Play on Aqua Server RIGHT NOW!!OK post it in Pet Mods.
Thanks Snaquaza!
Mini-tournament coming soon! Dark Mage Ewan will help plan it with me. More information to come!
You'll probably have to seek someone out to get a match. Feel free to on the discussion page.
Discuss the metagame here:
The new 'mons are in! Try them out! We've got 28 now, so there's plenty of selection!
This means round 3 has started! Feel free to submit more ideas!
Oh yeah, have fun running dual walls with the buffed Avalugg!
And did I mention OUR NEW LORD AND SAVIOR yet? No? Good. It'll be a surprise.
On the idea of Theorymons, where every Pokemon is given one change, this new meta... well it does exactly that. With one MAJOR difference.
Any change made doesn't need to fit the flavor of a Pokemon in the slightest. Steel/Bug Metagross? You can do that. Compoundeyes Charizard? Sure. Togekiss with Seed Flare? Why not? Fur Coat Steelix! Well... maybe not.
Mixing concepts of Theorymons and Balanced Hackmons, a Pokemon can be given any one move or ability, or any type change whatsoever, so long as it isn't deemed to be overpowered. Pure/Huge Power, Fur Coat, Wonder Guard, and other powerful abilities will be carefully controlled to avoid overpowering a Pokemon. Geomancy is a non-option, and Quiver Dance will be watched carefully. Pokemon cant always be given Bug/Steel, Ghost/Normal, Steel/Fairy, Water/Ground, Steel/Dragon, or Ghost/Dark. Other moves should also be looked at before implementing a change in the metagame, as well as type changes and abilities, just to be safe. Who knows what combination could be unexpectedly broken?
I'd like this meta to be separated into two distinct parts. One will be initial testing, where the current suspect is tested, and none of the previous changes can be used. The second one, after the suspect is declared not overpowered after testing, is the full Nonsense Theorymons Main Meta, where every alteration is kept for use at any time. As the game changes, old once-approved 'mons may very well end up banned if necessary. This is so the community is able to build it's own meta around a bunch of theories, while still being able to see how it would work in the official meta.
Any change made doesn't need to fit the flavor of a Pokemon in the slightest. Steel/Bug Metagross? You can do that. Compoundeyes Charizard? Sure. Togekiss with Seed Flare? Why not? Fur Coat Steelix! Well... maybe not.
Mixing concepts of Theorymons and Balanced Hackmons, a Pokemon can be given any one move or ability, or any type change whatsoever, so long as it isn't deemed to be overpowered. Pure/Huge Power, Fur Coat, Wonder Guard, and other powerful abilities will be carefully controlled to avoid overpowering a Pokemon. Geomancy is a non-option, and Quiver Dance will be watched carefully. Pokemon cant always be given Bug/Steel, Ghost/Normal, Steel/Fairy, Water/Ground, Steel/Dragon, or Ghost/Dark. Other moves should also be looked at before implementing a change in the metagame, as well as type changes and abilities, just to be safe. Who knows what combination could be unexpectedly broken?
I'd like this meta to be separated into two distinct parts. One will be initial testing, where the current suspect is tested, and none of the previous changes can be used. The second one, after the suspect is declared not overpowered after testing, is the full Nonsense Theorymons Main Meta, where every alteration is kept for use at any time. As the game changes, old once-approved 'mons may very well end up banned if necessary. This is so the community is able to build it's own meta around a bunch of theories, while still being able to see how it would work in the official meta.
Here are some general rules that each nonsense theorymon suggestion should follow (copied from Theorymons, differences in bold):
Regarding Pokemon that switch forms mid-battle, such as Meloetta and Pokemon with Megas, you may change both formes, unless one is not eligible. For example, you may edit both Ampharos and MAmpharos, but you may only edit Kangaskhan. Pokemon with multiple formes that start in that forme must be changed separately, so you nay not change both Tornadus and Therian Tornadus, only one.
- Don't suggest changes about Pokemon that are already pretty viable in OU. Of course the term 'pretty viable' is open to interpretation, so to be more specific, everything in C+ rank and below in the viability ranking thread is fair game. Also, if a Pokemon is still somewhat viable, less changes are better.
- Don’t suggest changes that make or may make a Pokemon broken
- Only theorymon ideas that bring positives to the OU metagame and have useful implications will be picked, which means
nolimited Huge Power on random Pokemon and other similar buffs. - You can add a secondary typing or change primary typing to Pokemon of one type, or change and/or remove the second and/or primary type of a dual-typed Pokemon. Eg. Adding a Dragon type to Raichu, changing Wigglytuff from Normal / Fairy to Normal / Steel, changing Keldeo from Water/Fighting to Electric/Fighting, changing Ariados to a Fairy Type, or changing Charizard to a Rock type. Both types can be changed.
