
With Aria form only, she's just going to be another run of the mill UU Pokemon. Transformation and Close Combat are the only things separating her from other similar Psychic types and that might not be good enough with Mew around. Her best attributes are going to revolve around her Pirouette mindgames. Unless Gamefreak changes her transformation mechanics (keep Pirouette form postbattle WHOA), I don't see her becoming a very competitive Pokemon.
My prediction is that meloetta will be more successful in her aria form than her pirouette form for several reasons. First of all, she needs to use relic song to get into pirouette form, whereas her aria form can attack right off the bat or set up. Also, since relic song is a normal type attack that means ghost types can freely switch into her and prevent her from transforming. Also, she only has two weaknesses in her aria form while in her pirouette form she has three. Finally, aria form can severely damage both defensive and specially defensive pokemon. While her excellent movepool covers any defensive pokemon, she also gets psyshock to prevent chansey, blissey and snorlax from walling her. I can list numerous other reasons why aria form is better, but these are the important ones.

Anyways, just my opinion.

Serisously what kind of ghost would switch into a normal/Psychic type.
Ok he prevents you from changing form, but he cannot do anything to you.
And if it's gengar it gets destroyed by a psychic.
Serisously what kind of ghost would switch into a normal/Psychic type.
Ok he prevents you from changing form, but he cannot do anything to you.
And if it's gengar it gets destroyed by a psychic.

There is always a possibility of the rare dark pulse + focus sash Gengar, which can "forme block" and 2KO sweeping Meloetta (4/0/0/252/0/252).

Meloetta is a lot bulkier than what I thought it was. It'll be a good special tank.
Without relic song it would propably be RU/NU, because it is a slightly better Gardevoir. Psychic isn't a very good typing and neither is Normal, its Spe also sucks and 128 SpA is great but without good offensive stabs it has way to much competition as a Special Attacker. It's pretty bulky on the special side which could be its saving grace, but it lacks useful resistances to really abuse it.
There is always a possibility of the rare dark pulse + focus sash Gengar, which can "forme block" and 2KO sweeping Meloetta (4/0/0/252/0/252).

Meloetta is a lot bulkier than what I thought it was. It'll be a good special tank.

There's a difference between rare and non-existent.

The Step Form seems like it could be really cool to use, almost like a physical Shaymin-S. Aria looks like it would be a good Specs user, tbh.

This thing is pretty cool, tbh. I'm gonna guess it's going to be BL?
Yea, I mirror exactly with Katakiri's view of Sleep Clause. Only deliberate attempts at putting mons to sleep, by using moves with the primary purpose of putting something to sleep, should be restricted by Sleep Clause. Sleep induced by Effect Spore, Relic Song, or Metronome selecting Spore should NOT apply to Sleep Clause.

I agree with this, and I disagree with the practice of modifying the game mechanics in the simulator to enforce the Sleep Clause. The only explicit justification I've seen for this is that "a metagame without the Sleep Clause would be chaos," but it seems like you could program the game to just not allow you to use Spore/Hypnosis/whatever when you've already put a Pokemon to sleep with one of those moves. The real place where this becomes relevant is Magic Bounce; I think reflecting the opponent's sleep move back at them shouldn't be counted as you putting their Pokemon to sleep for the purposes of the Sleep Clause, primarily because the reason the Sleep Clause exists (to keep you from Sporing their entire team) doesn't apply. If they have four Pokemon with sleep moves and they all spam them and end up put to sleep by Espeon, that's kind of their own fault, especially now that Team Preview exists.
Meloetta is good for a few reasons.

She draws in Ghost-types just because of the threat that is Meloetta-P since, let's face it, Meloetta-P on her own is just a better Terrakion. Ghost-types & Soundproof are the only ways to stop Relic Song and since most Meloetta in DW don't run a mixed set, Ghost-types are usually a safe bet.
However, if she is running mixed, she cracks that weakness wide open & turns it into a strength with STAB Psychics from 128 Base Sp.Attack with a 20% chance to lower Sp.Def.

