Resource LC Viability Rankings

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Nominating Honedge for B

Nah, it's useful for walling a couple Pokemon, but it's not close to that good. I can't imagine why a Pokemon that doesn't even hit 2% in usage stats would be considered B. I'd say that the description for C rank sounds significantly more like what Honedge goes up against. Notable niche in the metagame, but notable flaws prevent them from being as effective. Don't misunderstand me, it's great for stopping Fletchling, especially since people don't run Overheat nearly as often as they used to. It's just outclassed by other Pokemon in this regard. I just have trouble seeing Honedge as a B rank Pokemon.
So I typed out paragraphs for all of these and saved it as a draft, but now it is gone again. This happens for every viability rankings post. I am done with drafts, I am just doing it all at once from now on. Sorry for not having long explanations of my rankings, but I am just done with this post. Stupid Smogon and your drafts.
Corphish - Extremely hard hitting with Adaptability.
Elekid - Fantastic coverage, hard hitting, and hits 20 Speed.
- If you've played queenlucy you know why it deserves to be C+ Rank.
- Very, very hard hitting. Hustle lowering accuracy sucks though.
- Best Sticky Web setter.
Gothita (C- Rank) - A good revenge killer, similar to Diglett.
Minccino (C/C+ Rank) - Very hard hitting thanks to multi-hitting moves having weird roles.
preliminary lists




controversial picks!
Aipom - Everyone seems to be putting it in loads of random categories, but I think C+ is probably the correct place, it just doesn't have the typing to get higher imo
Growlithe - a few people wanted C+, but I couldn't find any reasonings - if someone gives me a few more reasons why you'd use Growlithe over Ponyta I guess it could move up, but I'd be using Ponyta 99% of the time due to the fact it beats Pawniard and Growlithe doesn't.
Purrloin - a couple of arguments for C+, and I can see where they're coming from, but I haven't tested enough to make an opinion.
Tyrunt - equal between C and C-, but I don't see why you'd use it over another Rock-type most the time
Spinarak - I, and a few others, put it in C-, but some put it in C+ - I encourage people to read The Avalanches's post since it certaintly swayed me.
Honedge - most people put it C-, but now boo is arguing for B - encouraging everyone to read boo's post and then decide again, I'm leaning towards C+
Bulbasaur and Oddish being below Bellsprout - not much separates these 3 except Sprout has Weather Ball and a decent Physiacl attack (almost never used). compared to much better bulk which usually gives Oddish and Bulba the ability to set up Growth easier. Is Bellsprout really that much better?

Keeping discussion open before editing the OP, but hopefully we'll get a bit of discussion on the Pokemon I mentioned.
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As far as your comment on Bulbasaur and Oddish, I vote that they remain beneath Bellsprout, solely because of the point that you make. Bellsprout's access to Weather Ball, which gives it the ability to get past Steel-types, is immensely useful. In fact, it's almost necessary. Pawniard is terrified of Bellsprout in the sun, but Bulbasaur and Oddish mean nothing to it, especially if they have already put another Pokemon to sleep. They should stay.
As far as your comment on Bulbasaur and Oddish, I vote that they remain beneath Bellsprout, solely because of the point that you make. Bellsprout's access to Weather Ball, which gives it the ability to get past Steel-types, is immensely useful. In fact, it's almost necessary. Pawniard is terrified of Bellsprout in the sun, but Bulbasaur and Oddish mean nothing to it, especially if they have already put another Pokemon to sleep. They should stay.

Pretty much that's it. Also im pretty sure they could run HP Fire/Ground to say FK off Pawniard. CHOICES @__@;;

so i guess Sleep powder/grass stab/sludge bomb/hidden power (fire or ground) is finna be staple on those two now?

(also bulba gets weather ball from dw but it's not lv 5 so incompatible)

cba to quote properly

Rowan said:
controversial picks!
Aipom - Everyone seems to be putting it in loads of random categories, but I think C+ is probably the correct place, it just doesn't have the typing to get higher imo
Growlithe - a few people wanted C+, but I couldn't find any reasonings - if someone gives me a few more reasons why you'd use Growlithe over Ponyta I guess it could move up, but I'd be using Ponyta 99% of the time due to the fact it beats Pawniard and Growlithe doesn't.
Purrloin - a couple of arguments for C+, and I can see where they're coming from, but I haven't tested enough to make an opinion.
Tyrunt - equal between C and C-, but I don't see why you'd use it over another Rock-type most the time
Spinarak - I, and a few others, put it in C-, but some put it in C+ - I encourage people to read The Avalanches's post since it certaintly swayed me.
Honedge - most people put it C-, but now boo is arguing for B - encouraging everyone to read boo's post and then decide again, I'm leaning towards C+
Bulbasaur and Oddish being below Bellsprout - not much separates these 3 except Sprout has Weather Ball and a decent Physiacl attack (almost never used). compared to much better bulk which usually gives Oddish and Bulba the ability to set up Growth easier. Is Bellsprout really that much better?

