Resource Pet Mods Submissions Thread

Pet Mod Name: VGC 20XX
Pet Mod Concept: This will be a VGC based meta primarily based around creating new Pokemon, though there will be returning old Pokemon. There won't be a generational gimmick this time, instead going back to basic battling. In addition to creating new Pokemon and giving older Pokemon minor buffs, we will also be examining and possibly changing old mechanics (e.g. should Frostbite replace Freeze). At first I plan to create a narrower meta similar to the likes of 2017, 2020 and 2023. If the meta gathers steam, there will also be a format with a wider dex and one that includes restricted legendary Pokemon.
Explanation: Each slate will have 3 new concepts (i.e. starters, pika clone) that the users will then create Pokemon for. In addition to this, there will also be a discussion topic for the week (e.g. should the bug type be buffed, and if so how?).
Miscellaneous: Open team sheets will still be the default, as most players I've spoken to prefer this since it promotes a more skill based meta rather than random cheese.
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Uhhh, is it considered cheating if I submit three Pet Mod ideas for a single period?
Pet Mod Name: Crossover Chaos MICRO
Pet Mod Concept: A 3v3 variation (Though six party members are allowed in each team) of the regular Crossover Chaos, nice and compact to create a balanced meta!
Explanation: The rules and submission process are identical to those of regular Crossover Chaos, however, keeping with the micro theme, not only will submission periods be shorter, but, after the first slate (A roster of 8 characters chosen by me to start the meta off, calling back to the very first Crossover Chaos slate) each slate will only have one winner. This should hopefully make it easier to balance each newcomer among the existing characters.
Miscellaneous: I thought up this mod after the...uhh, chaos that's going on over at the regular Crossover Chaos. If the chaos within there can not be controlled, I hope this would be a suitable replacement.
Pet Mod Name: Little Colosseum
Pet Mod Concept: LC mod where we buff pokemon that are not used in regular gen 9 little cup and nerf the uber pokemon that are banned.
This mod focuses on making the weaker Pokémon from Gen 9 Little Cup stronger and more viable. We try to do this by giving them new typings, abilities, and adjusting their movesets. In each slate, one Pokémon will be allowed to have a fusion ability. This Pokémon can have two abilities active. The goal of this mod is to show that all baby pokemon can be strong by adjusting them while keeping a balanced meta.

How Slates will work:
This mod will have 8 slates. To begin the mod, the council will modify five Pokémon before Slate 1. This will be Slate 0. The purpose of Slate 0 is to show the direction of power level we are aiming for and introduce petmodders to LC.

Each slate will proceed as follows:

Council Pick: The council will select one Pokémon for submitters to modify.
Slate Pick: Submitters can choose one Pokémon based on the slate's generation. For example, in Slate 1, they can pick a Pokémon from Generation 1, and in Slate 8, a Pokémon from Generation 8 to modify.
Fusion Pick: Submitters can submit one Little Cup Pokémon of their choice. This Pokémon can be given dual abilities.

Submitters have the option to change the Pokémon’s type, abilities, and adding or removing moves. They can submit changes for all three Pokémon in the current slate. They have the option to submit a not existing move or ability but try to keep it simple and balanced.

After the submission phase, there will be a voting phase. During this phase, you can vote for your three favorite subs by using a 3-2-1 format. You can only include one of your own submissions in your votes, and it cannot be your top vote.

A slate concludes with a discussion phase. This phase is made for discussing balance changes.

Example of a sub
: [Name of the Pokémon]
Type: [The Pokémon's typing]
Abilities: [The Pokémon's set of abilities]
New Moves: [Any moves that you are adding to the Pokémon]
Removed Moves: [Any move that you are removing from the Pokémon]
Justification: [Explain why these changes should be added to make this pokemon viable}

- Will be based on gen 9 lc (No Natdex)
- Tera allowed
- i have no experience with coding.
- Would be run by a council (Nashrock , Zcarlett and me ) if a regular petmod player is intrested in joining the team reach out to me on discord (Quinn in petmods discord)
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Pet Mod approval time! Apologies for being a bit late on this one, to make it up to you we've brought you a couple more approvals than last time!

still submitting today even though my desperate plea to zxg didnt work pensive emoji

:sv/luvdisc: Do Not Use: The Pet Mod: The Musical* ** :sv/luvdisc:

Concept: A standard Fakemons submissions Pet Mod, except the Pokemon are truly awful. Using my Solomod DNU as a base, we'll fill out the roster by making truly terrible creations that wouldn't be viable five tiers below ZU.

Explanation: This mod would start with the legality list of Do Not Use. This gives us a metagame to base the power level around. From there, there will be weekly slates, most if not all featuring a theme of some sorts. Some examples of themes I've brainstormed can be found in a spoiler below***. After submissions, there will be a window to vote on which submissions to accept. (Exact numbers are TBD, probably submit 3 / vote 3 / accept 3 or something like that idk)

Submissions do not have to follow the DNU base stat limit, as long as they are balanced. Due to the abundance of NFEs in this tier, all submissions will need to specify whether or not the Pokemon is compatible with Eviolite. Custom moves and abilities are allowed, but they must be within reason. Keep them relatively simple, to where a fairly new PS coder (hi) would be able to do them. An ability or move deemed to be too complex may be cause for veto.