Relic Song is actually a really good move. 75 Base Power, 100 Acc, 20% chance to Sleep, & STAB is nothing to scoff at when it's coming from a Pokemon with better Sp.Attack than Reuniclus, even if she's not fully-invested. It's a GREAT move for picking off weakened Pokemon while getting into Pirouette Forme for free.

Aria Forme has access to Serene Grace Thunder which can give CM Jirachi a run for it's money in the parahax department. With Base 128 SpA & Psychic, Psyshock, Energy Ball or Focus Blast for coverage, opponents are pretty hard-pressed to switch-in safely on her Thunders even if they don't get paralyzed.

She also has a giant gimmick move-pool, even having Trick Room & Perish Song.

She's also kawaii as all hell and I NEVER use that word.

My personal Meloetta set is
Margaret (Meloetta) @ Life Orb
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 204 Atk / 112 SAtk / 192 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Relic Song
- Thunder
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge

It's meant for Rain teams but takes advantage of every aspect of Meloetta from Pirouette to ParaHax. Thunder not only annoys everything & everyone, but it also keeps Ghost-types from walling her while frying Jellicent. (Aria's 241 Attack Stat makes Stone Edge viable as well in case Gengar disables Thunder) CCEdge coverage is pretty basic. (Shadow Claw is bad, stop using it) Life Orb ensures her attacks pack a punch but that's just my personal preference.

Probably my fav Pokemon to build teams around. Can't wait until I can build one for standard OU.
Serisously what kind of ghost would switch into a normal/Psychic type.
Ok he prevents you from changing form, but he cannot do anything to you.
And if it's gengar it gets destroyed by a psychic.

Spiritomb?? If meloetta is destined for UU, as some people are suggesting, I predict spiritomb usage will rise to help wall her.
Claw Sharpen is Hone Claws right?

Meloetta-P@Choice Band
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atck/252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe,-SAtk)
- U-Turn
- Close Combat
- Return
- Shadow Claw
Claw Sharpen is Hone Claws right?

Meloetta-P@Choice Band
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atck/252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe,-SAtk)
- U-Turn
- Close Combat
- Return
- Shadow Claw
Yes, but you're a bit late. Meloetta can't switch formes unless she uses Relic Song, and even then, if she switches out, Pirouette forme disappears. Your set wouldn't work.
With Aria form only, she's just going to be another run of the mill UU Pokemon. Transformation and Close Combat are the only things separating her from other similar Psychic types and that might not be good enough with Mew around. Her best attributes are going to revolve around her Pirouette mindgames. Unless Gamefreak changes her transformation mechanics (keep Pirouette form postbattle WHOA), I don't see her becoming a very competitive Pokemon.

Its going to be easy OU. Maybe not top tier, but what the fuck actually switches in on it safely? When you see Meloetta what do you do.. guess what it runs? Calm Mind offense, Relic Song offense, Relic Song mixed, CM mixed, Expert Belt offense, Defensive support, Thunder Drizzle abuse etc.

It has SO MANY viable sets.
Specially defensive sableye? Think about it-physical sets are walled, then burned. Specially attacking sets can be stalled out pretty easily after WOW, taunts, and such. If foul play starts being used again, that can crush it too. Also, generic skarmbliss feels like it walls that-just go to skarmory since a special set will probably CM, then back to bliss.
Welp, only 124 days until the Meloetta event! (July 14th) Because we needed to know 4 months in advance, Game Freak... Ugh. I feel taunted now. Is this what I've been doing to Ferrothorn for all these months? Hopelessly Taunting it? I'm such a monster.
I don't know, this seems more like Torment than Taunt (although, Torment's Japanese name is Falsely Accuse). Hopefully Meloetta and Keldeo will change OU enough to get me interested in it again.
It's a shame that Meloetta doesn't get a reliable recovery move considering on the support side it gets Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Perish Song, Trick Room, Toxic, and U-turn. Its Special Bulk is really nice considering its offensive stats (100/77/128 is pretty nice bulk!).
Since it seems that Meloetta gets the elemental punches through move tutor in BW2, I did the damage calcs for a Jolly Pirouette Meloetta with LO and CC/Icepunch/Thunderpunch against the top 50 in OU's May stats.

