
Mew @ Focus Sash / Leftovers
-Claw Sharpen / Bulk Up / Swords Dance / Rock Polish
-Substitute / Stone Edge / Gunk Shot
-Baton Pass
-Return / Zen Headbutt

Mew @ Focus Sash / Leftovers
-Nasty Plot / Calm Mind / Rock Polish
-Baton Pass
-Substitute / Charge Beam
-Psychic / Dragon Pulse / Ice Beam / Charge Beam

All it needs.
Unless Gen 5 is any different, Mew should be able to learn every TM/HM/Move Tutor etc. It's been like that since forever.

Are you a mental case? We KNOW Mew learns EVERY TM/HM/Move Tutor, that is not what he asked.

He asked what Mew's NEW tools are.

I hope people have gotten better at this game since Gen4. There is absolutely no reason for Mew to not be allowed in standard play. Unpredictability should NEVER be a grounds for prohibition, and it lacks the stats and movepool that Garchomp, Salamence, and Latias had to over centralize the metagame.
Are you a mental case? We KNOW Mew learns EVERY TM/HM/Move Tutor, that is not what he asked.

He asked what Mew's NEW tools are.

I hope people have gotten better at this game since Gen4. There is absolutely no reason for Mew to not be allowed in standard play. Unpredictability should NEVER be a grounds for prohibition, and it lacks the stats and movepool that Garchomp, Salamence, and Latias had to over centralize the metagame.
Actually it is what he asked. He wanted to know what new TMs Mew learned, and one could just look at a list of all the TMs if they wanted such information. I would imagine that the OP not including the list of TMs would also imply just that. No need to get your nickers in a twist.
Just a note:

In addition to its levelup movepool, it can learn every 3rd gen tutor move (Double Edge, Seismic Toss, Night Shade, Hypnosis, Dynamicpunch, Zap Cannon, and Fake Out and Mimic are the exlusives of this gen) and 4th gen tutor/tm move with no compatibility issues with any move or ability. I know tat this is rather obvious but all I'm saying is that the OP should post all of its moves (5th gen tms, 4th gen tms/tutors, 3rd gen tutors) because there are no compatibility issues.

Anyway, Mew's best purpose is as a baton passer; I'm not sure if it will stay Uber this gen, honestly.
Ummm... mew can easily sweep with Nasty Plot in OU. It has recover... And Tons of Bulk... and Amazing Coverage...and good Speed. Yeah. Its good. Its like Manaphy...But better...It can also Baton pass out to another poke when cornered. thats scary...
Ummm... mew can easily sweep with Nasty Plot in OU. It has recover... And Tons of Bulk... and Amazing Coverage...and good Speed. Yeah. Its good. Its like Manaphy...But better...It can also Baton pass out to another poke when cornered. thats scary...
Actually, it doesn't learn Recover. One would it have to teach it Roost, or Softboiled via 3rd Gen. tutors.
Sure it has craptons of coverage, but it has one of the worst STAB types in existence, both offensively and defensively. Plus it has somewhat meh offensive stats (Flygon and Starmie have powerful STABs at least).
Mew, my second favorite pokemon of all time remains as consistent as ever. Initially I theorymoned that he wouldn't be broken by I got some sense slapped into me. While moves like Dragon Tail help stop his baton passing, he's nearly unpredictable behind screens, and passing 2+speed/2+Atk/SpA is still as broken as ever. Which is a damn shame too, since Mew is such a fun pokemon to use.
Mew @ Wide Lens / Leftovers
252 HP, 4 Attack, 252 Speed

Rock Polish
Dragon Tail [99% accurate with Wide Lens]
Baton Pass
Swords Dance / Claw Sharpen

First turn use Rock Polish, second turn force switches with Dragon Tail! Works great after Stealth Rocks/Spikes/Toxic Spikes. Mew can even Baton Pass out to avoid Pursuit, in addition to Baton Passing Swords Dance and Agility to a teammate. Swords Dance is to boost Dragon Tail. P.S. Alot of foes are Dragon; Uber or OU, so it will hit hard on many counters like Shadow Sneak Giratina-O.

*Mew can replace Wide Lens with Leftovers and Swords Dance with Claw Sharpen to recover while building Accuracy, but Wide Lens is in case Mew doesn't have time to Stat boost Attack and it needs immediate accuracy, plus Swords Dance has a bigger payoff.
Mew@Choice Band
252 Atk/252 Spe


Are you a mental case? We KNOW Mew learns EVERY TM/HM/Move Tutor, that is not what he asked.