In addition, we will hold playtesting room tours after every few slates to keep up with how the metagame is developing with the new additions. There may be small breaks to discuss the metagame as well.

Miscellaneous: No Mega Evolutions, Z-Moves, Dynamax, or Terastallization, as in the main tier. If a Pokemon is banned from DNU, it will not be banned here automatically, but may be discussed for action separately; if a Pokemon is suspected into DNU, it will be given a one-week trial period here, after which the council will vote on if it will stay. Speaking of council, I don't have anyone selected yet, but I would like it to be a mix of active Pet Mods users and active DNUsers, to get people from both sides of experience.

Eviolite-Compatible (Y/N):
Base Stats:


Custom Elements:
Competitive Role:
Flavor / Description:

* I'm keeping "The Musical" on as long as I'm allowed to
** Do Not Use is the real DNU, Doubles NU doesn't have a thread, fake tier :mehowth:

Baby Mode: Create a new baby Pokemon
Borderlines: Adjust currently illegal Pokemon below 330 BST
DNZU: Adjust Pokemon considered unviable in DNU
Darwin Award: Create or adjust a Pokemon that must be fully evolved
Restricted: Create or adjust a Pokemon by giving it a poor movepool
Type-based slates to add representatives from typings with poor availability in DNU, such as Dragon and Steel.
The hit solomod Do Not Use seems more than deserving of a Pet Mod version, with the extremely low power level being very unique among Pet Mods. Approved.


Concept: An updated version of Samtendo09's Regional Evolutions for Gen 8, with the addition of updates and changes to the meta as of Gen 9.

The very first pet mod I ever participated in, and the one I've still had the most success with, was the Gen 8 Regional Evolutions mod. This pet mod was intended as an extension of a "Regional Variants" mod from the same generation, except that all submissions received an evolved form in the vein of a cross-gen evolution, or an alternate evolution to a regional variant of an unevolved Pokémon. It was rather successful for its time, but with the meta having changed with a new generation of canon games, I figured it was high time we got an updated version of this mod, so I wanted to see if I could helm said updated version and help build up a new regional evo collection from scratch!

The rules that Samtendo provided for the previous iteration of this mod are copypasted below, and I believe that outside of a few tweaks to suit Gen 9's changes to the meta, they would still be solid for the new version.

  1. You may submit for any legal line you’d like as long as you included either a New Stage Evolution or a Replacement Evolution. This includes Branched Evos, except for Eevee and Tyrogue themselves (their respective evolutions are okay). Any other branched evo line will count as a single submission (so feel free to make a whole Ralts line, for an example). Giving just a New Stage Evolution to a canon RV that doesn’t have one or the accepted submissions from the Regional Variants Pet Mod (preferably yours) is also permitted.
  2. You may submit for up to a total of 6 lines. Adding a New Stage Evolution for a pre-existing Regional Variant or an accepted submission (preferably yours) counts as a full line.
    1. Two people may make a Regional Variant of the same evolutionary line, or a New Stage Evolution for a pre-existing or accepted submissions, as long as they are different from each others.
    2. Do not make a regional “counterpart” to existing Regional Evolutions, which are as Perrserker, Obstagoon, Mr. Rime, Sirfetch’d, Runerigus and Cursola, as well as accepted New Stage/Replacement Evolutions.
    3. You also cannot submit an evolution of the original counterparts even if their regional variants have one. This is Regional Evolutions, not just Evolutions.
  3. You may vote for up to 7 lines per slate. You cannot self-vote more than two submissions, and if you do self-vote, vote for at least three more submissions that aren't yours.
  4. Minimum BST for the New Stage Evolutions will be 500, with the maximum will be 600. However, try to aim for 500-530 BST range unless you have a good flavor reason for the New Stage Evolution to have a higher BST.
    1. Pokémon with BST at 486 or higher should not be given a New Stage Evolution. Exception will be given for Regional Forms that are exceptionally poor in competitive scene, or that you honestly think it wouldn’t perform so well. Even then, consider a New Stage Evolution as an option in this case instead of mandatory. Otherwise a Replacement Evolution is always an option. Unlike the other rules starting from 3rd March 2022, this is not the hard rule anymore, but I do recommend to stick with the BST lower than 486 unless your submission have bad, bad typing, and will be judged by case-by-case basis.
    2. Pokémon that is already a three-stage evolutionary line (i.e. Pichu to Raichu, Cleffa to Clefable) are not allowed to received a New Stage Evolution. However, a Replacement Evolution is always possible for these.
    3. Obviously, don't go with the min-maxing. New Stage Evolutions tend to much stronger than their pre-evolution, so be cautious of what Abilities you will give (remember, only pre-existing Abilities allowed).
    4. New Stage Evolutions can have up to six new Moves that their pre-evolution(s) cannot learn. If you decided to give it a new Type and that the Pokémon was single-typed, then ten extra Moves (preferably for STAB and flavor) will be added instead.
    5. Original branched evolutions can each receive a New Stage Evolution as long as it respects the conditions required for one. Otherwise, it’s Replacement Evolutions instead. A New Stage Evolution or Replacement Evolution can be branched as well, but no more than two branched evolutions per line.
    6. For Flavor/Design, be sure to give Height and Weight to your New Stage Evolutions. Weight is especially important does to moves like Low Kick and Grass Knot.
    7. Not every canon Regional Variant with BST below 485 and are single-stage or stage 1 evo needs a New Stage Evolution. Things like Alolan Marowak and especially Galarian Darmanitan will go overkill with a New Stage Evolution. The rest that would be compatible for a new evolution are fine.
  5. Replacement Evolutions follows the same rules as standard Regional Variants, but with a new name instead of “[Regional Pre-Fix] Pokémon”, and be sure that the design is drastic from the original evolution. They must share the same BST as the original evolution of the Pokémon, like how Perrserker (the Replacement Evolution) and Persian (the original) shares the same BST.
  6. Does to taking place in NatDex (where Mega Stones and Z-Moves can be used), no Moves goes “unusable”. However, unlike Regional Variants Pet Mod, you cannot give a Mega Evolution to any submission regardless if the original counterpart had any. The original Regional Variants Pet Mod is where you can do so, anyways.

