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Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

I'm doubtful that using a different DS would change your delay, but then I've not used a game with a flipping delay on two different DS's, perhaps someone else could comment?

If the worse come to the worst, simply change the year, with less than 4 months until 2010 I'm not sure it would bother most people if the understood the situation regarding the catch.

The lack of any 3rd Gen games is probably your biggest issue though.

Wait so I can hit my 1401 delay If I change the year? I though I couldn't then you said that's correct. =/
Also@ LF
I'm on iPod ATM so I can't reporter. But I remember not seeing uxie on it , but anyhow. That's for informing me.
FireRed RNG hacking

I'm messing with FireRed because my wife and kids have dibs on the other games. :) I've been able to determine where I am in the 32-bit RNG, usually with just two Pokemon, but I'm trying to bring that down to just one. It looks like the RNG naturally moves by about 90 clicks per second, even in a place where there should be no other calls to the RNG. (Such as standing still the first floor of Cerulean Cave.)

#1. How is the RNG on FireRed seeded?

Some articles say it's seeded from something in the save file. But I've done both soft and hard resets on both a GBASP and a DSLite, and it seems that I always end up at very different parts of the walk. So it's not purely the save file. Unless something changes the save file every time?

The fact that it seeds at different places is both a blessing and a curse. It means I need to figure out the position in the RNG each start up, but if there are very rare events I'm trying to get, I can reseed myself easily.

#2. How are random pokemon encounters determined?

I go to an area and use sweet scent, and I get a pokemon to show up. From what I can tell, there are a small number of level/species combinations that I get. Besides the PID/IV calls, this determines everything else for a Pokemon: its experience points and moveset and set exactly by the level/species.

However, there must be a call to the RNG to determine this information. How much time passes between the call to the encounter picker and the PID/IV calls?

I've looked through the ROM and found the encounter table. (I don't have a debugger that can step, but I've comfortable enough searching and editing binaries to find what I need.) I don't see how the probabilities are determined, though. It just seems to be a list of levels and species.

What kind of RNG calls are used to determine the species in a random Pokemon? I know that if I mangle the RNG code I can get the game to go into an infinite loop as it keeps on trying to get a result that it never will.
I'm messing with FireRed because my wife and kids have dibs on the other games. :)

You should PM Neo Syrex ( http://www.smogon.com/forums/member.php?u=35860) about this. He says he's figured out how to RNG FR/LG without save states and is working on a program for it right now. He even showed me a Zapdos at Worlds 09 that he says he did that way.

Oh, and it's nice to see you've got a wife and kids too. :)
Anybody just how easy it is to get the HP Fire Shaymin over by the E4? And if the RNG Reporter has been updated yet?
Expert Evan caught one that was near flawless except attack and the stats decreased cause of HP fire)...his delay was around the ranges of 2000...
It should be somewhere back 3-5 page in the Disscuss My Pokemon..or lower.
Hey I'm seem to keep having an issue with my oak's letter shaymin: everytime I put it's stats in the Find Initial Seed by Stats section, it comes back Invalid Stats.

Two possible scenarios here:

1. You are putting in invalid stats, date, time, etc.

2. The delay of the target you are hitting is currently too high for RNG Reporter to find by stats. If the delay of your spread is greater than 1200, the initial seed by stats function will not find it. Your only other option is to calculate the Shaymin's IVs and enter it into the initial seed by IVs checker (which can find delays up to 3600).
hi, i hope this goes here!
i have a problem, in emerald, my trainer id is 000000, and when i use rng reporter and search for shinys, i never get any. does this tid not work with the program? should it, like, is it a bug? so should i use some code to change my tid? since i don't want to restart! i started this playthrough on vba, and was very surprised when i got that tid, i thought it was cool, but i realised that people will probably think all the pokemon i palpark will be hacked, so this tid might have it's bad side.
also, since i might have to change my tid to get rng reporter working, does this mean that i could change it in the sole mindset of getting new spreads? like if i don't get many shinys with one tid, change my tid, and see what i get now.
thank you!
if I want to rng abuse for event jirachi with draco meteor, how can I get many flawless jirachi with different natures, supposing I'm using save states?
Sorry, I am new to this, but have successfully hatched a shiny egg with the first method on page 1 XD

But I am pretty confused on hatching a perfect pokemon...
first, is the target time just any time we want? or is it supposed to be determined by factors of the game?

