(Old) Scavengers Ladder (February 2017 - May 2018)

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Hosted a double points odyssey hunt beej and I made on Sunday, October 22nd at 2:30PM EST

Shoutout to Gallant Spear for QCing and CheeseMuffin for QCing and hosting!

1st: BigPimpin12 (22:15)
2nd: shadowtheorem (35:21)
3rd: Bronzecrank (41:31)
4th: Chupps (46:55)
5th: WA nthe Avatar (54:16)
Consolation Prize: MeiBOO (54:47)

1.This is the only trainer class in GSC that occupies two tiles in the overworld.
2.There is a pair of Twins in RSE/ORAS where one twin shares her name with an individual twin from GSC/HGSS and the other twin shares her name with an individual twin from DP. On the route they inhabit in Hoenn, what is the name of the other trainer that can be called for a rematch? (Don't put the trainer class).
3.When battling this pair of trainers in Gen 3, their names appear in a certain order, along with a grammatical mistake in their trainer class. When battling them in ORAS, the order of their names is reversed and the mistake is fixed. (Don't include trainer class or "and," answer in the order they appear in ORAS.)
4.Between the two of them, Tate and Liza only use one Gen IV Pokemon in the Hoenn Leaders Tournament. There is also only one other Gen IV Pokemon in that tournament that doesn't hold a berry. Name both Pokemon. (Answer with Tate/Liza's Pokemon, other Pokemon.)
5.Speaking of Miguel (remember him? the PokeFan from question 2? of course you do!), there's another Miguel in a different main series game who has the same fully evolved Pokemon as the Hoenn Miguel. He has one other Pokemon. What is it?
6. Btw, guys, there's another Miguel in an entirely different game whose two Pokemon are x4 weak to Eelektrik's STAB. What's his trainer class?
7.There was another Pokemon that was part of a previous answer, one of whose STABs is x4 super effective against Fisherman Miguel's two Pokemon. What was that Pokemon again, the one with the x4 super effective STAB?
8.Yeah, that one! Cool. In a feature-length Pokemon movie, Magnezone gets blasted out the window of a train by a sequence of these three attacks. (List in alpha order.)
9.Lastly, these are the only twins in a main series game where Bubblebeam, Energy Ball, and Thunderbolt each hit at least one member of their team for super effective damage. (Answer with the names in the order they appear, ommit "Twins," e.g. "amy liv")
1. Twins
2. Miguel
3. Liza Tate
4. Gallade Magnezone
5. Eelektrik
6. Fisherman
7. Magnezone
8. Bubble Beam Energy Ball Thunderbolt
9. Kiri Jan
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Reserving official for wednesday 18 October 10 PM GMT +2/ 8 PM GMT
Thanks Qcs Meicoo Stylus host Meicoo

Rory Mercury has finished the hunt in 1st place! (01:26)
shadowtheorem has finished the hunt in 2nd place! (02:53)
Platinum Vinyl has finished the hunt in 3rd place! (03:15)
Aeolia has finished the hunt in 4th place! (04:18)
LCWCY2 has finished the hunt in 5th place! (05:38)
Consolation Prize: A Phantom

1 In Pokemon Platinum, Heart Gold and Soul Silver, Argenta will use a random team of Pokemon when you battle her. What monotype Pokemon are capable of summoning weather for 8 turns? (Alphabetical order) Answer: Cherrim glaceon
2 A Pokemon will dislike its trainer for using this item to cure it from fainting. Answer: Revival herb
3 According to its dex entry, if this Pokemon is left alone for a while and given the chance to increase its mental power, it essentially becomes immune to almost all moves of a specific type. Answer: meditite
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Reserving an official for October 18th at 8PM EDT. QC'd by Gallant Spear and hosted + QC'd by Rory Mercury!
Had a wonderful official on October 18th at 8PM EDT. (rip close blitz tho) thanks Gallant again for qc'ing and thanks rory for hosting it!
Also this was way easier than I thought
CloudyNatu [1:03]
Second: p^_^okemonvortex [1:09]
Third: keeping it icy [1:48]
Fourth: shadowtheorem [1:57]
Fifth: MeiBOO [2:04]
Consolation Prize: GengyGengar [3:26], Aeolia [3:47]
Q1: A double battle team consisting of the two trainer classes Hex Maniac and a Fairy Tale Girl uses this Pokemon which does not share either of it's types with another Pokemon in any possible battle with them.
Q2: This is the only Pokemon in Generation 6 that has no forms and can learn protect but not snore.
Q3: This berry only shown in the anime comes off of a tree created by Meloetta after it performs a small dance. (Include Berry in the answer)
Q1: Drifblim
Q2: Spewpa
Q3: Melody Berry
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Hosted an official on October 19th, 2017 @ 6:30 PM EDT / 10:30 PM UTC
Sorry about the sudden time change :c

