Nerfmons - Submissions Phase #7

Private Message, Start a conversation with him, etc unless sarcasm.

I'd like to see a Bastiodon buff too. Always dug his design a bit. Crobat is interesting, its high point is its speed and super fang, either one of those could be its limitation.
How do you private message
Private Message, Start a conversation with him.
Don't forget to go to his profile.

Hmm, I'm actually quite surprised my submissions didn't make the slate, considering I was very conservative with the changes in order to make sure the Pokemon stayed balanced. Would certainly be interested in what prevented them from being considered.
Just noticed this too.

Cool suggestions for buffs and nerfs. The Nidos, Crobat, Bastiodon... I'm curious what their roles would become.
Personally, I'd like to see Gigalith and Luxray buffed too, as well as Leavanny which is kind of just me liking the poke, but yeah.

As for nerfs, Scolipede and Volcarona? I like gen 5 bugs.
Hmm, I'm actually quite surprised my submissions didn't make the slate, considering I was very conservative with the changes in order to make sure the Pokemon stayed balanced.
Note: Submissions that did not fulfill requirements to standard have been removed, and due to circumstances I'm sorry I wasn't able to point them out before and let them be fixed. Some submissions may be re-added after proper consultation. If your submission isn't here it's either because I have forgotten about it or that it was removed because of the stated reasons. If you want to ask why, just tag me in a post and I will reply as soon as I can. Any new changes made by these people will be re-added into the voting options. Sorry for any inconvenience.
I just knew I had forgotten some things. :/ Extreme apologies. I'll notify anyone who has already voted about the change.

Thanks to all who suggested nerfs and buffs :]
The Voting Phase is over! Here are the results:

78 / 80 / 95 / 60 / 105 / 110 (528) [New Abilities: None] -Dragon Pulse, +Power Whip (By The Reptile )
60 / 80 / 120 / 55 / 70 / 90 (465) [New Abilities: +Light Metal, -Sturdy] -Spikes, -Stealth Rock (By The Reptile )

90 / 90 / 80 / 55 / 160 / 85 (560) [New Abilities: +Technician, -Swarm] +Bulk Up, +Attack Order, +Fire Punch (By Aasgier )
80 / 100 / 70 / 60 / 70 / 40 (420) [New Abilities: +Arena Trap (HA), -Sniper (HA)] +Memento (By The Reptile )

Thanks for all who posted submissions and thanks for all who voted! These changes will be added to the OP soon!
Anyways, here are the New Pokemon for modification, as chosen by runbabyrun this time: (Also thanks to Aasgier who suggested having six mons over four)

| Current Stats: 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 (600)
| Current Stats: 95 / 70 / 73 / 95 / 90 / 60 (483)
Gliscor | Current Stats: 75 / 95 / 125 / 45 / 75 / 95 (510)

Buffs: (Plant time!)
Maractus | Current Stats: 75 / 86 / 67 / 106 / 67 / 60 (461)
Meganium | Current Stats: 80 / 82 / 100 / 83 / 100 / 80 (525)
| Current Stats: 75 / 75 / 55 / 105 / 85 / 30 (425)

And due to the increase of Pokemon, runbabyrun has given two challenges! This week, Celebi must not be Psychic-type, and must always be at least part Fairy-type for Nerfs and all Buffed Pokemon this week are only allowed ONE new move each.

Thanks for reading!

Typing Change: Fairy/Grass
New Stats: 80/80/80/80/80/80 (480)
New Ability: Natural Cure
Added/Removed Moves: -Stealth Rock, -Recover, -Baton Pass, -Earth Power, -U-Turn
Justification: Basing it on Phione, which is in PU, Celebi now has base 80 stats all around, and not having Earth Power means it's forced to pack non-STAB Psychic for Poison types, which now hits it for 4x damage, and provides little coverage otherwise. It will also have trouble talking out Fire-, Steel- and Flying-types within a single set. While it still has Synthesis for recovery, its usability is hampered by any weather sans Sun, and not having Baton Pass or U-Turn hurts its ability to preserve momentum. It does still have set-up options on both side though, but with how it has to choose between bulk and sweeping power, taking it out is much easier especially since Poison-type coverage is much more common than Bug-type.


Pokemon: Clefable
Typing Change: Fairy
New Stats: 90/65/53/80/80/60 (428)
New Ability: Cute Charm/Immunity/Unaware
Added/Removed Moves: -Flamethrower, -Fire Blast, -Knock Off
Justification: With Fire-type coverage removed and its overall stats lowered, Clefable is much weaker as a result. Even though it is able to take out quite a large part of the tier at +2 from Calm Mind with full SpA investment, it has trouble picking between recovery, coverage against Poison-types, or coverage against Steel-types and power in general in Soft-Boiled, Psychic or Focus Blast. On the defensive side, it's much frailer physical wise, and prone to being worn down pretty quickly.


Pokemon: Maractus
Typing Change: Grass/Rock
New Stats:
70/96/62/106/62/75 (471)
New Ability: Skill Link/Chlorophyll/Storm Drain
Added/Removed Moves: +Rock Blast
Justification: With the new stats and typing, Maractus turns into more of a sweeper, able to attack from both sides. Skill Link allows it to have effectively 125 BP STABs and Bug-type coverage, OHKOing over half of the tier with Life Orb. It can also try running a Storm Drain set, but the power and coverage it provides isn't quite as good as a physical one. And if you want, you can always put it on a Sun team with Chlorophyll to take care of opposing Fire-types. However, it isn't the fastest thing around, and its lack of bulk and barely acceptable speed can make it easily revenge killed by Scarf users and other faster pokemon.

Might do the others later.
Welp, might as well.


New stats: 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 (600)
New Ability: Levitate
Added/Removed Moves: -Calm Mind, -Earth Power, -Nasty Plot, -Recover, -Stealth Rock, -Synthesis, -Thunder Wave, -Dazzling Gleam

Justification: Since we have to keep the Fairy type at least, Celebi is now pure Fairy. This makes Dazzling Gleam the only reliable STAB it has, HOWEVER, since Dazzling Gleam has removed, it has no reliable STAB whatsoever, greatly nerfing it. I also removed all stat-boosting moves and recovery moves so the only way of boosting its stats are from items. Also removed Earth Power for coverage, removed Stealth Rock since it doesn't make sense anyway, and Thunder Wave making Toxic the only way it can stall out, if it can. Oh, and Levitate over Natural Cure since Natural Cure is too good an ability, and Levitate makes sense.



New stats: 80 / 100 / 73 / 70 / 85 / 55 (463)
(New) abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Victory Star
Added/Removed Moves: -Stealth Rock, -Calm Mind
Justification: I didn't want to remove too much BST, so here it is. I made Clefable more of a Physical Attacker and added the Psychic type to distinguish it from Clefairy. Instead of the great Unaware ability, it gets the decent ability Victory Star (I mean, its star shaped, kinda), which it can still take advantage of. Lastly, all I removed was Stealth Rock because, like Celebi, I'm not sure how it can use it.



New stats: 75 / 90 / 110 / 65 / 70 / 85 (490)
(New) abilities: Hyper Cutter / Sand Veil / Super Luck
Added/Removed Moves: -Fire Fang, -Ice Fang
Justification: To distinguish Gliscor from Gligar, it only gets +5 boost to both defenses apon evolution, making Gligar the better option. I also made it Ground/Poison due to it's regular hidden ability being Poison Heal, and this gives Gliscor an Earthquake weakness. This also makes Gliscor outclassed by Drapion in many ways. I removed the Fangs from Gliscor since those are the moves it gets from evolution, and it learns no other ice or fire type moves anyway. Lastly, it gets Super Luck as Gliscor's BW2 entry states: "It dances silently through the sky. When it approaches prey, it can land a critical hit in an instant."



New stats: 80 / 100 / 65 / 105 / 65 / 60 (475)
(New) abilities: Water Absorb / Pixilate / Storm Drain
Added/Removed Moves: +Earth Power
Justification: Pixilate is a huge improvement on Maractus. Since we have the one-new-move limit, and since Maractus has a lackluster movepool, Pixilate seemed like the only way to go. Maractus gets the Fairy type because of it's pink, jolly/happy attitude, and as a counterpart to Cacturne, another cactus. Also, Maractus' BST is now the same as Cacturne's, except more defensive than offensive. Lastly, it gains Earth Power for more coverage, and it lives in the desert so how can it not? A sunflower can harness the power of the earth too...



New stats: 80 / 101 / 90 / 82 / 100 / 85 (538)
New Ability: Overgrow / Aroma Veil
Added/Removed Moves: +Dragon Dance

Justification: Welp, here's something that probably wasn't expected. Meganium is based off a dinosaur, and the closest type to a Dinosaur is Dragon. It also has a handful of Dragon-type moves already. I made it's BST 538 to fit in the Johto Starters' trend (Feraligatr has 530, Typhlosion has 534) and switched around some stats to make it's Attack higher, but also to make sure it still had good bulk. It gets Aroma Veil as an ability because of it's RSE entry: "The fragrance of Meganium's flower soothes and calms emotions. In battle, this Pokémon gives off more of its becalming scent to blunt the foe's fighting spirit." This also prevents Taunt from affecting Meganium completely. Lastly, it's gain Dragon Dance since it's a Dragon, and this really helps Meganium as a good Physical attacker, not too strong but not too weak.