Aipom can stay C+ imo. It's got a lot of good tools but it's a one trick pony and it's not doing much to get itself farther everygame

How does Growlithe beat Pawniard if Ponyta cant?

Purrloin the literal best at it's job (Twave/Encore/Knock Off/filler) Disrupt, Neuter, Free Set up

Tyrunt wishes it could get past Fighting mons, C- bc saccing a good coverage more for shitty AA is not worth it since you're still stuck :I plus YOU HAVE TO HAVE BOOSTED ALREADY AND DRAIN PUNCH MITIGATES THE DAMAGE YOU'VE DONE so it's not really worth it imo.

Spinarak is excellent pls

Honedge is dangerous if it gets to set up. But it's slow as balls is HIGHLY SUSCEPTIBLE TO STATUS. Auto sets lack power, SD sets lack speed, and Auto + SD lacks coverage.

But Honedge is still amazing i guess. . . There are just too many cases where it loses out because of something. a 2HKO on Missy just to get neutered or a OHKO on Missy to get neutered isnt a good trade. Beats all other ghosts tho unless Yamask/Duskull too balky and get the burn because the OHKO isnt real

+2 196+ Atk Honedge Shadow Sneak vs. 196 HP / 116 Def Eviolite Duskull: 14-18 (66.6 - 85.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 196+ Atk Honedge Shadow Sneak vs. 0 HP / 236+ Def Eviolite Yamask: 14-18 (70 - 90%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
preliminary lists




Proposing we move Cranidos to C. Crani is really overrated, being beaten by really common Pokemon and at best might be able to come in on fletchling. It is frail, slow, And often just acts as fodder for Pawniard or Timburr.

Proposing we move Spinarak up to C+. It absorbs fighting attacks well, And is able to easily set up sticky web and/or toxic spikes. I would even argue that it's better than Surskit, as it has much more utility, though its uses aren't typically needed in a team.

I'll add more later
No way. IMO Cranidos is B+. It's not slow, it speed ties Pawniard and outruns Scraggy. It also 2HKOes EVERY SINGLE POKEMON IN THE TIER BESIDES DEFENSIVE HIPPOPOTAS. It is a literal monster in terms of power output and I use it sometimes without sticky web, just as an unbelievable nuke. Something that strong is not C rank, it is without a doubt the best wall breaker in the entire tier.
Purrloin the literal best at it's job (Twave/Encore/Knock Off/filler) Disrupt, Neuter, Free Set up
To add to this, I've seen my fair share of Attract users as well to stack upon the twave knock off annoyance. It's really salt in the wound; Purrloin is very C+ worthy.
was hoping for a bit more discussion, but w/e the OP is updated. I still wouldn't mind if you continued discussing the placement of Purrloin and Honedge, whether they can move up to C+, or maybe (in the case of Honedge B-). Blarajan has also put forward an argument for Cranidos being B, which I'd like discussion on (though judging by the likes on that post it seems most are in favour)

You can also start discussing D rank, but, at least for now, we won't be separating them into D+,D and D-. I feel that there aren't enough viable Pokemon there to make that worthwhile. However, I feel like certain Pokemon for sure, should move up. These are Clamperl, Cubone, Gothita, and Buneary for sure, maybe a couple more. I'll edit tomorrow with reasons.
I'd like to see some pokes moving up:
Wtf is clamperl doing in D, it is indeed outclassed by the other shellsmashers but clanperl has the added bonus of hitting like a nuke before sshing, and lets be real you have to be stupid to get it in vs a knock off user. With more people running berry juice over eviolite, it can pretty much OHKO every offensive mons, and it deals huge damage just to everything but munch, licki, ferro and mantyke.
Brought it way back ago and noone listened to me (or to user: kingler12345) but yeah, altho clamperl its not as good as last gen it still hits really hard can its not as garbage as D mons, please make it C =]
Clamperl for C+
I don't quite agree with Artemis Fowl in Clamperl being worthy of S rank; against offensive teams, it really struggles do do very much at all without heavy support, and even if it does manage to pull a Shell Smash or Substitute off, it often won't be getting more than one KO due to all the priority, which will often be enough to take it down when considering it will probably be weakened on the turn it sets up. It's a lot tougher to handle for defensive teams, but even against those, it will often struggle to set up against the multitude of Knock Off users and decently powerful Pokemon, like Spritzee.
12 SpA Spritzee Moonblast vs. -1 76 HP / 0 SpD Clamperl: 16-21 (76.1 - 100%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
0 SpA Porygon Tri Attack vs. -1 76 HP / 0 SpD Clamperl: 16-21 (76.1 - 100%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
Clamperl is still really strong against defensive teams, though, because if it comes in on the right Pokemon, it will almost always be able to take down a Pokemon, something defensive teams will often not be able to afford to happen, and if it does manage to set up, which is entirely possible through the help of Memento support, the game will often end then and there.
However, if key threats from offensive and balanced teams are eliminated or sufficiently weakened (ie powerful priority users for the former and Chinchou/Abra for the latter), Clamperl still makes a nice win condition, because only a select few Pokemon are able to take one of its +2 attacks.
As a demonstration of its power -
+2 248+ SpA Deep Sea Tooth Clamperl Surf vs. 236 HP / 236+ SpD Eviolite Lickitung: 25-31 (89.2 - 110.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
Against most offensive or balanced teams, pulling off a Clamperl sweep will take a lot of support; however, if said support is given, a successful Clamperl sweep is still completely feasible, and I have seen several respectable players able to accomplish just that. Against defensive teams, Clamperl is an absolute menace with just Memento support.

Cubone for C+
Cubone, unlike Clamperl, is able to hit 14 Speed as opposed to 13 Speed. This small increase allows Cubone to hit 21 Speed at +1, letting it outspeed key threats in Misdreavus, Ponyta and Abra, among a few others, meaning Cubone is the far better Baton Pass recipient. Another advantage Cubone has is Bonemerang, letting it break through Substitutes and Abra's Focus Sash. Although it doesn't get access to a hugely game-changing move in Shell Smash, Cubone is just as good as a wall-breaker because it still gets Swords Dance, allowing it to smash through just about everything, while outspeeding most common Stall Pokemon thanks to its 14 Speed; because it doesn't lower its defenses, Cubone has an easier time setting up as well.
+2 196+ Atk Thick Club Cubone Bonemerang (2 hits) vs. 212 HP / 196+ Def Eviolite Spritzee: 30-36 (111.1 - 133.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 196+ Atk Thick Club Cubone Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 236 HP / 156+ Def Eviolite Archen: 20-24 (80 - 96%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 196+ Atk Thick Club Cubone Bonemerang (2 hits) vs. 164 HP / 188 Def Eviolite Ferroseed: 24-30 (104.3 - 130.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
Cubone hitting 14 Speed also makes it the superior Sticky Web abuser because it can outspeed Abra and Ponyta, among others.
In addition, its greater bulk compared to Clamperl allows it to survive attacks like Life Orb Drilbur's Earthquake, Scraggy's High Jump Kick, and 144 SpA Cottonee's Giga Drain, all of which Clamperl would have much more trouble living through after Stealth Rock. I find that Cubone needs less support to pull its weight, because even though it usually shouldn't be used as a win condition at all except possibly on a Sticky Web team with Pursuit support for Misdreavus, a combination of greater bulk and higher speed means it is able to function more effectively before setting up, so it is easier to fit onto a team.
144 SpA Cottonee Giga Drain vs. 76 HP / 0 SpD Clamperl: 18-24 (85.7 - 114.2%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
236 Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Drilbur Earthquake vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Clamperl: 17-21 (80.9 - 100%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
236+ Atk Scraggy High Jump Kick vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Clamperl: 16-21 (76.1 - 100%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
144 SpA Cottonee Giga Drain vs. 76 HP / 0 SpD Cubone: 18-24 (81.8 - 109%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
236 Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Drilbur Earthquake vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Cubone: 17-21 (77.2 - 95.4%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
236+ Atk Scraggy High Jump Kick vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Cubone: 16-19 (72.7 - 86.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
I wouldn't say Cubone is any better than Clamperl, because Clamperl makes a much more effective win condition if you're willing to give it the required support, but it's comparable in viability against defensive and balanced teams.
was hoping for a bit more discussion, but w/e the OP is updated. I still wouldn't mind if you continued discussing the placement of Purrloin and Honedge, whether they can move up to C+, or maybe (in the case of Honedge B-). Blarajan has also put forward an argument for Cranidos being B, which I'd like discussion on (though judging by the likes on that post it seems most are in favour)