Original Species:
New Typing:
New Abilities:
New Stats: ? HP/? ATK/? DEF/? SP ATK/? SP DEF/? SPD = [TOTAL]
Added Moves:
Removed Moves:
Competitive Info:

"[Dex entry 1]"
"[Dex entry 2]"
Name Origin:
Stats: ? HP/? ATK/? DEF/? SP ATK/? SP DEF/? SPD = [TOTAL]
New Moves:
Evolution Method: [From what Pokémon and how]
Competitive Info:

"[Dex entry 1]"
"[Dex entry 2]"

These are the slates I've come up with for this mod - aside from the free slates, the current generations are divided into collections of three, and will be worked through in numerical order. I considered doing slates for each gen individually but that might take up too many slates which would take up too much time, so I had to be a little more conservative in slate organization.
  1. Starting Decision Polls (Gimmicks? Convergents?)
  2. Free Slate #1
  3. Variants + Regional Evos of Pokémon from Gens 1-3
  4. Variants + Regional Evos of Pokémon from Gens 4-6
  5. Variants + Regional Evos of Pokémon from Gens 7-9
  6. Free Slate #2
  7. Variants + Regional Evos for Regions from Gens 1-3
  8. Variants + Regional Evos for Regions from Gens 4-6
  9. Variants + Regional Evos for Regions from Gens 7-9
  10. Variants + Regional Evos for Miscellaneous Regions (Ultra Space, Distortion World, spinoff game regions, etc.)
  11. Free Slate #3
If this mod proves successful enough to be productive for these slates, we can continue with additional slates with different themes based on relevance or whatever is picked. I'm aiming for roughly twenty slates for now, but we can continue with more beyond that point if the public so wishes.

  • Coders are welcome! I don't know how to code for Pokémon Showdown myself so I'd be happy to work with anyone who's willing to put the concepts that are accepted into this mod into action.
  • Admins are also welcome, since I'm busy enough as it is IRL that I might not always be available to help or supervise with the activity for this mod and its slates. It may be that this mod will have to be run by a larger council, but that depends on the eventual complexity of the project as a whole.
  • I'm not sure about whether to include gimmicks such as Mega Evolution, Gigantamaxing, and Z-Moves for any submitted regional evolutions, but may be subject to an initial poll to determine whether they'll be acceptable. Terastrallizing would probably be banned, though, for obvious reasons.
  • Convergent/lookalike Pokémon will likely not be included in this mod, since I'm not sure if those count towards regional variants or not, and we do not have examples of convergent Pokémon evolving into their own thing that doesn't look like the Pokémon they resemble. This may be subject to another poll, though, as they are new to Gen 9.
  • I will provide resources in the opening post for anyone who needs them, as well as a fakedex sheet on Google Sheets so people can check which submissions have already been accepted - as with the Gen 8 version, they will be separated by region, with each variant being listed in the national dex order of the Pokémon family it's based on.
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Ubermons: Gen 9 National Dex

Time to bring this back again. In every generation, there's always a banlist to allow for a better metagame. With Generation 9 increasing the power level by a lot, thus making Ubermons a mod with a lot to work with. The goal is to make every ban, from National Dex OU, a viable and healthy part of the metagame. Pokémon that were part of a Slate are going to be changed, if the Pokémon are too strong or too weak, as a result of their nerfs being not enough or too much.

The Slate will consist of 2-4 Pokémon, which are decided by the council and the community and will last 5-6 days. The rules for the slates will depend on the Pokémon in question.

