Official NBA 2010-11 Season Thread

I saw one good post move by Dwight. Most of the shots I saw Dwight get in, he was already deep in the paint and in prime position for an easy hook/layup/dunk/whatever. Mediocre perimeter defense by Boston was what mainly kept Orlando in the game, as well as the free throw disparity for most of the game. The offense by Orlando was ugly, but they got good looks in transition.
You do know the offense is set up that way for Dwight to get layups and easy hook shots? Just making sure..

It was a close game regardless. Both teams looked about the same. Boston hasn't let anyone score on them that much in a long time I believe. They just didn't guard the three ball well and fouled a lot. Magic didn't guard the paint well (understandably since they only have one real big man and shot blocker). Hopefully, they can get a four-five man who can help them with this.

I disagree. The offense is still ugly. Against most teams, the Magic should have no problems scoring. Teams like Boston? You rely on highly efficient 3 point shooting to just stay in the game.
They didn't "rely" on it. That is simply what Boston gave up. It's not like Orlando didn't try to go for easy 2's as well. Boston simply does not give those up as other teams would. They still did fine. Does the Christmas game mean anything?

What about the Spurs? They're one of the best teams in shooting threes and they can get hot too. Does anybody ever say they rely on them?

I did see Richardson getting a screens here and there, but nothing really complicated; I never saw more than one pass being made to the shooter. But it's better than nothing. To see the difference between the Magic's system and a good one, take a look at Ray Allen's play from the game (or any game). Watch how he's always in motion, going through multiple screens to get a good look. For a step further, watch the guy setting up the screen; depending on how the defense reacts, you see a lot of the players setting up the screens in position for an easy/good shot.
You have to understand that they play to Dwight's strength in speed in power. Also, you can't automatically say Jason Richardson has the same exact skil lset as Ray Allen just because they can shoot off screens. Ray Allen is one of the best shooters in history. Richardson is a great shooter as well off of screens, but his threat is nothing compared to Ray Allen. I can understand your suggestions for an off the ball offense, but Dwight Howard is STILL their best player on the team (did you see his statline)? Now, if Howard was struggling that night, then I believe you would be correct (but even in the Christmas game, they still won).

Also, the Celtics guarded Richardson very well in the last possession, so he can be shut down anyway if the Celtics honestly tried. He has less spots than Ray Allen, so he is much easier to keep control of.

On a side note, what is with ESPN? Every year I learn a new reason to like TNT over ESPN in terms of talking about the NBA.

ESPN is such a fucking script that it's sickening. TNT feels like real, unscripted analysis of basketball. Has anyone heard Chris Broussard's reason for the Heat winning a title? He compared them to the fucking Chicago Bulls. How on Earth is Bosh, Joel Anthony, and fucking Dampier comparable to Dennis Rodman?

Wade and LeBron are Mike and Pippen? Mike wouldn't have jacked a three-pointer in overtime over Mike Bibby.

Seriously. If people heard TNT daily instead of ESPN daily, we'd have a lot more 'educated' basketball fans (because, let's face it, ESPN shapes the entire view of casual NBA fans).
You do know the offense is set up that way for Dwight to get layups and easy hook shots? Just making sure..
Offenses around Shaq were built to get him easy points close to the basket. Offenses around Kareem were likewise. Same with Robinson and Duncan. Same with Wilt. Same with every single offensive big man with a post game in the history of the league. The difference? All these guys don't need to be 2 feet from the basket to do something. Whether through power, speed, fundamentals, or an unstoppable move, all these guys had moves in the post that let them get what they wanted anywhere in the court.

Getting the ball that low in the block doesn't show me any skills in the post. It just shows Dwight can put the ball in the basket when he doesn't even need to dribble. Most bigs can do that much. What happens when Dwight is 2 dribbles away from the basket? What does Dwight do better 4 feet away from the basket compared to Duncan? Shaq? Bynum? Bogut? Garnett? Stoudemire? Gasol? Nene? Lopez? Aldridge? Ming? Brand? Griffin? Kaman? Randolph?