Thanks to CloudyNatu and 3.14dgeot-Mega for the QCs!

Winner: shadowtheorem (07:17)
Second Place:
SergioGhouls (08:31)
Third Place:
BigPimpin12 (09:58)
Fourth Place:
Rory Mercury (10:47)
Fifth Place:
Darthikyu (11:37)
Consolation Prize:

There are two types in Generation I that do not have any TMs super-effective against it. Name both Pokemon who possess these types (alphabetical).
2) In Pokemon Yellow, this glitch Pokemon (who can be exploited with a specific starter Pokemon from another generation) can evolve into a known obstacle in the same game.
3) This Glitch Unown's hexadecimal number is exactly half of the number glitch messages it outputs. Name the hexadecimal number.

Congrats to all finishers!

1) Hoopa Lunala
2) pPkMnp''
3) 31
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Reserving an official for October 20th, 2017 at 7PM EDT.
Thanks to Rory Mercury for Qc'ing and thanks to Meicoo for Qc'ing and hosting!
Huge thanks to Meicoo for hosting and hope everyone enjoyed it!

Second: Darthikyu
Third: ForgotToFlush
Fourth: cseel
Fifth: coolgamer564
Consolation Prize: shadowtheorem, BoredPessimist, keeping it icy, losedude

Q1: This is the only Pokémon that has exactly two evolutions, in which one must be done during the day and another must be done at night.
Q2: An illness in the Pokémon anime that causes humans to act and think like Pokémon is only known to be caused by this Pokémon.
Q3: In Generation VI this trainer class specializes in Bug/Grass Type Pokémon when in the Battle Maison. However, only three of them can be faced outside of this and all are located on the same route with only a Corphish.
Q1: Rockruff
Q2: Hypno
Q3: Gardener
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Had a collab official with Rory Mercury for October 21st, 6pm EDT.

1. shadowtheorem
2. Darthikyu
3. Scorrchingtheaph
4. Stratospheres
5. pokemonvortex
Consolation Prize: A Phantom, LCWCY2

1. In a sidegame, in one of the gyms, a trainer has one of this Pokémon that illegally knows Metronome. [Slowbro]
2. This character from a Pokémon movie owns a multitude of Pokémon, all of which's only known move is Shock Wave. [damos]
3. In ORAS, name the highest leveled Pokémon that can be fought that has a higher level than any Pokémon used in the next gym. [vileplume]

Thanks to CloudyNatu and Gallant Spear for QCing!
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Had an official on October 20th, 4pm EDT!
Thanks to Gallant Spear and coinboy for QCing and Meicoo for hosting!