You can also start discussing D rank, but, at least for now, we won't be separating them into D+,D and D-. I feel that there aren't enough viable Pokemon there to make that worthwhile. However, I feel like certain Pokemon for sure, should move up. These are Clamperl, Cubone, Gothita, and Buneary for sure, maybe a couple more. I'll edit tomorrow with reasons.

I wholeheartly agree for Cranidos being B
mainly cuz...
16 scarf + mold breaker destroys all shell smashers before they boost and the only one you dont outspeed is dwebble iirc
125 atk is a godsend and gods head smash is a 2hko on everything, plus you get EQ/Fire Punch/Rock Slide (iffin you dont like mashing your head in erything)/Iron head
Sticky web + Lo/Band is another destructive set since cranidos hits that magic number to outspeed errything under web

Clamperl is another destructive mon who is low. Rattled Evio or DST is prolly the best thing it can do since yknow, get +1 Spe of the knock off and free Shell Smash. Web Clamperl + DST is also viable but Pawniard is lurking around every corner....

Cubone needs a little support but damn 30 Atk on a mon is sickening. I run Agilipass Buneary for a quick and easy set up. 14 spe Cubone outspeed the whole teir and get a shitload of damage and is still relatively bulky.

Gothita is a mixed bag... Shadow Tag is godlike but omg you cant killmuch of what you touch. Plus you're a bit slow. What do you do? REVENGE KILL. Alternatively you can use Evio Goth and trap/kill that way. if Trick + ST was legal. Man... Also no DGleam and you ahve to run HP Fight for Pawn. But you do get Tbolt/Energy Ball (bleh)

Buneary is a 19 spe mon with meh bulk but OPTIONS out the bootyhole. Cosmic Power, Switcheroo + Klutz, Encore, Thunder Wave, Baton Pass, Copycat? Damn. This bunny got errything.

Move all of these up please. Esp Cranidos <33
I'd like to revisit moving Teddiursa to C-rank. He can be a terrifying late-game sweeper, reaching 21 Speed after being poisoned. His STAB Facade can 2HKO almost everything in the tier barring Ghosts, Steel-, and Rock-types, which can be dealt with Close Combat and Crunch. The last move can be Protect to ensure Toxic Orb's activation, or you can choose a coverage move from the largest selection of any LC Pokemon. Teddiursa can run anything to take on something your team might have trouble with. Ferroseed too tough to crack? Run Fire Punch. Spritzee stalling you out? Run Gunk Shot. Wanna surprise Tirtouga? Run Seed Bomb. Archen bothering you? Run Thunder/Ice Punch or Rock Slide. Teddiursa's coverage is that large. Although it lacks recovery and is supsceptible to residual damage, Teddiursa is only a little less useable that Taillow who performs a similar function, and Teddi can muscle past most things without priority.

And just look how cute he is!
I'd like to revisit moving Teddiursa to C-rank. He can be a terrifying late-game sweeper, reaching 21 Speed after being poisoned. His STAB Facade can 2HKO almost everything in the tier barring Ghosts, Steel-, and Rock-types, which can be dealt with Close Combat and Crunch. The last move can be Protect to ensure Toxic Orb's activation, or you can choose a coverage move from the largest selection of any LC Pokemon. Teddiursa can run anything to take on something your team might have trouble with. Ferroseed too tough to crack? Run Fire Punch. Spritzee stalling you out? Run Gunk Shot. Wanna surprise Tirtouga? Run Seed Bomb. Archen bothering you? Run Thunder/Ice Punch or Rock Slide. Teddiursa's coverage is that large. Although it lacks recovery and is supsceptible to residual damage, Teddiursa is only a little less useable that Taillow who performs a similar function, and Teddi can muscle past most things without priority.