Seccond, why is the DS time set to be a minute before actual time (synchronize time), as described in the calibration phase?

And third, during the calibration phase when it says

how are we supposed to know what the initial seed is that we're supposed to target, especially since finding the intial seed before was by catching a Pokemon, but here it says to use the Poketch as SOON as you get into the game?

Lol sorry for all the questions :/

Did you review the section titled "Common information for Breeding and Capturing Perfect Pokémon" and then the "Selecting a Spread" part of the hatching perfect pokemon guide?

In a nutshell, you are going to use the directions in the hatching perfect Pokemon section to come up with an initial seed, and from that a target time.

I'm messing with FireRed because my wife and kids have dibs on the other games. :) I've been able to determine where I am in the 32-bit RNG, usually with just two Pokemon, but I'm trying to bring that down to just one. It looks like the RNG naturally moves by about 90 clicks per second, even in a place where there should be no other calls to the RNG. (Such as standing still the first floor of Cerulean Cave.)

#1. How is the RNG on FireRed seeded?

Some articles say it's seeded from something in the save file. But I've done both soft and hard resets on both a GBASP and a DSLite, and it seems that I always end up at very different parts of the walk. So it's not purely the save file. Unless something changes the save file every time?

The fact that it seeds at different places is both a blessing and a curse. It means I need to figure out the position in the RNG each start up, but if there are very rare events I'm trying to get, I can reseed myself easily.

#2. How are random pokemon encounters determined?

I go to an area and use sweet scent, and I get a pokemon to show up. From what I can tell, there are a small number of level/species combinations that I get. Besides the PID/IV calls, this determines everything else for a Pokemon: its experience points and moveset and set exactly by the level/species.

However, there must be a call to the RNG to determine this information. How much time passes between the call to the encounter picker and the PID/IV calls?

I've looked through the ROM and found the encounter table. (I don't have a debugger that can step, but I've comfortable enough searching and editing binaries to find what I need.) I don't see how the probabilities are determined, though. It just seems to be a list of levels and species.

What kind of RNG calls are used to determine the species in a random Pokemon? I know that if I mangle the RNG code I can get the game to go into an infinite loop as it keeps on trying to get a result that it never will.

Unfortunately not a lot of information about FR/LG is public at this point. One fellow seems to know a lot, but I guess he's going to keep it secret since he's been asked on multiple occasions to share his research. A pity since I know he's enjoyed and taken advantage of the very public research which has been done on this thread (does shame work, neosyrex?).

If you are interested in this thing I would strongly suggest you come to IRC and maybe I can get you pointed in the right direction for a debugger that you can use to actually step through code and some tips on how to find what you are looking for.
When I was RNGing an Uxie (Ended with 30/31/31/31/31/31), the starting frame appeared to be 2, instead of 1.

First time I hit my seed, I mistook the required frame for a previous Uxie I had been looking at that sat at a frame of 1, so I battled it as soon as my coin-flips matched up, the resulting Uxie was actually resting on frame 2 of that seed, any idea why? It's just something that's naggling at me. I ended up looking for some frames that were 1 after the other, just in case it ended up sitting at 2 again instead of the 1 stated here.

Off topic sort of, just spent 20 minutes and got these two Skymin

31/31/31/31/31/31 just for the hell of it and
29/30/31/30/31/30 HP: Fire 69

Both were timid, first sitting on frame 70-odd and the second 1050-odd.

