaker move, but it has little utility outside of hitting Rock- and Steel-type switch-ins. Krookodile functions very effectively on its own due to its great coverage and lack of reliable counters; however, there are certain partners that work well with it. Krookodile appreciates Rapid Spin support due to its vulnerability to entry hazards, while Choiced Fighting-type Pokemon such as Medicham can take advantage of the Ghost-types removed by Krookodile.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Intimidate can be used to soften physical attacks, though as an offensive Pokemon, Moxie is the preferred ability. Foul Play can surprise strong physical attackers such as Medicham or Sceptile by using their own high Attack against them; however, it is pretty much useless against defensive Pokemon due to their low attacking power. Outrage and Dragon Claw give Krookodile perfect neutral coverage on the tier, but they lack STAB and lose super effective coverage on many Pokemon. Krookodile can use Hone Claws or even Bulk Up to boost its power without having to rely on Moxie, though its lack of Speed and poor defenses make setting up difficult. Taunt and Toxic can be used to combat stall teams, preventing them from phazing Krookodile or inflicting status. Dragon Tail and Roar are options to accrue entry hazard damage upon the opposition; the negative priority is unappealing, however. Substitute can be used to ease prediction and avoid status moves, but once again, Krookodile's lack of Speed makes this option unlikely to be effective in the long term.</p>

[Checks And Counters]

<p>Tangrowth walls Krookodile completely, taking little damage from all of its attacks; it can use its STAB moves to hit Krookodile super effectively, drain its health with Leech Seed, or inflict a cripplig status condition. Krookodile is also walled by Mandibuzz; unboosted Stone Edge is unable to 2HKO Mandibuzz, allowing it to Roost off the damage, and thus stall out Stone Edge's PP. Status afflictions really affect Krookodile's performance; burn completely neuters its offensive presence, while poison and paralysis also hinder it significantly. Honchkrow can come in on Krookodile's STABs mostly unharmed and threaten it out with Superpower. Similarly, Flying-types and Levitate users such as Moltres and Claydol can take advantage of a Krookodile locked into a Ground-type move. Pokemon such as Sceptile, Accelgor, and Hariyama can switch in on a resisted STAB move, take an attack, and proceed to KO Krookodile in return. Qwilfish makes a great check as well, as it can take sponge even Earthquakes with ease thanks to Intimidate and deal heavy damage with STAB Waterfall. Cofagrigus works similarly; it packs Will-O-Wisp to cripple Krookodile and can stop Moxie-fuelled sweeps with Mummy, but it can't take repeated Crunches very well. While not as effective, Amoonguss can take any of Krookodile's attacks with ease barring Earthquake, and virtually put it out of the game for good with Spore. Finally, Choiced Fighting-types can switch into Crunch or Stone Edge and destroy Krookodile with their powerful STAB options.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Krookodile gets Anger Point from the Dream World. While this can be a great option on a Choice set, Krookodile will usually faint to a critical hit due to its poor defenses.</p>
That's the point of the write-up

EDIT: I have no intention of being my usual wordy self in the skeleton stage, this is more of a thought organizer for me for when I do write it up.
Still, Krook needs all the power it can get imo, the thing about Krook is that it doesnt hit hard wnough without a boosting item. this has faild me many times.
I prefer Jolly to outspeed +1 Timid Lilligant, Timid Choice Scarf Porygon-Z and Modest Choice Scarf Typhlosion, etc. There's a whole host of things that it doesn't outspeed with Adamant. I suppose the second slash is fine, but there needs to be some clarification on what Krookodile outspeeds and doesn't outspeed with a Jolly / Adamant nature.


Just because you do a write up doesn't mean you can half ass the QC stage.

come on... really? Please stop making rude remarks in everyone's threads without anything relevant to contribute
My personal preference is Jolly and I will definately take those (Omicron's noted) benchmarks into account in the write-up. Pretty sure it also outspeeds +2 Rhydon unless the guy I faced wasn't running max speed.

