Anyways, let's switch the topic to something else.

Roaring Moon.
I feel like we are due for a suspect test on this guy, to me it doesn't seem too overwhelming due to its typing creating many exploitable weaknesses. Seriously, being a U-Turn weak sweeper is just such a bad quality to have, and being quad weak to Fairy also doesn't help it. I have a feeling that it'll have a bit of trouble actually setting up. I can see Z sets being the most prevalent, but Choice Band under Sun support might also be a popular option because we have Charizard Y to set Sun and dish out huge damage, its a perfect partner for Roaring Moon. I don't know how choiced sets will fare in practice, but my guess is that they will have to get too many turns correct to be threatening. Clicking U-Turn a bunch of times makes you very prone to Zapdos and Moltres' status effects, and while Knock Off or Outrage can be powerful, they aren't necessarily moves you want to lock into often. Outrage lets you get revenge killed by pretty much any Fairy Type in the game due to your quad weakness, and Knock Off has a good amount of switch-ins that are very common in the format (ex. Tyranitar, Valiant, Koko, the latter isn't the best but it can work in an emergency or if you are running Z). While taking an item with Knock Off is nice, it isn't the greatest option in the long term as it suffers from a huge damage drop off. If the target can find a way to heal off the damage you dealt, they can potentially switch in much more easily on a Knock Off. Against more offensive teams, choiced Moon can be dangerous, but against defensive ones I can see it struggling a bit.
I think Z sets are where the money is at. Z Outrage is already a very popular choice for stuff like Dragonite or Garchomp, it's a powerful one time attack that can eliminate pretty much anything that doesn't resist it if the user has an attack boost. Roaring Moon seems like a great user of this, it's fast, strong, and has access to Dragon Dance. However, Roaring Moon is extremely prone to U-Turn and priority like Fake Out, which makes trying to set up a bit difficult. Stuff like Landorus can switch into you to lower your Attack then just U-Turn for a good 50% or so. It'll take a good amount of effort to position Roaring Moon for a sweep, otherwise you are vulnerable to Thunder Wave, Toxic, U-Turn, Moonblast, etc.
Well, perhaps I'm wrong and Roaring Moon turns out to be some unstoppable beast that eradicates everything in its path. I think that on paper, Moon seems extremely destructive, but in practice its poor defensive typing and middling physical bulk might hold it down.