NU Discussion Thread (Mark II)

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This is why it's so broken. Meganium is basically our only hope and he isn't doing shit to Vileplume. Besides, HP Fire/whatever means no SDMeganium...

Probably a long, long shot but would Tropius be even remotely viable? Grass/Flying gives the STAB we need and he's fast enough to outpace the new trio of Vileplume/Regirock/Slowking.

Not if SR is up on the Tropius side or it gets hit by Regirock. I'm not too sure. That's also double Ice weakness, and I'm almost sure that Slowkings will carry at least Ice Beam or Flamethrower to fend off Grass if Vileplume goes down. It's a decent suggestion though. Maybe a quick Sunny abuser with HP Fire then to be a special version of Meganium. Get a speed boost, get rid of Regirock's sandstorm (Which I'm going to assume will always be in effect if someone's going to use Regirock, no questions asked.), and instant Solarbeams will still punish everything that comes in, resisted or not. Slap Leftovers and Clorophyll on it.
So we're describing a Victreebel? Sunny Day won't work with HP Fire, considering 2/3rds of that defensive core resists Fire. Unless you have absolutely PERFECT prediction...
So we're describing a Victreebel? Sunny Day won't work with HP Fire, considering 2/3rds of that defensive core resists Fire. Unless you have absolutely PERFECT prediction...

Victrebell can't switch in on Slowking directly unless you know for sure it's not going to use Psychic. I suggested Sunny Day to clear up potential Sandstorm from Regirock and give a speed boost if there's another member of that core other than RegiKingPlume that would pose a threat like a Scarfer. Also for a powerful Grass attack with no windup turn.
Tropius @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Aerial Ace
- Roost

Tropius boasts incredible strength if he can successfully pull off a Swords Dance. 516 attack is nothing to sneeze at. With a Life Orb, his Aerial Ace will always OHKO Vileplume, and Leaf Blade means Slowking can go cry in a corner.

Leaf Blade will do 300-354 damage to Regirock, who has a max of 364 HP. With two layers of Spikes, Regirock can be OHKOed. Or alternatively, one layer of Spikes/SR and some luck.
The way to get a Swords Dance in would be to lure in Vileplume then switch in Tropius. Vileplume will flee and probably switch to Regirock, giving you a chance to Swords Dance on the switch.


Tropius seems promising. Thoughts?
if anything i would never switch a regirock into tropius, vileplume is not ohked by anything bar a specs modest air slash and got S-bomb to killl tropius.

overall i used a set like that back in the past but a bit more bulky and EQ over aerial ace, never got much sucess but killed some stuff once in a while, i found to be outclassed by SD meganium most of the time. though mostly because of the lack in bulky, typing(Weak to SR) and the flying type besides giving STAB on flying dindt do anything good to him.
Vileplume doesn't run Defense and won't go before Tropius, so he's safe.
Grass/Flying offers great coverage, too.

It seems there really is no counter to this terrible trio...
is a unboosted aerial ace ohkoing? besides, like i said, i would never switch regirock into tropius.

also is physical tropius even common? not the pokemon, the set usage.(example, its the most used tropius set) this would help to check if the set will work.
it help because of its counters.

Lucario in OU for example normally runs SD, thus hippo is a counter, specs beat hippo like a little bitch.

so if the standard tropius set was specs for example it would help forcing a switch against vileplume in fear of being ohkoed by air slash, thus you can SD on the switch.

maybe i should explain something to you: no decent player switch a pokemon weak to grass against something that use grass atacks has its main STAB.
This is why it's so broken. Meganium is basically our only hope and he isn't doing shit to Vileplume. Besides, HP Fire/whatever means no SDMeganium...

Probably a long, long shot but would Tropius be even remotely viable? Grass/Flying gives the STAB we need and he's fast enough to outpace the new trio of Vileplume/Regirock/Slowking.