And just look how cute he is!
You forgot SD, which can basically seal the deal in a late game sweep, given the chance, and teddiursa great coverage in 3 moves + SD will mean not having coverage for every threat notable for being defensive is a minor set back.
You forgot SD, which can basically seal the deal in a late game sweep, given the chance, and teddiursa great coverage in 3 moves + SD will mean not having coverage for every threat notable for being defensive is a minor set back.

Primary minor setback being that Teddiursa is incredibly frail and susceptible to just about everything but its Attack is really plenty fine to handle whatever grabs at it with Protect in the fourth slot to ensure Quick Feet activation. I would concur with moving it to C-. Very aggressive threat indeed.
It only needs to tank 1 hit lategame to ensure the clean at +2, as scarfers would hopefully be gone, and while toxic poisoning adds onto that, facade is strong already, at +2 it'll ensure close combat finishes off any steels, such as ferroseed.
Prelim D Rank Complaints List
What do these mons do?

Reserved for Pokemon that are mediocre in the LC metagame, but are decent enough to justify their use on some teams. These Pokemon are either usable but have no real niche, or are only capable of doing their specific task and fail at doing anything more than that.
Steel nerf really hurt you buddy, Still reliable for SR plus has gotlike defenses. BJ + REcycle is an option but needs knock off absorbing assistance
damn good support that needs to be bumped up to c
highest damaging smasher with TWO exclusive items (only one is useful) and knock off bait (rattled works out for it if you)
one of the hardest hitting physical mons (cranidos says hi) with 30atk, nothing is walling this. but you do need an item and you're also a bit slow (14 max)
one of the hyped starters that fell into obscurity. what can you do besides power herb solarbeam magician :/
sturdyjuicer with sr and less def but more atk than onix. what else?
oh genderless gen 5 pokemon with your not having access to better stabs/moves, but rock polish + lo, watch out for knock off
overhyped dwagon who countered tangela and other sun sweepers who didnt run dgleam (lol oddish)
shadow tag + evio/scarf trapper pls move up
:U gets uturn / surf / dark pulse and is great for weather abuse with dry skin / sand veil / solar power. you'd be god last gen
:U what do you do other than overheat/return/flame charge/crunch
guts / no guard are both excellent abilities but the ONE FIGHTING BRO WITHOUT DRAIN PUNCH OH MY LORD
basically has the best multihit move that aipom wants but is one point slower and less bulky and blah blah blah you're not aipom
magic bouncer who shits on any hazard setter that doesnt have knock off or a move that's ending it's life quickly
simple growth + flame charge + stockpile is somethign i guess but setting up is hard
natural cure + rest is a strong combo as well as having wow + leech seed + horn leech. typing is really horrid for a defensive mon
one of the only tri hazard setters with rapid spin, ironically weak to sr
super is a somewhat good phys wall and what do all the other sizes do?
sr + spin ground type, nothing really new here
bulkiest web setter ironically with the most weaknesses
sr + magic coat, i wonder if you can do the red card bs bastiodon can do
one of the only mons with spore in all of lc. poison heal gives it steady recovery as well as 140bp facade (along with drain punch / seed bomb but meh not the best thing)
bu skiddo is good if it gets to set up plus access to not synthesis (milk drink)
get adaptiblity first pls
20 spe rain setter with taunt / magic coat / thunder is amazing but that's all folks
19 spe rain abuser with hurricane, one of the only mons who has it too ;w; (uh noibat has it too but noibat a shit)
who are you supposed to be a really good revenge killer who can play their part, i think it should be moved up.

Purrloin: C or C+
Honedge: C or C+ or B-
Cranidos: C+ or B- or B
Clamperl: D -> ???
Cubone: D -> ???
Buneary: D -> ???
Gothita: D -> ???

Purrloin for C (amazing at shutting down a lot with just encore / twave / knock off)
Honedge for C- (hits hard somewhat but is terribad at sweeping since slow and most ghosts will outright beat you unless you're not sash floon / gastly)
Cranidos for B- (2hkos the meta need i say more? okay SF LO + Sticky support, praise the sun)
Clamperl for C- (DST is HUGE DOMMAGE or Evio is mo defense for dat drop + Rattled is a free +3 spe after SS. fuk revengers)
Cubone for C- (literally hitting the second hardest, loves a free speed boost from torchic / buneary andis kinda bulky as well)
Buneary for C- (amazing support mon, the only klutz + switcheroo mon to shut down defensive mons with AV / Choice)
Gothita for C (good trapper with meh movepool, no fairy moves means you have to run hp fight for darks)

