League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

How is Alistar Top? I haven't watched the LCS/OGN in a long time but I heard that it's a thing. I need a champion with disengage but is also kind of tanky that can top lane (another thing that I really want is to have a top laner that can also support to make learning champs for other lanes easier), is Alistar good?
4.15 more or less killed it

much of alistar's strength was the fact that he had a substantial amount of burst damage in headbutt+instant triforce proc; when you take that away, he doesn't deal as much damage and doesn't have as much sustain as maokai or nidalee so you're hinging on his teamfighting entirely

also RIP arrows
4.15 more or less killed it

much of alistar's strength was the fact that he had a substantial amount of burst damage in headbutt+instant triforce proc; when you take that away, he doesn't deal as much damage and doesn't have as much sustain as maokai or nidalee so you're hinging on his teamfighting entirely

also RIP arrows
Damn. Is Gragas basically the only champ that's tanky and disengages well? I mean I play Jayce for poke comps but I need someone that's also tanky for champs that more or less need the disengage.
braum / leona are both hella tanky and disengage very well; nami is squishy but arguably disengages even better

current popular top laners in competitive are ryze / kayle / maokai / nidalee so you're not going to find much in the way of tanky disengagers
Disengage isn't very important in solo queue pvp and in most elo I think. Tankiness, damage, good positioning, and good decision making will give you good success with most team comps. If you constantly need to disengage, it's your bad teammate's fault for constantly being out of position. I'd only make disengage a higher priority if I had a Kog Maw on my team. Otherwise a point and click CC on a tanky guy should be enough to babysit someone.

Assassins haven't been as popular and trying to peel a fed Kat or Akali is really hard. Try counter initiating and focus on winning the teamfight. Someone like Malphite is good for that. He does solid vs Jungle Vi or Xin who are two guys which it is really useful to have disengage for.
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Disengage isn't very important in solo queue pvp and in most elo I think. Tankiness, damage, good positioning, and good decision making will give you good success with most team comps. If you constantly need to disengage, it's your bad teammate's fault for constantly being out of position. I'd only make disengage a higher priority if I had a Kog Maw on my team. Otherwise a point and click CC on a tanky guy should be enough to babysit someone.

Assassins haven't been as popular and trying to peel a fed Kat or Akali is really hard. Try counter initiating and focus on winning the teamfight. Someone like Malphite is good for that. He does solid vs Jungle Vi or Xin who are two guys which it is really useful to have disengage for.
Well, I guess for my ranked team it is reasonable, but how come it's not a good idea to have a disengaging champ for solo q? Especially in lower elo where you kind of have to assume everyone will make some pretty bad positioning mistakes. :\
I don't think it is necessary because by picking someone specifically because you want to disengage is admitting defeat and it gives you no actual power in carrying a game if your teammates can't make use of the extra lives you give them. I think being more proactive is more consistent if there is a variable reward for disengaging involved.

If you are first pick, you don't know if there will be reasonable reward for picking a champ for the main purpose of disengaging. If you are last pick, they probably picked top already.

When you get caught with your pants down don't disengage, turn around and beat the crap out of them. I think that will win for you more often in lower elo. Bronze players are bad at picking fights so your teammates will start fights you need to win for them. You also want to take advantage of the ones who make the same mistake at the enemy team.

I think you need damage or some pretty wicked CC with objective control, or roams to more consistently win if you are the better player. Since that more effectively leads to snowballing into the mid game and Bronze players tilt hard and give up. It is just too hard to trust that ADC with 80 CS at 22-23 minutes.
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Colonel M

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I do not see what is so wrong with disengages for solo queue. People in solo queue are nervous and have to put a lot of trust into the team. Tanks need to rely on damage to focus squishies / high priority targets and damage needs to rely on tanks for engaging and peels. Sometimes teamfights get sloppy or one of your teammates gets caught out - disengages are great for those reasons in solo queue.

