Little things you like about Pokémon

UBs still aren't "legendary" by the normal definition though. They are just Pokemon from a totally different universe all together.
Since when did the "Little things you like about pokemon" become "nitpick stage7_4's opinions" thread? Do you want the rest of my broken heart after you took a chunk of it?

Look, the Ultra Beasts are practically Legendary pokemon and the Kahuna's are practically gym leaders, can't you just let me be happy? Please?

While I pick up the pieces of my BROKEN DREAMS did anybody else crack up the moment they saw the new Astonish animation? Especially if they chose Rowlet?
Look, the Ultra Beasts are practically Legendary pokemon and the Kahuna's are practically gym leaders, can't you just let me be happy? Please?
Look, I'm gonna be that guy too: They're not. UBs are ordinary pokemon from the Ultra Dimension. The only reason why they're so powerful is because of the insane amounts of Ultra Energy embued inside their bodies ( think of the Totem Pokemon, except 10 times stronger ). And Kahunas are more akin to the Elite Four than Gym Leaders, hence why they're offered the position once the League is built. If anything, the Trial Captains are SM's version of Gym Leaders. You're just lying to yourself :/

Btw, I really dig Astonish's new animation too; it finally lines up with the name. Shadow Ball is also looking absolutely sick.
I just realized something. At long last, Apricorn ball Eeveelutions are now possible. Stupidly hard with only one of each ball and no means to get more in-game, but possible. It's even possible to get them with their hidden abilities as well.

Granted, a Love Ball Sylveon can't have Hyper Voice yet, nor can Moon Ball Umbreon have Foul Play, but I'm sure move tutors will return before gen 8 is about to roll around... whenever that is.
Look, I'm gonna be that guy too: They're not. UBs are ordinary pokemon from the Ultra Dimension. The only reason why they're so powerful is because of the insane amounts of Ultra Energy embued inside their bodies ( think of the Totem Pokemon, except 10 times stronger ). And Kahunas are more akin to the Elite Four than Gym Leaders, hence why they're offered the position once the League is built. If anything, the Trial Captains are SM's version of Gym Leaders. You're just lying to yourself :/

We reject your labels, man! Down with the Pokearchy!
I would actually say Ultra Beasts are at least on the level of Legendaries. Maybe they're normal Pokemon in the Ultra Space, but Ultra Space seems like a place not a lot of creatures can live in without being super strong and adapted to it. Not any Pokemon can survive long in Ultra Space, just look at what was happening to Lusamine's Pokemon (Clefable usually has a happy doofy look to it, but when powered up Ultra Energy it looked like it was both hypnotized and in misery).

As for the whole Gym Leader/Elite Four=Trial Captain/Kahuna thing, how about we settle on we can't compare. At first it seemed like that was the case, but the parallels break apart when you look at in linearly.
For a normal league it's simple: 8 Gym Leaders than Elite Four.
But for the Island Challenge you beat Melemele's 1 Trial, beat Melemele's Kahuna, beat Akala's 3 Trial, beat Akala's Kahuna, beat Ula'ula's 2 Trials, beat Ula'ula's Kahuna... and from here things get off track BUT normally you'd than defeat Poni's 1 Trial, defeat Poni's Kahuna, and finally one last Kahuna boss rush (which was replaced by the new Alolan Pokemon League Elite Four this time made up of two Kahunas, one current Captain, and a previous Island Challenge Champion).
It's two complete different systems, the Totem Pokemon of the Trials of the next island is stronger than the Kahuna you faced from the previous island (though they probably scale the difficulty for this purpose, the Kahuna Boss Rush/Alolan Elite Four is probably where the Kahuna are meant to give you everything they got as the final challenge (thus probably the battle with Hala which Hau was worried about)). Also can we really call the Trail Captains are equal to Gym Leaders when we don't even battle them to complete the Trial? Technically the Totem Pokemon isn't there's, when you battle some of them they don't use the normal version of the Totem Pokemon's species.
I love how Mareanie/Toxapex's pokedex entry and their actual stats line up so perfectly. According to the Pokedex, Mareanie feed on Corsola and once it evolves its highest stats are Defense and Sp. Defense. Now, can you guess which EV points are dropped whenever Corsola is knocked out? Defense and Sp. Defense. Isn't that beautiful?
saw a year-old post where someone made fun of hitmontop's 3d animation (gen6 i presume) looking like dancing

which is true, in a sense, but the animation is actually very fitting. here's a hint: hitmontop's german name is "kapoera"
Context for those who might not know: Capoeira ( "Kapoera" sounds just like it in Portuguese ) is a brazilian martial art where the practioner ginga (literally means to rock back and forth;swing) just like Hitmontop. I actually took a few classes back when I was 10 or something, so I recognized those 'moves' right away haha.