New stats: 75 / 75 / 75 / 105 / 85 / 80 (495)
(New) abilities: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Electorate (Electric-type Pixilate)
Added/Removed Moves: +Volt Switch
Justification: I gave Sunflora the Electric typing due to many of its dex entries stating it's use of Solar Energy. What else is a Solar Energy-oriented Pokemon? The Electric-type Heliolisk. Sunflora also has that typical yellow-coloration notable in Electric-types. I boosted its Defense and Speed and that was all, since that's really all it needed and it needn't be too powerful. Because of the one move limit, similar to Maractus, I gave Sunflora 'Electorate' because of the election because of it's lackluster movepool, as it gets Uproar. Lastly, I gave it Volt Switch to help with momentum, as well as being decent STAB.


Pokemon: Celebi
Typing Change:

New Stats: 90 / 90 / 90 / 90 / 90 / 90 (540)
New Ability: Overgrow
Added/Removed Moves:
-Baton Pass, -Recover, -Synthesis, -Stealth Rock, -Dazzling Gleam, -Earth Power, -Nasty Plot, -Calm Mind
Justification: Oh boy, nerfing Celebi is kind of difficult when you have to give it Fairy-type. I didn't want it's stats to be lower than Phiones, but still kind of nerfed and wanted to keep the whole pixie spread thing, so I decided on 90 and removing Recover and Synthesis, along with some support moves such as Baton Pass and Stealth Rock. I also removed its Fairy STAB, so it can only use Fairy purely defensively, which honestly isn't too bad. It also loses a key coverage move - Earth Power. Finally, I removed Natural Cure for Overgrow because Natural Cure a) allows Rest shenanigans and b) is generally a great ability, removing status from Celebi. Overgrow isn't 100% useless but it's no where near as good now.


Pokemon: Clefable
Typing Change:

New Stats: 85 / 70 / 73 / 95 / 80 / 70 (473)
New Ability: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Friend Guard [HA]
Added/Removed Moves:
-Softboiled, +Baton Pass
Justification: Ok, so for Clefable I removed Unaware. I didn't want to remove Magic Guard because Clef was NU before with it, and it was it's signature ability for a bit. I didn't want to remove it's Fairy typing, so instead I slap a Normal typing on top of it. This way, it loses it's Fighting resist in exchange for a Ghost immunity, which I think hurts it more than helps in the long run, especially since Haunter can slap it with Poison STAB and stuff. It loses Softboiled, so now it has to rely on Moonlight for recovery. It does get Baton Pass though, to make up for the kind-of heavy nerf. Finally, it's bulk has been reduced, but it's speed has been buffed.


Pokemon: Gliscor
Typing Change:

New Stats: 75 / 95 / 100 / 55 / 80 / 95 (500)
New Ability: Hyper Cutter / Sand Veil / Poison Touch [HA]
Added/Removed Moves:
-Stealth Rock, -Taunt
Justification: The first big nerf is the change in type - no longer is it Ground / Flying, but not it's Poison / Flying. It's bulk also got nerfed on the physical side, but is now slightly better on the special side. Obviously it can't even use Poison Heal, so instead it has Poison Touch, which better reflects the scorpion part of its design. Finally, it loses out on Stealth Rock and Taunt. It still has utlity moves, but is a lot worst than the old Gliscor was.



Pokemon: Maractus
Typing Change:

New Stats: 82 / 63 / 80 / 120 / 80 / 67 (493)
New Ability: Water Absorb / Chlorophyll / Rough Skin [HA]
Added/Removed Moves:
+Earth Power
Justification: Maractus now hits a lot harder than it did before, and has access to Earth Power, increasing it's overall offensive capabilities. Sadly it still has no way to boost its Speed outside of sun, although it speed is now higher than before its still low. It's bulk also received a bulk, making it decently bulky enough to tank hits and dish them back. Rough Skin is an alternative to water immunity and chlorophyll, letting it get chip damage on Pokemon using contact moves. Overall I think it's a pretty usable mon now.


Pokemon: Meganium
Typing Change:

New Stats: 111 / 70 / 93 / 82 / 93 / 75 (525)
New Ability: Overgrow / Thick Fat [HA]
Added/Removed Moves:
+Calm Mind
Justification: Meganium is now a lot fatter, both in ability and in stats. Thick Fat gives Meganium a huge edge over its Grass brethren, as it is no longer weak to Fire- and Ice-type moves. It's new move, Calm Mind, also gives it a place in more offensive teams, as it can boost to win. It's STAB is still a bit lacking for that, but it's new bulk and only really minor drop in power make it a solid option.


Pokemon: Sunflora
Typing Change:

New Stats: 75 / 45 / 65 / 115 / 75 / 95 (470)
New Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Flash Fire [HA]
Added/Removed Moves:
+Fiery Dance
Justification: Sunflora now has a unique typing in Grass / Fire, which gives it some interesting properties, both offensively and defensively. Grass / Fire was chosen due to its extremely heavy association with the sun. It's stats got a complete overhaul - now it has a usable speed of 95, and a solid SpA of 115, while it's bulk is pretty bad as always. It has a decent Fire STAB in Fiery Dance (the Fire-type move that makes the most sense to me for Sunflora), which helps along with its Grass-typing. I really wish I could give it Drought but alas - Drought is banned. So instead I opt for Flash Fire, which lets it switch into Fire-type moves and helps with the fact that Fire-type attacks are neutral. It can run either a Sunny Day set to abuse Chlorophyll, as Sunny Day works as a temporary Agility + Fire Boost, or as a general all-out attacker with Flash Fire to help with switch ins. It's a much better and fun mon now.

EDIT: Removed Nasty Plot from Celebi.
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New stats: 90 / 100 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 100 (570)
New Ability: Levitate
Added/Removed Moves:
-Stealth Rock, -Recover, -Synthesis, -Thunder Wave, -Nasty Plot, -Ancient Power, -Baton Pass, -Dazzling Gleam, +Psyshock, +Draining Kiss
Justification: It has the Fairy-typing because it was needed for the challenge. It's Defenses gotten a nerf, but's it's still acceptable. It's recovery gets removed, which makes it nerfed hard. Adding to the list of removed moves is Nasty Plot, Ancient Power, Thunder Wave, Baton Pass, Stealth Rock, and Dazzling Gleam. It's unknown why it has Stealth Rock. It gains Psyshock because it didn't had it before and Draining Kiss because it should at least have a decent Fairy move. It already has Giga Drain, though, so it will not be used that often.



New stats: 70 / 105 / 80 / 73 / 85 / 60 (473)
(New) abilities: Trace / Magic Guard / Victory Star
Added/Removed Moves:
-Stealth Rock, -Calm Mind, +Play Rough
Justification: I didn't want to remove too much BST, so here it is. I made Clefable more of a Physical Attacker with low Speed and added the Psychic type to distinguish it from Clefairy. Instead of the great Unaware ability, it gets the decent ability Victory Star (I mean, its star shaped, kinda), which it can still take advantage of. Lastly, all I removed was Stealth Rock and Calm Mind because, like Celebi, I'm not sure how it can use it. It also gains Play Rough to have a abuseable good secondary STAB attack for it's newly boosted attack



New stats: 55 / 100 / 100 / 85 / 70 / 65 (470)
(New) abilities: Hyper Cutter / Shell Armor / Technician
Added/Removed Moves:
-Fire Fang, -Thunder Fang, -Ice Fang, -Stealth Rock, -Knock Off, +Silver Wind, +Calm Mind
Justification: It's type is now Ground/Bug becuase of it being in the Bug Egg Group and it's a flying scorpion thing. It's stats got a big nerf, making it even worse than Gilgar, but it has a good Special Attack. It's gets Shell Armor replacing Sand Veil because it looks like it has a shell surrounding it and Technician replacing Poison Heal because it needed to be replaced. It loses the Elemental Fangs, Stealth Rock, and Knock Off, so it loses some of it's niches, but gains Silver Wind, a special Bug move that is adjustable with Technician, and Calm Mind because it needed it for the 85 SpA. Technician Bug Bite and Bulldoze does make it have a bit of a niche, something like a Ground/Bug Scizor in NU.




New stats: 80 / 105 / 90 / 110 / 90 / 70 (545)
(New) abilities: Technician / Pixilate / Storm Drain
Added/Removed Moves: +Earthquake
Justification: It has the Ground-type because it's a cactus and cactus are in the desert. It's stats get a large stat boost in it's defenses and attack as well as minor boost to it's other stats. It gains Technician to help the weak moves like Technician and Pixilate to have larger coverage. It has it because it is cheery and happy. It gets Earthquake becuase it needed a better STAB move. I wish I could give it Earth Power, but it's a challenge to have them only have one move for these buffed ones, I'll make the best of it.



