Erm. I was.. I was searching up to 20,000, it would have showed up if I had it.. unless I'm misunderstanding something?Try something higher like 5000...I know it sounds kinda tough to hit a high delay, but it's possible!
Erm. I was.. I was searching up to 20,000, it would have showed up if I had it.. unless I'm misunderstanding something?Try something higher like 5000...I know it sounds kinda tough to hit a high delay, but it's possible!
Oh 20 000! Sorry I didn't read carefully my bad!Erm. I was.. I was searching up to 20,000, it would have showed up if I had it.. unless I'm misunderstanding something?
Erm. I was.. I was searching up to 20,000, it would have showed up if I had it.. unless I'm misunderstanding something?
Okay, I'll try that tomorrow, thanks. ^^Try making your maximum delay smaller and see if you get any other results. I get two differnet spreads when I search for different delays. I think it just chooses the one with the lowest frame or something, idk. xD
850196610F 505c1b54 (JOLLY, ability 0) 31/31/31/24/31/31 (Seed: 2c150368 Frame: 286) HP ELECTRIC 59 !!!
850196610F 505c1b54 (JOLLY, ability 0) 31/31/31/24/31/31 (Seed: 9809068e Frame: 224) HP ELECTRIC 59 !!!
The first one's frame is higher, but has a lower delay. The second one has a lower frame, but a higher delay. :3
Oh 20 000! Sorry I didn't read carefully my bad!
gamer22: It's still in testing mode, at least it's what I heard.
However their might exist a guide and the new RNG report 7.01 can search for your HG/SS delay.
Well even if it's not here it might still exist....when someone more experienced with HG/SS is on the PRNG thread, maybe you should ask then if you really want to RNG abuse on them...or you could always embark on the IIRC channel.oh i see i guess ill wait for the guide
Double posting because this is a totally different issue and I really want an answer, I hope it's okay..
While SRing for good shiny spreads, I got this
4021190068F 7635b5cb (TIMID, ability 1) 28/21/30/31/31/31 (Seed: 12020b63 Frame: 7) HP ICE 68 !!!
It changes to frame 1 for Method J. Does that mean I'll never be able to get a Gastly with this because sweet scenting advances the frame by 2? :[
Double posting because this is a totally different issue and I really want an answer, I hope it's okay..
While SRing for good shiny spreads, I got this
4021190068F 7635b5cb (TIMID, ability 1) 28/21/30/31/31/31 (Seed: 12020b63 Frame: 7) HP ICE 68 !!!
It changes to frame 1 for Method J. Does that mean I'll never be able to get a Gastly with this because sweet scenting advances the frame by 2? :[
Why don't you just breed a shiny perfect Gastly?
I know that using emloop to hit delays is different for everyone but how long do you reckon you spend on emloop trying to hit your delays?
I miss by delays by 5, once I was 1 off =[. Just so frustrating, but I've only been doing it for 10-15 mins so far XD.
I have no idea. I still haven't hit my delay yet, but I can hit both odds and evens =/, beginning to think there's something wrong with my game.
Also, a quick question, if I'm aiming for frame 1401, my delay is 602.
If I change my year, can I hit 1401? I'm guessing not because changing the year changes my delay and thus changes my target delay.
Thats correct, a delay of 640 in 2009 turns into 639 in 2010. If your delays are flipping between odd and even, try inserting a GBA cart which will hopefully give you a stable odd delay.
Edit, IIRC you abuse on a DSi, which means you might not be able to do what I suggested...
If I use a different Ds would it change? =/.
I could always use my sister's DS Lite XD <- Although I don't actually have any GBA Games =/
EDIT: If it woun't work it means I won't get that shiny careful registeel *sobs*
@JRT, I'm not entirely sure if you can use legendaries to find your seed. When I was catching Uxie, I couldn't check Uxie's stats to find my seed =/, I had to fly resort area and catch a Nubkarp.
how are we supposed to know what the initial seed is that we're supposed to target, especially since finding the intial seed before was by catching a Pokemon, but here it says to use the Poketch as SOON as you get into the game?Using the Poketch Coin Flip application, flip 10 times, noting the results. Then, using RNG Reporter, and click "Generate" after entering the initial seed you are targeting.
Yeah, I want it in a dusk ball. xDWhy don't you just breed a shiny perfect Gastly?
That's awesome, thanks for the help!It only appears in one frame for Method J? That's a quite rare occurence, at least to me. It's possible this same spread appears in another seed at a higher frame; try searching for it in RNGReporter. Remember that it may also be at a high delay.
EDIT: Found another seed.
4021190068F 7635b5cb (TIMID, ability 1) 28/21/30/31/31/31 (Seed: ba03038f Frame: 11) HP ICE 68
Its Method J frames are 1, 3 and 5. Now you can SR for it :) Its delay in 2009 is 902 though, so you'll have to use Emloop/a stopwatch.