The only pokemon that aren't 2HKO'd flat-out for sure are Physically Defensive Skarmory, PhyDef Forretress, PhyDef Celebi, Bulky Volcarona, PhyDef Jellicent, PhyDef Donphan, Reuniclus, and Toxicroak - adding Stealth Rock damage makes the 2HKO possible or guaranteed on all except Reuniclus, who you can't beat. There are no shortage of OHKO's or SR-assisted OHKO's, either.

It'll still be important to work to Meloetta's niches (Normal typing, Serene Grace, awesome speed, Aria/Pirouette unpredictability, etc) but I think it bodes well for her chances to succeed once she's released.

252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 248HP/0Def Scizor (Neutral): 73% - 86% (253 - 297 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Ice Punch vs 252HP/0Def Multiscale Dragonite (Neutral): 56% - 67% (220 - 260 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 4HP/0Def Levitate Rotom-Wash (Neutral): 98% - 116% (238 - 282 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 90% chance to OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 248HP/0Def Flash Fire Heatran (Neutral): 125% - 147% (482 - 566 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/252Def Tyranitar (+Def): 169% - 200% (684 - 808 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/88Def Ferrothorn (Neutral): 105% - 124% (372 - 438 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 4HP/0Def Terrakion (Neutral): 169% - 200% (548 - 650 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/252Def Water Absorb Politoed (+Def): 57% - 67% (219 - 258 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Ice Punch vs 252HP/184Def Gliscor (+Def): 76% - 91% (272 - 324 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/0Def Jirachi (Neutral): 62% - 73% (253 - 297 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Ice Punch vs 4HP/0Def Levitate Latios (Neutral): 84% - 99% (254 - 300 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/232Def Sturdy Skarmory (+Def): 43% - 51% (145 - 172 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 5% chance to 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) ThunderPunch vs 0HP/0Def Starmie (Neutral): 91% - 109% (240 - 286 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 54% chance to OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb -1 Meloetta (Neutral) Ice Punch vs 0HP/0Def Salamence (Neutral): 101% - 120% (336 - 400 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Ice Punch vs 0HP/0Def Landorus (Neutral): 144% - 170% (460 - 544 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) ThunderPunch vs 252HP/240Def Tentacruel (+Def): 55% - 65% (202 - 238 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) ThunderPunch vs 4HP/0Def Gengar (Neutral): 60% - 71% (159 - 188 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/176Def Sturdy Forretress (+Def): 42% - 50% (151 - 178 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 0% chance to 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 36HP/0Def Magnezone (Neutral): 153% - 182% (446 - 528 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Ice Punch vs 252HP/220Def Celebi (+Def): 38% - 45% (156 - 184 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Ice Punch vs 220HP/0Def Celebi (Neutral): 53% - 62% (210 - 248 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/0Def Ninetales (Neutral): 91% - 108% (319 - 378 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 47% chance to OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 236HP/0Def Breloom (Neutral): 94% - 111% (303 - 358 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 69% chance to OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb -1 Meloetta (Neutral) ThunderPunch vs 252HP/252Def Gyarados (+Def): 58% - 71% (232 - 280 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 240HP/216Def Volcarona (+Def): 32% - 38% (122 - 144 HP). Guaranteed 4HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 0HP/0Def Volcarona (Neutral): 57% - 67% (179 - 211 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 4HP/0Def Infernape (Neutral): 113% - 134% (334 - 394 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) ThunderPunch vs 248HP/216Def Water Absorb Jellicent (+Def): 48% - 58% (196 - 234 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 23% chance to 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 4HP/0Def Lucario (Neutral): 240% - 282% (678 - 798 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 36HP/0Def Haxorus (Neutral): 90% - 107% (274 - 325 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 45% chance to OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/4Def Espeon (Neutral): 56% - 66% (189 - 222 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/252Def Donphan (+Def): 41% - 49% (160 - 190 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 4HP/0Def Levitate Hydreigon (Neutral): 168% - 199% (548 - 650 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/252Def Reuniclus (+Def): 25% - 30% (109 - 129 HP). Guaranteed 4HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 0HP/0Def Volt Absorb Jolteon (Neutral): 140% - 166% (381 - 450 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 248HP/252Def Water Absorb Vaporeon (+Def): 53% - 63% (249 - 294 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/252Def Blissey (+Def): 128% - 151% (914 - 1080 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 0HP/4Def Alakazam (Neutral): 93% - 109% (234 - 275 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 58% chance to OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/0Def Storm Drain Gastrodon (Neutral): 81% - 96% (346 - 409 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 4HP/0Def Thick Fat Mamoswine (Neutral): 167% - 197% (606 - 716 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/0Def Conkeldurr (Neutral): 63% - 75% (264 - 312 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Ice Punch vs 4HP/0Def Venusaur (Neutral): 81% - 96% (246 - 290 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Ice Punch vs 252HP/4Def Levitate Latias (Neutral): 63% - 74% (230 - 272 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/0Def Metagross (Neutral): 54% - 65% (199 - 237 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Ice Punch vs 0HP/0Def Tornadus (Neutral): 94% - 111% (282 - 334 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO. 67% chance to OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 0HP/0Def Cloyster (Neutral): 125% - 147% (302 - 356 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 4HP/0Def Dugtrio (Neutral): 206% - 243% (438 - 516 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/0Def Scrafty (Neutral): 133% - 158% (446 - 528 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 252HP/172Def Abomasnow (Neutral): 135% - 159% (522 - 614 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 0HP/0Def Mienshao (Neutral): 140% - 166% (381 - 450 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 4HP/0Def Virizion (Neutral): 102% - 120% (331 - 390 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.
252Atk Life Orb Meloetta (Neutral) Close Combat vs 244HP/12Def Dry Skin Toxicroak (Neutral): 47% - 56% (176 - 207 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 19% chance to 2HKO.
Meloetta will probably end up uu. I just don't see a lot of ppl making the right use of her.

