MLB 2016


Bautista be like "what's that stench..."
And then he realized it was an Odor suckerpunch to the face.

Stallion Texas Cloverleaf
I'm going to repeat what I said last year during the playoffs: Jose Bautista (and Josh Donaldson too) is a piece of shit.

Yes Odor connected with a punch, but the fuckwad started it with a dirty slide at a player who had nothing to do with the hbp, a hbp that looked like an accident by the way.

He better get suspended too or I'll absolutely lose my shit.

because Odor has no history of dirty plays of course

I wasn't aware that Bautista was a second baseman for the Angels?

If you could take your blue tinted glasses off for a second and realise in the context of this game and in the context of the recent history between the two teams, what Bautista (and Chavez for that matter) did was wrong. It's never right to punch someone, but fuck me if I was in Odor's situation, I would have probably done the same thing.

I love how the Jays think the hbp was intentional in a one run game. Not like Bush is fresh out of prison and hasn't played a competitive game of baseball in 5 years or whatever, and that a pitch may just have gotten away....
In a game where emotions are running high, of course a hard slide is going to illicit a very strong reaction. Bautista obviously has an inflated sense of worth, given his demand of a $150 million contract over 5 years after this season. Odor also happens to have a history of this kind of responsive behavior. Both teams and players were in the wrong. This stupid 'policing the game' shit needs to stop before someone gets seriously injured on prime time television.

Though as a Yankee fan, I'm glad that there's something going on to distract from the disappointing start to the season. I'm going to do like ButteredToast and A-Rod and just sit back with some popcorn.

Of course I'm biased given what happened last year, BUT even without the bias I still think that what Bush did was an accident. Let's think about it logically.

> Bush personally has no bad blood towards the Jays. If it was one of our guys from last year I'd be a lot more suss about it.

> He is playing in his second ever major league game and has taken 11 years to get there. Nerves or a lack of command given the game situation are definitely a possibility. Yes that may sound biased, but:

> Bush is on thin, thin ice. The man just got out of jail and is on his very last of chances. Any indiscretion, however minor, could potentially cost him his career.

> the fact that everyone's overlooking. We were ONE RUN AHEAD towards the end of a game. If it was a revenge thing, we had so many other chances in so many lower leverage situations to get Bautista back, and there were so many other guys in our team who would be more likely to have beef with him. It just makes zero sense.

I just don't like the way Joey Bats portrays himself as a person. Not just the bat flip, but the way he feels as though he's entitled to a mega contract this late in his career, some of the things he says and the way he acts towards the media. He complains about baseball issues needing to be solved with baseball plays. Well Jose, going for someone's legs isn't a fucking baseball play. I too would punch you square in the face if you did that to me.
I don't think Bush did hit him intentionally (nor suggested I did) but I'm hardly in a situation where I can accurately judge that. It's entirely possible the call to hit him came from the dugout, it's entirely possible it didn't. It doesn't really matter to me. Bautista said something along the lines of "I came in sliding late. I could have injured Odor if I wanted to, but I didn't. I wanted to let them know what I thought about the HBP." That's not a direct quote but it gets at the essence which tells me that it wasn't a reckless slide by Bautista. It was a dangerous one, but a controlled response. There's other mitigating factors such as Odor's throw coming in especially low (vidref), as if he intended to hit Bautista in the face, and as aforementioned Odor's extensive history of being a shit bag and attempting to injure people.

JB certainly wasn't in the right with his actions but I also don't think they were particularly egregious. His punishment for the slide should have ended at him costing his team a baserunner with the slide rule. Instead, Odor decides to take matters into his own hands, retaliate in a way far in excess of appropriate retribution by literally assaulting JB, and basically continue being human shit.

So yeah, I really don't think I'm biased here, what Odor did was way worse than anything that can be attributed to JB.

edit: on a side note Chavez doesn't deserve any shade at all. I don't personally agree with the practice of retaliatory HBPs but his throw was as clean as you can get on those. Low-speed fastball to the thigh, no risk of injury. Fielder knew it was coming, Chavez knew it was coming, baseball's archaic "code" was satisfied.
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I don't think Bush did hit him intentionally (nor suggested I did) but I'm hardly in a situation where I can accurately judge that. It's entirely possible the call to hit him came from the dugout, it's entirely possible it didn't. It doesn't really matter to me. Bautista said something along the lines of "I came in sliding late. I could have injured Odor if I wanted to, but I didn't. I wanted to let them know what I thought about the HBP." That's not a direct quote but it gets at the essence which tells me that it wasn't a reckless slide by Bautista. It was a dangerous one, but a controlled response. There's other mitigating factors such as Odor's throw coming in especially low (vidref), as if he intended to hit Bautista in the face, and as aforementioned Odor's extensive history of being a shit bag and attempting to injure people.

JB certainly wasn't in the right with his actions but I also don't think they were particularly egregious. His punishment for the slide should have ended at him costing his team a baserunner with the slide rule. Instead, Odor decides to take matters into his own hands, retaliate in a way far in excess of appropriate retribution by literally assaulting JB, and basically continue being human shit.

So yeah, I really don't think I'm biased here, what Odor did was way worse than anything that can be attributed to JB.

edit: on a side note Chavez doesn't deserve any shade at all. I don't personally agree with the practice of retaliatory HBPs but his throw was as clean as you can get on those. Low-speed fastball to the thigh, no risk of injury. Fielder knew it was coming, Chavez knew it was coming, baseball's archaic "code" was satisfied.

