Media One Piece (spoilers!)

Once Wano finishes up, I can imagine Elbaf being a somewhat shorter arc like Zou was right before Whole Cake Island, which had more content going for it like Wano does now. If Elbaf is visited for just a quick bit (it was also shown for real in one of Big Mom's flashbacks a little before Whole Cake ended, but correct me if I'm wrong), I can see the next arc after that being Hachinosu, or Pirate Island, which is Blackbeard's main territory already. If it pans out like that, kinda knowing how Oda handles things, the next arcs I can see happening are Lodestar Island and Mary Geoise, whichever one comes first. Only then could I see stuff like Laugh Tale and the Final War taking place.

We've seen six fantastic locations after the timeskip anyway, so I can't imagine seeing fewer than four more now (counting Fish-Man Island, Wano would be the sixth). The pre-timeskip main adventure depicted ten of them as well, from Whiskey Peak to Sabaody, not counting the World Government's branches like Enies Lobby or Luffy's attempt at rescuing Ace.
Don't know when Elbaf will be but I don't think there's a chance it gets skipped or even be minor part of the story. It draws heavy inspiration from Viking and Nordic culture, in tribute to the television show Oda watched as a kid that originally inspired him to write a story about pirates, similar to how one of the biggest and most hyped up settings in Wano is inspired by his own home country. Oda's fleshed out tons of fantasy world with unique cultures and I think it's pretty clear that doing this one justice is something that'll just be very important to him.

As for where it fits into the story, the prevailing theory I've seen is that it'll focus on Shanks and something along the lines of the island being his territory or Luffy finally meeting up with him again, which would also give plenty of potential for focus on Usopp due to Yasopp's presence as well. We'll probably see something along the lines of Luffy challenging Shanks and proving himself capable of overtaking him, and Elbaf, the homeland of the two giants who fought for 100 years just to settle a matter of warrior's pride and honor, seems like the perfect place for that encounter and conflict to take place between two close friends with ultimately competing goals.
popular theory on net is that elbaf will be a davy back fight between the SH and shanks pirates with the the last red poneglyph on the line...or something of that caliber

no personal opinion on that but it would make the davy back fight after skypiea relevant to the plot
popular theory on net is that elbaf will be a davy back fight between the SH and shanks pirates with the the last red poneglyph on the line...or something of that caliber

no personal opinion on that but it would make the davy back fight after skypiea relevant to the plot
Davy Back's plot relevance was the introduction of Aokiji at the end of it basically, I hope they don't re-use that sort of thing again.
Really great chapter!
Starting off with Yamato, I feel really bad for her. We don't even need an emotional flashback to know what she's been through, just those few lines and all of our knowledge of Kaido as a person. I'd be interesting in seeing more of Ace through a flashback with her, though. I never felt too strongly about him. I cared about Ace because of what he meant for Luffy, but we haven't seen enough of him yet. Good news is that Yamato is 90% confirmed gonna be a Straw Hat. Not certain because she could still lead Wano as an ally to Luffy. She wants to explore the world like her role model, but Oden also wanted the best for Wano. Something could happen that would make her change her mind - perhaps as a way to atone for her father's sins in Wano. Yamato leading Wano would usher in a new age; having a female as Shogun could lead to a progressive shift in Wano's culture in terms of gender equality. Her personality seems a bit too similar to Nami's and I can see that possibly being diluted amongst the crew.

The clash between Kanjuro and the scabbards is hype! Kiku has suddenly caught my interest with her threats to Kanjuro. I felt Nekomamushi and Inurashi's dialogue was somewhat out of place, but hey, the cat has a gun for an arm and the dog has a sword for a leg. How can you not like that? I kind of feel like Kanjuro's gonna have a change of heart of some sort in the late stage of this arc. Maybe to show he's not the tool we think he is. Kiku in that last panel with the blood drenched sword and tears is a good cliffhanger.

Kaido just killing Orochi was sick, and I enjoyed seeing that, but I am skeptical of Orochi actually being dead. His devil fruit is the 8 headed dragon Yamata no Orochi, so he might have survived. The kill felt really quick. No flashback, no panel of Orochi's face in shock, just Orochi saying something and Kaido attacking. He also has far too many people with personal grudges to be killed by Kaido, although I guess it is somewhat fitting that he bites off more than he can chew here. I hate that I instinctively doubt that someone has died, but that's Oda for you.

Assuming they make it out of Wano, Big Mom and Kaido's alliance is going to send the world into endgame. Blackbeard might get involved on their side, being the opportunist that he is. Shanks and Luffy could form an alliance. The Marines have to become more proactive; they can't just let two of the strongest people and organisations alive team up and hunt for the ancient weapons and the One Piece.
Just wondering, how many chapters do we have until Wano is fully finished? Speaking of which, will this be the last arc of the Four Emperors saga if Whole Cake and Wano are split from the Laugh Tale saga somehow? The Straw Hats are already putting their combined efforts with their allies into taking down Big Mom and Kaido, but I wonder what Luffy will need to do in order to grow even stronger another time to beat both of them. This is still pretty exciting to see, even if I'm still catching up on the earlier post-timeskip story arcs.