New stats: 79 / 100 / 89 / 89 / 99 / 84 (532)
New Abilities: Overgrow / Aroma Veil
Added/Removed Moves:
+Dragon Claw
Justification: It's strange that such a recognizable starter does not get a whole lot of love in the competitive scene. It's stats are modified to be in between the stat totals of the other starters. It gains the Dragon type because it would be the closest to a Dino type. It gains Aroma Veil because it has fresh smelling petals that distract foes. It gains Dragon Claw because it's the best bet to not having Outrage.



New stats: 80 / 105 / 80 / 105 / 80 / 90 (540)
(New) abilities: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Burninate (Fire-type Pixilate and each move that is boosted now have a 10% chance to burn the opponent)
Added/Removed Moves:
+Hyper Voice
Justification: The new Fire-type is fitting because it's a sunflower and the sun is hot. It has much improved stats, with the speed being much better. It gains a new ability called Burninate, which is one of those -ate abilities but with a twist. The flower now gets Hyper Voice and with the new ability, acts like a more powerful, more accurate version of Fire Blast. The sunflower will have a new sight to the future of this.

Can we nerf/buff megas, and anyone still noticing this?
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New stats: 90 / 100 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 100 (570)
New Ability: Levitate
Added/Removed Moves:
-Stealth Rock, -Nasty Plot, -Recover, -Synthesis, -Thunder Wave, -Nasty Plot, -Ancient Power, -Baton Pass, -Dazzling Gleam, +Psyshock, +Draining Kiss
Justification: It has the Fairy-typing because it was needed for the challenge. It's Defenses gotten a nerf, but's it's still acceptable. It's recovery gets removed, which makes it nerfed hard. Adding to the list of removed moves is Nasty Plot, Ancient Power, Thunder Wave, Baton Pass, Stealth Rock, and Dazzling Gleam. It's unknown why it has Stealth Rock. It gains Psyshock because it didn't had it before and Draining Kiss because it should at least have a decent Fairy move. It already has Giga Drain, though, so it will not be used that often.



New stats: 70 / 105 / 80 / 73 / 85 / 60 (473)
(New) abilities: Trace / Magic Guard / Victory Star
Added/Removed Moves:
-Stealth Rock, -Calm Mind, +Play Rough
Justification: I didn't want to remove too much BST, so here it is. I made Clefable more of a Physical Attacker with low Speed and added the Psychic type to distinguish it from Clefairy. Instead of the great Unaware ability, it gets the decent ability Victory Star (I mean, its star shaped, kinda), which it can still take advantage of. Lastly, all I removed was Stealth Rock and Calm Mind because, like Celebi, I'm not sure how it can use it. It also gains Play Rough to have a abuseable good secondary STAB attack for it's newly boosted attack



New stats: 75 / 90 / 110 / 65 / 70 / 85 (490)
(New) abilities: Hyper Cutter / Sand Veil / Super Luck
Added/Removed Moves:
-Fire Fang, -Ice Fang
Justification: To distinguish Gliscor from Gligar, it only gets +5 boost to both defenses apon evolution, making Gligar the better option. I also made it Ground/Poison due to it's regular hidden ability being Poison Heal, and this gives Gliscor an Earthquake weakness. This also makes Gliscor outclassed by Drapion in many ways. I removed the Fangs from Gliscor since those are the moves it gets from evolution, and it learns no other ice or fire type moves anyway. Lastly, it gets Super Luck as Gliscor's BW2 entry states: "It dances silently through the sky. When it approaches prey, it can land a critical hit in an instant."



New stats:
80 / 100 / 65 / 105 / 65 / 60 (475)
(New) abilities: Water Absorb / Pixilate / Storm Drain
Added/Removed Moves: +Earth Power
Justification: Pixilate is a huge improvement on Maractus. Since we have the one-new-move limit, and since Maractus has a lackluster movepool, Pixilate seemed like the only way to go. Maractus gets the Fairy type because of it's pink, jolly/happy attitude, and as a counterpart to Cacturne, another cactus. Also, Maractus' BST is now the same as Cacturne's, except more defensive than offensive. Lastly, it gains Earth Power for more coverage, and it lives in the desert so how can it not? A sunflower can harness the power of the earth too...

New stats: 80 / 101 / 90 / 82 / 100 / 85 (538)
New Ability: Overgrow / Aroma Veil
Added/Removed Moves:
+Dragon Dance
Justification: Welp, here's something that probably wasn't expected. Meganium is based off a dinosaur, and the closest type to a Dinosaur is Dragon. It also has a handful of Dragon-type moves already. I made it's BST 538 to fit in the Johto Starters' trend (Feraligatr has 530, Typhlosion has 534) and switched around some stats to make it's Attack higher, but also to make sure it still had good bulk. It gets Aroma Veil as an ability because of it's RSE entry: "The fragrance of Meganium's flower soothes and calms emotions. In battle, this Pokémon gives off more of its becalming scent to blunt the foe's fighting spirit." This also prevents Taunt from affecting Meganium completely. Lastly, it's gain Dragon Dance since it's a Dragon, and this really helps Meganium as a good Physical attacker, not too strong but not too weak.

New stats: 75 / 75 / 75 / 105 / 85 / 80 (495)
(New) abilities: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Electorate (Electric-type Pixilate)
Added/Removed Moves: +Volt Switch
Justification: I gave Sunflora the Electric typing due to many of its dex entries stating it's use of Solar Energy. What else is a Solar Energy-oriented Pokemon? The Electric-type Heliolisk. Sunflora also has that typical yellow-coloration notable in Electric-types. I boosted its Defense and Speed and that was all, since that's really all it needed and it needn't be too powerful. Because of the one move limit, similar to Maractus, I gave Sunflora 'Electorate'because of the election because of it's lackluster movepool, as it gets Uproar. Lastly, I gave it Volt Switch to help with momentum, as well as being decent STAB.
Um... I think you just copied my post... please could you fix it? Thanks :P


Pokemon: Celebi
Typing Change:

New Stats: 85 / 60 / 87 / 83 / 106 / 59 (500)
New Ability: Natural Cure / Levitate
Added/Removed Moves: -Nasty Plot, -Baton Pass
Justification: I did not want to nerf him too much. Sure, he's good. He is VERY good because Grass/Fairy is a very nice typing. So, I nerfed him statwise instead, giving him an odd, fairly random stat distribution instead. Levitate is there because it well, levitates. Nasty Plot and Baton Pass needed to get the heck outta here, with that amount of bulk. I see it as a powerful defensive pivot, capable of tanking many hits.


Pokemon: Clefable
Typing Change:

Stats: Unchanged
New Ability: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Victory Star [HA]
Added/Removed Moves:
Justification: Clefable, the Fairy-type, became pure-Normal type instead. All it needs. Victory Star because I didn't want it to have Unaware as well, so it is a filler ability for the Pokémon that is dancing around the fallen star.
A very simple change, the simplest of them all. Why making things needlessly complicated?


Pokemon: Gliscor
Typing Change:

New Stats: 75 / 70 / 105 / 50 / 80 / 80 (460)
New Ability: Levitate
Added/Removed Moves:
-Stone Edge, -Stealth Rock
Justification: Yey for odd typing. Poison-type because it makes sense and Ground because I think it is what differs Gliscor from Drapion. However, Gliscor remains a flier, so levitating it will be.



Pokemon: Maractus
Typing Change:

New Stats: 85 / 120 / 60 / 70 / 65 / 96 (496)
New Ability: Water Absorb / Chlorophyll / Technician [HA]
Added/Removed Moves:
Justification: Maractus looks a bit like an odd creature. It originally was a Special attacker, but I found its movepool far more tempting to go physical. Technician is there for Needle Arm, which now gets not only higher BP but also comes from a much higher attack stat, as well as Aerial Ace. Earthquake is added for coverage, since Maractus became a physical attacker instead of a special attacker and this move covers up for its various weaknesses nicely.


Pokemon: Meganium
Typing Change:

New Stats: 100 / 61 / 82 / 105 / 107 / 75 (510)
New Ability: Overgrow / Water Absorb (HA)
Added/Removed Moves:
Justification: I don't know why I did it. Probably because of that bright flower it gained upon evolving. It gains a very useful Fire STAB and an ability that allows it keep switching into Water-types without taking overly much damage, immune to moves like Scald while resisting Ice Beam.
Its support movepool is still strong as ever, and unlike many defensive classics mons, it won't be set-up bait as easily in between the coverage that its STAB moves provide and 105 base SpA.


Pokemon: Sunflora
Typing Change:

New Stats: 65 / 45 / 60 / 200 / 75 / 30 (475)
New Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Natural Cure [HA]
Added/Removed Moves:
+Focus Blast, -Sludge Bomb, -Hidden Power
Justification: Oh dear. NU is home to many stupendously powerful wallbreakers on the physical side, like Rampardos, Sawk and Gallade, but it lacks many on the special side (except Magmortar, but even he relies on Earthquake). However, it is not without flaws - like all NU wallbreakers, aside from being pretty damn frail. Flying and Bug-types completely resist all moves Sunflora can learn now, and Grass-types all but Focus Blast. Be careful still, switching into special attacks this powerful is not something anything can do even if resisted, though various quadresists are fairly safe and common in NU to boot.
I removed Hidden Power, because Hidden Power from 200 Power Fire or Rock coming from 200 BP is just too much if it comes to switching into this and can be literally any type, which is normally not important but HP Fire or Rock would make it even harder to switch into, but now many things still can... more or less.
Not the most serious suggestion, but it doesn't look as broken as it initially appears (though I had to remove Hidden Power to make sure of it).
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Hi everyone! Sorry for my sluggishness in keeping the OP updated, I've been busy. I'm very thankful for Gallade who has been helping me out a lot with this. I will update the spreadsheet very soon, just wanted to pop in and show everyone that I'm not dead :P. Thanks to everyone who has been making submissions and participating in voting! I appreciate it! :)

I will make my own submission later.