Just pointing out but just because "you saw people not using her correctly" doesn't mean it will be UU.

Regardless, I actually think Meloetta will be a really neat little pokemon. The ability to switch forms makes it tricky to revenge kill due to the speed increase, and those states and movepool is just great even before the tutors moves were released. For example, taking a look at the Aria Forme

Stats - 100 HP / 77 ATK / 77 DEF / 90 SPD / 128 SPATK / 128 SPDEF

These stats basically give it the bulk of a fucking Latias / Virizion (on the special side) with the power of Latios. Sure, that speed stat is a let down, but its still going to be an excellent user of Calm Mind, boosting those SpA / SPDEF stats to massive levels. Add in that ability Serene Grace (and we all know how much of a bitch this ability is) and Psychic and Focus Blast have a 20% chance to lower the targets SPDEF, and Shadow Ball has a 40% chance to affect the same stat which means that next hit is only going to hit harder making it tough to beat.

Aria Meleotta also gets Psyshock which is nice for Blissey and for other Calm Mind wars, as well as standard other coverage moves. It also gets a STAB Hyper Voice which isn't bad with something like Focus Blast and Shadow Ball, letting it hit the majority of the metagame pretty hard.

With all that said, one of the reasons I am hyped about Meleotta is that it has a nice selection of utility moves, such as Trick Room, Thunder Wave, Teeter Dance, Sing, U-Turn and Perish Song. Its forme changing move, Relic Song also has a 20% chance at putting a pokemon to sleep which is pretty neat. These kinds of moves offer Meleotta the chance to run a more defensive set, either with parafusion, or for stall teams as a check for last pokemon senarios. Perish Song is also a neat move for causing switches, and for limiting some of those annoying smash pass users so its got some great options there.

With all this said, its important to remember that Meleotta has a second forme, and its stats are as follows.

Stats - 100 HP / 128 ATK / 90 DEF / 128 SPD / 77 SPATK / 77 SPDEF

So as we can see, that is a significant change from Aria Meleotta, with that speed jumping up to 128, its faster than Tornados-T! Its defences drop a fair bit but suddenly that attack rivals Garchomp which is pretty neat. It also gets a STAB Close Combat, which is awesome on a fighting type, and has access to moves like Return, Stone Edge, and Shadow Claw, all of which are pretty cool. Hone Claws means that it has a method of boosting its attack stat (and the acc of Stone Edge) and it recently got the elemental punches which opens it up to being able to use Ice Punch (and Thunder Punch I guess) which means it gets fairly decent coverage.