People say Dwight's post game had improved.

The improvement isn't too impressive.

Dwight's got a lot of talent. His skills are nowhere near it. Don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise until actual improvement shows up.

It was a close game regardless. Both teams looked about the same. Boston hasn't let anyone score on them that much in a long time I believe. They just didn't guard the three ball well and fouled a lot. Magic didn't guard the paint well (understandably since they only have one real big man and shot blocker). Hopefully, they can get a four-five man who can help them with this.
I don't know what game you were watching if you think both teams looked about the same.

To get an idea, completely disregard the points scored by both sides. Take a look at Boston's offense. Ray Allen running around multiple screens, if the defense responds to the screens incorrectly, Allen ended up with a good look at the basket. If the player guarding the one setting up the screen overcommits, Garnett/Davis/Shaq ended up with an easy look at the basket, from simple bank shots 4 feet away from the basket to a jumper from the high post. Go even further and add Rondo's penetrations to the rim that causes the defense to respond to him. Finally, the few times Pierce got the ball for an iso, he abused his defender for easy buckets. The screens, the penetration, the movement; it all leads to easy buckets for Boston.

Boston's defense was pretty mediocre that game. Poor closeouts in the perimeter. Poor rotations in general. The inability to play defense without fouling. Too much barking, not enough playing.

The Magic's offense? Single screens for J. Rich, which for this game, worked moderately well. Bass at the high post gave him some nice looks at the basket. Turkoglu taking advantage of his height advantage over his defenders. Howard's dangerous ability to finish when he doesn't have to dribble to get to the basket. The offense in transition was spectacular, and even on a good night for Boston's defense, the Celtics are rather mediocre in defending quick teams in transition.

The Magic's defense was awful. The decisions against Boston's screen setups were almost always incorrect. Pierce abused his defenders. Rondo even made some jumpers.

Heading into the 4th quarter, the Celtics were shooting something like 63%, they finished the game 42/70, or 60%. This wasn't just because of a good shooting night. The Celtics got easy looks to the basket all game long.

That is all that matters in the regular season. Yeah, wins help for better seeding once the playoffs roll along. But it's just a warm-up. Focus on how the teams are playing, not the score. It's about being able to consistently execute what you want night in and night out.

How effectively can we execute our offense? How sharp is our defense? What are some problems I see with this team? These are the questions that need answers.

If your team executes their offense and defense the way they want to, but lose because of a poor shooting night, bad refs, and/or a great shooting night by the opponent, that's okay. You get nights like that throughout the season.

They didn't "rely" on it. That is simply what Boston gave up. It's not like Orlando didn't try to go for easy 2's as well. Boston simply does not give those up as other teams would. They still did fine. Does the Christmas game mean anything?

What about the Spurs? They're one of the best teams in shooting threes and they can get hot too. Does anybody ever say they rely on them?
Bullshit they didn't rely on it. They jacked up 27 3 pointers and made 40% of them. Hey, if Boston wasn't going to defend me beyond the arc, I'd abuse that detail all game long too. But these kind of nights aren't going to happen often against a defense as good as Boston. They needed a great shooting night against what's normally one of the top defenses in the league just to stay even.

Yes, the Spurs do shoot a great number of 3s (almost 22 a game). Yes, they probably are a little too reliant on them in my opinion. But there's a little detail you're overlooking. The Spurs, unlike the Magic, have a coherent offensive system that works with the players. Parker and Manu give you iso options against defenses. The nights he is needed, Timmy can still get his number called and get to work in the post. Jefferson's been a deadeye shooter this season and can drive to the basket. They get buckets in transition, with quick, athletic guys like Parker and Jefferson, shooters like Neal and Bonner. Screens for Manu which lead to high post shots for McDyess or Duncan. The Spurs score because they've got weapons and a versatile system that works. Credit Coach Popovich for changing his offensive playbook to play more to the skills of Parker/Ginoboli/Jefferson than Duncan as Duncan ages and can't be Timmy as often as he used to.

You have to understand that they play to Dwight's strength in speed in power. Also, you can't automatically say Jason Richardson has the same exact skil lset as Ray Allen just because they can shoot off screens. Ray Allen is one of the best shooters in history. Richardson is a great shooter as well off of screens, but his threat is nothing compared to Ray Allen. I can understand your suggestions for an off the ball offense, but Dwight Howard is STILL their best player on the team (did you see his statline)? Now, if Howard was struggling that night, then I believe you would be correct (but even in the Christmas game, they still won).
You have to understand posting up isn't just strength and speed. You need the proper fundamentals.

You're putting words in my mouth now; I never said anything about Richardson's skills being the same as Allen's beyond stating Richardson could use more screens.

What does Allen being one of the all time great shooters have anything to do with Richardson's ability to shoot anyways? Does Allen's ability to shoot well suddenly take away from Richardson's own ability to shoot well? Yes, I get Allen is a better shooter than most people in the league. But is that really a legitimate excuse for not running a system that Richardson would most likely thrive in more than the one he's currently in? Just because Richardson would be less effective than Allen in this system doesn't mean it's not worth looking into. A waste of both of our times even discussing this point.

Outside being in awe of ridiculous statlines you get every once in a while from players, I completely ignore statlines. Why? Because it doesn't tell me shit about what happened within a game. All stats tell me is what a player did in a game, not how they got it. Dwight goes and grabs 20 rebounds. Impressive. Look within the game and you see that 18 of those 20 were with no one else near the ball. Not impressed. Kobe has 5 assists. Okay. He had 4 passes that lead to another pass that led to an open shot made by his teammate. 3 more passes his teammates missed open shots. Now I'm impressed.

Dwight was 10 for 19 from the field against the Celtics. He also had 14 rebounds. Let me ask now; how many of Dwight's field goal attempts were off post moves? How did he shoot from those post moves? Did he get fouled on putbacks or post attempts? How many of those rebounds were uncontested?

What I recall from the game, Dwight made at least one bank shot. He had at least one successful post move (a spin that left his defender in the dust for an easy 2). As for the rebounds, I couldn't tell you right now.

If most of those 9 misses came from poor postups, then Dwight doesn't look very impressive. If those misses lead to him being fouled, then we're heading into the right direction. If 11 of his 14 rebounds were uncontested, his rebounding numbers aren't too impressive. If 6 of his rebounds were uncontested, then suddenly those 14 rebounds look a lot more impressive.

You get the idea. Statlines just answer the whats. You need to get the answers to the hows too before you can make a conclusion.

Also, the Celtics guarded Richardson very well in the last possession, so he can be shut down anyway if the Celtics honestly tried. He has less spots than Ray Allen, so he is much easier to keep control of.
Key word being last possession. Boston's defense in general got better the last half of the 4th.

Would like to point out: if the Celtics had indeed tried against the Magic on the defensive end, this would have been an easy double digit win for the Celtics.
I agree with everything you said except...

That once again, you make the excuse that the Celtic's had an off night for the high percentage of threes, but the Magic can't have an offnight the same way? Why is that?

I'm trying to understand this idea that so far throughout this extended discussion, the Celtics are given excuses for any bad thing that happens. I mean, even they have their flaws. It's not uncommon for a team to guard the paint well, but not the perimeter. In fact, the Magic are guilty of this themselves. The Magic were superior from the 3 point line that night; but who's fault is it that the 3 is worth one more point than two? Who's fault is it that only Allen could shoot threes that night out of the whole Celtic team? Did I also mention that rebounding was relatively even as well?

The Magic are naturally jumpshooters. If they are open, they will make the shots. That goes for any jump shooter. You can call it what it is; slow rotations, lazy communication, but it happened. Both teams are clearly capable of shutting down one another (past regular season and playoff games).

