- Samurott is now Water/Grass with Tinted Lens and gets Horn Leech. The Grass typing powers up Grass Knot on the special side and helps to hit most Water Absorb and Storm Drain Pokemon, helping Tinted Lens a bit. Defensively, it removes the Electric and Grass weaknesses while adding three more weaknesses and a few resistances as well.
- Pangoro is now a Poison/Fighting type with Regenerator and gets Toxic Spikes. This way, it can Parting Shot more effectively, gets STAB on Gunk Shot and Poison Jab, and is immune to Poison, making it much harder to wear down.
- Delphox is now a Ghost/Fairy type with Mold Breaker and gets Stealth Rock. This gives it STAB on Dazzling Gleam and Shadow Ball while giving it a good typing offensively and defensively. Mold Breaker Taunt, Will-o-Wisp and Stealth Rock are all very useful.
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