What?? +2 Return easily 2HKOs Vileplume o_0
SD again on a synthesis and ohko with return, the S-bomb trick also work for tropius.

it cant be stalled out anyway since +2 return is doing more then 60% anyway.
exactly. its theorymon. was it tested yet? is it COMFIRMED that they are such a powerful trio and that nothing can beat them? a lot of things work in theorymon that wont work anywhere else.
Just pointing this out:

Meganium (252 SpA/252 Spe) Timid LO Leaf Storm vs standard Tank Regirock (from UU)= 89%-105.5% clean OHKO with SR up.

the same Meganium Leaf Storm vs Special Tank Slowking= 78.1%-92.2% not ideal, but it's still a good OHKO chance with SR and Spikes. At worst, it's a 2HKO

She can run a special set with Hidden Power (Fire) and Synthesis and still KO what she needs to. The SD set is clearly her best option, but this works well under sunlight (2HKO's most Vileplume and has double Synthesis recovery), which is necessary to have in order to get rid of the Sandstorm that inevitably will come with Regirock.

That's just an idea though. I'm not really an expert in this.
Just pointing this out:

Meganium (252 SpA/252 Spe) Timid LO Leaf Storm vs standard Tank Regirock (from UU)= 89%-105.5% clean OHKO with SR up.

the same Meganium Leaf Storm vs Special Tank Slowking= 78.1%-92.2% not ideal, but it's still a good OHKO chance with SR and Spikes. At worst, it's a 2HKO

She can run a special set with Hidden Power (Fire) and Synthesis and still KO what she needs to. The SD set is clearly her best option, but this works well under sunlight (2HKO's most Vileplume and has double Synthesis recovery), which is necessary to have in order to get rid of the Sandstorm that inevitably will come with Regirock.

That's just an idea though. I'm not really an expert in this.

Nice set. But I would advise HP 252/S Atk 252/Spe 4
So you get bulk and you don't really need to out speed anything (unless you count vileplume (in which you use some sort of custom EV spread to out speed :P). Modest is nature of choice (guarantees the kills I guess) or something with a bulkier route. I guess the move set would be HP Fire, Sunny Day, Synthesis and Solorbeam/Leaf Storm?
Nice set. But I would advise HP 252/S Atk 252/Spe 4
So you get bulk and you don't really need to out speed anything (unless you count vileplume (in which you use some sort of custom EV spread to out speed :P). Modest is nature of choice (guarantees the kills I guess) or something with a bulkier route. I guess the move set would be HP Fire, Sunny Day, Synthesis and Solorbeam/Leaf Storm?

Nein! That is definitely not the way to go, as it guarantees Vileplume outspeeds. It does have Clorophyll, and even though it would get rid of Sandstorm from Regirock, Vileplume could easily outspeed and do pesky things like Powder or Sludge Bomb. This is why I would have suggested Tropius for this type of moveset, as it also gets Clorophyll to abuse and negate Vileplume's boost.
Tropius @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Aerial Ace
- Roost
Tropius seems promising. Thoughts?
Tropius would be far better if Dragon Dance+Leaf Blade was legal. Also you may or may not want Earthquake in the last slot to give you some sort of hope against Fire-types, although predicting the switch-in would be all you can do in most cases.
That's the point I was making in conjunction with your DD/LB comment.

I just want to point out that there wouldn't be so many "broken fire types" if SR wasn't so overcentralizing throughout the game. Though what do I know about a force that puts to rest, without complimentary typing like steel, one of the better offensive types in the game?
The damage values for SR should be cut in half, to be honest. Spikes have like no purpose when you have SR. Or better, have SR work as:

one layer: 6.25% damage to ANYTHING, 12.5% to anything if SE, 2x or 4x is irrelevant
two layers: 12.5% damage to ANYTHING, 25% to anything if SE, 2x or 4x is irrelevant
three layers: 25% damage to ANYTHING, no bonus if SE
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