But to think its german name would actually be "Kapoera", that is so incredibly amusing. Makes me wonder why here in Brazil it kept its english name...
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How Guzma sort of set up Po City like it was a Trial. Guzma wanted to be a Captain but his attitude prevented him from being chosen as one. However he seems to still have that ambition in him as Po City was sort of like its own trial:

1. Po City is a maze and the Shady Mansion has a puzzle for you to solve. Sure there's a lot of battles but this would fit Guzma's personality and Trials are a reflection of its Captain. Also some of the barricades Team Skull use are Trial gates.
2. There's a boss battle end the end. Okay, sure, its a Trainer Battle and not a Totem SOS Battle, but its still based on a single type (though that does make it more of a Gym).
3. After beating Guzma you can get the Bug Z-Crystal (and since Z-Crystals appear on the save menu its sort of like getting a Badge).
4. Speaking of which, if we do count Po City as a Trial of sorts that means the game has 8 trials, equal to the amount of Gyms.
How Guzma sort of set up Po City like it was a Trial. Guzma wanted to be a Captain but his attitude prevented him from being chosen as one. However he seems to still have that ambition in him as Po City was sort of like its own trial:

1. Po City is a maze and the Shady Mansion has a puzzle for you to solve. Sure there's a lot of battles but this would fit Guzma's personality and Trials are a reflection of its Captain. Also some of the barricades Team Skull use are Trial gates.
2. There's a boss battle end the end. Okay, sure, its a Trainer Battle and not a Totem SOS Battle, but its still based on a single type (though that does make it more of a Gym).
3. After beating Guzma you can get the Bug Z-Crystal (and since Z-Crystals appear on the save menu its sort of like getting a Badge).
4. Speaking of which, if we do count Po City as a Trial of sorts that means the game has 8 trials, equal to the amount of Gyms.

You could technically count Mina and say there are 8 Captains to mirrior Gym Leaders, but Mina does not have a trial (mabye they ran out of time to implement it so that's why we have a basic final trial / only have one Poni trial?)
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You could technically count Mina and say there are 8 Captains to mirrior Gym Leaders, but Mina does not have a trial (mabye they ran out of time to implement it so that's why we have a basic final trial?)

There's only 7 Captains: Ilima, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Acerola, & Mina.

As for why they excluded Mina, I think it was to mix things up. When you got to Poni Island there was no Kahuna and the only Captain, Mina, had been missing for a while. So at first it seemed like you'd be unable to complete the Island Challenge. But luckily Hapu becomes Kahuna right in front of you and, though Hapu agreed to battle the player despite not completing the last Trial thus completing the Island Challenge, you still had to go through the Dragon Trial thus having done the 7 required Trials. It was a nice last moment shake up, which goes along with them shaking things up with Sun & Moon in general.
The TMs Sun/Moon decided to replace.

With every gen except 4 which just doubled 3's list, every gen some TMs change and lose what move they were originally and sometimes they're really good significant ones. For instance, before they returned in Gen 6, Gen 5 removed Roost and Dark Pulse from TMs 51 and 79 respectively, which is annoying since they were so good. But of course, to keep the TM list fresh, it's a necessary evil that some have to go.

So what TMs did Sun/Moon change from Gen 6?

Hone Claws, Dig, Incinerate, Retaliate, Flash, Struggle Bug, Rock Smash, Secret Power and Power-Up Punch.

