Project OM of the Month: Archive

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True Coffee Maniac
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OM Leader

September - Voting Stage

- Vote for a metagame by liking or loving the post (in this thread) that has its name on it. No other reaction will be counted.
- You may vote for as many metagames as you want.
- In order for your vote to count, you must have at least FIVE forum posts.
- If your account is less than one week old, your vote will NOT be counted.
- Votes may not be counted if your account's forum posts have a clear ulterior motive for being made, such as being eligible to vote.
- Do not promote an OM over another or voting for any specific OM on Smogon, Pokemon Showdown, and public Discords. This includes via private messages.
- Do not bash nominated OMs.
- The metagame with the most votes will receive a ladder on the main server of Pokemon Showdown for the month.

Breaking any of the rules above may lead to moderation actions being taken from OM Staff.

Voting will close on September 30th.

*in the event that a meta is unable to be coded and/or implemented onto the PS! main server, the metagame with the second most votes will get a ladder instead.


True Coffee Maniac
is a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staffis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
OM Leader
With a total of 61 legal votes, the new meta Sharing Is Caring is the Other Metagame of the Month for October 2023!

Leader's Choice of the Month is, Godly Gift!

I am sure some may be surprised by such a decision but Godly Gift has been facing extremely tough times due to this generation having only 2 gods to start with and remain that way for many, many months and as such we saw the opportunity to help it along by giving it LCotM in hopes of boosting ladder activity and overall interest in the tier.
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Here today, gone tomorrow
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UM/OM Leader
Unfortunately, Sharing Is Caring's technical issues are not easy to solve in a short timeframe and the forum mods generally do not want a buggy ladder to have a spotlight. Thus, Sharing Is Caring will have its ladder removed, and the second place metagame in the monthly vote (Convergence - hi Zach Parrott and G-Luke) will take its place as October OM of the Month. Sharing Is Caring will remain challengeable for the foreseeable future while the bugs are worked on and will be the leader's choice ladder for the first available month after it's fixed.


Shared:Power Little Knight
is a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
Community Leader

November - Voting Stage

- Vote for a metagame by liking or loving the post (in this thread) that has its name on it. No other reaction will be counted.
- You may vote for as many metagames as you want.
- In order for your vote to count, you must have at least FIVE forum posts.
- If your account is less than one week old, your vote will NOT be counted.
- Votes may not be counted if your account's forum posts have a clear ulterior motive for being made, such as being eligible to vote.
- Do not promote an OM over another or voting for any specific OM on Smogon, Pokemon Showdown, and public Discords. This includes via private messages.
- Do not bash nominated OMs.
- The metagame with the most votes will receive a ladder on the main server of Pokemon Showdown for the month.

Breaking any of the rules above may lead to moderation actions being taken from OM Staff.

Voting will close on October 30th.

*in the event that a meta is unable to be coded and/or implemented onto the PS! main server, the metagame with the second most votes will get a ladder instead.
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