EDIT: We also have a banner! thank you SongSing <3
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Pokemon = Celebi
Typing = Grass/Fairy
Abilities = Natural Cure/ + Flower Veil [HA]
Stats = 100/90 (-10)/70 (-30)/100/70 (-30)/90 (-10) BST= 520 (-80)
Moves = -Calm Mind, -Healing Wish, -Leaf Storm, - Magic Coat
Justification: It's stats make it alot more frail, while it still has ok speed to still be able to do something. It's only decent STAB's are Dazzling Gleam and Giga Drain, which in NU is ok.


Pokemon = Clefable
Typing = Fairy/Rock
Abilities = Cute Charm/+ Soundproof/+ Light Metal [HA]
Stats = 95/70/73/95/67 (-23)/45 (-15) BST: 445 (-38)
Moves = -Light Screen, -Thunder Wave, -Stealth Rocks +Diamond Storm, +Ancient Power
Justification: Majority of the changes i made are based off of it's Moon like origin, but still adding the nerf aspects, like making it alot more specially frail and slow.


Pokemon = Gliscor
Typing = Poison/Bug
Abilities = + Levitate
Stats: 75/95/105 (-20)/45/75/65 (-30) BST: 460 (-50)
Moves = -Earthquake, -Aeriel Ace, +Infestation
Justification: I still made it a flying scorpion, but with levitate being the flying. I added infestations for a good bug move it could use, and yes.... i kept roost, sub, and defog.

(only doing nerfs rn)
The Voting Phase has begun!
If you are unsure on how to vote, please consult the OP.
Note: Submissions not fulfilling full criteria have been removed. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. If your submission is not here and you are unsure why, or if I have misinterpreted some submissions, please tag me in a post. Thanks for your cooperation.


80 / 80 / 80 / 80 / 80 / 80 (480) [No Ability Change] -Stealth Rock, -Recover, -Baton Pass, -Earth Power, -U-Turn (zerobreaker000)
Justification: "Basing it on Phione, which is in PU, Celebi now has base 80 stats all around, and not having Earth Power means it's forced to pack non-STAB Psychic for Poison types, which now hits it for 4x damage, and provides little coverage otherwise. It will also have trouble talking out Fire-, Steel- and Flying-types within a single set. While it still has Synthesis for recovery, its usability is hampered by any weather sans Sun, and not having Baton Pass or U-Turn hurts its ability to preserve momentum. It does still have set-up options on both side though, but with how it has to choose between bulk and sweeping power, taking it out is much easier especially since Poison-type coverage is much more common than Bug-type."


100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100 (600) [+Levitate, -Natural Cure] -Calm Mind, -Earth Power, -Nasty Plot, -Recover, -Stealth Rock, -Synthesis, -Thunder Wave, -Dazzling Gleam (MegaGallade)
Justification: "Since we have to keep the Fairy type at least, Celebi is now pure Fairy. This makes Dazzling Gleam the only reliable STAB it has, HOWEVER, since Dazzling Gleam has removed, it has no reliable STAB whatsoever, greatly nerfing it. I also removed all stat-boosting moves and recovery moves so the only way of boosting its stats are from items. Also removed Earth Power for coverage, removed Stealth Rock since it doesn't make sense anyway, and Thunder Wave making Toxic the only way it can stall out, if it can. Oh, and Levitate over Natural Cure since Natural Cure is too good an ability, and Levitate makes sense."


90 / 90 / 90 / 90 / 90 / 90 (540) [+Overgrow, -Natural Cure] -Baton Pass, -Recover, -Synthesis, -Stealth Rock, -Dazzling Gleam, -Earth Power, -Nasty Plot, -Calm Mind (The Reptile)
Justification: "Oh boy, nerfing Celebi is kind of difficult when you have to give it Fairy-type. I didn't want it's stats to be lower than Phiones, but still kind of nerfed and wanted to keep the whole pixie spread thing, so I decided on 90 and removing Recover and Synthesis, along with some support moves such as Baton Pass and Stealth Rock. I also removed its Fairy STAB, so it can only use Fairy purely defensively, which honestly isn't too bad. It also loses a key coverage move - Earth Power. Finally, I removed Natural Cure for Overgrow because Natural Cure a) allows Rest shenanigans and b) is generally a great ability, removing status from Celebi. Overgrow isn't 100% useless but it's no where near as good now."


90 / 100 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 100 (570) [+Levitate, -Natural Cure] -Stealth Rock, -Recover, -Synthesis, -Thunder Wave, -Nasty Plot, -Ancient Power, -Baton Pass, -Dazzling Gleam, +Psyshock, +Draining Kiss (Ticktock)
Justification: "It has the Fairy-typing because it was needed for the challenge. It's Defenses gotten a nerf, but's it's still acceptable. It's recovery gets removed, which makes it nerfed hard. Adding to the list of removed moves is Nasty Plot, Ancient Power, Thunder Wave, Baton Pass, Stealth Rock, and Dazzling Gleam. It's unknown why it has Stealth Rock. It gains Psyshock because it didn't had it before and Draining Kiss because it should at least have a decent Fairy move. It already has Giga Drain, though, so it will not be used that often."


85 / 60 / 87 / 83 / 106 / 59 (500) [+Levitate] -Nasty Plot, -Baton Pass (Aasgier)
Justification: "I did not want to nerf him too much. Sure, he's good. He is VERY good because Grass/Fairy is a very nice typing. So, I nerfed him statwise instead, giving him an odd, fairly random stat distribution instead. Levitate is there because it well, levitates. Nasty Plot and Baton Pass needed to get the heck outta here, with that amount of bulk. I see it as a powerful defensive pivot, capable of tanking many hits."

90 / 65 / 53 / 80 / 80 / 60 (428) [+Immunity, -Magic Guard] -Flamethrower, -Fire Blast, -Knock Off (zerobreaker000)
Justification: "With Fire-type coverage removed and its overall stats lowered, Clefable is much weaker as a result. Even though it is able to take out quite a large part of the tier at +2 from Calm Mind with full SpA investment, it has trouble picking between recovery, coverage against Poison-types, or coverage against Steel-types and power in general in Soft-Boiled, Psychic or Focus Blast. On the defensive side, it's much frailer physical wise, and prone to being worn down pretty quickly."


80 / 100 / 73 / 70 / 85 / 55 (463) [+Victory Star (HA), -Unaware (HA)] -Stealth Rock, -Calm Mind (MegaGallade)
Justification: "I didn't want to remove too much BST, so here it is. I made Clefable more of a Physical Attacker and added the Psychic type to distinguish it from Clefairy. Instead of the great Unaware ability, it gets the decent ability Victory Star (I mean, its star shaped, kinda), which it can still take advantage of. Lastly, all I removed was Stealth Rock because, like Celebi, I'm not sure how it can use it."


85 / 70 / 73 / 95 / 80 / 70 (473) [+Friend Guard (HA), -Unaware (HA)] -Softboiled, +Baton Pass (The Reptile)
Justification: "Ok, so for Clefable I removed Unaware. I didn't want to remove Magic Guard because Clef was NU before with it, and it was it's signature ability for a bit. I didn't want to remove it's Fairy typing, so instead I slap a Normal typing on top of it. This way, it loses it's Fighting resist in exchange for a Ghost immunity, which I think hurts it more than helps in the long run, especially since Haunter can slap it with Poison STAB and stuff. It loses Softboiled, so now it has to rely on Moonlight for recovery. It does get Baton Pass though, to make up for the kind-of heavy nerf. Finally, it's bulk has been reduced, but it's speed has been buffed."


95 / 70 / 73 / 95 / 90 / 60 (483) [+Victory Star (HA), -Unaware (HA)] No moveset change. (Aasgier)
Justification: "Clefable, the Fairy-type, became pure-Normal type instead. All it needs. Victory Star because I didn't want it to have Unaware as well, so it is a filler ability for the Pokémon that is dancing around the fallen star. A very simple change, the simplest of them all. Why making things needlessly complicated?"

75 / 90 / 110 / 65 / 70 / 85 (490) [+Super Luck (HA), -Poison Heal (HA)] -Fire Fang, -Ice Fang (MegaGallade)
Justification: "To distinguish Gliscor from Gligar, it only gets +5 boost to both defenses apon evolution, making Gligar the better option. I also made it Ground/Poison due to it's regular hidden ability being Poison Heal, and this gives Gliscor an Earthquake weakness. This also makes Gliscor outclassed by Drapion in many ways. I removed the Fangs from Gliscor since those are the moves it gets from evolution, and it learns no other ice or fire type moves anyway. Lastly, it gets Super Luck as Gliscor's BW2 entry states: "It dances silently through the sky. When it approaches prey, it can land a critical hit in an instant.""


