Nonsense Theorymons

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  1. Samurott is now Water/Grass with Tinted Lens and gets Horn Leech. The Grass typing powers up Grass Knot on the special side and helps to hit most Water Absorb and Storm Drain Pokemon, helping Tinted Lens a bit. Defensively, it removes the Electric and Grass weaknesses while adding three more weaknesses and a few resistances as well.
  2. Pangoro is now a Poison/Fighting type with Regenerator and gets Toxic Spikes. This way, it can Parting Shot more effectively, gets STAB on Gunk Shot and Poison Jab, and is immune to Poison, making it much harder to wear down.
  3. Delphox is now a Ghost/Fairy type with Mold Breaker and gets Stealth Rock. This gives it STAB on Dazzling Gleam and Shadow Ball while giving it a good typing offensively and defensively. Mold Breaker Taunt, Will-o-Wisp and Stealth Rock are all very useful.
Great pet mod idea by the way!
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Phantom Force is actually Protect so with it you get a Speed boost (no pun). Abomasnow has Ice Beam still and Shadow Ball, but Phantom Force would be mainly for physical SD/Phantom Force/Ice Punch/EQ.

It'd be mostly to trap defensive steels, like Ferrothorn (Fire Fang) and Skarmory, also has speed enough to outspeed Heatran. It has also Switcheroo. Better than Magneton in OU imo.

Flygon would have STAB Boomburst now as well as Return (and Quick Attack). With Download, it'd be a Genesect 0.5. Perish Song is for Nonsense factor, but could use something like Ice Beam/Punch
Actually, Phantom Force is pretty good with Speed Boost. I didn't think of how it paired with Speed Boost. It still suffers from low initial speed, esp. after Mega evolving, however, and Protect would be almost necessary for the priority that Phantom Force lacks.
Skarmory's monstrous Defense means it probably won't fear Thousand Arrows off Arboks mediocre-at-best Atk. However, I still like it.
Flygon would actually be pretty solid, though not great. I'd take Ice Punch, not Perish Song. Competitively non-flavor and nonsense are very different.
  1. Samurott is now Water/Grass with Tinted Lens and gets Horn Leech. The Grass typing powers up Grass Knot on the special side and helps to hit most Water Absorb and Storm Drain Pokemon, helping Tinted Lens a bit. Defensively, it removes the Electric and Grass weaknesses while adding three more weaknesses and a few resistances as well.
  2. Pangoro is now a Poison/Fighting type with Regenerator and gets Toxic Spikes. This way, it can Parting Shot more effectively, gets STAB on Gunk Shot and Poison Jab, and is immune to Poison, making it much harder to wear down.
  3. Delphox is now a Ghost/Fairy type with Mold Breaker and gets Stealth Rock. This gives it STAB on Dazzling Gleam and Shadow Ball while giving it a good typing offensively and defensively. Mold Breaker Taunt, Will-o-Wisp and Stealth Rock are all very useful.
Great pet mod idea by the way!
Samurott: low chance
Pangoro: med-high chance
Delphox: med-high chance
I like Pangoro and Delphox because they're more defensive than most of the metagame, in a way which I think will work.
M-Altaria has better offensive stats, though Virizion could tank Special damage better and doesn't take up a Mega slot. That said, M-Alt doesn't itself have great offense in a high power meta such as ORAS's, so without setup, I'm not sure if Virizion would be that great. However, we'll know for sure if it's accepted.
Not sure it would be the best user of Will-O-Wisp, but it does get Synthesis for a defensive role. The problem is Fairy/Fight has five weaknesses.

Will O Wisp was half nonsense factor half it helps even out its defenses -it's innately a solid Special wall, but its Defense is just 90, except wait let's halve the enemy's Attack!

Virizion also has innate access to Swords Dance, and Return with a Pixilate boost is plenty strong -Fighting/Fairy is also a more useful offensive combination than Dragon/Fairy (lol I'm good against Dragons and Dragons and bad against Steel and Steel), with its only common offensive weak point being Poison. Whether it's better defensively is more debatable.

So lemme put three in one post now.

1: Virizion is Fairy/Fighting, gains Will O Wisp, and has the Ability Pixilate. (Already covered explanations)

2: Jynx is Ice/Fighting, gains Secret Sword, and has the Ability Competitive. (Offensively nasty, especially if you catch a Defog or an Intimidate)

3: Vespiquen is Bug/Steel, gains Doom Desire, and has the Ability Simple. (WALLWALLWALL)
Volcarona as a Fire / Fighting type and gets No Guard and Focus Blast. Volcarona has better coverage in STAB Focus Blast, can now use Fire Blast and Hurricane more reliably with No Guard, and is no longer weak to Stealth Rock.