Also, yeah, kingcharizard, go away, the only part you could make a case for half-assing is the overview and that's only becuase I needed to get myself into the flow of writing.
Sorry for my earlier posts. > _<I know you accidentally left out checks and counters, and I want to give you some ideas to list as viable counters, however most of these are questionable-

MAYBE Haryama, as it resists Dark STAB and stone edge, as well as boasting a super effective STAB of it's own.

Possibly Accelgor, as it resists Ground STAB, outspeeds it and wields super effective STAB. It's special attack does well against Krook's lacklustre defenses, but alas, Accelgor will fall victim to Stone Edge.

Crawdaunt has great counter potential, as it resists Dark STAB and has super effective water STAB. Hyper Cutter will ignore the dangers of intimidate.

Status kicks Krook's ass and sends it packing. Paralysis cuts Krook's somewhat mediocre speed (not really mediocre, but it leaves much to be desired, I am sure you can think of a better word than I can) and leaves it heavily crippled. Poison drains health, you know the deal. Burn just flat out destroys Krookodile. It reduces it's most prized stat- it's attack.

*those are just a few, please consider them.

  • Unique typing is very dangerous offensively
  • sports two strong immunities, psychic and electric
  • can abuse its offensive power with its moxie [delete ability] or take on a supportive attacking role with intimidate
  • very strong movepool for what it needs to do
  • lack of viable alternative options and poor special attack makes it very predictable
  • mediocre defenses makes it unable to take many hits
name: Choice
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Crunch
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Pursuit
item: Choice Scarf / Choice Band
ability: Moxie / Intimidate
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

  • Uses its strong coverage and great attacking power to either attempt a clean endgame sweep or to remove key threats, such as Ghosts, with Pursuit
  • Can function quite well on its own, due to its great coverage and lack of reliable counters
  • Earthquake is its strongest attack, with great STAB coverage being offered
  • Crunch is the other STAB option, killing Ghosts, and providing an attack that can't be avoided by typing
  • Stone Edge covers the Flying-types that are immune to Earthquake while Pursuit catches running Ghosts and Psychics, picking off weakened members
  • Choice Band gives the set ridiculous power, making it difficult to wall while Choice Scarf makes it an effective revenge kill that can sweep late game
  • Max Attack and Speed maximize [delete sweeping] [add its offensive] capabilities
  • Moxie makes it easier to sweep through a weakened team, gaining strength with each team member that is picked off
  • Intimidate eases Krookodile's ability to switch in and can lead to predictions, as an intimidated physical attacker is more likely to switch
  • Brick Break can be used in place of Pursuit if you [add apostraphe after n]dont want to be locked in to a weaker move[add comma] but aside from hitting Rock and Steel types you may not want to predict, Brick Break has little utility
  • Choiced Fighting type pokemon such as Medicham partner well with Krookodile for its ability to remove the ghost types that block their sweep
  • Life Orb can be used to prevent Krookodile from being set up fodder, however, it loses a lot of speed if not Scarfed, and [add apostraphe after n]doesnt really appreciate the HP loss every turn
[Other Options]
  • Foul Play can surprise strong physical attacker such as Medicham by using their own attack against them; against defensive pokemon it is useless
  • Outrage and Dragon Claw give Krookodile perfect neutral coverage on the tier, however the lack of STAB and lack of SE coverage means they are of little use
  • Krookodile can use Hone Claws to boost its power without having to get a kill while also increasing Stone Edge's accuracy, this set suffers from the same issue as the Life Orb set, the lack of speed, as well as it being difficult for Krookodile to set up easily
  • Bulk Up is also an option, although of less use
  • Taunt and Toxic can be used to combat stall teams
  • Dragon Tail and Roar are options to accrue entry hazard damage on the opposition, the negative priority is unappealing however
  • Substitute can be used to ease prediction and avoid status moves, once again, the lack of speed makes this option unlikely to be able to sweep in the long term
[Checks And Counters]
  • Tangrowth walls Krookodile completely, taking little damage from its attacks while threatening with its STAB options, while also being able to use Leech Seed or a status move to cripple the switch-in
  • Hard walled by Mandibuzz, unboosted Stone Edge's being its best option, those being easily stalled out with Roost due to Stone Edge's inability to 2HKO
  • Status is also a big problem for Krookodile. Burn completely neuters it offensively, while paralysis and poison means that it can't stay in for very long
  • Honchkrow can come in on Krookodile's STABs mostly unharmed and threaten Krookodile out with Brave Bird
  • similarly, Flying-type Pokemon and Levitators can take advantage of a Krookodile locked into a Ground move
  • Pokemon such as Sceptile, Accelgor, Hariyama and others, can switch in on one of Krookodile's STAB options, take an attack or two before outright killing it
  • Amoonguss is bulky enough to take several of Krookodile's attacks, [add although] it must be wary of Earthquake however
  • Similarly, Cofagrigus can handle Krookodile and threaten it with a burn, Mummy also nullifying Krookodile's sweeping potential, but cannot take repeated Crunches
  • Qwilfish is capable of stopping Krookodile, weakening its attacks with Intimidate and threatening a STAB Waterfall
  • Choiced Fighting types can take advantage of a Krookodile not using Earthquake to fire off their high powered STAB options
[Dream World]
  • Krookodile gets Anger Point for Dream World. While this may seem useful at first, Krookodile will die to most critical hits anwyay, making Anger Point inferior to its other two abilities.
Changes in bold