He asked what Mew's NEW tools are.

I hope people have gotten better at this game since Gen4. There is absolutely no reason for Mew to not be allowed in standard play. Unpredictability should NEVER be a grounds for prohibition, and it lacks the stats and movepool that Garchomp, Salamence, and Latias had to over centralize the metagame.

lacks movepool say wut

Salamence was banned partially because of unpredictability. Anyway, Mew doesn't have any true counters in standard play. Unless you can name a Pokemon that can handle all of Mew's sets, I don't think Mew will be in OU anytime soon.
A lot of ubers? Does that include Arceus, Darkrai, Deoxys, Dialga, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Lati@s, Lugia, Mewtwo, Palkia, and Rayquaza?
Mew@Choice Band
252 Atk/252 Spe


lacks movepool say wut

Salamence was banned partially because of unpredictability. Anyway, Mew doesn't have any true counters in standard play. Unless you can name a Pokemon that can handle all of Mew's sets, I don't think Mew will be in OU anytime soon.

If Salamence was banned because of unpredictability, then smogons counsel is a fucking joke. end of discussion.
It doesnt matter why Mence was banned in Gen4. And unpredictability is very strong, exspecially when it dont mean that you can choose between two or maybe even three good sets but many, many mores.

With Mew you can Pass every boost, and you dont even need to make him "just" a Baton Passer with f. ex. AUra Sphere and psycho Shock it gets nearly perfekt coverage and become a pseudo-mixxed-Attacker.

This is not such a bad Type anymore for Mew (its bad, yeah, but Pursuiter are weak to Aura Sphere and the best special Wall get 2koed by your Stab) , of course therere better ones, but for a special-Poke STAB-Psycho Shock isnt something bad.

May we dont see any boken set now, nd may itll never have a broken set, but therere so many Movesets (of course mainly BP or Special(-Bulky-)Attacker, but even f you know its a BPler you dont what it Pass and for which oppenent its prepaed for)
which have completely other counters (or havent any counters), its not even funny, and youve nearly every Move you want to choose from, so youll nearly every time hit what you want to hit.

I think Mew will be a filler poke as long as it stays or Ou, because you can put it in every Team and even if you know the oppenent use Mew youll never no his set without beeing punished for this in some way.

P.S. And i dont speak so because im just a little Fanboy, I speaked about Geno or Shanderaa in the same way ;)
:T I always abused the fact that mew was the only uber that could explode, but with that getting nerfed this gen, its lead set seems a little less inspiring
How about:

252 SpA/220 Spe/32 HP
-Volt Change
-Nasty Plot/Calm Mind
-Ice Beam/Aura Sphere/Dark Pulse
-Roost/Baton Pass

Mew @ Wide Lens / Leftovers
252 HP, 4 Attack, 252 Speed

Rock Polish
Dragon Tail [99% accurate with Wide Lens]
Baton Pass
Swords Dance / Claw Sharpen

First turn use Rock Polish, second turn force switches with Dragon Tail! Works great after Stealth Rocks/Spikes/Toxic Spikes. Mew can even Baton Pass out to avoid Pursuit, in addition to Baton Passing Swords Dance and Agility to a teammate. Swords Dance is to boost Dragon Tail. P.S. Alot of foes are Dragon; Uber or OU, so it will hit hard on many counters like Shadow Sneak Giratina-O.

*Mew can replace Wide Lens with Leftovers and Swords Dance with Claw Sharpen to recover while building Accuracy, but Wide Lens is in case Mew doesn't have time to Stat boost Attack and it needs immediate accuracy, plus Swords Dance has a bigger payoff.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Dragon Tail has a negative priority.

Mew@Choice Band
252 Atk/252 Spe

Enjoy your Gengars.

How about:

252 SpA/220 Spe/32 HP
-Volt Change
-Nasty Plot/Calm Mind
-Ice Beam/Aura Sphere/Dark Pulse
-Roost/Baton Pass

Volt Change is useless with Baton Pass, really. The only reason here is so you don't get auto-Taunted by Mischevious Heart Pokemon.
Horrible OP format
It can use anymore it has access to
What the hell does that mean?

But yeah I would suggest a different Mew thread for someone else to create or you fix this one up with things like TM moves and if it still has moves like Transform.