Goodra as a Dragon / Water type and gets Water Veil and Recover. The Water typing removes Goodra's Ice weakness, Recover provides needed recovery, and Water Veil protects against burn. Basically, this is the ultimate middle finger to burn spreaders.

Weezing as a Poison / Fire type and gets Recover. Weezing now has a whooping 7 resistances for only 3 weaknesses (Levitate removes the 4x Ground weakness), immunity to both Toxic and burns, and has Recover to keep its health up.
Will O Wisp was half nonsense factor half it helps even out its defenses -it's innately a solid Special wall, but its Defense is just 90, except wait let's halve the enemy's Attack!

Virizion also has innate access to Swords Dance, and Return with a Pixilate boost is plenty strong -Fighting/Fairy is also a more useful offensive combination than Dragon/Fairy (lol I'm good against Dragons and Dragons and bad against Steel and Steel), with its only common offensive weak point being Poison. Whether it's better defensively is more debatable.

So lemme put three in one post now.

1: Virizion is Fairy/Fighting, gains Will O Wisp, and has the Ability Pixilate. (Already covered explanations)

2: Jynx is Ice/Fighting, gains Secret Sword, and has the Ability Competitive. (Offensively nasty, especially if you catch a Defog or an Intimidate)

3: Vespiquen is Bug/Steel, gains Doom Desire, and has the Ability Simple. (WALLWALLWALL)
Volcarona as a Fire / Fighting type and gets No Guard and Focus Blast. Volcarona has better coverage in STAB Focus Blast, can now use Fire Blast and Hurricane more reliably with No Guard, and is no longer weak to Stealth Rock.

Goodra as a Dragon / Water type and gets Water Veil and Recover. The Water typing removes Goodra's Ice weakness, Recover provides needed recovery, and Water Veil protects against burn. Basically, this is the ultimate middle finger to burn spreaders.

Weezing as a Poison / Fire type and gets Recover. Weezing now has a whooping 7 resistances for only 3 weaknesses (Levitate removes the 4x Ground weakness), immunity to both Toxic and burns, and has Recover to keep its health up.
Oh god I'm never gonna be able to pick just one Pokemon every two weeks.
Huge power, fighting/flying type, close combat farfetch'd

Hahaha, Huge Power Farfetch'd was one of the big changes made back in one of the oldschool Netbattle mod servers. It worked out pretty well! Granted that was third gen which is another beast, but hey.
I like AeriLeaf (that's what I'm calling it). This stands a good chance of being accepted.
Also, what about Flash Fire for Glaceon? Or Thick Fat? One removes a 4x weakness, the other reduces both 4x to 2x.

Oh, must've missed it. T-forme is open though.

Interesting. I'll think on it.
Glaceon's 4x weaknesses are Fire and Fighting. Thick Fat completely fails to fix the latter, instead making it 8x resistant to Ice. Flash Fire could easily be the best out of those to be honest, though Filter also has merit in reducing its Fighting weakness. Depending on how Filter interacts with double weaknesses, it makes it either a 2.25x weakness or a 3x weakness. Not sure which. And of course it also reduces the Ground weakness to 1.5x.

Edit: I suppose I'm not allowed to circumvent the rules by saying Calm Mind Eevee with the implication that it then applies to all Eeveelutions that don't already learn the move. Ice/Steel Filter Glaceon would appreciate the ability to use its now-half-decent defences to boost, since for some reason Glaceon does not learn Calm Mind.

Edit 2: Just an idea I feel like recording here for later:

Ghost/Dark Mega Banette + Banette with either Bulk Up or Coil. Ghost/Dark gives Mega Banette STAB on both Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak. Bulk Up/Coil takes advantage of Prankster to boost its lacking Defence while also enabling its 165 base Attack to actually hit hard.
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Glaceon's 4x weaknesses are Fire and Fighting. Thick Fat completely fails to fix the latter, instead making it 8x resistant to Ice. Flash Fire could easily be the best out of those to be honest, though Filter also has merit in reducing its Fighting weakness. Depending on how Filter interacts with double weaknesses, it makes it either a 2.25x weakness or a 3x weakness. Not sure which. And of course it also reduces the Ground weakness to 1.5x.

Edit: I suppose I'm not allowed to circumvent the rules by saying Calm Mind Eevee with the implication that it then applies to all Eeveelutions that don't already learn the move. Ice/Steel Filter Glaceon would appreciate the ability to use its now-half-decent defences to boost, since for some reason Glaceon does not learn Calm Mind.