The rules for Pokemon will change depending on the suspects. There are some general rules, like Paradox Pokemon having a BST 570/590, Mythicals having a BST of 600 and so on. Some Ubers are better than others, and thus, for example, some Box Legendaries will have higher BST than others (for example, Solgaleo will have less restrictions since it is worse Kyogre).

[B]Movepool Changes[/B]:
[B]Description[/B]: (This is an essential part of the submission, just like the other aspects)

Voting will last 1-2 days.
In the voting phase, users vote for their preferred submissions and the winning submissions are added to the role compendium and spreadsheet.
The voting format is as follows:

Role in question: 1st preferred option, 2nd preferred option, 3rd preferred option.

Note: These self voting rules and the explanation are from good user lyd, slightly adapted to fit this pet mod
If you want to vote for yourself now, it gets slightly more complicated. You can always keep voting for yourself as second, but you can change the order a bit, for as long as the number of self-votes equals 2x the number of submissions you made. Let's use some examples to make it more understandable:

Stallbreaker: Yoshiblaze, Lyd, Ludicrousity
Special Wall: Ludicrousity, Lyd, Yoshiblaze
Defensive Pivot: Ludicrousity, Lyd, Yoshiblaze

So this voting format is good, cuz' Lyd voted for himself as second three times, and when you add everything up, he gave himself 6 votes, which is fine, as it is exactly the number of submissions he made for the slate x2. However, say he liked his Stallbreaker submission a lot, and he really wants it to win, he can play around with his votes a little bit:

Stallbreaker: Lyd, Yoshiblaze, Ludicrousity
Special Wall: Ludicrousity, Lyd, Yoshiblaze
Defensive Pivot: Ludicrousity, Yoshiblaze, Lyd

So to make his Stallbreaker first vote, he moved his Defensive Pivot self-vote to last. Makes sense, right? And when you add up the votes, 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 which is exactly what he wants. Let's say that he likes his Special Wall and Defensive Pivot submissions more, and he didn't like his Stallbreaker submission too much. He can do this:

Stallbreaker: Yoshiblaze, Ludicrousity, G-Luke
Special Wall: Lyd, Ludicrousity, Yoshiblaze
Defensive Pivot: Lyd, Ludicrousity, Yoshiblaze

3 + 3 adds up to six, so he's good to that. Small note that this can't be done if he made no Stallbreaker submission because if that was the case, the number of submissions he made x2 would actually end up as 4, which isn't enough. Also, had he only made a single submission, he'd always have to self-vote as #2 or lower because making only one submission gives him only two self-vote points. We hope that was clear, if you had any trouble to understand this, feel free to PM anyone from the council and we'll explain it as best as we can.

:swampert: ViZar

Side Note: Since Terastallization is a huge factor in a lot of those bans, it will be adjusted sometime in the mod. However, for the start it will be banned.
*Depending on playerbase feedback, these Pokemon will be unbanned due to Tera not being allowed, at first.
Two mod reboots that get a lot of interesting new toys to play with in Gen 9, both of these deserve to be in the spotlight once again. Approved and Approved.

Pet Mod Name: Ebb and Flow
Pet Mod Concept: A metagame based around Gen 9 OU where everyone blindly introduces ONE change to an existing move, ability, or item. These changes reset every week and the process will repeat itself.
Explanation: Those of you more involved with the community will realize that this is a lot like Blindsided, but for those of you who aren't, here's just an example of how a slate could go...

  • When a slate starts, there will be a Submissions Phase. These will last around 4 days usually, Sunday-Wednesday every week. I'll open up a new Google Form for you to submit your desired change to. For example, maybe making Sleep Talk work like how it does in GSC.
  • Shortly after it closes, the results will be posted on a spreadsheet. You will not see any of these until after submissions are closed. might find that people have done far more broken changes than you, like for example one guy might've made Rock Slide into a status move that works like Shell Smash and another might've coincidentally made Rock Blast always hit 5 times.
  • The Saturday of that same week, there will be a roomtour or two. Thursday and Friday will be your time to prepare for these, whether it be through teambuilding or actually battling people if I or someone else can code it quickly enough.
  • The Sunday after the roomtours(s), the cycle repeats. Every change made in the last week will be reverted back to normal and people will need to sub a change they like again if they want to see it happen again. I will give every person who wins a roomtour in the previous week two submissions instead of one.
This IS Gen 9 OU, so Natdex Pokemon and moves will not be usable. Also Tera's banned. Otherwise you should keep in mind that you aren't allowed to make direct changes to Pokemon stats or make brand new moves or anything like that, so if you want to directly change a specific Pokemon, try to modify a move they can learn or an ability they have. Things will need to be fairly simple to code or else whoever codes this, probably me, will end up needing to code like a dozen moves that are simple base power changes and another dozen moves that need me to try to come up with some awkward workaround for a problem where Showdown doesn't have anything like that implemented. If you're concerned you won't be able to tell the difference between what's easy for me and what isn't then don't worry; I'll probably warn you ahead of the submission deadline about it if you don't ask me whether something's okay or not in advance.
Sounds like a fun kind of game mod that's ripe for some nice controlled chaos, much in the same vein as the very successful Hide and Seaking but more battle oriented. Also feels like a nice sandbox for people to test ideas they have, which is very cool. Approved.

doing a fusion dance between my last two ideas for submissions
:sv/melmetal: Iron Fist :sv/melmetal:

Concept: A micrometa where the council is a single user, which rotates every slate. Submissions must cater to the whims of the user who is elected as Supreme Leader, who gets to approve or disapprove them however they want.