75 / 95 / 100 / 55 / 80 / 95 (500) [+Poison Touch (HA), -Poison Heal (HA)] -Stealth Rock, -Taunt (The Reptile)
Justification: "The first big nerf is the change in type - no longer is it Ground / Flying, but not it's Poison / Flying. It's bulk also got nerfed on the physical side, but is now slightly better on the special side. Obviously it can't even use Poison Heal, so instead it has Poison Touch, which better reflects the scorpion part of its design. Finally, it loses out on Stealth Rock and Taunt. It still has utlity moves, but is a lot worst than the old Gliscor was."


55 / 100 / 100 / 85 / 70 / 65 (470) [+Shell Armor, +Technician (HA), -Sand Veil, -Poison Heal (HA)] -Fire Fang, -Thunder Fang, -Ice Fang, -Stealth Rock, -Knock Off, +Silver Wind, +Calm Mind (Ticktock)
Justification: "It's type is now Ground/Bug becuase of it being in the Bug Egg Group and it's a flying scorpion thing. It's stats got a big nerf, making it even worse than Gilgar, but it has a good Special Attack. It's gets Shell Armor replacing Sand Veil because it looks like it has a shell surrounding it and Technician replacing Poison Heal because it needed to be replaced. It loses the Elemental Fangs, Stealth Rock, and Knock Off, so it loses some of it's niches, but gains Silver Wind, a special Bug move that is adjustable with Technician, and Calm Mind because it needed it for the 85 SpA. Technician Bug Bite and Bulldoze does make it have a bit of a niche, something like a Ground/Bug Scizor in NU."


75 / 70 / 105 / 50 / 80 / 80 (460) [+Levitate, -Hyper Cutter, -Sand Veil, -Poison Heal (HA)] -Stealth Rock, -Stone Edge (Aasgier)
Justification: "Yey for odd typing. Poison-type because it makes sense and Ground because I think it is what differs Gliscor from Drapion. However, Gliscor remains a flier, so levitating it will be."


75 / 95 / 105 / 45 / 75 / 65 (460) [+Levitate, -Hyper Cutter, -Sand Veil, -Poison Heal (HA)] -Earthquake, -Aerial Ace, +Infestation (woodboys23)
Justification: "I still made it a flying scorpion, but with levitate being the flying. I added infestations for a good bug move it could use, and yes.... i kept roost, sub, and defog."


70 / 96 / 62 / 106 / 62 / 75 (471) [+Skill Link, -Water Absorb] +Rock Blast (zerobreaker000)
Justification: "With the new stats and typing, Maractus turns into more of a sweeper, able to attack from both sides. Skill Link allows it to have effectively 125 BP STABs and Bug-type coverage, OHKOing over half of the tier with Life Orb. It can also try running a Storm Drain set, but the power and coverage it provides isn't quite as good as a physical one. And if you want, you can always put it on a Sun team with Chlorophyll to take care of opposing Fire-types. However, it isn't the fastest thing around, and its lack of bulk and barely acceptable speed can make it easily revenge killed by Scarf users and other faster pokemon."


80 / 100 / 65 / 105 / 65 / 60 (475) [+Pixilate, -Chlorophyll] +Earth Power (MegaGallade)
Justification: "Pixilate is a huge improvement on Maractus. Since we have the one-new-move limit, and since Maractus has a lackluster movepool, Pixilate seemed like the only way to go. Maractus gets the Fairy type because of it's pink, jolly/happy attitude, and as a counterpart to Cacturne, another cactus. Also, Maractus' BST is now the same as Cacturne's, except more defensive than offensive. Lastly, it gains Earth Power for more coverage, and it lives in the desert so how can it not? A sunflower can harness the power of the earth too..."


82 / 63 / 80 / 120 / 80 / 67 (493) [+Rough Skin (HA), -Storm Drain (HA)] +Earth Power (The Reptile)
Justification: "Maractus now hits a lot harder than it did before, and has access to Earth Power, increasing it's overall offensive capabilities. Sadly it still has no way to boost its Speed outside of sun, although it speed is now higher than before its still low. It's bulk also received a bulk, making it decently bulky enough to tank hits and dish them back. Rough Skin is an alternative to water immunity and chlorophyll, letting it get chip damage on Pokemon using contact moves. Overall I think it's a pretty usable mon now."


80 / 105 / 90 / 110 / 90 / 70 (545) [+Technician, +Pixilate, -Water Absorb, -Chlorophyll] +Earthquake (Ticktock)
Justification: "It has the Ground-type because it's a cactus and cactus are in the desert. It's stats get a large stat boost in it's defenses and attack as well as minor boost to it's other stats. It gains Technician to help the weak moves like Technician and Pixilate to have larger coverage. It has it because it is cheery and happy. It gets Earthquake becuase it needed a better STAB move. I wish I could give it Earth Power, but it's a challenge to have them only have one move for these buffed ones, I'll make the best of it."


85 / 120 / 60 / 70 / 65 / 96 (496) [+Technician (HA), -Storm Drain (HA)] +Earthquake (Aasgier)
Justification: "Maractus looks a bit like an odd creature. It originally was a Special attacker, but I found its movepool far more tempting to go physical. Technician is there for Needle Arm, which now gets not only higher BP but also comes from a much higher attack stat, as well as Aerial Ace. Earthquake is added for coverage, since Maractus became a physical attacker instead of a special attacker and this move covers up for its various weaknesses nicely."

80 / 101 / 90 / 82 / 100 / 85 (538) [+Aroma Veil (HA), -Leaf Guard (HA)] +Dragon Dance (MegaGallade)
Justification: "Welp, here's something that probably wasn't expected. Meganium is based off a dinosaur, and the closest type to a Dinosaur is Dragon. It also has a handful of Dragon-type moves already. I made it's BST 538 to fit in the Johto Starters' trend (Feraligatr has 530, Typhlosion has 534) and switched around some stats to make it's Attack higher, but also to make sure it still had good bulk. It gets Aroma Veil as an ability because of it's RSE entry: "The fragrance of Meganium's flower soothes and calms emotions. In battle, this Pokémon gives off more of its becalming scent to blunt the foe's fighting spirit." This also prevents Taunt from affecting Meganium completely. Lastly, it's gain Dragon Dance since it's a Dragon, and this really helps Meganium as a good Physical attacker, not too strong but not too weak."


111 / 70 / 93 / 82 / 93 / 75 (525) [+Thick Fat (HA), -Leaf Guard (HA)] +Calm Mind (The Reptile)
Justification: "Meganium is now a lot fatter, both in ability and in stats. Thick Fat gives Meganium a huge edge over its Grass brethren, as it is no longer weak to Fire- and Ice-type moves. It's new move, Calm Mind, also gives it a place in more offensive teams, as it can boost to win. It's STAB is still a bit lacking for that, but it's new bulk and only really minor drop in power make it a solid option."


79 / 100 / 89 / 89 / 99 / 84 (532) [+Aroma Veil (HA), -Leaf Guard (HA)] +Dragon Claw (Ticktock)
Justification: "It's strange that such a recognizable starter does not get a whole lot of love in the competitive scene. It's stats are modified to be in between the stat totals of the other starters. It gains the Dragon type because it would be the closest to a Dino type. It gains Aroma Veil because it has fresh smelling petals that distract foes. It gains Dragon Claw because it's the best bet to not having Outrage."


100 / 61 / 82 / 105 / 107 / 75 (510) [+Water Absorb (HA), -Leaf Guard (HA)] +Flamethrower (Aasgier)
Justification: " I don't know why I did it. Probably because of that bright flower it gained upon evolving. It gains a very useful Fire STAB and an ability that allows it keep switching into Water-types without taking overly much damage, immune to moves like Scald while resisting Ice Beam.
Its support movepool is still strong as ever, and unlike many defensive classics mons, it won't be set-up bait as easily in between the coverage that its STAB moves provide and 105 base SpA."

75 / 75 / 75 / 105 / 85 / 80 (495) [+Electorate {Electric-type Pixilate} (HA), -Early Bird (HA)] +Volt Switch (MegaGallade)
Justification: "I gave Sunflora the Electric typing due to many of its dex entries stating it's use of Solar Energy. What else is a Solar Energy-oriented Pokemon? The Electric-type Heliolisk. Sunflora also has that typical yellow-coloration notable in Electric-types. I boosted its Defense and Speed and that was all, since that's really all it needed and it needn't be too powerful. Because of the one move limit, similar to Maractus, I gave Sunflora 'Electorate' because of the election because of it's lackluster movepool, as it gets Uproar. Lastly, I gave it Volt Switch to help with momentum, as well as being decent STAB."