I was surprised at how easy it was to hit my delay tonight as on the night of the Uxie dilemnas, It took me 2 hours as opposed to todays 20 minutes for 2.
When I was RNGing an Uxie (Ended with 30/31/31/31/31/31), the starting frame appeared to be 2, instead of 1.

First time I hit my seed, I mistook the required frame for a previous Uxie I had been looking at that sat at a frame of 1, so I battled it as soon as my coin-flips matched up, the resulting Uxie was actually resting on frame 2 of that seed, any idea why? It's just something that's naggling at me. I ended up looking for some frames that were 1 after the other, just in case it ended up sitting at 2 again instead of the 1 stated here.

Off topic sort of, just spent 20 minutes and got these two Skymin

31/31/31/31/31/31 just for the hell of it and
29/30/31/30/31/30 HP: Fire 69

I was surprised at how easy it was to hit my delay tonight as on the night of the Uxie dilemnas, It took me 2 hours as opposed to todays 20 minutes for 2.
Any roamers out?
Any roamers out?

On the basis that Mespirit is released when you find it in it's cave accompanied with the professor, no. It does not appear on my marking map and I haven't gone to see it in its cave. I did release it from the Galactic building though, I assumed it would start its roaming phase when you find it in the cave and the Professor tells you it wants to play (Which I was saving for later to RNG).
I'm going after an even-numbered frame, with my Pokémon (in a place with no random encounters) having a frame of 1 and no roamers out, so I'll need to use the 128 steps. I'm a bit confused by the text "the step counter is stored when you save the game". Is this just referring to the Pokétch pedometer, meaning if I reset the counter, save/reset, and walk 128 steps, that is exactly what I need to do to advance the frame by the number of Pokémon in my party (5)?

Also, it makes no difference whether I walk or flip Journal pages first, right? Looking at the math, I wouldn't think so, but I thought I saw a post somewhere in this thread that said I needed to do one before the other.
Anybody know the best way to catch a HP Fire Shaymin when using the letter?
Yeah, read the first post in this thread in the section where it says "how to capture perfect pokemon."

I'm going after an even-numbered frame, with my Pokémon (in a place with no random encounters) having a frame of 1 and no roamers out, so I'll need to use the 128 steps. I'm a bit confused by the text "the step counter is stored when you save the game". Is this just referring to the Pokétch pedometer, meaning if I reset the counter, save/reset, and walk 128 steps, that is exactly what I need to do to advance the frame by the number of Pokémon in my party (5)?

Also, it makes no difference whether I walk or flip Journal pages first, right? Looking at the math, I wouldn't think so, but I thought I saw a post somewhere in this thread that said I needed to do one before the other.
Yeah, every time you reset you will need to walk 128 steps to advance 5 frames. And it doesn't matter which order you do flips/steps in.
I'm going after an even-numbered frame, with my Pokémon (in a place with no random encounters) having a frame of 1 and no roamers out, so I'll need to use the 128 steps. I'm a bit confused by the text "the step counter is stored when you save the game".

The game counts steps away from the pedometer. If you've walked 127999 steps since you started your game, it will save them everytime you save and reboot.

In this case, walking 129 would cause you to hit 128128, resulting in a double advance, one occuring at 128000 and 128128 as they are both multiples of 128, which is why it's advised to walk 128 and 128 only.

edit: Beaten to the punch by that guy^
Target frame - Actual frame - Steps advancement - Radar advancement - 6

I'm a little confused. I've tried doing this quite a few times and have only got it right once. So the -6 in this is for when I actually battle the pokemon I'm going for? And I don't need to include this for the pokemon I capture to get a chain of 1?
Yeah, read the first post in this thread in the section where it says "how to capture perfect pokemon."

Hahaha, very funny. I'm wondering if it'll be like Turnback Cave Giratina, where I just do 128 steps or if I can just use the IV's listed for the Wondercard HP Ice.
Will I need to bring 1 Poke with me?: