While not as all encompassing as some of the previous posts are, I wanted to bring up a very specific set.
Spectrier @ Leftovers
Ability: Grim Neigh
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Disable
- Taunt
- Shadow Ball / Hex
(The EVs are just filler, run whatever you want)
With this set, you can completely shut down many "checks" to Spec, as well as most walls/pivots.
For those who don't know, this set utilizes Disable + Taunt in order to stop walls from doing anything and get free Substitutes and/or boosts. Taunt is able to deny status moves like Whirlwind, Recover, and Teleport, and Disable is then used to block the attacking move next used to break the Sub. This works especially well against walls, which typically carry 3 status moves + 1 attacking move to bypass Taunt, or multiple weak moves with only 1 being able to break the Sub (ie. Pex). If you're able to disable all 4 moves using this method, the opposing wall is forced to switch out, giving you either a free Substitute or attack on switch. It is important to note that this set can still get boosts through Grim Neigh and sweep that way. If running Hex, status support is appreciated (Burn being especially effective).
Now, for some targets. Keep in mind that there are sets/mons I don't mention here, this is just a list of some of them:
One of the main draws of this set is that it completely shuts down Shadow Ball & Seismic Toss variants of Blissey that would otherwise wall the other sets. After Taunt + Disable, they will be forced to Struggle. The same can be said for most
Although it may require some scouting, any Mandibuzz outside of Knock Off + Foul Play variants are also beaten using this set.
Since most Obstagoon run Knock Off + Close Combat + Facade as the 3 attacking moves, they will be unable to damage the Substitute once Knock Off is disabled, meaning that they have to switch or be slowly chipped down by burn damage.
All of these common walls and more are both shut down by this set and used to gain boosts. However, certain variants like Knock Off + Gyro Ball Ferrothorn can beat it, so be sure to scout for those. Also, for certain mons on this list, it's best to Substitute on the switch since they can threaten Toxic (
) or Leech Seed (
), both of which ruin this set because of its tendency to use more Substitutes than other sets like SubCM.
Finally, a few checks & counters:
(Knock Off + Foul Play): Because these resists use more than 1 attacking move, they can force this set out.
is especially annoying, because its Sandstorm denies Spectrier its Lefties recovery.
With Infiltrator, Dragapult can come in and revenge kill this Spectrier every time since it has no way to boost its SpDef. (With 252 EVs in HP, Spectrier will always die to Specs Shadow Ball after Sub + up to 3 turns of Leftovers, and has an 81.3% chance to do so from full).
As you can see, the vast number of sets Spectrier has makes it very restrictive in teambuilding. In my opinion, Spectrier's movepool is quite good, with strong STAB moves (Shadow Ball/Hex), setup moves (Substitute/Calm Mind/Nasty Plot/Agility), and more (Will-O-Wisp/Disable/Taunt/Haze/more), not to mention the inferior but still decent Choiced sets. I've had a lot of fun using this Spectrier set recently, and I wanted to share it in this thread, however I do believe Spectrier's presence in the tier is too restrictive, and therefore unhealthy, and it should be banned.