75 / 45 / 65 / 115 / 75 / 95 (470) [+Flash Fire (HA), -Early Bird (HA)] +Fiery Dance (The Reptile)
Justification: "Sunflora now has a unique typing in Grass / Fire, which gives it some interesting properties, both offensively and defensively. Grass / Fire was chosen due to its extremely heavy association with the sun. It's stats got a complete overhaul - now it has a usable speed of 95, and a solid SpA of 115, while it's bulk is pretty bad as always. It has a decent Fire STAB in Fiery Dance (the Fire-type move that makes the most sense to me for Sunflora), which helps along with its Grass-typing. I really wish I could give it Drought but alas - Drought is banned. So instead I opt for Flash Fire, which lets it switch into Fire-type moves and helps with the fact that Fire-type attacks are neutral. It can run either a Sunny Day set to abuse Chlorophyll, as Sunny Day works as a temporary Agility + Fire Boost, or as a general all-out attacker with Flash Fire to help with switch ins. It's a much better and fun mon now."


80 / 105 / 80 / 105 / 80 / 90 (540) [+Burniate {Fire-type Pixilate} (HA), -Early Bird (HA)] +Hyper Voice (Ticktock)
Justification: "The new Fire-type is fitting because it's a sunflower and the sun is hot. It has much improved stats, with the speed being much better. It gains a new ability called Burninate, which is one of those -ate abilities but with a twist. The flower now gets Hyper Voice and with the new ability, acts like a more powerful, more accurate version of Fire Blast. The sunflower will have a new sight to the future of this."


65 / 45 / 60 / 200 / 75 / 30 (475) [+Natural Cure (HA), -Early Bird (HA)] +Focus Blast, -Sludge Bomb, -Hidden Power (Aasgier)
Justification: "Oh dear. NU is home to many stupendously powerful wallbreakers on the physical side, like Rampardos, Sawk and Gallade, but it lacks many on the special side (except Magmortar, but even he relies on Earthquake). However, it is not without flaws - like all NU wallbreakers, aside from being pretty damn frail. Flying and Bug-types completely resist all moves Sunflora can learn now, and Grass-types all but Focus Blast. Be careful still, switching into special attacks this powerful is not something anything can do even if resisted, though various quadresists are fairly safe and common in NU to boot.
I removed Hidden Power, because Hidden Power from 200 Power Fire or Rock coming from 200 BP is just too much if it comes to switching into this and can be literally any type, which is normally not important but HP Fire or Rock would make it even harder to switch into, but now many things still can... more or less.
Not the most serious suggestion, but it doesn't look as broken as it initially appears (though I had to remove Hidden Power to make sure of it)."
Please PM me (not runbabyrun) with your votes and the voting phase will end by Wednesday (hopefully)!

Some points that could be discussed:
  • Which submissions do you disagree with and why? [Remember: Be to the point and decisive: No hate]
  • What Pokemon do you want to nerf / buff soon and why? (Preferably PU / BL4 and OU please :] )
  • What sets could be made from last week's nerfs and buffs?
P.S. Can we nerf/buff megas, and anyone still noticing this?
Well since we are doing PU at the moment, and I'm sure there are no megas in PU, there won't be any mega buffs till we start NU. As for nerfs, I guess I'll ask runbabyrun about it sooner or later, but the nerfs will probably just like every other nerf, except moves can't be removed or BST can't be changed etc.

Thanks for reading!
Very few submissions this time, which is kinda sad. It makes voting both easier and harder...

Easier because fewer choices, harder because you have to pick three and sometimes there are not even three to pick from if you do want to avoid certain choices.
For example; I think Celebi needs to keep Synthesis and its Grass-typing (it is a living onion!), but that immidiately takes out 3 options out of 5, not to mention that the two other versions of Celebi aren't without their issues as well (one being too weak (there's a reason nobody uses Phione!), and the other one being close to the level of gen V Musharna (with a set of Giga Drain + Heal Bell/Earth Power + Calm Mind + Recover, or Rest+Giga Drain+Dazzling Gleam+Earth Power, or a pivot set with Recover + Giga Drain + Thunder Wave/Stealth Rock + U-Turn)).

Gliscor had quite a few cool submissions but I didn't find any submission worth voting for. However, I quickly found the reason: Gliscor has ties to four different types, - Ground/Poison/Flying/Bug, in no particular order - which makes all submissions feel like they lack something. You can cover up for Flying by giving it levitate but you will always miss out on one of the other three, not to mention that Levitate eats up the ability slot.

For buffs and nerfs, various suggestions have been done already:
Nerfs: Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Crobat, Scolipede, Volcarona
Buffs: Luxray, Leavanny, Bastiodon, Gigalith, Throh

I'll talk about Example sets from the first two rounds later ^
Last edited:
The Voting Phase is over! Here are the results:

90 / 90 / 90 / 90 / 90 / 90 (540) [New Abilities: +Overgrow, -Natural Cure] -Baton Pass, -Recover, -Synthesis, -Stealth Rock, -Dazzling Gleam, -Earth Power, -Nasty Plot, -Calm Mind (By The Reptile )
80 / 100 / 73 / 70 / 85 / 55 (463) [New Abilities: +Victory Star (HA), -Unaware (HA)] -Stealth Rock, -Calm Mind (By MegaGallade )
55 / 100 / 100 / 85 / 70 / 65 (470) [New Abilities: +Shell Armor, +Technician (HA), -Sand Veil, -Poison Heal (HA)] -Fire Fang, -Thunder Fang, -Ice Fang, -Stealth Rock, -Knock Off, +Silver Wind, +Calm Mind (By Ticktock )

82 / 63 / 80 / 120 / 80 / 67 (493) [New Abilities: +Rough Skin (HA), -Storm Drain (HA)] +Earth Power (By The Reptile )
111 / 70 / 93 / 82 / 93 / 75 (525) [New Abilities: +Thick Fat (HA), -Leaf Guard (HA)] +Calm Mind (By The Reptile )
75 / 45 / 65 / 115 / 75 / 95 (470) [New Abilities: +Flash Fire (HA), -Early Bird (HA)] +Fiery Dance (By The Reptile )

Thanks for all who posted submissions and thanks for all who voted! These changes will be added to the spreadsheet soon!
Anyways, here are the New Pokemon for modification:

Mega Gardevoir
| Current Stats: 68 / 85 / 65 / 165 / 135 / 100 (618) [Note: Due to the complications of mega-evolution, the BST can only have a miniumum of 10 taken away from it (Due to Mega Alakazam). Otherwise, BST must remain the same. Moves cannot be removed either, as plain Gardevoir must be NU viable still. It must have only one ability, HP cannot be changed, and all other rules of megas apply.]
| Current Stats: 91 / 72 / 90 / 129 / 90 / 108 (580)
Talonflame | Current Stats: 78 / 81 / 71 / 74 / 69 / 126 (499)

Buffs: (Time for some Sturdy Rocks... and a lynx!)
Bastiodon | Current Stats: 60 / 52 / 168 / 47 / 138 / 30 (495)
| Current Stats: 85 / 135 / 130 / 60 / 80 / 25 (515)
Luxray | Current Stats: 80 / 120 / 79 / 95 / 79 / 70 (523)

Along with the challenge of Mega Gardevoir itself, we have one more challenge! Bastiodon must keep 3 values of its 6 stats. This means you can't make a Bastiodon submission without any three of 60, 52, 168, 47, 138 or 30 in there. This does not mean a value must be kept where it is. The 60 could be moved to speed, for example.

Thanks for reading and good luck!


Pokemon: Mega Gardevoir
[No Change]
New Stats: 68 / 95 / 85 / 145 / 155 / 80 (618)
New Ability: Cute Charm
Added/Removed Moves: None
Justification: What's the best way to nerd a mega? Simple - dump some of its "boosts" into useless stats, and give it a weak ability. Cute Charm was chosen because of the infatuation status - I think it ties in well with the whole wedding dress get-up. It's speed and power have been nerfed a lot - 145 is only OK, and 80 is mediocre. Meanwhile its attack gets even bigger even though its mostly useless (I guess it can kind of use it now? That's the only danger of boosting a "useless" stat), and its bulk is a bit buffed. I didn't want to lower its BST by 10 because I feel like that's more of an exception, rather than a rule. As it stands, I think Gardevoir can go into NU and not kill everything.


Pokemon: Keldeo

New Stats: 93 / 80 / 85 / 119 / 100 / 103 (580)
New Ability: Justified [No Change]
Added/Removed Moves: -Icy Wind, -Calm Mind
Justification: This is an important nerf, as it will determine how we nerf the other 3 musketeers. Rather than just dropping the BST, I figured that we should just mess around with the stat spread, and hope that it nerfs it out. As crazy as it might seem, I removed their Fighting STAB. I know it has huge flavor with it, but for the nerf I feel like its necessary. Justified keeps the heroic theme in there though, so it's not all gone. Removed Icy Wind to complete the removal of Ice moves, and removed Calm Mind so that it's only set-up move is SD, which isn't that good at all.


