League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

omg that faker vs ryu 1v1 near the end of the blind pick game like that was just utterly retarded holy fk
edit: here, reached the top of reddit within like less than 5 minutes ofc -.-
also piglet was stupendous the whole series i thought.
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alright let's see why this happened, because people are not understanding why this impossible play was possible

0:00 - ryu uses living shadow to come in, faker takes a few turret shots and a shadow slash, drops to about 25% health
0:03 - ryu's first mistake. he hits blade of the ruined king and then ignite, which are not even necessary to kill faker at this point. what he should have done was chase normally, using his spells after faker escapes.
0:07 - ryu's second mistake. rather than using the off-cooldown shadow slash and auto to finish off faker, he hits death mark since he's scared of the possible burst that could be put onto him
0:09 - ryu's third mistake. he sends out living shadow to cover faker's escape route when he hasn't even seen where faker is moving
0:09 - faker then swaps back to death mark shadow after seeing that ryu jumped the gun on his living shadow. he cleanses the death mark and throws out a shuriken
0:11 - ryu's fourth mistake. he swaps to his premature living shadow probably due to panic, putting just enough distance between him and faker to faker to flash perpendicular to him
0:18 - ryu flashes after faker in a desperate attempt to kill him and begins to auto
0:19 - faker sends out living shadow and swaps to it immediately as ryu is mid-autoattack animation (zed's animation is never fast enough to kill through any blink in the game outside of kassadin's). one shadow slash puts ryu down

the insane part about this play is that faker picked up on every single mistake that ryu made, and reacted correctly. that's decision making that happens instinctively, it takes a really good player to do that. the only mechanical outplay was probably at 0:19 where he still could have died if he hadn't been fast enough with living shadow


Banned deucer.
i think ryu's death mark was the biggest mistake, he should have known faker had the qss and not even bothered. the brief moment it takes between ryu casting death mark and ryu latching onto faker gave faker a split second to collect his thoughts and make the outplays necessary to take down ryu.

but even if you recognize that faker only won the duel because ryu made several key errors, it's still an amazing thing to watch.
faker canceled at least two of ryu's autoattacks during that exchange and that shouldn't be humanly possible

at that point i really doubt it was faker's reaction speed but was rather raw instinct taking over

there is a fable about the monkey and the moon wherein a monkey sees the reflection of the moon in a lake and thinks he can catch it - upon reaching for the moon's reflection, he falls in the lake and drowns, not realizing that the moon was thousands of miles away from him the whole time

faker is not the moon in this metaphor

faker is jupiter


Banned deucer.
dignitas tried caitlyn/fiddlesticks which is pretty poke heavy and still lost the lane...the synergy between lemon and sneaky is stupidly good on those champs. a hard initiate pre-6 comp might be better (something along the lines of a blitzcrank graves? im no botlane expert) since all ashe and zyra can do pre-6 is harass from a distance.
as far as i'm concerned the ashe+zyra duo is the strong point of C9

zyra seems to be the lynchpin of the composition though so to beat them all you need to do is ban out lemon's zyra and meteos's zac and then just outlane them (which the koreans and maybe even TSM should be able to do)

they excel at teamfighting and zyra/zac are arguably the two best champions in the game right now at controlling engage and disengage so if you take that away from them, all you have to do is outlane them and then be able to teamfight adequately

maybe the best example of this is C9's last game vs. vulcun (their third defeat) where they just got crushed early and then lost the game because vulcun actually closed out before 30 minutes

outlane C9 and don't be retarded and they should be beatable


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
the problem is unless you're blue side, banning zac and zyra gives them one of tf/zed/rumble (or elise) if they want to prioritize them and rumble has equally-op teamfight presence with his stupid unbalanced ult. iunno, while zac and zyra clearly have huge teamfight presence, you give them some other big-impact champs for lane.


Who let marco in here????
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
You're not obnoxious lol. I had other targets when I rooted other teams to beat TSM (for the record I'm perfectly fine with the team), and also as a general means of protest. I'm sorry if you got caught up in it.

I'm just the kind of guy who dislikes overhype, and rabid fanbases make that happen. I don't care if it's TSM, Korea, Velocity, C9, whatever. Even CLG, even though I'm a fan. It just creates a hivemind and adds extra unneeded pressure to the team to perform like the gods they are depicted as.
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ok so afetr like 20 games of fiora i has come to the conclusion that fiora is op

- very stiky
- free ad
- ult that makes untargetable
- +140% atk speed
- parry gp's gun

- french

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