Just because Richardson would be less effective than Allen in this system doesn't mean it's not worth looking into
Maybe it has and it hasn't faired well? Who knows. The Magic do have a lot of options as it is: Jameer, Hedo, Dwight, Richardson, Arenas (if he ever gets it together), Bass (if they're up 20 lol).
So Melo isn't coming to New Jersey, thank god for that. That would of been the biggest waste of a trade on New Jersey. Melo isn't fucking "Magic Johnson" or "Kareem" to be surrendering all those draft picks and basically half of your starting line up and bench. My Nets will be better in the long run, they have enough CAP and enough picks to build a young talented team.

Now Bench Khris HumpMe and let Derrick Favors show his true self. Don't just play Khris HumpMe over Derrick Favors just because he's dating the #1 hoe around "Kim Kardashian".

Let's get it Nets!
I agree with everything you said except...

That once again, you make the excuse that the Celtic's had an off night for the high percentage of threes, but the Magic can't have an offnight the same way? Why is that?
Are you trying to imply that the defense displayed by the Celtics that game was the top level defense that the Celtics are known for?

I've already stated multiple times that I understand that teams will have off-nights here and there. It's hard to maintain a high level of intensity for 48 minutes in the grind of the regular season.

I already explained to you. Pay attention to the game, not the score. The Celtics played mediocre defense the vast majority of the game.

The Magic/Celtics game is what you should expect from them in every single game between them assuming they stay healthy; the Celtics have an easy time getting good looks at the basket with their offense. The Magic have their easiest time getting looks to the basket in transition. The Celtics have superior individual defenders overall in addition to a better team defense. The Magic can catch fire beyond the arc in a hurry and will abuse that if you don't close out fast enough. The Magic offense isn't just stagnant; it's predictably stagnant. The Magic are outmatched offensively and defensively.

As for the second comment, I'll explain in the next response.

I'm trying to understand this idea that so far throughout this extended discussion, the Celtics are given excuses for any bad thing that happens. I mean, even they have their flaws. It's not uncommon for a team to guard the paint well, but not the perimeter. In fact, the Magic are guilty of this themselves. The Magic were superior from the 3 point line that night; but who's fault is it that the 3 is worth one more point than two? Who's fault is it that only Allen could shoot threes that night out of the whole Celtic team? Did I also mention that rebounding was relatively even as well?
That's the luxury of being a championship caliber team. Lakers making excuses for the Lakers' losses is an example of this.

We know what the Lakers are capable of. It's why the Lakers are a frustrating team to watch in the regular season, given their penchant for "losing games they shouldn't". When the Lakers are motivated and clicking, how many teams can honestly beat them? How can they lose?

This is the same thing with the Celtics. When the offense is running, the defense is tight, who can beat the Celtics?

This season, the Spurs are on the same status.

Do these three teams have flaws? Yes they do, no team is perfect. But the flaws they have are completely minor compared to other teams. I've already pointed out Orlando's problems for quite a while now. The Heat's problems are pretty easy to see as well: overreliance on the individual talents of Wade and Lebron, weak links at the PG and C, no post presence, rather mediocre post defense in general. The Mavs struggle mainly on offense due to the complete inability to score outside Dirk and Terry, as well as running a mainly undersized backcourt.

I'm well aware of the grind of a full season, so teams have off nights in intensity, which lead to random things like a good deal of the Lakers' losses or the Celtics' loss to the Cavs. But at the end of the day, it's about consistency. It's about who can stay the most consistent in the postseason. The regular season is to get rid of bad habits as much as possible.

As for your comment on the Magic not playing up to par defensively as well, look at it this way. If the Celtics were playing defense like they usually do and the Magic were likewise, the Celtics would have won by a bigger margin. What happens if you play defense against an inefficient offense? They have a hard time scoring. What happens if you play defense against an efficient one? They score, but they have to really work for it.