EDIT: Didn't see the QC (0/3) tag
Eh... you've got pretty much everything. Fire Fang could go in AC or OO for Ferroseed, I guess. Mean Look probably merits an OO mention, but nothing more.

Have you actually tested a Substitute set? It would screw most of Krook's checks and totally blocks the bulky Ghosts from burning it with WoW. I'd test it myself, but unfortunately my laptop hates PO and I'm not getting home until Thanksgiving.
I'm not conviced Fire Fang is worth a mention, Earthquake is almost always the better choice. i may mention Counter though, got surprised today by a counter-sash lead.
I've used Scarf Krook with Intimidate but it wasn't nearly as good as I predicted because even at -1 most physicall attacks still hurt. Besides, most of the time late-game I'd have the opportunity to clean if I had an Atk boost.

So make Moxie its only ability and this is approved (damn you doom green is my colour xD).
I'd actually slash Adamant first as Pursuit from Scarf Krook KO's Alakazam 100% IIRC. Then again, mention the benefits of Jolly. Personally I don't want to risk getting killed by a full-health Alakazam. Just my thoughts.
I'd actually slash Adamant first as Pursuit from Scarf Krook KO's Alakazam 100% IIRC. Then again, mention the benefits of Jolly. Personally I don't want to risk getting killed by a full-health Alakazam. Just my thoughts.

Alakazam is banned from RU...
Out of curiosity, what KOes does Choice Band get that Life Orb doesn't? I ask because I've tested the Life Orb set a shit load and it has worked significantly better than the CB set did. It almost makes no sense to use a Band Pursuit when you could use a LO Pursuit and get the same KO without being in danger of getting set up on while instead it makes it easier to sweep; you get the +1 from the Pursuit KO, then you have an easy time plowing through the opposing team with +1 LO boosted Earthquake/Crunch.

In short, LO > CB, unless there is a significant amount of situations that CB > LO.
@HeySup, fair point, admittedly the only Krookodile set I've used extensively is Scarfed so I couldn't tell you those KOs. What I'll prbobably do then is put Lo as an alternative item and change the set name.
yeah, jolly is definitely the way to go as it outspeeds all of the threats Omicron listed as well as Timid Accelgor which can easily OHKO you otherwise with LO Bug Buzz.
Yeah definitely Life Orb > Choice Band. Just change the set name to "Physical Attacker" and make the item Choice Scarf / Life Orb.