League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
I hate to ask this, but would Soraka even be a viable Lunari champ, seeing as her theme is stars? I hate Soraka, but I wouldn't mind seeing how she plays out on team Lunari...

Also I'm assuming Draven and Darius are okay to choose for Lunari, seeing as they're both executioner-related (which is considered "dark" or "evil")?

Finally, JIV is annoying to have to deal with as Diana. The only escape option you have in a fight is to use your R to jump to one of their other people and hope you don't get cc'd in the process (that or Flash, which has a ridiculously long cooldown). JIV guarantees a kill on Diana if her teammates can't get her out of his R safely.


Wi-Fi Blacklisted
Vayne is nothing like Caitlyn. Cait's ult is almost useless, and she loses damage lategame casting her spells. Vayne presses R and pentakills everyone.

If you like Cait's range, as an AD carry, try Ashe. Both have no steroid (Cait passive doesn't count) and long-range ults though Ashe's is global.

If you like lane dominance and bullying, try Miss Fortune and Graves since Graves mashes buttons and wins trades. Corki and Ezreal also have strong lane presence, so does Varus, but Varus and Ezreal require landing their skill shots to do relevant damage.

Vayne gets smacked around in lane unless your support goes hard and sets trades up for you to win, and then unlike Cait, does her strongest damage lategame.

Case in point: I 3-shot Aura Guardian's Ashe as Vayne with full build in a Smogon inhouse. Legit 1-2-3 YOU HAVE SLAIN AN ENEMY.
I only said this because they both use crossbows. But yeah, in terms of their abilities not too similar.

Oh, and Acklow, that's a popsicle coming out your Avi's mouth, right?? For a second I thought it was something else (LOL), but then I remembered. Man, I love that game.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
You're Diana... why are you even saying the words "Escape Option." The whole interesting dynamic about this game is that the two champs you have to protect are the ones whose balls go the deepest. It's why it's fun.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
You're Diana... why are you even saying the words "Escape Option." The whole interesting dynamic about this game is that the two champs you have to protect are the ones whose balls go the deepest. It's why it's fun.
True, I just don't like the fact that it's a lot easier to get trapped as Diana vs Leona, who can just tank the hits.

@mitchell, yes, I put it up because I recently played it and picked up KH3D (totally ooc, please don't mind me).


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus

a gun. with some no scope fancy doohickies from PILTOVER CITY OF INVENTION.

rofl wtf i never noticed the bolts on her legs. anyway, little shooty thingy on her arm and then PRESS R BIG BOLTS crossbow.

ashe is an archer but they don't hold their bows the same at all. varus is a bad champion don't talk about him.



Here are the rules, for Crystal Scar Map:
1. No capping a point.
2. Once you leave the lane and go into the jungle, no going back into lane.
3. All fighting takes place in jungle.
4. Diana and Leona must stay with their teams. aka one can't camp a far away bush and let her team fight 4v5 staying safe all game.
5. You may only buy once you die. No buying GP10s though they're not as significant on Crystal Scar due to the ambient aura, it's still an unfair advantage. To get something like Shurelya's, you can buy Kindlegem before and then skip ever holding individual Philo to not get gold.
6. First team to 5 kills on Leona or Diana wins.

Banned users from Protect the Faith:
pookar, due to cheating in Summoner's Rift round 1 (SR sucked btw, no levels/gold except pookar camped lane bushes when waves pushed and was lv10 Vayne vs lv6/7s)

Banned Champions:
Twisted Fate
Kayle (her ultimate combined with Leona's innate tankiness did prove to be too strong)

Team Solari:
Jarvan 4
Maybe Lulu

Team Lunari:

Morde and Hecarim violate the night theme by being dark and edgy emo (BAN ME PLEASE)s moreso than anything else, also they are not purple, like everyone else except Akali pretty much.

The Score:
Team Solari is up 1-0.
Yeti (Leona)/HD/Jibaku/az successfully protected the faith against Acklow (Diana)/Walrein/some guy who added me because of my fic/LightWolf.
Game 1 was kicked out though Solari "won" because of pookar cheating.
Game 3 Acklow disconnected when it was a tie game and u can't hunt the Diana if she's sitting in spawn.

We will play more tonight.
Maokai has no leaves or anything green though. The vines and moss don't count since they are probably not connected to him.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
You might want to add Hecarim to the Lunari list. Thorns used him yesterday in game 3.
What do you guys think of putting points in Tough Skin (reduced minion damage) over Hardiness/Resistance on Renekton? I feel like I take too much minion damage when I harass, but I dunno if reducing my starting MR/Armor is worth it.
What do you guys think of putting points in Tough Skin (reduced minion damage) over Hardiness/Resistance on Renekton? I feel like I take too much minion damage when I harass, but I dunno if reducing my starting MR/Armor is worth it.
What mastery setup are you running on him? Most top laners nowadays don't even go 21/9/0 anymore, since 19/11/0 is actually pretty popular. If you get two points in Indomitable and two in Tough Skin, you take drastically reduced damage from minions while not losing too much in terms of offense.
What do you mean, clockwise? bushes don't move/spin like hands of a clock.