1st: Mega Eevee X (00:59 - BLITZ)
2nd: trials∫11 (4:31)
3rd: shadowtheorem (8:03)
4th: ScorrchingTheaph (8:38)
5th: a fairly large bee (10:15)
Consolation prize: coolgamer564 (13:48)
1. The second time the player battles a certain trainer who shares a name with a planet, all 5 of her Pokemon know attract. What is her trainer class?
2. This Pokemon hides in caves with no food or water as they prepare to evolve.
3. In the Pokemon Trading Card Game, this is the first stadium card by release date that affects each player differently.
1. Cipher Admin
2. Shelgon
3. Parallel City
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Reserving a Collab Official with Darthikyu on Monday 10/23/17 at 12PM EDT. Thanks to Gallant Spear for QC'ing and hosting and thanks to LegendaryMouse for QC'ing!
Thanks Darthikyu for collabing with me and thanks to Pear and Marsh for QC'ing and special thanks to Pear for hosting! <3

turn off ac [16:58]
Second: shadowtheorem [18:59]
Third: Geene [31:57]
Fourth: snz [32:08]

Q1: A trainer class introduced in generation VI thats two highest leveled Pokémon you can face are a level 49 Weavile and a level 49 Sharpedo are depicted this with Pokémon on the back of their jacket.
Q2: In the episode in which Ash battles three gym leaders in the episode for the first time these are the only two Pokémon that appear not belonging to a trainer. (Alpha order)
Q3: In a certain location, this trainer class will warn you if a Pokémon you are about to encounter would have Explosion or Self Destruct, correctly stating these moves put the user in danger.
Q1: Minun
Q2: Patrat Pidove
Q3: Hex Maniac
In a certain location, this trainer class will warn you if a Pokémon you are about to encounter would have Explosion or Self Destruct, correctly stating these moves put the user in danger.
In a certain location, this trainer class will warn you if a Pokémon you are about to encounter would have Explosion or Self Destruct, correctly stating these moves put the user in danger.
In a certain location, this trainer class will warn you if a Pokémon you are about to encounter would have Explosion or Self Destruct, correctly stating these moves put the user in danger.
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24/10/17 22:00 GMT -4 Collab with Wan the Avatar

Winner: GGhetsis (06:27)
Second Place: LCWCY2 (07:58)
Third Place: BigPimpin12 (10:23)
Fourth Place: A Phantom (10:35)
Fifth Place: Cheese (21:11)

Solutions: darkrai, 0.0001, ceruleancave

Q1) This Pokémon was originally planned to be a roaming Pokémon in Generation IV.
Q2) According to an official fanbook published by Shogakukan prior to the release of any
Generation II games, this is how often a Shellder causes a Slowpoke to evolve into a Slowking. (format as a decimal percentage (for example 43% = 0.43))
Q3) This Pokémon game location has gotten its layout almost entirely altered the most often in different releases within the same generation.

Gratz to all finishers (especially those that didn't spamguess Q3 ;_;)! Thanks to Meighoul and BloodyNatu for QC'ing and especially to Wan for making Question Wan One!
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Reserving an collab official hunt with amazing user Snap on Wednesday, October 25 9PM EDT! BEE there or BEE square!

QC'd by Meicoo and CloudyNatu

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: ScorrchingTheaph.
2nd place: Yellow$¢$Farfetchd.
3rd place: Ninjadog13.
4th place: BigPimpin12.
5th place: GGhetsis.
Consolation Prize: losedude, shadowtheorem, Alex, beej, Bronzecrank, Rory Mercury, A Phantom, kevinrocks, LCWCY2

1) Bestowed upon a few lucky Pokémon, this interesting move has a 36% chance to poison the opponent. [Twineedle]
2) Every Pokémon that has an evolution based on gender has access to learning a move outside of leveling up besides this one Pokemon in Generation 7. [Combee]
3) Examining the movepools of bug Type Pokémon, you will soon notice a Fairy Type move that is only learned by one Bug Type Pokémon! Name the Pokémon and the move. [Illumise + Charm]
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Reserving a collab official hunt with the one and only edible CheeseMuffin on Friday, October 26th at 11AM EDT!