In conclusion, there is a lot to like about Meleotta, sure, having to lose a moveslot into switching formes sucks, but its got a great movepool, great stats, a pretty good ability, and cool typings so hopefullly it finds a good home in OU!!!
Rain Meloetta WITHOUT Relic Song actually looks like it can do some serious work. That access to Thunder will be trollish, and if it isn't standardized (oh smogon, you are so good and yet so bad), then it'll catch people off guard as well.

also loling at all the "hey guys let's put a Pokemon with fantastic base stats and legitimate coverage not to mention serene grace in UU"
Meloetta@Leftovers (252 EVs, +Nature, +1) Focus Blast vs Tyranitar@Leftovers (252/252 EVs, +Nature, +1): 100.9 ~ 119.8% (408 ~ 484 HP)

A 252+ Aria forme Meloetta after a CM will ALWAYS OHKO a 252/252+ Tyranitar in the sand with Focus Blast, regardless of hazards. She's definitely not going to be UU.

But then again, a 252 neutral Tyranitar using Crunch will OHKO a 252/0 Meloetta 100% of the time with Crunch after SR and Sandstorm damage, so if she can't hit it before he can hit her, then she's gone. But Tyranitar isn't going to outspeed 0 neutral speed Meloetta unless it's Scarfed or at +1, so... yeah.
So everyone's ignoring the songstresses ability and the majority seems determined on her physical form.

I didn't see this and if it was posted I apologize, but I just think wasting a turn with Relic Song for a 10 (boosted to 20% due to Serene Grace) letting your opponent do whatever they want is a really bloody bad idea.

Especially with such a diverse special movepool where leaving it in Voice form can easily work once you ignore Relic Song:

Meloetta-Aria form
Serene Grace
@Expert Belt/Wise Glasses
4HP/252 Sp. Atk/252 Speed
Shadow Ball (40% chance of lowering the target's Sp. Def)
Charge Beam(140% chance of raising Sp. Atk one stage/Guaranteed)
Hidden Power(Fighting)/Hidden Power(Ice)/Hidden Power(Fire)/Focus Blast/Grass Knot

It's going to have to hide behind a substitute unless something else is going to be tanking hits for it, it doesn't have the bulk, but I still think it's a waste of time when the songstress' sp.atk is already that high and can do some severe damage. Besides looking at this thread most people are going to expect the switch and bring in something to deal with a physical hitter.

Shadow Ball has a 40% (a 2 in 5) chance of lowering your opponents Sp. Def, and it let's you take care of a few things.

Against a Max Sp. Def Gengar Shadow Ball does 55%-66% of it's health as damage if Wise Glasses are used. Expert Belt raises it to 61%-72% which is still a guaranteed 2HKO.

Against a Max Sp. Def Frosslass Shadow Ball w/ Wise Glasses does 55%-65% of it's health. With Expert Belt 59-70% of it's health which is still a guaranteed 2HKO.

The problem now comes with Jellicent.
Bulky Max Sp.Def Jellicent can take a few Shadow Balls even with Wise Glasses or Expert Belt. Against Jellicent Shadow Ball w/ Wise Glasses does 36-43%. Expert Belt only moves that to 39%-46% forcing Jellicent to be a 3HKO by it, two maybe with the lowering of Sp. Def barring Substitute.

Now onto the Psychics which is where this also becomes useful:

Max Sp. Def Espeon taking a Shadow Ball when the user is holding Wise Glasses puts it at doing 46%-55% damage as a 7% chance to 2HKO. Expert Belt boosts that damage to 50%-60% as a Guaranteed 2HKO.

Reuniclus is another Pokemon that hurts this set forcing a 3HKO if Meloetta can even stay around.
Shadow Ball w/ Wise Glasses does 39-46% damage. Expert belt boosts it to 42%-50% so barring a crit Reuniclus can sit there and Calm Mind and make her say bye bye.

Alakazam is yet another 2HKO. Wise Glasses allowing Meloetta to do 53%-63% damage to it, while Expert Belt boosts this to 57-68%.

And yet another 3HKO is forced by Celebi as Shadow Ball maxes out at 37-44% w/ Wise Glasses or 40%-48% with Expert Belt.