EDIT: Ok, but, I'm pretty sure it does an aoe damage around the target.
viktor has some crazy damage potential, he is also a crazy chaser with the right augment. I plan on buying him after ahri and cass.
"You are a trash."
He spat out.
This man's name is Brandon DiMarco.
The best jungler - a man who is more familiar to us as "SaintVicious."
"You are a trash. Hotshot."
"What's this all again?"
Giving not even little bit of attention, Hotshot was clicking his mouse.
Hotshot laughed. It looks like he have heard some kind of joke on voice chat.
Saintvicious found a familiar ID, "Beccabear," from Hotshot's moniter and bit his lips.
"Are you playing with that bitch now?"
"That bitch ruined you."
Hotshot took off his headset and turned on to Saintvicious.
"You are going too far."
"We LOST Hotshot. Don't you remember? YOU FUCKED UP! AND WE LOST! and what are you doing?"
"I am just taking a bre..."
Saintvicious took Hotshot's headset and threw it on the ground.
The headset broke, scattered in pieces. Hotshot looked up to Saintvicious.
"You are not the Hotshot I knew before."
Saintvicious snapped.
His voice was wet, forcing Hotshot to close his mouth.
"You were Hotshot. BEST SOLO TOP IN THE WORLD, KING OF NIDALEE, and what are you now?"
"I'm still the same."
"Shut the fuck up."
Hotshot turned his back to Saintvicious, for he couldn't withstand that burning glaze pouring on to him.
"Let's talk later. Becca is waiting."
"Becca! HA! BECCA! That bitch who ruined you!"
"Don't you EVER speak like that about Becca!"
Hotshot swung around and glared at Saintvicious. Hotshot's eye was full with rage.
Saintvicious mocked Hotshot, full of dysphemism.
"Haha, good. That bitch. What did she do to change you like this? Have you done with her from the back? You couldn't have used both side right? Can you borrow her to me?"
"You are insane!"
"Why? I just want friendship. Borrow that bitch to me. I have some plays in mind. Way of navy of course - and I am sure that bitch will like it."
Hotshot swung his fist. With that blow, Saintvicious was thrown on the floor.
"Son of a bitch."
Feeling the cold floor by his cheek, Saintvicious closed his eyes. He could hear the rough breath of Hotshot.
Two kept silence, Hotshot bracing his fist, Saintvicious his cheek.
At last, Saintvicious whispered.
"I can no more enjoy playing with you."
"Well then, fuck off."
Saintvicious answered.
Hotshot closed his mouth.
Saintvicious spoke quietly, with his eyes closed.
"Okay. I think that would be the best."
Saintvicious stood up.
His body, worked up by Navy training, now looks smaller than Hotshot.
Hotshot found sincerity from swaying eye of Saintvicious.
"It was fun to be with you, Hotshot."
Hotshot yelled at him.
"Are you telling me that you are leavi..."
Saintvicious interrupted.
"I am not leaving this team, Hotshot."
Right before the sun sets, the twilight shine its red light over the world.
The sunset over the horizen dyed Saintvicious with red.
His wet eye, colored by twilight, was something Hotshot could hardly bear.
"It is you, and your lack of dicretion, is driving me out."
The news of Saintvicious kicked out from CLG NA was spread out.
Two kinds of criticism, over Saintvicious and Hotshot, flooded the forums.
Hotshot was thinking, sitting alone in the dark pratice room.
Jungler and top solo. They sometimes need intimate bond like bottom duo.
The kills and death Hotshot had with Saintvicious passed through his eyes.
CLG NA without Saintvicious, was filled with silence.
"What happened?"
Hotshot whispered to the air, burying his face to his hands.
Saintvicious is gone. I can no longer play this game.
What should I do? Nidalee? Cho'gath? Can I ever win?
"What have I done?"
Hotshot thought in the dark.
He agonized, regretted, and thought again and again.
After Saintvicious left, he's eyes caught the real situation of CLG NA.
It was falling, sinking.
Because of me.
Regret and remorse. Self-condemtion and guiltiness.
After an endless regrets, only one thing was clear.
Saintvicious. A name of man who left.
Hotshot broke down.
Tears lead to tears, and he kept crying.
After a while, when he calmed down,
he realized Bigfat was next to him.
Hiding his tears, he looked into Bigfat's deep, deep eyes and spoke.
"I am going jungle."
"I... will be the jungler."
Bigfat, without making any voice, asked "Why?"
"I have to,,, meet him again."
Bigfat laughed silently.
Like before, not making any voiced, said "Okay."
At the Team Curse, Saintvicious heard the news of CLG NA.
Recruit of Voyboy.
Entry to Korean Tournament.
Team reform.
And, Hotshot's jungle.
Sainvicious laughed timidly.
"Hey SV, Hotshot, the troll of your ex-team is going jungle now!"
Elementz, his new teammate, chuckled.
"He seems to have underestimate junglers! What do you think SV?
"Well, I am looking on to it."
"HAHA! How long it will take for Hotshot to jungle properly? CLG NA is done now."
After a while, Saintvicious asked Elementz.
"Do you know what I learnt in the Navy?
"What did you learn?"
"Patience." Saintvicious laughed.
World's best jungler, "Saintvicious."
His battleground is jungle.
It is bloody ground.
Packs of monsters, enemy junglers in the bush, show their fangs upon him.
It is the homeland of warriors, fighting all year.
I will be waiting there.
I will be waiting you.
Slowly... It is okay for you to come slowly.
For I have lots of patience. Hotshot.

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