Edit 2: Just an idea I feel like recording here for later:

Ghost/Dark Mega Banette + Banette with either Bulk Up or Coil. Ghost/Dark gives Mega Banette STAB on both Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak. Bulk Up/Coil takes advantage of Prankster to boost its lacking Defence while also enabling its 165 base Attack to actually hit hard.
No, adding a move to a pre-evo wouldn't affect the evo, even if it were accepted. Remember that, like the original Theorymons, not all submissions are accepted.
Mega Banette could work.
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oh gotcha.

Pretty simple, Psychic typing is for STAB Psyshocks which let CM Raikou smack specially defensive stuff like Chansey.
Shuckle - Steel/Bug and gets thick fat instead of gluttony and baton pass as level up.
Steel/Bug gives shuckle many resistances and only one weakness and baton pass allows it to use its bulk to baton pass from shell smash boosts to sweepers. Thick Fat turns shuckles x4 weakness into a x2 one, making it harder to take down and makes ice type moves do even less damage than they normally would

Qwilfish - Fire/Poison and gets sheer force instead of swift swim and flare blitz as level up.
Fire/Poison because its never been done before and why the fuck not, flare blitz for stab and sheer force to turn it into a worse form of darmanitan.

Musharna - Psychic/Flying and gets no guard instead of telepathy and hurricane as level up. Psychic/Flying because flying type gives musharna an immunity and allows it to hits bug types with super effective STAB, no guard is for hypnosis and hurricane and hurricane is for stab and to work well with no guard.
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1. Grass/Psychic Wonder Guard Sunflora with Luster Purge.
Seven weaknesses, including a 4x one, and 3 common offensive types. Check.
Pitiful 75/55/85 defensive stats. Check.
Can still be scarily overpowered, with 11 immunities and recovery? Check.
Doesn't make sense. Check.

2. Ice/Ghost No Guard Regice with Inferno
A terribly slow Pokemon that can always burn/paralyze the opponent while dealing a good amount of damage if it survives a hit with it's 80/100/200 defenses and 5 weaknesses. It also always hits with Focus Blast and Blizzard.
It doesn't make sense to the Pokemon itself, but the changes are all related - Regice melts, gets close to dying and loses it's thick, solid ice guard.

3. Poison/Water Simple Arbok with Slack Off
Arbok can now set up Coils very well and recover from damage taken while doing so, as well as abuse Aqua Tail and Gunk Shot, and even Iron Tail.
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Shuckle - Steel/Bug and gets thick fat instead of gluttony and baton pass as level up.
Steel/Bug gives shuckle many resistances and only one weakness and baton pass allows it to use its bulk to baton pass from shell smash boosts to sweepers. Thick Fat turns shuckles x4 weakness into a x2 one, making it harder to take down and makes ice type moves do even less damage than they normally would

Qwilfish - Fire/Poison and gets sheer force instead of swift swim and flare blitz as level up.
Fire/Poison because its never been done before and why the fuck not, flare blitz for stab and sheer force to turn it into a worse form of darmanitan.

Musharna - Psychic/Flying and gets no guard instead of telepathy and Flash hurricane as level up. Psychic/Flying because flying type gives musharna an immunity and allows it to hits bug types with super effective STAB, no guard is for hypnosis and hurricane and hurricane is for stab and to work well with no guard.

We could probably try Flash Fire if it gets accepted. A pokemon as defensive as Shuckle with no weaknesses would be very threatening. This is your choice of course.
Not sure I care for Qwilfish.
No Guard Hypnosis is certainly an interesting thought. I like it.

1. Grass/Psychic Wonder Guard Sunflora with Luster Purge.
Seven weaknesses, including a 4x one, and 3 common offensive types. Check.
Pitiful 75/55/85 defensive stats. Check.
Can still be scarily overpowered, with 11 immunities and recovery? Check.
Doesn't make sense. Check.

2. Ice/Ghost No Guard Regice with Inferno
A terribly slow Pokemon that can always burn/paralyze the opponent while dealing a good amount of damage if it survives a hit with it's 80/100/200 defenses and 5 weaknesses. It also always hits with Focus Blast and Blizzard.
It doesn't make sense to the Pokemon itself, but the changes are all related - Regice melts, gets close to dying and loses it's thick, solid ice guard.

3. Steel Protean Zoroark with Ice Beam
OU version of Greninja. It has a great movepool that isn't just as good as Greninja's, and exchanges Greninja's speed for higher offenses. Fairies wall it (doesn't get Gunk Shot like Greninja), but it can safely switch into them. Chansey/Blissey can't wall it though, because it gets Low Kick and Low Sweep. It also gets reduced damage from SR.