At the beginning of each slate, users will be able to vote on three candidates to become Supreme Leader of Iron Fistlandia for a slate. After the Supreme Leader is chosen, players may submit a certain number of changes. After submissions is where things differ from the usual Pet Mod. There is no vetoing or voting for subs here. No, all subs must cater to the whims of the Supreme Leader, as the Supreme Leader is the only vote that matters: being chosen as Supreme Leader, on your own, with no one to keep you in check, lets you approve or disapprove of all proposed changes. Want to come in with a stall agenda? Hopefully the people are on your side! (Or, just lie about your agenda and only approve stall anyways!)

At the start of the mod, there will be a slate 0 where users can submit any Pokemon they want. While anything blatantly broken will be vetoed, this slate is intentionally open in terms of what you can submit, as whatever you submit probably won't remain in-tact anyways.

At the beginning of each slate, there will be an election, which is done using Smogon reacts, a truly flawless voting method. The previous leader will select a successor to nominate, and I will select two challengers. After the election results come in, players get a few days to submit.

Submissions can be a lot of things, but be thoughtful, as you only get three per slate!
  • New Pokemon
  • New moves or abilities, and their distribution
  • New items
  • Adjusting existing elements
  • Repealing any previously passed legislation (effectively deleting a Pokemon, move, etc.)
  • Perhaps most interestingly, changing the rules of the metagame itself (must be approved by me), either literal in-battle rules or changing how the Pet Mod structure works. The Supreme Leader is Supreme, after all!
From there, the Supreme Leader either approves or denies all the submitted changes, and there's a cooldown day for the changes to the metagame to be discussed, and the next election's candidates to be chosen.

A couple extra rules and regulations.

Submission rules:
  1. Supreme Leaders cannot submit to their own slate.

Nomination / Election rules:
  1. If someone is nominated for election and wins, they can't be nominated for one slate.
  2. If someone is nominated for election twice in a row and loses both times, they can't be nominated for one slate.
  3. If a Supreme Leader's successor is chosen, the successor cannot nominate the old Supreme Leader.
  4. I'll plan to participate myself, both in subbing and elections, but would only nominate myself if there's a lack of potential nominees.
  5. Similarly, these rules can be relaxed if needed to to get a full election.
  6. The reason these rules are in effect are to let a variety of people get in power. The goal is to encourage spreading the love and letting everyone who wants to be dictator get a chance.
Leftmost entry is the previous Supreme Leader's nomination.
Election 1: Red, Ethan, May
Election 2: Green, Ethan, Shauna [Red is not able to be nominated under rule 1]
Election 3: Shauna, Barry, Gloria [Green, rule 1; Ethan, rule 2; Red, rule 3]
One of the funniest and most fun-looking mod ideas I've seen in awhile, I cannot wait to see what crazy things happen under the tyrannous rule of our rotating Supreme Overlords. Approved.

:sv/Doublade:Elimination War :sv/Doublade:
Concept: All players are put into opposing teams, where they both try to create a team of six original Fakemon. Then they battle it out and whoever wins gets to keep their mons, while the rest are eliminated and are illegal to play in the format onwards.

Explanation: After a sign-up phase, council puts everyone into two separate teams at random. Everyone must join the Discord for discussion. Each team is put into a separate private channel, with at least one council member in each one to moderate. For about a week, each team will have to create 6 original Fakemon. It’s encouraged for as many people as possible to be involved in the process, but theoretically one person could create the whole team, although you’ll be cringe if you go that route. This is based on an OU power level, so if anything stands out as too strong, it will be vetoed by the council member(s) moderating and will have to be changed before the battle phase. Each team will also have to assign three different battlers that will be involved in the battle phase. It’s recommended you pick the most competitively experienced battlers if you want to win.

After each team has created all their mons, they’ll be submitted to the spreadsheet and coded in. Each battler must then create a team using the 6 different mons. One can use the same team for each, but it’s recommended to vary up the sets. Then there will be a tournament where the six battlers will duke it out with their separate teams, which is otherwise known as the battle phase. The team who wins a majority of the battles, 2, will result in their mons being allowed to be used in the metagame, while the loser mons will be eliminated. Their mons will still be coded in, but will be deemed illegal and will be rejected by any future battles.

Then the process repeats itself again and again. Expect some variety. Perhaps you get to create 8 unique mons instead of 6 to vary up your team. Or even expect a surprise second chance where teams are allowed to use eliminated mons, and those that win will be allowed into the metagame again. Or on the other hand expect another battle with winner mons to decide who gets to be eliminated. It will get more and more interesting as the metagame develops. But after all the battles, the metagame will be officially complete and you won’t have to worry about who is eliminated or not.

  1. Tera is banned because it’s too centralizing and can easily cause a team that would otherwise lose to suddenly change the tides.​
  2. Customs will likely be banned to make the process easier. We don’t need to deal with anything unexpected.​
  3. You cannot change teams between battles. Whatever is created at the start is what will be used. Unless it’s something incredibly stupid like forgetting to put in EVs.​
  4. Any further questions will be answered if the pet mod is approved. Changes to the metagame is on the table based on public feedback.​
:sv/smeargle:Blank Canvas :sv/smeargle:
Concept: Players will be split onto groups and will be given a barebones "canvas" Fakemon and 50 points, which will serve to change up the Fakemon into a competively viable one.
Explanation: On every slate, there will be first a 2-day long sign-up phase, everyone who signs up will have to join a discord server, where they will be separated into groups with their own group chat. When the sign-up phase is over, they will be then given a barebones Fakemon, and 50 points, which they can use to add moves, abilities, and change up its type or stats, you must discuss with your teammates what to do with the Fakemon, what to add to it with the limited points you all have. After all of the team members have agreed on what to add to the Fakemon, one of you must ping a council member with the changed mon. The council can decide to veto subs too, and ask for them to be changed. After every team finishes their Fakemon, or 5 days pass, every Fakemon will be revealed, and then we go onto the next slate and the cycle goes on and on.

Name: -
Type: Fire
Stats: 60/40/60/40/40/40
Abilities: Intimidate
Moves: -

Name: -
Type: Ground
Stats: 50/50/50/50/50/70
Abilities: -
Moves: Tidy Up

Name: -
Type: Water
Stats: 80/60/70/50/70/60
Abilities: -
Moves: -

Name: -
Type: Grass/Ghost
Stats: 60/60/60/60/60/60
Abilities: -
Moves: Leech Seed, Wood Hammer
Stats: 60/40/60/40/60/40
Abilities: -
Movepool: Ice Hammer, Ice Beam

Contrary: 4
Wave Crash, Liquidation, Ice Spinner: 6
Superpower, Bolt Strike: 14
+60 Atk, +70 Spd: 26
Name: msjzhxhhdhzjahzksksh: 0
Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Icy Wind, Snowscape, Rain Dance, Sheer Cold, Powder Snow: 0

Finished Slate:
Type: Water/Ice
Stats: 60/100/60/40/60/110
Abilities: Contrary
Movepool: Ice Hammer, Ice Beam, Ice Spinner, Wave Crash, Liquidation, Superpower, Bolt Strike, Take Down, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Facade, Substitute, Tera Blast, Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Icy Wind, Snowscape, Rain Dance, Sheer Cold, Powder Snow.


Name: -
Type: Poison
Stats: 60/50/50/50/50/50
Abilities: Neutralizing Gas
Movepool: Sludge Wave, Poison Jab

Add Dark: 10
Vessel of Ruin: 4
+50 Def, +30 HP: 16
Toxic, Knock Off, Parting Shot, Ruination, Clear Smog, Mortal Spin: 12
Recover: 7
Infestation, Stockpile: 1
Name: Stall-Yu: 0
Venoshock, Acid, Acid Spray, Poison Sting, Poison Gas, Bite, Assurance, Fling, Thief, Belch, Snarl: 0

Finished Slate:
Type: Poison/Dark
Stats: 90/60/100/60/60/60
Abilities: Neutralizing Gas | Vessel of Ruin
Movepool: Sludge Wave, Poison Jab, Toxic, Knock Off, Parting Shot, Ruination, Clear Smog, Mortal Spin, Recover, Infestation, Stockpile, Venoshock, Acid, Acid Spray, Poison Sting, Poison Gas, Bite, Assurance, Fling, Thief, Belch, Snarl, Take Down, Protect, Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Facade, Tera Blast.


Name: -
Type: Ground
Stats: 60/40/40/40/40/30
Abilities: -
Movepool: Headlong Rush, Sandsear Storm, Earthquake, Earth Power, Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Will-o-Wisp

Add Poison: 10
+40 HP, +20 Def, +60 SpDef: 24
Grassy Surge, Regenerator: 8
Toxic, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Shore Up: 8
Name: Molusket: 0
Sand Attack, Bulldoze, Venoshock, Acid, Acid Spray, Poison Sting, Poison Gas, Belch, Sand Tomb, Dig, Fissure, Mud Shot, Mud-Slap, Stomping Tantrum: 0

Finished Slate:
Type: Ground/Poison
Stats: 100/40/60/40/100/30
Abilities: Grassy Surge | Regenerator
Movepool: Headlong Rush, Sandsear Storm, Earthquake, Earth Power, Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Will-o-Wisp, Toxic, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Shore Up, Sand Attack, Bulldoze, Venoshock, Acid, Acid Spray, Poison Sting, Poison Gas, Belch, Sand Tomb, Dig, Fissure, Mud Shot, Mud-Slap, Stomping Tantrum, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Snore, Facade, Tera Blast, Take Down.
Add Name: 0
Change Weight/Height: 0
Add Notable Moves: 7
Add Notable Moves (STAB): 2
Add Usually Useless Moves: 0.5
Add Usually Useless Moves (STAB): 0
Add/Change Type: 10
Add/Change Abilities: 4
Add 10 to a stat: 2
Remove 10 to a stat: 0

This list is up for future editing in case its needed to grow or lower the cost of anything here.
  • Take Down, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Protect, Facade, Substitute and Tera Blast are automatically added to the Fakemon, as they are universal TMs.
  • Tera is banned.
  • This Pet Mod will be based on [Gen 9] OU.
  • Remember that the council will be able to veto subs and ask for them to be changed.
:swampert: Gaboswampert
just me currently, but may ask ppl if they are interested on joining if this pet mod gets approved.

Will ask ppl if they wanna code if this pet mod gets approved.
Grouping these two together as we discussed whether we should only approve one or the other due to having somewhat similar concepts at face value, both being team-based Fakemon metas, but we decided to approve both as their different goals make them unique enough from each other to coexist and draw in different audiences, plus both concepts really are neat. Approved and Approved.
Pet Mod Name: VGC 20XX
Pet Mod Concept: This will be a VGC based meta primarily based around creating new Pokemon, though there will be returning old Pokemon. There won't be a generational gimmick this time, instead going back to basic battling. In addition to creating new Pokemon and giving older Pokemon minor buffs, we will also be examining and possibly changing old mechanics (e.g. should Frostbite replace Freeze). At first I plan to create a narrower meta similar to the likes of 2017, 2020 and 2023. If the meta gathers steam, there will also be a format with a wider dex and one that includes restricted legendary Pokemon.
Explanation: Each slate will have 3 new concepts (i.e. starters, pika clone) that the users will then create Pokemon for. In addition to this, there will also be a discussion topic for the week (e.g. should the bug type be buffed, and if so how?).
Miscellaneous: Open team sheets will still be the default, as most players I've spoken to prefer this since it promotes a more skill based meta rather than random cheese.
I've been wanting to try to have a VGC mod this generation as a VGC player myself, so this obviously peaked my interest the moment you posted it, but even without my bias, this mod seems like a perfect way to have a VGC mod while not excluding those who aren't into VGC due to the flavor aspects of it. Approved.

Pet Mod Name: Little Colosseum
Pet Mod Concept: LC mod where we buff pokemon that are not used in regular gen 9 little cup and nerf the uber pokemon that are banned.
This mod focuses on making the weaker Pokémon from Gen 9 Little Cup stronger and more viable. We try to do this by giving them new typings, abilities, and adjusting their movesets. In each slate, one Pokémon will be allowed to have a fusion ability. This Pokémon can have two abilities active. The goal of this mod is to show that all baby pokemon can be strong by adjusting them while keeping a balanced meta.

How Slates will work:
This mod will have 8 slates. To begin the mod, the council will modify five Pokémon before Slate 1. This will be Slate 0. The purpose of Slate 0 is to show the direction of power level we are aiming for and introduce petmodders to LC.

Each slate will proceed as follows:

Council Pick: The council will select one Pokémon for submitters to modify.
Slate Pick: Submitters can choose one Pokémon based on the slate's generation. For example, in Slate 1, they can pick a Pokémon from Generation 1, and in Slate 8, a Pokémon from Generation 8 to modify.
Fusion Pick: Submitters can submit one Little Cup Pokémon of their choice. This Pokémon can be given dual abilities.

Submitters have the option to change the Pokémon’s type, abilities, and adding or removing moves. They can submit changes for all three Pokémon in the current slate. They have the option to submit a not existing move or ability but try to keep it simple and balanced.

After the submission phase, there will be a voting phase. During this phase, you can vote for your three favorite subs by using a 3-2-1 format. You can only include one of your own submissions in your votes, and it cannot be your top vote.

A slate concludes with a discussion phase. This phase is made for discussing balance changes.

Example of a sub
: [Name of the Pokémon]
Type: [The Pokémon's typing]
Abilities: [The Pokémon's set of abilities]
New Moves: [Any moves that you are adding to the Pokémon]
Removed Moves: [Any move that you are removing from the Pokémon]
Justification: [Explain why these changes should be added to make this pokemon viable}

- Will be based on gen 9 lc (No Natdex)
- Tera allowed
- i have no experience with coding.
- Would be run by a council (Nashrock , Zcarlett and me ) if a regular petmod player is intrested in joining the team reach out to me on discord (Quinn in petmods discord)
Like VGC 20XX, LC is another really neat and unexplored metagame in terms of Pet Mods, so I'm very interested to see how this one turns out. Approved.

