These are a bunch of arguments that have come up in the last few pages defending Sableye:
- Let's not ban Sab because I want the meta to remain stagnant and unchanged.
- Pro-banners all hate stall/only want it banned because they lose to stall. Sab stall is skillful, as legitimate a playstyle as any other. This strikes me as odd considering the first non-mod post is pro-ban, by literally the person who brought back Sab stall as an archetype after the goth ban, because he thinks it takes skill out of the game and is heavily restrictive.
- Dugtrio, the pokemon that hasn't been OU for a 3 generations, is the real problem here.
- Trying to label the pro-ban side as people who only want it banned because it's "annoying".
- It's ok, just use this AV conk + Diancie core to beat Sab stall. I'll point out the obvious, that Sab + Skarm walls this with ease.
These either fall apart almost immediately under scrutiny, or don't say anything about Sableye itself. If you're saying Dugtrio is potentially a problem, I think you need to take a long hard look at how far you're going to blame old gen trappers for a problem that only occurs in ORAS.
Here's a brief explanation of a philosophical idea: RM Hare's "blik", meaning an unfalsifiable belief according to which a worldview is established. He used it to talk about religion and faith, and the belief in something despite a lack of any empirical evidence. The example he gives is of a crazed student who believes all university professors want to kill him.
Bliks don't have to impede normal function, and they can be meaningful. However, in the case of the trapping blik, this has stunted the growth of the tier for a long time. It has let the problem of Sableye linger when we could have gotten rid of it a whole year ago, because voters too happily solely blamed a pokemon that has been in the game since bw2, for problems that only started to occur in ORAS. The problems with goth stall ONLY started to occur when Sableye was introduced into the tier, and yet not enough voters realised that, logically, this must point to a combination of factors, rather than just shadow tag. Now, this blik has returned stronger than ever, and looks to mess up the tier for good. It has reached a point where posts legitimately blame a pokemon multiple tiers below OU for a problem that exists solely in OU, and argue that stall is broken with Dugtrio as a trapper, when stall has used dugtrio for the exact and specific purpose of removing trappers it doesn't like since ADV.
I realise that the above will come off as unbelievably condescending. Originally, I was just going to include the initial list, and point out these weren't the most effective arguments. It's understandable that people at the time thought gothitelle was a much bigger problem, because shadow tag + trickscarf to give it a massive scope of potential trap targets was very powerful. Sableye could still be demonstrated to be a problem then, but I think it's reasonable to say Gothitelle was a bigger one. However, as some posts have gone so far as to blame absolutely
anything with a trapping ability, rather than look at things in isolation, and what factors have changed to reach the current state of the metagame, I think it's time to try and knock this extreme anti-trapping blik on the head once and for all.
It's not only important to get rid of this blik to fix the ORAS ladder, but also, because the way things are headed right now, we're going to have all kinds of problems in SunMoon due to trappers being blamed, when the culprit might be something separate.
Anyway, moving on to tackle a post that talks about unhealthiness in the meta:
I find it very odd that you see Sableye as a benign presence, but Baton Pass as an obnoxious mess. I'll use Baton Pass as a substitute to show why I think Sab stall + BP are very comparable. Personally I see Sab stall as a greater problem, but anyway:
Baton Pass, in its current state, can be beaten by things which are common in the ORAS OU tier, and that you don't need to make major changes to your team in order to operate. For example, Mega Heracross can break through Scolipede's sub and KO it with Rock Blast, the combination of roar/whirlwind + Mega Metagross beats any variant of baton pass right now. Simply by slapping taunt onto Thundurus can you shut down Scoli before it gets a chance to BP, and this has been true ever since BP chains first made their appearance in XY. Furthermore, Espeon is far from unstoppable even when it gets passed to, losing to TTar, or anything that can hit it hard for physical super effective damage, which becomes easier now that Scolipede can't pass defence boosts. But the options to deal with BP aren't just exclusive to offensive builds, stall has an option too in running haze on Quagsire, which granted, isn't ideal, but gives up 1 slot on 1 pokemon to deal with a whole playstyle way better.
Now, based on baton pass in its current state seeing little tour use, having common counters in OU, the opposing player being in a noticeably better position by playing carefully around scolipede than when they don't, I put forward, that Baton Pass, after the nerfs, is a perfectly healthy part of OU.
Now of course, there's a flaw in the above logic, which is that while it's possible to beat the current state of baton pass, using things which are totally accessible in OU, that doesn't change the fact that it is ridiculously easy to win with it. The very same logic applies with Sableye, only doubly so because if you can stop the keystone of Baton Pass, Scolipede, from doing its work, then you can beat it, ie they have to use Scolipede to get fast boosts, but Sab stall only needs to go into Sab when they deem it beneficial to do so.
And that's the main difference between something that puts big pressure on building in a bad way, like BP + Sab stall, and something that's centralising in a good way, like GSC Snorlax, which you mentioned during your conversation with ABR. When I add Snorlax to a GSC team, I'm not looking to subtract skill from the game, but merely optimise my team to perform well, increasing the range and effectiveness of good plays I can make in a match. When I build Sab stall/BP, I am quite specifically looking from the very start to not give the opponent a fair chance to fight back, ie I'm looking to deduct skill from the game. Just a note here that I have actually spammed Sab stall on the ladder before to test whether I really was right in thinking it lacked skill, and I saw from the results that I had been correct.
There's also the key factor, that now there's plenty more threats to deal with in OU, so teams which aim to create matchup issues will grow increasingly effective, and therefore we must be more diligent in stopping these strategies. Incidentally, NP Thundurus, SubCM Keldeo, and Vinc Cune aren't the most reliable of breakers, and most stall teams are much better prepared for Manaphy than they once were. But the point I really need people to take away from this is that it's not right to put the onus of building on one player, to have them construct a team basically the ground up to accommodate one of the powerful breakers that can smash sab stall, as they are generally not splashable at all, but instead we should insist that both players should have to play well. That's really what this suspect is about - to try and take away the most common and effective way that players can use to hop around having to play well, to ensure that bad matchups have a better chance of being outplayed, and to set about a future tiering policy that tackles the issue of matchup based teams better.
Just as a last addition, I should mention that while there are teams which are unarguably easy to play, running about on the ladder, this is very different from a team that specifically aims to take away your opponent's options, and make their good plays count for nothing.