Onto Charge Beam.
Charge Beam isn't the greatest move for it's power but it does the important job, the important job of raising Meloetta's Sp. Atk stage by 1, each time used, and after a couple, it could be a nightmare if Meloetta can stay behind a substitute. That's the entire point of Charge Beam, you'd use it on a switch, when behind a sub, to boost Meloetta's Sp. Atk because that's the entire point, to build it, while Calm Minding will have Tyranitar/Terrakion/any Physical Sweeper trying to wreck you. The only things worth mentioning where Charge Beam could possibly be useful are Gyarados or Tornadus.

Charge Beam vs Gyarados does 47-56% damage when the user wields Wise Glasses, 52%-61% when holding an Expert Belt.

Vs Tornadus 30%-35% w/ Wise Glasses. Expert Belt minimally raises that to 33%-38% damage.

Beyond these two, maybe against Jellicent or Tentacruel as they try setting up to raise your Sp.Atk to a decent level although it barely does damage to them sitting around 25%-30% damage before a boost with the items.

There's a lot to say with the third moveslot. Focus Blast is powerful and will let you hit for a good amount of damage, but the accuracy is risky at 70% and if you miss you may as well say goodbye. Hidden Power Fighting can make this useful as it will allow you to hit the same Pokemon without missing at the cost of some damage, Normal/Rock/Steel/Ice/Dark is nice, hitting 5 types supereffectively. The problem is, as great as moves like Close Combat have become, from the OU list you're hitting:

If you really wanted you could try and dent Chansey and Blissey although that's for Physical Sweepers.

Hidden Power(Ice) lets you hit the following from the OU list supereffectively:

Hidden Power Fire lets you hit the following from the OU list:

Lastly you have Grass Knot, not the greatest but can help with coverage. Seeing as it falls heavier foes such as Terrakion (2HKO/ 56%-70%), Tyranitar (2HKO/ 50-59%), Gastrodon (2HKO/50%-59%).

So it really comes down to preference and what you don't want to be walled by. Based on numbers I'd go for Ice since Dragons can be a nightmare

Substitute is supposed to keep you alive, while something else heals/tanks for you as much as possible because before at least 2 Charge Beams I doubt this is going to work well.

In addition to that why not Choice Scarf/Choice Specs/etc? You're going to need versatility in order to meet against the team, if you're locked into the weakest move on this set (Charge Beam) it's not going to help, and if you're using Substitute on a set where you'd use a Choice Item there's something wrong with you. Other mons should fill that place, especially with Item Clause. For example Dragonite tends to be used physically but given enough speed and the right environment a Choice Specs one can be used well only due to it's large move pool.

Another thing to note that this was all calculated without SR/Spikes damage. I also don't know how accurate these numbers are but here's the calculator I used:

Anyone see anything wrong?
I was thinking of a mixed set running work up, since it has that massive Special Defence to take hits on the special side similar to Virizion.

name: Work Up
move 1: Work Up
move 2: Relic Song
move 3: Close Combat
move 4: Stone Edge / Ice Punch
item: Life Orb / Leftovers
nature: Naive / Hasty
evs: 252 Att / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
ability: Serene Grace

After a Work up you now have a Dangerous uninvested base 128 stab Relic Song hitting on the special side when in voice form or a fully invested stab Close Combat in step form.

You could also play around with relic song to change typing in order to dodge super effective hits.

Tyranitar comming in to pursuit you? switch forms with relic song, or if you want to risk it, hit Tyranitar with Close Combat, but I have no idea how much damage it would do from a non stab base 77 stat.

Worried about a super effective hit from Psychic while in step form? Switch with Relic song or you could switch, in both cases you'll return to voice form.

I have no idea how it would play out in the simulator but obviously this Meloetta has problems of it's own, all Priority such as bullet punch from scizor destroys it.

This is probably more focused as a mixed wall breaker set with the potential to clean up once it's counters have been eliminated because not many things are gonna like it's stab base 128 close combats or will outspeed it.
Im confused is this legal or no? There just seems to be speculation here and unlike the other released I don't see any proof to back it up, forgive me for being skeptical but its in my nature.