Those changes should at the very least not contradict flavor. They don’t have to fit a Pokemon’s flavor perfectly, but don’t suggest a secondary Fire-type for Grass-types for example.Go crazy! Huge Power Blissey! Sturdy Parasect! Wonder Guard Abomasnow! Dark Void Galvantula! Steel/Fighting Doublade! The possibilities are near endless!- That said, there are some rules. Huge/Pure Power can only be given to Pokemon with an Attack stat less than 75. Fur Coat may get a similar limitation. Wonder Guard can't be given to any Pokemon with less than 5 weaknesses, and even then, it'll have to be looked at very carefully.
- Also, it'd be preferred if suggestions didn't fit flavor-wise. This isn't a rule, but will make your suggestion more likely to be approved. Changes should also have competitive value. So don't suggest something like Lick Blissey.
Regarding Pokemon that switch forms mid-battle, such as Meloetta and Pokemon with Megas, you may change both formes, unless one is not eligible. For example, you may edit both Ampharos and MAmpharos, but you may only edit Kangaskhan. Pokemon with multiple formes that start in that forme must be changed separately, so you nay not change both Tornadus and Therian Tornadus, only one.
Suggest one per round. ALSO provide some reasoning beforehand for each please. This makes it easier for me to see why a suggestion would be
beneficial to the metagame. If you have more ideas, save them for next round. Only a few are accepted each round anyway, and spamming suggestions just makes me less likely to pick any of them. Save them for next round, maybe even think them over so they're perfect when the time comes. No sense burning all of your creativity in one shot anyway.
A round is defined as the period in which the community submits ideas, the Nonsense Theorymons council (once one is formed) decides which ones make it, and the previous submissions get tested out.
Remember that any suggestion is just that- a suggestion. Not all will make it. I'm still undecided on the amount of suggestions that should be done and how long testing will last.
Feel free to offer any suggestions to rules, including additions and alterations.
Only one submission for any Pokemon can be picked, if any, and if a Pokemon has already passed, no more submissions for that 'mon can be made. For now, at least.
Also, the new ability replaces ALL other abilities, not just one. This may also change.
beneficial to the metagame. If you have more ideas, save them for next round. Only a few are accepted each round anyway, and spamming suggestions just makes me less likely to pick any of them. Save them for next round, maybe even think them over so they're perfect when the time comes. No sense burning all of your creativity in one shot anyway.
A round is defined as the period in which the community submits ideas, the Nonsense Theorymons council (once one is formed) decides which ones make it, and the previous submissions get tested out.
Remember that any suggestion is just that- a suggestion. Not all will make it. I'm still undecided on the amount of suggestions that should be done and how long testing will last.
Feel free to offer any suggestions to rules, including additions and alterations.
Only one submission for any Pokemon can be picked, if any, and if a Pokemon has already passed, no more submissions for that 'mon can be made. For now, at least.
Also, the new ability replaces ALL other abilities, not just one. This may also change.
Screw it, here's the TL;DR Gold Platinum Edition.
READ IT!! At least, if you didn't read the rest anyway.
One change each to Type, Movepool, and/or Ability. Only one suggestion per round, WITH DESCRIPTION AND REASONING. No Huge/Pure Power on ATK higher than 75. No Fur Coat Blissey. No Wonder Guard on 'mons with less than 5 weaknesses. Highest Pokemon DB ranked defensive types will be looked at carefully. Must be competitively useful and not OP. Fitting a Pokemon's flavor isn't recommended, but is optional. Don't suggest anything above OU C+.
High Watch Types, Abilities, and Moves:
These can still be suggested, but they'll be looked at more closely, and are more likely to be rejected
Steel/Fairy, Steel/Dragon, Normal/Ghost, Steel/Poison, Ghost/Dark, Steel/Flying, Steel/Ghost, Steel/Bug, Steel/Water
Pure/Huge Power, Wonder Guard, Fur Coat, Protean, Prankster, Regenerator, Desolate Land, Primordial Sea, Delta Stream, Rain Dance, Sand Stream, Snow Warning, Drought
Quiver Dance, Topsy Turvy, Sketch
Suggestion Ban List:
Geomancy, Fur Coat Blissey, Early Bird Blissey.
Accepted 'Mons:
I'd recommend coming up with ideas for more defensive 'mons, like Cobalion, Avalugg, Registeel, and Regirock for example. Kill or be killed gets old.
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