I already conceded the Magic's 3 point shooting and acknowledged it being a good move taking advantage of those looks if Boston wasn't going to defend them. That was Boston's fault, and had they lost, they'd know why they lost. Also, the Celtics in general didn't take many 3s. In fact, if it wasn't for Robinson's dumb play in general, you would have seen more meaningful possessions by Boston. The Celtics didn't shoot many 3 pointers because they didn't need to. They took the best available shot every time and the Magic were inept defensively. Hence the whole shooting 60% for the entire game.

Rebounding stat, again, doesn't tell me anything about the game. A random stat that's just as meaningful; the Celtics are the worst rebounding team in the league, clocking in at about 38 rebounds a game.

The Magic are naturally jumpshooters. If they are open, they will make the shots. That goes for any jump shooter. You can call it what it is; slow rotations, lazy communication, but it happened. Both teams are clearly capable of shutting down one another (past regular season and playoff games).
You'd have a hard time convincing me the Magic are capable of shutting down the Celtics. Especially this Magic team.

I don't get what you're trying to get at here to be honest.

Maybe it has and it hasn't faired well? Who knows. The Magic do have a lot of options as it is: Jameer, Hedo, Dwight, Richardson, Arenas (if he ever gets it together), Bass (if they're up 20 lol).
I'm baffled as to why you're so against the usage of an offensive system that would only help the Magic's impotent offense.

Players are moving. What kind of offense is good if most of the players are standing still?
Hate to double post, but...

Shoutouts to the NBA for having 2 games be blowouts by at least 40 points on the same night too.

Shoutouts specifically to the Hawks for looking even worse than the Cavaliers during their loss to the Lakers.
So Melo isn't coming to New Jersey, thank god for that. That would of been the biggest waste of a trade on New Jersey. Melo isn't fucking "Magic Johnson" or "Kareem" to be surrendering all those draft picks and basically half of your starting line up and bench. My Nets will be better in the long run, they have enough CAP and enough picks to build a young talented team.

Now Bench Khris HumpMe and let Derrick Favors show his true self. Don't just play Khris HumpMe over Derrick Favors just because he's dating the #1 hoe around "Kim Kardashian".

Let's get it Nets!
Agreed, it's nice to see the Russian billionaire finally decided it wasn't worth selling...well, the entire future just to have 1 good player. Plus it forces Nuggets to deal with the Knicks, though I think there will be more desperate teams around willing to make that Faustian bargain...

Otherwise, assuming nothing gets done, Melo walks at the end of the season, probably heads right over to sign with the Knicks. Which probably would've been the scenario anyways had there not been a CBA looming on the horizon, as Melo can force the Nugget's hand by simply not signing an extension to then be traded, thus ultimately he can play hardball as to where he wants to go.

Also, it's nice to see the Suns on a 5 game winning streak, even if they're against loser teams and it'll end soon.
5 year anniversary of Kobe's 81 point game. Things have changed with the Lakers. The only guys still on the team from 2006 are Odom and Bynum. This goes along nicely with Kobe's legacy as one of the top scorers and players in basketball.
5 year anniversary of Kobe's 81 point game. Things have changed with the Lakers. The only guys still on the team from 2006 are Odom and Bynum. This goes along nicely with Kobe's legacy as one of the top scorers and players in basketball.
and obviously the far better player than those 2, Luke Walton
Mike Miller sure picked a great night to get his groove :D

Man he makes Miami SO dangerous offensively. Being a great rebounder for his position certainly helps as well. So glad to see him go off like that.
Mike Miller sure picked a great night to get his groove :D

Man he makes Miami SO dangerous offensively. Being a great rebounder for his position certainly helps as well. So glad to see him go off like that.
I dont understand why everyone always puts so much stock into guards' ability to rebound the ball.... Guards should never really matter on rebounding unless either the ball took a long bounce off a 3 or the occasional offensive rebound when the guards crash and dont get boxed out. Other then those situations rebounding guards should not even factor on boards
Miami does not need to rely on the smallest guys on the court to rebound the ball. When it comes to the playoffs, you need your tallest guy to get that rebound and not someone way out at the three-point line. That's just not going to cut it. Gang-rebounding won't work against every single team.

fmsYeah said:
Are you trying to imply that the defense displayed by the Celtics that game was the top level defense that the Celtics are known for?
So, from what I can understand from you, it's reputation.

Fair enough point. I suppose based on reputation, the Celtics are more likely to have the "off-night" than the Magic.

The funny thing about these two teams is that, rarely, if ever will they face each other in the regular season fully healthy sometimes. Someone is always out whether it's Jameer Nelson, Kendrick, Paul Pierce, KG, a recent trade; whatever. It's almost always hard to use them as a measuring stick in the regular season and usually the winner between both teams in the playoffs is just based on theoretical reasons.

Also, keep in mind that this Magic team still has some new players on the perimeter. So, while their defensive ability is probably less than the Celtic's right now in comparison, they still need time to gel to get to their peak which is still not there exactly against elite teams. Whether it will ever show or not is up in the air.

fmsYeah said:
You'd have a hard time convincing me the Magic are capable of shutting down the Celtics. Especially this Magic team.
The Celtics have averaged 80 something points against the Magic for possibly the last 3 years in a row now. In fact, they score some of their worst offensive games against them.

Speaking of the Spurs (Not talking to anyone in particular), I've lost confidence in them being a contender now the past few games. There's something about their frontline I don't trust. They're wasting Tiago and from the looks of it hoping for Blair to play taller than 6'7" and McDyess to be young? They'll probably beat mid-tier or low-tier west depending on the match-ups, but I have my doubts against the Lakers or maybe even the lol Mavs if Chandlier doesn't suck.

Edit: what does fat mean in the post quotes? lol
>Miami offense dangerous by just adding Miller
>Implying that solves everything
>Implying that solves anything

Anyways, guards rebounding is a good thing. Most bigs can't set up the offense in transition as well as guards can. Most also have poor ball handling, making it easier for the opposition to force a turnover.

So, from what I can understand from you, it's reputation.

Fair enough point. I suppose based on reputation, the Celtics are more likely to have the "off-night" than the Magic.
It should be "the Celtics were more likely to have had the off night than the Magic", but I get what you mean.

Based on how the statement is written, I'm inclined to believe that you are unconvinced of the gap between the Celtics and Magic I am claiming. Fair enough.

The funny thing about these two teams is that, rarely, if ever will they face each other in the regular season fully healthy sometimes. Someone is always out whether it's Jameer Nelson, Kendrick, Paul Pierce, KG, a recent trade; whatever. It's almost always hard to use them as a measuring stick in the regular season and usually the winner between both teams in the playoffs is just based on theoretical reasons.

Also, keep in mind that this Magic team still has some new players on the perimeter. So, while their defensive ability is probably less than the Celtic's right now in comparison, they still need time to gel to get to their peak which is still not there exactly against elite teams. Whether it will ever show or not is up in the air.
I already explained what the regular season amounts to. You can go and win 60+ games, break records, and everything else, but it doesn't count for shit if you still have major problems that teams will exploit for easy wins.

Basically, I take who won in regular season meetings between top teams with a grain of salt.

You will have a hard time convincing anyone that Arenas and Richardson will become good defenders of any sort.

You will have an even harder time convincing anyone that assuming Arenas and Richardson do better than expected defensively, they'll be able to be on a level that proclaims top level perimeter defense.

The Celtics have averaged 80 something points against the Magic for possibly the last 3 years in a row now. In fact, they score some of their worst offensive games against them.
Are we still talking regular season? If so, you already know what I'll say.