Special thanks to Gallant Spear and Rory Mercury for QC'ing!
Thanks Cheese for collabing with me and hope everyone had fun! <3

shadowtheorem [3:29]
Second: Barry000 [5:54]
Third: Trade [7:27]
Fourth: samsamblaze^_^ [8:26]
Fifth: LCWCY2 [13:37]
Consolation Prize: beej [17:16]

Q1: This glitch Pokémon in Pokémon Yellow can be obtained from using the Time Capsule Exploit with the first Electric/Water type by dex.
Q2: Of all the Pokémon used in the Psychic Type Expert Tournament, this one's item would never have an in-battle effect when facing any of the other Pokémon.
Q3: This is the only Pokémon with a non-palindromic name that can have it's middle 2 letters swapped to spell it's name backwards.
Q1: BH
Q2: Beheeyem
Q3: Abra
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Held a collab official hunt with the moneyman coinboy on Saturday, October 28th, at 6 PM UTC!

Winner: Ryota Mitarai
2nd: shadowtheorem
3rd: BigPimpin12
4th: Mega Eevee X
5th: gallant's pear
Consolation Prize: Aegii

(1) Pin Missile Pineco, (2) Sky Attack Braviary, (3) Moltres Castelia City
1) Meicoo: In generation 7, what monotyped bug Pokemon can learn a gen 1 bug move by breeding? List the move and the Pokemon, in that order.
2) Meicoo: Among the moves Pokemon with Sheer Force can learn, a certain move is the strongest that can gain the Sheer Force boost. Name the move and the Sheer Force Pokemon who learns it, in that order.
3) coinboy: A certain legendary Pokémon card has been printed with two different illustrations, the latter of which was drawn by the fourth most prolific TCG artist and features a certain town/city from generation 5. Name the Pokémon and the town/city featured (include town/city in the answer).

Thanks to CheeseMuffin and Dot Agumon for quality checking!
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Held a collab official hunt with Darthikyu on Thursday, October 26th, at 8 PM UTC!

2nd: shadowtheorem
3rd: Geene
4th: BigPimpin12
5th: Arcadium
Consolation Prize: ScorrchingTheaph, Mega Eevee X, Snippety Bark

(1) Rub-a-Dub River, (2) Darkrai, (3) Dhelmise
1) Meicoo: In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red and Blue Rescue Team, what is the name of the friend area for Seaking?
2) Darthikyu: This Pokemon can be called from a Pokeball in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U, and will use a signature move no other Pokemon can successfully use in generation 7 of the main series games.
3) Meicoo: More than 10 Pokemon can learn a certain damage-dealing former HM move by level-up. Which of these Pokemon can't get STAB from the move?

Thanks to Gallant Spear and coinboy for quality checking!
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Had an official hosted by Meicoo on Wednesday, 10/25 at 5pm EDT!

S/o to Rory Mercury and Meicoo for QCing!

1st: shadowtheorem (4:12)
2nd: Yellow$¢$Skarmory (4:47)
3rd: gallant's pear (6:37)
4th: BigPimpin12(8:55)
5th: Ayia (9:14)
Consolation Prize:

1. These Pokemon use a steel type move in the Super Smash Bros games, despite neither being steel type (alphabetical order)
2. This move has a unique contest category among all of the moves that Latias learns by level up in Generation VI.
3. Among all of the moves that Latias can learn in Generation VI, these moves have unique category/contest category combinations (ie. Status/Clever, alphabetical order)
1. Latias Latios
2. Dragon Breath
3. Dive Sandstorm
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This was the final double points special style of October! It was a collab odyssey brought to you by me, Snap, LegendaryMouse, Flerovium, Phantomgenius, GoodMorningEspeon, BigPimpin12, Stylus, CloudyNatu, Brawl MK, and lovemathboy! It had a spooky theme, so I hope it got everyone in the mood for Halloween! Was hosted on Sunday, 3:00 PM UTC, October 29th!