Pokemon: Talonflame
[No Change]
New Stats: 98 / 81 / 69 / 54 / 71 / 126 (499)
New Ability: Flame Body / Reckless (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: +Wild Charge, +Double-Edge
Justification: I'm actually surprised "keep Gale Wings" wasn't one of the challenges. Which makes this a pretty easy nerf. However, I didn't just want to leave it at that - I think Talonflame probably needs a small buff without Gale Wings. Thus, Reckless and Wild Charge were given to it. Originally, I was going to give it Submission, but I still want Rock-types to wall this. This way, it can still hit kind of hard, especially with Swords Dance. Another change was that it has buffed bulk, while keeping the same BST. With 98 HP, it can now use recoil moves and not completely die. Meanwhile, it gives it mediocre bulk compared to its old frailty. It's still an NU mon for sure though - 81 still sucks, even with Reckless.



Pokemon: Bastiodon
[No Change]
New Stats: 80 / 72 / 168 / 30 / 138 / 22 (510)
New Ability: Sturdy / Heatproof (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: +Wish
Justification: Bastiodon is now stupid bulky, and can hit for ok damage (for a wall). The 3 stat values kept the same were 30, 168, and 138. It's still held back by its mediocre typing though, but now it has ways to recover in the form of the slow Wish. The higher HP also helps with Metal Burst shenanigans, which is always nice. Heatproof lets it keep its resistance to Fire while minimizing burn damage (now if only it prevented burns...). Overall it's still a very serviceable birdcheck and normal check in the NU tier, with exploitable weaknesses.


Pokemon: Gigalith
[No Change]
New Stats: 85 / 135 / 130 / 50 / 70 / 30 (500)
New Ability: Sturdy / Solid Rock (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: None
Justification: Gigalith has a huge buff in the form of Solid Rock - this makes it a force to be reckoned with. To make up for this, it's SpDef got nerfed a bit, although it is a bit faster which is nice. There really isn't much else to say about this - Gigalith is basically the same it always was - a Solid Rock.


Pokemon: Luxray

New Stats:
90 / 120 / 80 / 70 / 80 / 90 (530)
New Ability: Rivalry / Intimidate / Guts (HA) [No Change]
Added/Removed Moves: +Sucker Punch, +Slack Off
Justification: Luxray now has a unique typing, a decent enough speed tier, and recovery for defensive sets. It's abilities are still the same though. It is now a decently powerful, decently fast, and decently bulky Pokemon with a unique typing. Sucker Punch lets it deal with priority, while Slack Off lets it run a bulkier set if it really wants to. Luxray is now a really cool Pokemon.


Pokemon: Mega Gardevoir

New Stats: 68 / 75 / 115 / 135 / 135 / 90 (618)
New Ability: Clear Body
Added/Removed Moves: None
Justification: One thing needed, dump it more into defenses than offensives. It loses Pixilate, which made it almost OP in the first place, and replaced it with Clear Body. This ability is not too good but not too bad, since it can run a Calm Mind set now without random drops with ease. It can still has a decent Fairy STAB in Moonblast, which does come with a nifty 30% to reduce the target's Special Attack, so all hope is not lost.


Pokemon: Keldeo

New Stats: 76 / 99 / 75 / 101 / 78 / 91 (520)
New Ability: Quick Feet / Justified
Added/Removed Moves: -Icy Wind, -Aqua Jet, -Scald
Justification: This is not a good day for little horsey. As it loses Speed, Special Attack, and bulk. It gains Attack and Quick Feet because it's Pokedex entries say it can move faster when it become Resolute. And for moves, it loses Icy Wind because Ice coverage is not really needed, and Aqua Jet becuase it's priority, and priority is not really allowed for a lot of these 'Mons. It can at least run Physical now. It does lose Scald because it's quite a OP move for it's burn rate.


Pokemon: Talonflame

New Stats: 68 / 98 / 69 / 98 / 71 / 86 (500)
New Ability: Flame Body / Steadfast (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: +Hurricane, +Wild Charge, +Knock Off, +Nasty Plot
Justification: About one thing to say, NO GALE WINGS! More about it, it goes to the mixed side and gains mixed offensives. It's speed goes down a lot, meaning it requires Agility to make it acceptable. It gets Nasty


Pokemon: Bastiodon
New Stats: 80 / 72 / 168 / 30 / 138 / 22 (510)
New Ability: Sturdy / Heatproof (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: +Wish
Justification: Bastiodon is now stupid bulky, and can hit for ok damage (for a wall). The 3 stat values kept the same were 30, 168, and 138. It's still held back by its mediocre typing though, but now it has ways to recover in the form of the slow Wish. The higher HP also helps with Metal Burst shenanigans, which is always nice. Heatproof lets it keep its resistance to Fire while minimizing burn damage (now if only it prevented burns...). Overall it's still a very serviceable birdcheck and normal check in the NU tier, with exploitable weaknesses.

Pokemon: Gigalith
New Stats: 85 / 135 / 130 / 50 / 70 / 30 (500)
New Ability: Sturdy / Solid Rock (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: None
Justification: Gigalith has a huge buff in the form of Solid Rock - this makes it a force to be reckoned with. To make up for this, it's SpDef got nerfed a bit, although it is a bit faster which is nice. There really isn't much else to say about this - Gigalith is basically the same it always was - a Solid Rock.

Pokemon: Luxray
New Stats:
90 / 120 / 80 / 70 / 80 / 90 (530)
New Ability: Rivalry / Intimidate / Guts (HA) [No Change]
Added/Removed Moves: +Sucker Punch, +Slack Off
Justification: Luxray now has a unique typing, a decent enough speed tier, and recovery for defensive sets. It's abilities are still the same though. It is now a decently powerful, decently fast, and decently bulky Pokemon with a unique typing. Sucker Punch lets it deal with priority, while Slack Off lets it run a bulkier set if it really wants to. Luxray is now a really cool Pokemon.


Pokemon: Mega Gardevoir
[No Change]
New Stats: 68 / 105 / 65 / 165 / 135 / 80 (618)
New Ability: Synchronize
Added/Removed Moves: None
Justification: Mega Guardevoir acts as an excellent wallbreaker with its useful offensive typing and solid power, a role that I wanted to preserve with as few nerfs as possible. The first adjustment was a drop of speed from 100 (decent in OU) to 80 (decent in NU), which means Gardevoir will be able to outspeed most defensive threats while still struggling immensely against more offensive teams, especially considering its low defense stat and lack of priority. A simple removal of its famed Pixilate ability ensures that Mega Gardevoir's attack power remains balanced as well, as it now equals to Life Orb boosted base 115 SpA (less than Kadabra).


Pokemon: Keldeo
[No Change]
New Stats: 70 / 60 / 70 / 115 / 70 / 105 (520)
New Ability: Justified [No Change]
Added/Removed Moves: - Scald, - Calm Mind
Justification: This is basically Keldeo with its base stats adjusted to upper NU standards, which means it can still make use of its amazing speed and typing to punch some major holes into the opposing team. However, since the Water/Fighting is arguably a lot more solid defensively in NU compared to OU, Scald and Calm Mind were both removed from Keldeo's movepool, in order to keep the focus on sweeping and to allow its few checks to switch in more safely.


Pokemon: Talonflame
[No Change]
New Stats: 65 / 85 / 70 / 60 / 70 / 130 (480)
New Ability: Flame Body / Reckless (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: + Extremespeed
Justification: There was no way to keep Gale Wings on Talonflame without completely outclassing the already good Fletchinder, so I focused on the next most defining attribute of Talonflame which sets it apart from its prevolution: high powered STAB moves coupled with blistering speed. A base speed of 130 means Talonflame is the fastest unboosted threat in the metagame after Ninjask, while its new ability Reckless coupled with STAB Flare Blitz and Brave Bird let it hit a lot harder than base 85 Atk would suggest. To keep at least some of its former glory as ultimate revenge killer, Extremespeed was added to Talonflame's movepool, allowing it to circumvent opposing priority and speed boosts. It also gains Sword Dance from its prevolution, meaning that it can potentially set up a sweep on its own if given the chance. That's also the reason why 85 Atk is the highest I was willing to go, giving it similar offensive presence as the recently banned Sneasel (though without Knock Off and at the cost of huge recoil damage).



Pokemon: Bastiodon

New Stats: 60 / 92 / 138 / 47 / 128 / 30 (495)
New Ability: Sturdy / Bullet Proof (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: + Dragon Tail, + Thunder Wave, + Super Fang
Justification: This is the most drastic change on the slate, since Bastiodon's original role was already done so much better by a couple of other Pokemon in NU. With an actually good defensive typing without any 4x weaknesses to undermine its amazing bulk, it will finally find itself as a serious defensive threat that can easily set up Stealth Rocks, and proceed to shuffle, paralyze and wear down the opposing team. Bastiodon still possesses key weaknesses to the ubiquitous fighting and ground types, meaning most teams will have the tools to bring it down eventually, especially considering the lack of reliable recovery. A useful ability in Bullet Proof allows Bastiodon to avoid the occasional Focus Blast, which means that it can actually switch in onto most Special Attackers who rarely have a second move that's effective against it.

To be continued ...
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Pokemon: Mega Gardevoir

New Stats: 68 / 105 / 115 / 125 / 125 / 80 (618)
New Ability: Clear Body
Added/Removed Moves:
Justification: Losing it's previous ability was a downer for it, but with better bulk, it makes it still pretty good. It gains a new typing in Normal, which makes it lose resistances but come with a nifty immunity to Ghost-types It's formerly good speed is is now reduced to it's original state and gains some more Attack. It gets Clear Body in place in Pixilate to have some kind of advantage from other Psychic types.