Disengage was the #1 reason I still want to perfect Gragas, but I am so sloppy with his ultimate I feel I should not really touch him.
People who get nervous is a personal problem though. They won't improve as much as they can until they can stop choking and throwing. Tanks are great, but they need to do more than just disengage. Damage doesn't always need peels unless you are an ADC. Damage can split push more effectively. You can just like your team die then clean up if you get carry strong. So until you can trust your teammates for being just as good as you, I don't think I'd want to play support in bronze.

I love tanks and I main them. Although initiating, locking people down, and doing sustained damage is a decent part of that.

I wanted to learn Janna but I put her off for a while since I thought she's best when my team is losing. I like the extra oomph when im winning too, since my teammates don't always know how to close a game.
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People who get nervous is a personal problem though. They won't improve as much as they can until they can stop choking and throwing. Tanks are great, but they need to do more than just disengage. Damage doesn't always need peels unless you are an ADC. Damage can split push more effectively. You can just like your team die then clean up if you get carry strong. So until you can trust your teammates for being just as good as you, I don't think I'd want to play support in bronze.

I love tanks and I main them. Although initiating, locking people down, and doing sustained damage is a decent part of that.
If you're going to frame it that way then 90% of not winning is a "personal problem".

I think Vladimir secretly recieved a huge power boost in top lane. It is harder to push or poke him out of lane vs poke laners, and top laners are squishier now. I think him and Swain have superior sustain and do a lot better early damage than Ryze. Less Ignite in top lane benefits Vladimir. So besides Ryze's snare, I think a highly skilled Swain or Vladimir top is extremely good. I think they can carry much harder during the mid game. Ghost + Teleport or Flash adds to the appeal of Vladimir due to how good those summoner spells are. Irelia would dominate Vladimir, but I believe Swain vs Irelia is a skill matchup.

Correct me if im wrong but I was discussing this with my friend yesterday.
Swain's kit is very good at beating melees. Swain and Vlad are really good in some matchups, not all of them. They also don't work in every team comp.
Call me a racist Australian but it would be disgraceful if LMQ represented NA at worlds. I didn't want TSM either to make it but eh, can't do much with the fixture.


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
Having gone to LCS and actually meeting LMQ members I have no issue with them representing NA. I just wish Sharon was still around. As she did a good job representing LMQ and helping their image.

Sorry you can't stop TSM vs c9 finals it's destiny like crs getting 4th. Also how can you cheer against bjergsen, who was literally putting the team on his back faker style.

NAJIN BOYS to win worlds
Having gone to LCS and actually meeting LMQ members I have no issue with them representing NA. I just wish Sharon was still around. As she did a good job representing LMQ and helping their image.

Sorry you can't stop TSM vs c9 finals it's destiny like crs getting 4th. Also how can you cheer against bjergsen, who was literally putting the team on his back faker style.

NAJIN BOYS to win worlds
I like the TSM players, as well as loco and oddone. I just can't support Reginald's organization though, always thought of him as a wanker.

Again with the LMQ members, got no problem with the people (not that I know them, just their personas are likable), I just don't like how they can represent NA. It would be like Man United going to Spain and representing Spain in the Champions league.

Colonel M

is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Reginald, though a good player, is much better as a coach for TSM. He even gave a nice little pep talk before game 2 to really lighten the mood, and trust me the mood needed to be lightened after WildTurtle was constantly choking. Looks like the Tristana game was the game he needed to climb himself back in the seat, though.

Amazing, Dyrus, and Bjergsen were practically being Gods among men with special guest Lustboy. I actually was really afraid in the first couple games when LMQ had the comeback and then the Yasuo Pentakill.

Curse, on the other hand... figured they would be fourth. Had to root for C9 though. Love Hai and Meteos.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
"With special guest Lustboy", I'm sorry did you not see the flash into Braum Q? That's one of the sickest heads up plays I've ever seen in professional League. Lustboy deserves huge props for carrying Wildturtle against Vasilli.

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