Winner: Ninjadog13
2nd: shadowtheorem
3rd: Aegii
4th: castaways
5th: spooktune
Consolation Prize: Wan the Avatar, Ryota Mitarai, SpoopySpoopyBlaze, Mega Eevee X, LCWCY2, holyrory, Jasuanti, Geene, keeping it icy

(1) Poke Doll / Poké Doll, (2) Misdreavus (3) Great Encounters, (4) safariball, (5) ScreechTrickWillowisp, (6) shadowforce, (7) trick room, (8) Musharna, (9) Lon, (10) Bewear, (11) Skarmory
1) MeiBOO: In Generation 1, even if you don't have the Silph Scope, you can get past the Pokemon Tower Marowak ghost with this item.
2) SnapEasy: This ghost type Pokemon had both of it's first two anime appearances (including special episodes) involving a legendary beast. (Entei and Raikou)
3) C Lillee B Marsh: The first official usage of the Gen IV Lottery Corner operator's name was in this TCG expansion pack.
4) Flerovium: At a certain location in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, an NPC will give you an item that has the same effect as this other item in exchange for a Poke Ball. (first alphabetically)
5) A Phantom: A certain Pokemon uses its horn to feed itself on dark feelings of envy and retribution. What moves does this Pokemon learn by level up that don't share a type with any of the other moves it learns by level up? (alpha order)
6) GoodMorningEspeon: What move can be used as a base move in order for Never-Ending Nightmare to reach its highest possible base power?
7) BigPimpin12: During the Lily of the Valley Conference in the anime, a Dusknoir is seen automatically using this move when it entered battle.
8) Stylus: Books on the bookshelves of Strange House (Pokemon Black and White) reference a specific move and ability. Name the Pokemon with the highest BST that possesses the move and ability.
9) CloudyNatu: This Pokemon anime character of the day was revealed to be a ghost when a photo of them was found dating back to 1758.
10) Brawl MK: This Pokemon wears a full-body (except the head) costume of another Pokemon for its Halloween product on the official Pokemon website.
11) lovemathboy: When the player first arrives at a certain location in Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, it is enshrouded by a shadowy fog that constantly damages the player's stylus when the player is there. Which Pokemon can be used to clear this fog?

Big thanks to Gallant Spear and CheeseMuffin for quality cursing! :D

Happy Halloweeeeeeeeen!!!!!
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Dot Agumon hosted a collab official with me on Wednesday, at 5:00 PM EDT, on November 1st!

Winner: Arcadium
2nd: keeping it icy
3rd: Trade
4th: shadowtheorem
5th: BigPimpin12
Consolation Prize: LCWCY2, Ayia, Platinum Vinyl, WhirlwindBulbasaur, gallant's pear, Lycanium Z

(rip Arc finishing in 2:01, 2 seconds shy of modified blitz)

(1) Winstrate, (2) Corsola, (3) Don't Touch That 'dile
1) Meicoo: The members of this family all have first names alluding to the word "victory." Give the family surname.
2) Meicoo: On a certain anime island group, two groups of trainers have a rivalry: each side believes a different half of a gen 3 branched evolution is superior. What Pokemon appears on those islands that is not related to the branched evolutionary line, and does not belong to any main character/isn't part of team Rocket?
3) pokemonvortex: This is the first episode of the Pokemon anime to have any sort of digital animation. (Answer is the name of the episode)

Thanks to CheeseMuffin and Rory Mercury for quality checking!
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Reserving a Halloween official for 10/31/17 @ 12:00 P.M. EDT (10/31/17 @ 4:00 P.M. GMT), around 18 hours from this post! Quality Checkers are Rory Mercury and Gallant Spear, be there or be spooked. o~o

Tuesday 10/31/17 @ 12:00 P.M. EDT (10/31/17 @ 4:00 P.M. GMT)
1st place: adiass
2nd place: shadowtheorem
3rd place: Yellow Skarmory
4th place: Jasuanti
5th place: N/A
Consolation Prize: N/A
Solutions: Sableye, Thrifty Megamart, Feather Dance Hypnosis Minimize
1. This is the first Ghost-type Pokemon you can acquire on Pokemon Shuffle mobile.
2. In Magikarp Jump, there are two Friendship Items that correspond with Ghost-type Pokemon. This location in the main series games is where both Pokemon can be caught (use the name of the location as seen on the summary page of the caught Pokemon).
3. Of the Ghost-type Pokemon playable in any version of Pokken Tournament, these status moves do not match the types of the Pokemon using them (alphabetical order).

Congrats to all finishers! I was expecting a bit of a larger turnout, but I suppose Halloween really did occupy people's time.
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The October Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: shadowtheorem in first place with the new single month record, 426 points! As well as Darthikyu in second place with 131 points, and Rory Mercury in third place with 123 points!

shadowtheorem: 426
Darthikyu: 131
Rory Mercury: 123
WA nthe Avatar: 97
BigPimpin12: 96
Yellow$¢$Skarmory: 85
Ninjadog13: 70
CloudyNatu: 57
Aegii: 51
cseel? ◕‿◕ ): 50
LCWCY2: 47
A Phantom: 46
Geene: 45
adiass: 41
ScorrchingTheaph: 41
Bronzecrank: 40
WhirlwindBulbasaur: 37
Trade: 35
Mega Eevee X: 35
p^_^okemonvortex: 31
GGhetsis: 21
gallant's pear: 21
Stratospheres: 20
turn off ac: 20
Ryota Mitarai: 20
Aeolia: 17
Level 51: 15
snz: 15
Devoxys: 15
Barry000: 15
SergioGhouls: 15
trials∫11: 15
keeping it icy: 11
MeiBOO: 11
ForgotToFlush: 10
Platinum Vinyl: 10
chupps: 10
TheWhoDoctor: 10
castaways: 10
samsamblaze^_^: 5
leafage: 5
Bo Red Pessi Mist: 5
Jasuanti: 5
spooktune: 2
Cheese: 1
Ayia: 1
Arcadium: 1
coolgamer564: 1
Painter Skeleteon: 1
Stylus: 1
Ninetales Alolan<3: 1
The ladder twist for the month of November will be: Double Length Blitz Period, meaning 10 Blitz points will be awarded for any top 3 finishes UNDER two minutes, instead of under one minute!

Give it your best shot this month!
As well as the ladder ending, we have an additional announcement!

Starting retroactively with the concluded October ladder, the highest finishing non-staff member of each monthly ladder will now receive the opportunity to have the mouse cursor icon in the Scavengers Room intro be the Pokemon/Item sprite of their choice, so long as that choice is available!

For this month, the winner, shadowtheorem, has chosen to have dual Gastly and Haunter sprites, so check those out the next time you're in scavs!
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Hosted an official Collab w/ Snap on Thursday, November 2nd, at 8:00 PM EDT!

Winner: pokemonvortex
2nd: shadowtheorem
3rd: LCWCY2
4th: BigPimpin12
5th: Emboar02
Consolation Prize: Lycanium Z, WhirlwindBulbasaur

(1) Southern Island, (2) Seaking, (3) 3581
1) Meicoo: Which Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red and Blue Rescue Team Friend Area is home to the exact same two Pokémon that a main series game location with the exact same name is home to?
2) Meicoo: In a certain Safari Zone, a book can be found in the entrance detailing the Safari Zone going bankrupt. What is the Pokémon that can be caught in that Safari Zone at the highest level?
3) SnapEasy: The first episode numerically of Pokémon to be banned and never aired in the English dub has a character of the day. If this character were to fully evolve their Pokémon in Pokémon GO and max its CP to the max possible amount, this is what the CP would be. (Numerical Format)

Thanks to Gallant Spear and Rory Mercury for quality checking!
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Had an official hosted by Gallant Spear on November 4th, 12:00AM EST!

QCs by Rory Mercury and Gallant Spear, s/o to them!

1st. Ninetales Alolan<3 (2:55)
2nd. Che$ese (3:43)
3rd. Arcadium (4:17)
4th. cseel (4:29)
5th. Ninjadog13 (5:29)
Consolation Prize: Aeolia (5:48), golden009 (6:05), Stylus (6:46)

1. Among all of the possible abilities of the species of Pokemon that use Aqua Jet in the anime, this is the most common.
2. Among all Pokemon with the most common ability (excluding regional forms), only 3 do not share a certain type. Name the moves that all three get by level up (alpha order).
3. An Armaldo gifts Igglybuff with this item in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
1. Torrent
2. Brine Slash
3. Defend Globe
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Reserving an official hunt for Sunday, November 5th at 1AM AEDT / Saturday, November 4th at 10AM EDT

Thanks to lovemathboy for QCing and Brawl MK for QCing and hosting.