Also, in addition to Wano, has it been confirmed how many and which arcs we need before the story reaches Lodestar Island and Laugh Tale? I can't imagine there being more than one or two major islands between Wano and Lodestar. The best I could think of are Elbaf and possibly an infiltration of Mary Geoise, but I can't tell which we'll see first.
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Hey all! I started seriously watching One Piece at the beginning of quarantine and it has quickly become my favorite anime. I read the first three manga volumes from my middle school library 4 years ago and besides that I’ve had no relations to the series. I’m currently on episode 621 (tail end of Punk Hazard) and I’m rapidly advancing. I don’t give a care in the world about spoilage and practically know the whole storyline of the show up until Wano. My favorite character is easily Chopper. He’s just the cutest thing in the world and while yes, I do agree that Oda tries a little too hard to make him adorable post-timeskip I still find him the most precious thing. He’s also deceivingly strong and I hope he gets some more character advancement in the future of the story. My second favorite is probably a tie between Usopp and Robin. Usopp was my very first “favorite character” and has such a charm to him. Not to mention he uses a fricking slingshot. I’ve really come to like Robin more recently post-timeskip. While I don’t exactly know yet, she’ll definitely hold key importance with her ability to read poneglyphs in the future and I can’t wait to see how that works out. I also think she has a sick power and making wings out of hands is just so badass. I also take a liking to her maternal role and her subtle humor.

Here’s my favorite clip from Punk Hazard
Hey all! I started seriously watching One Piece at the beginning of quarantine and it has quickly become my favorite anime. I read the first three manga volumes from my middle school library 4 years ago and besides that I’ve had no relations to the series. I’m currently on episode 621 (tail end of Punk Hazard) and I’m rapidly advancing. I don’t give a care in the world about spoilage and practically know the whole storyline of the show up until Wano. My favorite character is easily Chopper. He’s just the cutest thing in the world and while yes, I do agree that Oda tries a little too hard to make him adorable post-timeskip I still find him the most precious thing. He’s also deceivingly strong and I hope he gets some more character advancement in the future of the story. My second favorite is probably a tie between Usopp and Robin. Usopp was my very first “favorite character” and has such a charm to him. Not to mention he uses a fricking slingshot. I’ve really come to like Robin more recently post-timeskip. While I don’t exactly know yet, she’ll definitely hold key importance with her ability to read poneglyphs in the future and I can’t wait to see how that works out. I also think she has a sick power and making wings out of hands is just so badass. I also take a liking to her maternal role and her subtle humor.

Here’s my favorite clip from Punk Hazard
Hi, welcome fellow reader. For me, I think it's better to not spoil yourself though since some of the twists in the storyline raise the tension and contribute to the surprise value.

1) Seeing Luffy get stomped twice by Crocodile.
2) Robin assassinating Iceberg and betraying the crew.
3) Merry saving the crew in Enies Lobby when all seems lost.
4) Ace and Whitebeard dying. I was thinking "No way Oda would kill Ace off"
Many other moments.
What do people think will happen to the Shichibukai now that the Marines are chasing them?

I can see Mihawk (and maybe Buggy) teaming up with Shanks. Mihawk probably doesn't care about the state of the world like Shanks does but probably sees teaming up with Shanks as a way to keep the Marines off his back while also being able to take on powerful opponents. The two are friends/friendly rivals, and represent an end goal for Luffy (partially at least) and Zoro.

Coby vs Hancock probably gonna happen after Wano, which is a battle I'm very excited for as we haven't seen enough of either character despite them both being very important. Coby beating Hancock would be a good milestone for him in terms of his growth and importance in the story. Hancock on the other hand could function as a hostage to motivate Luffy to attack the WG, but that would be rehashing Robin/Ace's capture from pre-timeskip.

I can see Doflamingo escaping Impel Down somehow. I feel as though he will be a reformed character after the events of Dressrosa. While he may still have the goal of destroying the Celestial Dragons, I think he'll do it from a place of helping Luffy similar to how Crocodile helped Luffy in Marineford. Speaking of Crocodile, I think they'll team up together. Oda made it very obvious that these two characters and the arcs/sagas they were prominent in are very similar.

I have no clue about Weevil
1001 out

the good: luffy confirmed to be able to casually use future sight when calm...second level of haki confirmed to be rare...epic double spreads

the bad: yet another break...seems like this can't build any consistent momentum...

read it only after an arc concludes
then you forget everything that happened before so you marathon the whole series to read the one new arc
repeat after every arc
Has the number of chapters remaining been confirmed yet? I want to catch up to the point that includes Wano (I am at Fish-Man Island right now), but should I wait until the arc finishes up?
I meant Wano, I should've been more specific. But just to make sure, is the remaining five years of the manga including the rest of Wano?
While I’m not sure exactly how long Wano will last, Oda said himself that Wano was in it’s final stretch. That most likely means this is the last act.