I'm not sure yet if it's broken or not but one thing I'm sure of is that the "Spectrier is broken because I have to run a ghost resist" arguments should never be the reason for its ban. First because it's not the only ghost type breaker in the tier, Specs Dragapult is also very threatening to teams without ghost resists, obviously its shadow ball is much more easier to tank with non ghost resists, but they can often get 2HKO'd with a SpD drop, and if we ban Spectrier, Aegislash is probably gonna make a comeback at some point, so teams would run ghost resists anw (not saying that Aegi's and Dragapult's Shadow Ball/Hex have the same influence in the teambuilder as Spectrier's, I'm just saying that Spectrier is not the only threat that's worth running a ghost resist against). Second because there are a couple of solid ghost resists that also provide good utility outside of checking it. Mandibuzz provides Defog, a solid check to SD setup sweepers with Foul Play, and is a good knock off user, making it pretty splashable. With it's gitantic bulk it can switch-in even on terrible scenarios like Specs Hex with burn chip, Nasty Plot into Shadow ball SpD Drop, and doesn't mind disable variants. Hydreigon also provides defog support while being one of the only reliable Heatran checks in the tier. It fits better on teams that can pressure Spectrier better because it may get beaten by Spectrier in the long run. Specs or Nasty Plot Hydreigon also works if you're running a very offensive team and don't give it many opportunities. Tyranitar takes nothing from its attacks, negates leftovers recovery (which punishes Sub pretty well), and can set up rocks on it. Just like Hydreigon, it's one of the best Heatran answers, can setup sand for Garchomp or Drill, and also checks a plethora of special attackers thanks to its absurd bulk. With Crunch, it can OHKO or 2HKO Spectrier with no bulk, and 3HKO bulky Spectrier with burn. Tytar dislikes Will-O-Wisp because it negates its only recovery option in leftovers while making it weaker, but there are always Tapu Fini and Heatran as options to absorb Will-O-Wisp. Finally, we have Blissey, which litterally takes 0% from Spectriers stabs and completely walls it unless it runs Dark Pulse. While Blissey can't touch Spectrier behind a Sub without using Shadow Ball, it can PP stall it by using Teleport, bringing in something with boots, and switching back in. It can be paired with Specs Dragapult to avoid being too passive, as it can OHKO Spectrier without a Calm Mind Boost, and if it does have Calm Mind, it doesn't have dark pulse bc CM sets need Sub and w-o-w to be effective, and mono dark pulse sucks. There are enough "answers" to Spectrier to where the teambuilding restriction is a problem itself. Though I guess the rare taunt sets can be problematic.
I think the issue is rather that Bulky CM Spectrier can beat most of the aforementioned "answers". While they are reliable answers to nasty plot and Specs sets, Bulky Calm Mind Spectrier can theoratically win almost any match-up besides Blissey, because breaking its sub is very challenging onc it burned the checks and has a cm boost. Only the Bulky CM set needs very specific techs to be beaten, like Snarl on Hydreigon or Mandibuzz, and Rest on Tyranitar.
What a truly disingenuous answer. You either are just purposely are misleading because of some personal agenda you have to keep the horse around or maybe you're just bad; I'd argue it's purposely misleading. Not only does dragapult have 2/3rds of the base special attack as the horse ensuring that it absolutely will not 2hko any of the things that the horse does, it doesnt even have the same stacking ability which makes it so hard to to deal wiht the horse in the first place. So what are you talking about. Secondly, your comparision to aegislash is funny, as it also does not have the stackign abilithy and is slow as dirt, as well as easily taken out.
The rest of your argument up to blissey from there is actually irrelevant and speculatory so I will ignore it for now unless you want to expand on it.
Now for blissey, "which litterally takes 0% from Spectriers stabs and completely walls it unless it runs Dark Pulse. While Blissey can't touch Spectrier behind a Sub without using Shadow Ball, it can PP stall it by using Teleport, bringing in something with boots, and switching back in." This actually was the most egregious of your points. if you have actually played the game to even a moderate amount of competency, used the horse, read many of these posts in this thread alone, or ever been past 1600 (which I know you have so I know you're being disingenuous), you would know that this is just misinformation. There have been myraids of horses that have uses blissey as setup fodder alone and just won the game. Not to mention getting rid of blissey is not a hard feat if it's not on stall, so even then that point is to keep that one mon alone so ur not 5-0d by the horse; already on rocky territory.
lastly.... "There are enough "answers" to Spectrier to where the teambuilding restriction is a problem itself. " This is contradictory to what u said ur entire paragraph so was what you were saying satire? Truly just curious mate.
Can you clarify?
There's definitely no reason to keep this obviously broken horse whos larger form got banned from ubers in this lower tier. I promise you that you can still win games without forcing the tier to play the game of "keep the horse answer alive and healthy or lose the game" every other game or so. I promise you.