Pokemon: Keldeo

New Stats: 73 / 109 / 75 / 100 / 78 / 93 (528)
New Ability: Justified
Added/Removed Moves: -Icy Wind, -Aqua Jet, -Scald
Justification: No Fighting type means no Fighting STAB. The new stats means it can now go physical now, but it does have a cost. It cannot use Aqua Jet anymore. When going special, it cannot use Icy Wind, meaning it has to use Hidden Power Ice to wipe away Ice-weak opponents. It also loses Scald because Scald itself is too OP with that annoying burn rate.


Pokemon: Talonflame

New Stats: 68 / 88 / 69 / 98 / 71 / 86 (490)
New Ability: Flame Body / Reckless (HA)
Added/Removed Moves:
+Wild Charge, +Nasty Plot, +Hurricane, +Extreme Speed
Justification: No Gale Wings is all that is really need to say, it gets replaced with Reckless for the moves it gets. It goes now mixed thanks to the new offensive stats of 98. It's Speed gotten quite nerfed, going into almost decent level for NU. It gains a buttload of new moves, gaining Extreme Speed and Wild Charge on the physical side and Hurricane for the special side. It also gains Nasty Plot for boosting it's Special Attack.



Pokemon: Bastiodon

New Stats: 92 / 112 / 128 / 47 / 138 / 30 (547)
New Ability: Sturdy / Filter / Prankster (HA)
Added/Removed Moves:
+Wish, +Super Fang, +Bulk Up, +Dragon Claw, +Dragon Tail
Justification: It keeps bad speed and excellent defenses as well as more attack power with also a new Dragon typing which makes it excellent now. It can now heal up with Wish and can help other pokemons. It loses it's dreaded typing and gains 2 useful abilities, Filter and Prankster. It also has Super Fang for halfing HP and Bulk Up for boosting Defence and Attack. It now has Dragon moves becuase it is now Steel/Dragon so Wynaut?


Pokemon: Gigalith

New Stats: 85 / 135 / 130 / 50 / 110 / 20 (530)
New Ability: Sturdy / Analytic (HA)
Added/Removed Moves:
+Swords Dance, +Diamond Storm
Justification: With a better Special Defence, it can take special attacks better and can retaliate back with an move. It now has access to Analytic becuase it's slow speed makes it move almost last. This helps to combined with Swords Dance it now has, it can take a hit and retaliate back with a boosted Diamond Storm.


Pokemon: Luxray

New Stats: 80 / 100 / 80 / 110 / 80 / 90 (540)
New Ability: Moxie / Intimidate / Strong Jaw (HA)
Added/Removed Moves:
+Sucker Punch, +Slack Off, +Close Combat, +Dark Pulse, +Energy Ball
Justification: The lynx finally gets the Dark type it always wanted. It also gains Moxie and Strong Jaw to help with it's moves and Attack. It gains better Speed and Special Attack. With the new package, it gets Sucker Punch for priority, Slack Off for recovery, Close Combat for a better Fighting move, Dark Pulse for a special Dark STAB, and Energy Ball for Ground coverage.
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Pokemon: Mega Gardevoir
[No Change]
New Stats: 68 / 65 / 75 / 125 / 175 / 110 (618)
New Ability: Imsomnia
Added/Removed Moves: None
Justification: Gardevoir actually loses some of its power compared to its base form (no item) in exchange for a ludicrous amount of Special bulk and some Speed. Imsomnia has not much use except that Mega Garde becomes a hard counter to Jynx, but even then it has to be somewhat careful since most Spore-users are physical attackers... and while I put the leftover stats into Defence, 75 defence still sucks.
All-in-all, I wanted the role of Gardevoir and Mega-Gardevoir to be entirely different from each other, and I think that I succeeded.


Pokemon: Keldeo
[No Change]
New Stats: 83 / 90 / 80 / 129 / 90 / 108 (580)
New Ability: Justified [No Change]
Added/Removed Moves: -Icy Wind, -Scald, -Aqua Jet
Justification: I disagree with TheReptile in that this nerf decides over the future of the other Musketeers. We can always make the four Musketeers entirely different from each other (let's not forget to mention Virizion needs less of a nerf than the other three).
I removed Scald because that is just a bullshit move, and Icy Wind to frustrate it even more on the Special Side, making the choice for a Hidden Power even harder. I removed Aqua Jet because I don't want it to revenge stuff it has no business to revenge, not to mention that I want Talonflame to remain a solid check to it and Aqua Jet would prevent that a bit too easily.

Its Special Attack is left untouched - NU is home to quite a few things that fully wall its STAB moves completely, and with Icy Wind removed it has to choose in what it is going to hit with Hidden Power. Mantine? Leavanny? Jellicent? Masquerain (assuming Water/Bug)? Gourgeist? Exeggutor? Slowbro? Tropius? Ofcourse there are Hidden Powers that hit several of those hard, but you will always be left open to some of these too.
Its Speed is also left untouched, for pretty much the same reason - there can and will be stuff that revenges it.

Pokemon: Talonflame
[No Change]
New Stats: 88 / 81 / 69 / 84 / 71 / 136 (529)
New Ability: Flame Body / Keen Eye / Inner Focus (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: +Energy Ball
Justification: No Gale Wings - keeping it would screw with the tier way too much (up to the point that properly nerfing Talonflame would be impossible, and I'm glad Runbabyrun had the sense not to impose that challenge) The biggest change is that it can attack on both sides of the Spectrum now, and Energy Ball renders it stupidly annoying to switch into since most Rock-types no longer can. However, none of the Attack stats is that high, both being actually fairly low, so bulky mons that don't mind a Will-O-Wisp to the face can still wall it. Talonflame keeps the same role it had in OU - that of a very fast revenge killer, just without Priority Brave Bird.



Pokemon: Bastiodon
[No Change]
New Stats: 87 / 52 / 168 / 138 / 94 / 30 (517)
New Ability: Sturdy / Solid Rock (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: +Power Gem
Justification: Bastiodon never looked like a powerful physical attacker to me, so instead I made this walking fortress attacking from a range, shifting its 2nd-highest stat to Special Attack. Due to that, it has much less SpDef than before, but it gained enough HP to make difference in bulk on the special side much less notable. I gave it 87 HP because I was bored of seeing all the simple 60s and 70s and 80s in this thread and Bastiodon always had pretty random stats.
In between its STAB moves Flash Cannon and Power Gem, and coverage in the form of Thunderbolt, Ice Beam and Flamethrower, it can hit pretty damn hard, especially with maximum investment. It can tank numerous hits as well, but the lack of reliable recovery allows it to be whittled down eventually regardless.
The kept stat values were 168, 138 and 52, as well as 30.


Pokemon: Gigalith
[No Change]
New Stats: 85 / 135 / 130 / 60 / 100 / 25 (535)
New Ability: Diamond Armor (makes it immune to Fire-type moves as well as Bulletproof), Sand Force (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: +Recover, +Play Rough, +Diamond Storm, -Explosion
Justification: No Solid Rock, which I originally wanted to give to Gigalith, but instead I decided to go with a souped up Bulletproof that also turns a resistance into a full immunity, giving it a very convenient Will-O-Wisp immunity in the process, making it a much better counter to Fletchinder and Talonflame than most other Rock-types. I left its stats mostly unchanged, but I added some Special Defence, which is needed as it loses out on Sturdy, which also takes Custap sets out of the equation.
Move-wise, it gains Recover, making it the one of the rare defensive Rock-types that can last throughout the match and keep checking Normal and Flying spam. Diamond Storm because it goes well with the name of its new ability. And last, Play Rough to prevent Gurdurr from setting up nilly-willy on it, but Gigalith has trouble to afford the moveslot for it (with Recover, Diamond Storm and Earthquake pretty much being a given) unless you have a different Stealth Rock setter. I originally wanted to give it Zen Headbutt instead of Play Rough, but when I glanced at its prevolutions, I found Play Rough the better fit.

Gigalith is now entirely different from Golem and the numerous other Rock-types that have found their home in NU, whether that is Solrock, Bastiodon or Cradily.
The last thing that I changed is the loss of Explosion; we have other Rock-types to say hello like a bomb, not to mention that Explosion does not really fit with the other changes anyway.


Pokemon: Luxray

New Stats:
92 / 122 / 92 / 62 / 82 / 72 (522)
New Ability: Rivalry / Intimidate / Strong Jaw (HA)
Added/Removed Moves: None
Justification: Much like those before me, I think Luxray is a fine candidate to gain the Dark-type alongside its Electric-typing. However, Luxray looks too honest to me at the same time to use a dirty trick, so I don't give it Sucker Punch. It instead gains Strong Jaw, to boost its coverage moves, like Ice Fang and Crunch, to respectable levels. It can also utilize Intimidate alongside a (rather weak) Volt Switch if it wants to, but its low speed is a bit of a bummer, though I made sure that it outspeeds Samurott given equal investment.
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