I like this Sunflora. I always thought it needed attention. I like this idea.
Regice is certainly interesting. All sorts of people seem to be coming up with creative ways to use No Guard. High damage and guaranteed status is certainly interesting.
Greninja is already S rank, and having another one that resists Stealth Rock with still solid speed and higher Sp Atk is pretty scary, even with lower bulk. Despite that, it can still switch in on attacks better thanks to Steel typing. I'm not gonna do this one, as Protean is too defining of an ability. I'm also putting Protean on the High Watch list. If you have a different idea for Zoroark, perhaps one that can utilize Illusion better, I'd be willing to hear it.
We could probably try Flash Fire if it gets accepted. A pokemon as defensive as Shuckle with no weaknesses would be very threatening. This is your choice of course.
Not sure I care for Qwilfish.
No Guard Hypnosis is certainly an interesting thought. I like it.

I like this Sunflora. I always thought it needed attention. I like this idea.
Regice is certainly interesting. All sorts of people seem to be coming up with creative ways to use No Guard. High damage and guaranteed status is certainly interesting.
Greninja is already S rank, and having another one that resists Stealth Rock with still solid speed and higher Sp Atk is pretty scary, even with lower bulk. Despite that, it can still switch in on attacks better thanks to Steel typing. I'm not gonna do this one, as Protean is too defining of an ability. I'm also putting Protean on the High Watch list. If you have a different idea for Zoroark, perhaps one that can utilize Illusion better, I'd be willing to hear it.
Serene Grace Zoroark with Seed Flare. Serene Grace Night Daze + Serene Grace Seed Flare = gg? Maybe? Definitely Serene Grace Night Daze = hax all by itself, lol.
Serene Grace Zoroark with Seed Flare. Serene Grace Night Daze + Serene Grace Seed Flare = gg? Maybe? Definitely Serene Grace Night Daze = hax all by itself, lol.
Better. Still wish it made use of Illusion, but another Pokemon could do that too (hint hint to anyone else). Also, regarding Sunflora, if I do accept it, it still has to be watched carefully because of its high Sp Atk.
We could change shuckle's thick fat to prankster so that it doesnt have to worry about its low speed when setting up

Dugtrio - Ground/Bug gets megahorn and compoundeyes as its hidden ability
megahorn is there for powerful stab and can be used in hone claws arena trap sets or compoundeyes sets giving the player more versatility when using dugtrio. compoundeyes is there to compliment megahorn

Hawlucha - Fighting/Ice gets extremespeed and refrigerate instead of limber
fighting/ice hasnt been done before. extremespeed is there because priority and refrigerate and refrigerate because it doesnt get any ice moves

Delcatty - Normal/Ghost gets shadow force/phantom force or shadow claw if shadow force is too muh and adaptabiliy
ok lets face it, delcatty is pure shit so im giving it one of the best defensive typings a powerful new stab and adaptability to boost its stabs to do even move damage. however itll still probably be so terrible noone will use it
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Hawlucha - Fighting/Ice gets crush claw and refrigerate instead of limber
fighting/ice hasnt been done before. crush claw is there because it needed a normal type move for refrigerate and refrigerate because it doesnt get any ice moves

Return/Frustration is stronger and more accurate. You'd only need to add something if you wanted Special, and that's assuming the Pokemon doesn't already have Hyper Voice. Give Hawlucha something it can actually use -maybe a priority move like Quick Attack?
Return/Frustration is stronger and more accurate. You'd only need to add something if you wanted Special, and that's assuming the Pokemon doesn't already have Hyper Voice. Give Hawlucha something it can actually use -maybe a priority move like Quick Attack?

changed to extremespeed
We could change shuckle's thick fat to prankster so that it doesnt have to worry about its low speed when setting up

Dugtrio - Ground/Bug gets megahorn and compoundeyes as its hidden ability
megahorn is there for powerful stab and can be used in hone claws arena trap sets or compoundeyes sets giving the player more versatility when using dugtrio. compoundeyes is there to compliment megahorn

Hawlucha - Fighting/Ice gets extremespeed and refrigerate instead of limber
fighting/ice hasnt been done before. extremespeed is there because priority and refrigerate and refrigerate because it doesnt get any ice moves

Delcatty - Normal/Ghost gets shadow force/phantom force or shadow claw if shadow force is too muh and adaptabiliy
ok lets face it, delcatty is pure shit so im giving it one of the best defensive typings a powerful new stab and adaptability to boost its stabs to do even move damage. however itll still probably be so terrible noone will use it
You already submitted your three. You're up to six now. And no, Shuckle's NOT getting Prankster.
God, no.
Speaking of, Prankster's on High Watch. Last thing we need is Prankster Shuckle or some other bulky 'mon.
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