im willing to debate gothita / buneary / purrloin / cranidos / cubone but fuck honedge right now, i have nothing to say about it.
I think Snover could get moved up to C+ or maybe even B-. Snover with a Choice Scarf and Blizzard is fun and his Snow Warning ability can temporarily stop Vulpix/Bellsprout from causing their usual mayhem.
However, Snover can also really shine as a defensive Pokemon.
Champion Fizz was hyping a defensive Snover set a while back and he had some calcs that show it can take hits:
236+ Atk Pawniard Iron Head vs. 196 HP / 196+ Def Eviolite Snover: 14-20 (56 - 80%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
236+ Atk Pawniard Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 196 HP / 196+ Def Eviolite Snover: 9-12 (36 - 48%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
196+ Atk Timburr Drain Punch vs. 196 HP / 196+ Def Eviolite Snover: 14-18 (56 - 72%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
196+ Atk Timburr Mach Punch vs. 196 HP / 196+ Def Eviolite Snover: 8-12 (32 - 48%) -- 17.6% chance to 3HKO
^ according to these, Snover can take a hit from Pawniard and KO it with Hidden Power Fighting.
I also ran some calcs of my own:
196+ Atk Fletchling Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 196 HP / 196+ Def Eviolite Snover: 18-24 (72 - 96%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
236+ Atk Mienfoo Drain Punch vs. 196 HP / 196+ Def Eviolite Snover: 14-20 (56 - 80%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
196 Atk Aipom Fire Punch vs. 196 HP / 196+ Def Eviolite Snover: 20-24 (80 - 96%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 SpA Foongus Hidden Power Fire vs. 196 HP / 116 SpD Eviolite Snover: 12-16 (48 - 64%) -- 12.1% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Taillow Boomburst vs. 196 HP / 116 SpD Eviolite Snover: 15-18 (60 - 72%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
180+ Atk Archen Rock Slide vs. 196 HP / 196+ Def Eviolite Snover: 18-24 (72 - 96%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
^ Idk why anyone would use fire punch on an Aipom, but it goes to show that Snover can tank hits pretty damn well.
Bonuses to Snover: Access to priority Ice Shard, 100% accurate base 110 STAB move in Hail (Blizzard), recovery in STAB Giga Drain, can stop Chinchou since it resists both of its STAB moves, and it's super cute.
Downsides: 7 weaknesses in Fighting, Bug, Steel, Poison, Rock, Flying, and 4x weak to Fire, gets worn down easily by stealth rock, not usable if its eviolite gets knocked off.
Also I've never posted something like this before. Hope I did it correctly.
defensive pokemon are supposed to be able to switch in on common moves, and a mon with 7 weaknesses isnt rly gonna be switching in on common moves anytime soon

all of these calcs are of it getting 2HKOd which really doesn't show it shining, it just shows it being horribly lackluster in my eyes
defensive pokemon are supposed to be able to switch in on common moves, and a mon with 7 weaknesses isnt rly gonna be switching in on common moves anytime soon

all of these calcs are of it getting 2HKOd which really doesn't show it shining, it just shows it being horribly lackluster in my eyes

agreed although it is worthy to note that Eviolite Snover can make an awesome Pawnaird lure, living any hit and KOing with Hp Fighting
Hey ~.~ I am here to prove why Natu shouldn't be D and why I think it should be C- or C
1. Natu is really only seen for its ability, Magic Bounce. But if you look at Natu a little more you see that it has 70 SpA / 70 Speed. It also hits 19 HP. Which is perfect or a LO set.
2. Natu has a really great movepool. It gets Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Heat Wave, Giga Drain, Dazzling Gleam. And for a supportive movepool it gets Roost, Light Screen, Reflect, Calm Mind Thunder Wave, Whirlwind, U-turn, Haze, Magic Coat, Psycho Shift, Tailwind, Wish, Baton Pass, Confuse Ray Trick Room. Lots and lots of great moves.
3. Natu has an AMAZING ability in the form of Magic Bounce. It can bounce back any hazards, status, shifting moves and so forth.
4. Natu can run a Choice set. Scarf or Specs. It gets Trick, U-turn for momentum. Although you don't even have to use those moves, you can use 4 moves from Natu's good movepool.
5. Natu has some decent bulk with eviolite. And it 4x resists Fighting, it resists Psychic and Grass too AND its immune to Ground-type moves.
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