Winner: Arcadium (23:19)
2nd Place: Trade (26:01)
3rd Place: Barry✗☆✬000 (28:41)
4th Place: cseel? ◕‿◕ ) (29:24)
5th Place: MemelordExeggutor (33:53)

Questions and Solutions:
1) At this non-route location, a trainer with a level 60 Slugma can be battled. [VillageBridge]
2) This player ranks last in NFL ESPN Fantasy points (standard scoring) amongst Quarterbacks who have started every game for their team in the 2017 season. [JoeFlacco]
3) When a member of this band (whose highest charting single reached #13 on the Singles Chart in their native UK) passed away, the remaining members reformed as a band who in the 1980s reached the top 10 of the UK Singles Charts with two versions of the same song, as well as once with another song.(answer with the original band name) [JoyDivision]

Thanks to everyone who participated, and congratulations to all finishers in what was a pretty difficult hunt!
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Hosted an official on November 4th, 2017 @ 9:00 PM EST / Nov. 5th @ 1:00 AM GMT

QC'd by Gallant Spear and CheeseMuffin

Winner: lovemathboy (03:04)
Second Place:
LCWCY2 (04:36)
Third Place:
p^_^okemonvortex (04:52)
Fourth Place:
Meicoo (07:49)
Fifth Place:
Aeolia (08:44)
Consolation Prize:
WhirlwindBulbasaur, ptoad☆, cseel? ◕‿◕ )

1) The name of this Pokemon Conquest Ability is a combination of a Pokemon TYPE and GAME, in that order.
2) The Japanese translation of this Pokemon Conquest ability has a Pokemon in its name, despite the fact that the Pokemon cannot get the ability in that game, although it can in the main series games.
3) The Japanese translation of this Pokemon Conquest ability is the name of a Trading Card Game.

Congrats to all finishers!

1) Shadow Dash
2) Battle Armor
3) Inner Focus
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Reserving an official for November 6th, 5:00 P.M. EST (10:00 P.M. GMT)

Thanks to Meicoo and Stylus for QC'ing

1st place: shadowtheorem
2nd place: Aeolia
3rd place: golden009
4th place: Devoxys
5th place: cseel? ◕‿◕ (
Consolation Prize: Rory Mercury

Without needing to use HMs, one would theoretically only have to beat these two Gym Leaders to get into the Hoenn E4 in Gen III. (Format in alphabetical order)|brawly winona
This anime-exclusive location was actually two other locations on the same island.|porta vista
In Gen II only, opposing trainers could not cure the effects of this move using items.|nightmare
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Reserving a solo official on Tuesday November 7th at 7PM EST.

Thanks CheeseMuffin for QC'ing and thanks Rory Mercury for QC'ing and hosting!
Thanks for partaking in like my only moderately difficult solo ever.
yaicanea [11:55]
Second: Meicoo [16:31]
Third: psmathgeek [22:48]
Fourth: p^_^okemonvortex [24:51]
Fifth: Arcadium [27:00]
Consolation Prize: Aeolia [31:55]

Q1: In the episode in which May earns the nickname "Miss Tent", May got bad advice suggesting that this Pokémon was "slow" but then it proceeded to start off the battle by using Quick Attack.
Q2: In the first episode to use music from Pikachu & Pichu, this Pokémon is the only one to be mimicked throughout the episode that had not debuted in the anime yet.
Q3: This item when bought from a certain location is the most efficient HP recovery item in the Pokémon core games based on how much you heal compared to the price paid. (List item, then the location to buy it)
Q1: Surskit
Q2: Cherrim
Q3: Fresh Water, Kalos Power Plant
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