All of these are borderline useless. I LOVE that. Instead of getting rid of anything good, GF took out the trash to make room for their new TMs. I mean what are you gonna use these for? At most Rock Smash is an alright early-game fighting move (at least it was in BW), you can't even say Dig is a good pre-earthquake Ground move when you get the TM for bulldoze, and Power-Up Punch is only good for Mega Kangaskhan. So not only did they remove the useless TMs, they removed the TM that partly made one Pokémon broken and was useless on everything else. Can we commend GF on this? Please? Because this is the best cross-gen TM situation we've ever had.
The TMs Sun/Moon decided to replace.

With every gen except 4 which just doubled 3's list, every gen some TMs change and lose what move they were originally and sometimes they're really good significant ones. For instance, before they returned in Gen 6, Gen 5 removed Roost and Dark Pulse from TMs 51 and 79 respectively, which is annoying since they were so good. But of course, to keep the TM list fresh, it's a necessary evil that some have to go.

So what TMs did Sun/Moon change from Gen 6?

Hone Claws, Dig, Incinerate, Retaliate, Flash, Struggle Bug, Rock Smash, Secret Power and Power-Up Punch.

All of these are borderline useless. I LOVE that. Instead of getting rid of anything good, GF took out the trash to make room for their new TMs. I mean what are you gonna use these for? At most Rock Smash is an alright early-game fighting move (at least it was in BW), you can't even say Dig is a good pre-earthquake Ground move when you get the TM for bulldoze, and Power-Up Punch is only good for Mega Kangaskhan. So not only did they remove the useless TMs, they removed the TM that partly made one Pokémon broken and was useless on everything else. Can we commend GF on this? Please? Because this is the best cross-gen TM situation we've ever had.

I have to imagine making a TM list nowadays can be a bit difficult so it is something to be commended. I would maybe like to see a completely redone TM list (where they can have a balance of types represented and has you getting the TMs in numerical order), though no need to re-invent the wheel.

Adding onto that, I like how they made the most useful HMs into normal TMs: Surf, Waterfall, and Fly. And it makes sense to include them as there's nothing that can replace them unlike the other HMs: Return is better than Strength/Cut/Rock Climb and Brick Break is better than Rock Smash. If only they brought back Defog...
Well, I love posts like these!

My favorite thing in Pokémon is that there's a Pokémon for everyone! My favorite has to be Banette.

My second favorite thing, or first that's small, is how in each game there's always some charming thing to remember that generation by! Like Gen 3 with it's music, Gen 6 with the chibi models, Gen 5 with sequels, etc! Good stuff.

My third thing has to be the Looker missions, or the aftergame, or the flashbacks in B2W2, or how detailed breeding is for some reason. All cool stuff! Wait that's six things.. ..All in all I just like the most stand out things in each generation.
There's only 7 Captains: Ilima, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Acerola, & Mina.

As for why they excluded Mina, I think it was to mix things up. When you got to Poni Island there was no Kahuna and the only Captain, Mina, had been missing for a while. So at first it seemed like you'd be unable to complete the Island Challenge. But luckily Hapu becomes Kahuna right in front of you and, though Hapu agreed to battle the player despite not completing the last Trial thus completing the Island Challenge, you still had to go through the Dragon Trial thus having done the 7 required Trials. It was a nice last moment shake up, which goes along with them shaking things up with Sun & Moon in general.

My bad. Well, my point still kind of stands. If Mina had a trial, there would be 8 trials.

I still wish Mina did more during the main story though. I know there's Post-Game stuff but walking up to you, giving your Fairinium-Z for almost no reason and walking off seemed quite random at best.

Shout out to the person who gave me a 5 IV bold mareanie with HA
I love that stuff too! I'm the guy who gives away lots of pokémon people want, like version exclusives or Porygon or some island scan pokémon. While they ARE breedjects, nothing a little Ditto can fix, right? Also, Abra's the new Pikipek/Yungoos on wondertrade and I kind of love that so much cuz' Dexio gives you Alakazite. I just hope wonder trade can stay good! I got a shiny kyurem in AS with it..
The reason Abra is so common on wonder trade is because people are breeding for synchronizers and get doubles or inner focus. At least that's what I suspect.
I thought it was cuz' it's hard to catch Abra, also a few pokétubers (who I don't keep up with at all) Wonder Trade full boxes of Abra and Mareanie saying "It's nice to trade hard to catch pokémon!" I mean either way, it's a free Abra or Breedject so the situation stays fabulous!