Speaking of the Spurs (Not talking to anyone in particular), I've lost confidence in them being a contender now the past few games. There's something about their frontline I don't trust. They're wasting Tiago and from the looks of it hoping for Blair to play taller than 6'7" and McDyess to be young? They'll probably beat mid-tier or low-tier west depending on the match-ups, but I have my doubts against the Lakers or maybe even the lol Mavs if Chandlier doesn't suck.
You'd be correct in the Spurs' meh frontline for a team that's expected to compete for a title. It's one of the few flaws of the Spurs.

They'll have no problems with the Mavs though. Dirk usually burns the Spurs, but they've got absolutely no one to stop Parker or Ginoboli through a series. The Spurs are just much more explosive than the Mavs overall offensively.

The Lakers do possess a problem with their frontcourt with Odom, Gasol, and Bynum, yes. But PGs like Parker thrive against the Lakers. Manu's good enough to change games based on how good he's playing. The Spurs have a better backcourt overall. Yes, Blair is extremely undersized, but he plays a physical game, which puts Gasol out of his game at times. Bonner, while a complete defensive liability, stretches the floor in a way the Lakers don't like to play. All in all, both teams are about the same in terms of how explosive their offense is, with an edge to the Lakers. The defense will really be the deciding factor in this series.

Edit: what does fat mean in the post quotes? lol
I believe it's some old joke that just stuck.


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Man, there's always such in-depth posts filled with quotations and good arguments in here. I just like watching, to be honest.

In any event, i'm going to the Knicks vs. Heat game this week. Hopefully it's a good one!
You will have a hard time convincing anyone that Arenas and Richardson will become good defenders of any sort.

You will have an even harder time convincing anyone that assuming Arenas and Richardson do better than expected defensively, they'll be able to be on a level that proclaims top level perimeter defense.
Well, I'm not pretending to have any evidence, but it's miles better than Wince Carter so far.

Edit: oh, and how could I forget Hedo Turkoglu. With his length and ability to wear out the other forward on the other end, him and Pierce have had historical match-ups in the past (even in the playoffs).
Ryan Rusillo: Would you take Kevin Martin over Kobe in a final play?
Henry Abott: ...Yeah.

O_O WTF? When did Kevin Martin become a better closer than Kobe?
Discuss. I'm getting a little bit tired of Derrick Rose and fmsYEAH arguing in circles about coaching versus talent.
It's kinda progressed pass that now...

Kinda strange anyway. Here, I'm defending the Magic's chances, but on the actual Magic forum, I'm arguing the Celtics would most definitely beat the Magic in a series anyway.
Jazz get smoked by the Lakers. I wonder if they can keep this momentum through next week. I'd love to come away with wins against Boston and San Antonio.

Kevin Garrett

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Yeah, it's pretty disappointing what has happened to Dallas and Utah. Both were on target to win 60+ games through the first fifth of the season, but they've had their struggles as of late. I'm hoping that huge loss and lack of minutes played for the starters will give them extra fight tonight against San Antonio.
The Mavs could have hit that mark if not for those injuries to Dirk and Butler. Dirk's been pretty awful coming back =/
Deron Williams was on another level tonight. Abusing everyone the Spurs threw at him. His season high 39 points weren't enough though.
And I was shocked when I heard the little tidbit about Evans. He has something like 29 field goals on the year. 18 of them are dunks. 11 of the dunks are alley-oops from Earl Watson. That has to be some kind of record for % of field goals that are dunks.
Kevin Durant, 50 minutes, 15-28, 4-8 threes, 13-14 FT, 18 rebounds, only 4 turnovers/fouls
Kevin Love, 44 minu tes, 13-23, 3-3 threes, 2-3 FT, 21 rebounds, only 2 turnovers/fouls

I wish I had watched this game so badly wahhhh, it only had my second and third favorite players putting on one of the best 5 games of the year it sounds like...but I did not think about today's games too deeply since nothing really leaped out at me when I skimmed.

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