I mean, I don't know how you can say excessive history when the guy had one incident in the minors prior to this. And Bautista's response is nothing more than posturing after he got caught with a vicious one-piece from a "tiny dude" he should be able to handle. In every video that I'VE see, he had his fist balled up for a punch as well so I don't think he has any moral high ground to stand on. Also a punch to the face does not carry with it the same physical repercussions that a dangerous slide taking out the legs of a 2B does. In this respect, you're absolutely having at lease some sort of bias.
I mean, I don't know how you can say excessive history when the guy had one incident in the minors prior to this. And Bautista's response is nothing more than posturing after he got caught with a vicious one-piece from a "tiny dude" he should be able to handle. In every video that I'VE see, he had his fist balled up for a punch as well so I don't think he has any moral high ground to stand on. Also a punch to the face does not carry with it the same physical repercussions that a dangerous slide taking out the legs of a 2B does. In this respect, you're absolutely having at lease some sort of bias.
Incident in the minors and last year when he slid into the Angel's 2B leg, well past the bag with direct contact to the shin that could have easily broken his leg.

Also I disagree with your assessment of the physical implications. Slides into the legs of 2Bs have been a part of the game for the extent of its history with fairly rare actual injuries being sustained, and injuries almost always occurring in contested played with the 2B having a planted leg - almost never in situations with late slides and the 2B in motion like this one. Any punch to the head carries the risk of fractured facial bones and concussions, the latter of which carries a higher risk than essentially any non-life-threatening injury wrt the long-term ramifications (and note that the former was what causes Stanton to miss half of last year). Furthermore, if you're operating under the belief that Bautista could have deliberately injured Odor with his slide but was under control such that he could deliberately NOT injure him, as I am, then it becomes difficult to claim he was 'taking out the legs' due to a lack of contact rather than forcing Odor to gtfo of the way.

With respect to Bautista's response I agree that his fist was balled up but I don't see any way that anyone can determine if it was balled up to come for a punch or balled up as natural reaction to expected posturing between him and Odor. Both are viable possibilities to me.

To summarize: this is Odor's third - a much higher number - incident of extremely aggressive/dirty play and he reacted well outside of the scope of a reasonable response. Bautista's actions were wrong, but not inherently egregious based on his statement, and I've refrained from making judgements on unclear situations. Don't believe I'm being biased in my judgements here.

edit: more odor slides!
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Reds bullpen stats and ranks, 1961-present

ERA: 6.44 (1,476th out of 1,476)
FIP: 6.09 (1,476th out of 1,476)
HR/9: 2.04 (1,476th out of 1,476)
BB%: 11.6% (1,390th out of 1,476)

Source: Fangraphs
Not the fantasy start that we wanted, but we're looking to turn it around.

Also, Travis Shaw is the best player in baseball. Nothing you say will convince me otherwise.
Also, Travis Shaw is the best player in baseball. Nothing you say will convince me otherwise.

Jackie Bradley Jr. makes him not even the best player on his team. Shaw is good, but he's not Jackie the Creator good.

Odd Fastball Middle Plate Kill Um All
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Lastros are back. Such an undisciplined team

Astros are surprisingly bad. I was expecting a 75 to 85 win season from your team again (some regression, but not this much). And yet the 60 win pace they have is on isn't even the 3rd worst win pace in the majors this season. The Reds, Braves, and my Twins are playing at 54, 45, and 40 win paces respectively. There's been a hell of a lot of bad baseball being played this season.

Between 2006 and 2015, there were 6 teams total who had less than 60 wins in a season. There hasn't even been more than one team with fewer than 60 wins in a season since 2004, but we have a realistic shot at seeing 4 teams be just that bad this year.
"The Royals just beat the White Sox after trailing 7-1 entering bottom 9. Since 2010, teams are NOW 5-2,810 when trailing by 6 entering B9."

- ESPN Stats & Info

Two fastballs thrown high and inside, high and inside, high and inside
Two fastballs thrown high and inside, high and inside, high and inside

Guess who's back. Back again.
ERod's back. Tell a friend.
Guess who's back. Guess who's back. Guess who's back. Guess who's back.

In the land of the Monster, nobody wants to see Buchholz no mo'
They want a change, he chopped liver
Well if you want change, then this is what I'll give ya
A 97 MPH fastball and a wicked hard splitta
Innings 1-2-3, couldn't pitch um any quicka
Add some shots from Pap with extra hand spit-a
The other team needs a doctor, for their broken spirits
After Bradley's robbing hits by doing fuckin' pirouettes
Best record in the American League, you better stop debating
In the preseason, all you fools were undervalue-ating
Our offense does the job, they crazy
But our pitching rotations a little complicated
But at the top of the A-L-E is the Boston B
And soon we'll be best in the MLB
Games feel so empty with 9 run leads

Now this looks like a job for E
All the batters buckle their knees
His stuff's the best you'll ever see
As he pitches in games with 9 run leads

Now this looks like a job for E
All the batters buckle their knees
His stuff's the best you'll ever see
As he pitches in games with 9 run leads

Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha nah ha ha ha
Ha nah ha ha ha

The real ace of the Red Sox is back boys and girls.
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Can't we discuss my AL leading Rangers instead?

Edit: fine. Ventura deserved to get punched. He tried to hit Machado 3 times rofl