That's all for now! Hope you have fun with the new wave of Pet Mods!
A real shame none of my three submissions got in...Oh, well, time to submit more!
Pet Mod Name: The Weather Wars Re-Forecasted
Pet Mod Concept: Returning back to the main battling style of Generation 5, this Monotype Micrometa will make it so that each type not only gets it's own unique weather, but also the Fakemon and modified Pokémon to match, with unique abilities that support the weather! Of course, the original weathers are returning as well...
Explanation: Each slate will come in three phases, one for each type: In phase 1, the weather of the type will be decided. (With the exception of Sun, Rain, and Sandstorm, the Fire, Water, and Rock-type slates: The Ice-type slate will decide if it's weather will be Hail or Snow) Then, in phase 2, the moves and abilities that support the weather will be decided. Finally, in phase 3, people can either create Fakemon that are supported by the weather, or modify existing Pokémon so that they are supported by the weather. (Just remember that this is a Monotype micrometa)
Balancing Slate A: Suggest balance changes for existing types!
Balancing Slate B
Balancing Slate C
Miscellaneous: As well as being a Monotype micrometa, Terastalization will be banned initially.
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Once more, with reeling...again!
Pet Mod Name: Like a Muse to Flame (Resubmission)
Pet Mod Concept: Remember when certain Pokémon were originally revealed, people started to assume the movepools for them, their abilities already having been revealed? Remember that one time Corviknight was playable in Showdown before Pokémon Sword and Shield's release, before it's full movepool or it's stats were even shown? Now, in this Pet Mod...your assumptions can become reality to create Smogon's next superstars!
Explanation: For each slate, the sprites of three Fakemon (Made by me) (And sometimes, their pre-evolutions or even some alternative forms) will be shown...and that's it. No name, no typing, nothing. It's up to you to pick up to three of the designs, and create a name and typing for each of them, as well as their abilities, movepools, and roles in the metagame. After a while, voting will commence for each of the three designs: The ones with the most votes for each design will win and become the Pokémon's real design!
Miscellaneous: This will be a micrometa, so only the new Pokémon will take part in it.
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Uhhhh, is it cheating if I submit three ideas at once again?
Pet Mod Name: The Ultimate Lifeform
Pet Mod Concept: Mewtwo....the supposed ultimate lifeform, said to possess the most savage genes of all Pokémon. Said to have been spliced together with the best Pokémon, including it's base, Mew...but can you do better? Can you splice the DNA of over 1,000 Poké create the Ultimate Lifeform?
Explanation: For each slate, you can choose one Pokémon, and ban it! Then, you can choose another Pokémon, and transfer any number of the banned Pokémon's stats, moves, typings, or abilities to the Pokémon to replace their own. For example, by choosing Delibird and Aggron, Delibird will be banned and it's attributes can be transferred to Aggron in any way. You can replace any number of Aggron's stats with any number of Delibird's stats, replace any number of it's abilities with any number of Delibird's abilities, convert it to either an Ice/Flying, Ice/Steel, Rock/Ice, Steel/Flying, or Rock/Flying type, and/or give it any number of Delibird's moves. Each slate will accept the five splicings that get the most votes, and you can choose spliced Pokémon too!
Miscellaneous: This is a National Dex OU meta, so all Pokémon are allowed, but Terastalization is banned.
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:blacephalon: DLCmons :tapu koko:

DLCmons!??!? In 2024!?!? Yeah, after 2 years, time for DLCmons to be back!

Pet Mod Concept: This mod is about creating DLCs for official Pokemon games, last version of DLCmons was for Alola games.
Explanation: The goal is really to create an expansion pack, a bit like for Galar and Paldea. So it means existing Pokemons not available in the regional Dex, new regional forms, new Fakemons, legendaries, Tutor Moves... The goal is really to create what DLCs would have been.

Pokemon slates would have 2 phases: one where people sub for concepts (be it a competitive one or a flavour one), and one for actual subs respecting said voted concepts.

Miscellaneous: Last iteration was for Alola games, but a vote will be done at the beginning of the mod in order to determine if we still do SM or if we do another games. If we stick with Alola, then a vote will be done to determine whether we keep the older subs or if we reset everything.

Old thread
Pet Mod Name: Super Smash OMs
Pet Mod Concept: A metagame based on several individual Pokémon that represent different OMs collide into a singular metagame.
Explanation: The metagame will be built from Pokémon who carry the specific mechanics of the mod they are ported from, e.g a Rotom-W ported from Sketchmons will have access to any one move.
If a Pokémon, Ability or Move is banned from the mod, you cannot sub it here.
Each mod can add up to five reps - we are currently looking at a 30 mon ideal lineup.
The current mods that will be considered are:
- Almost Any Ability
- Alphabet Cup
- Camomons*
- Convergence
- STABmons
- Sketchmons
- Flipped
- Pokébilities
- Revelationmons
- Tier Shift**
*If codeable
**Stats stay as they are upon winning, even if mon moves up or down a tier afterwards.

Can a fully playable and competitive tier come from this idea? History says no, but these metas are fun as hell to build and play so people will have a ball regardless.
Miscellaneous: No council tbh, as we always say the fun is alot more interesting than the full on metagame itself. The mods chosen are the easiest to code on an individual level - STABmons Raichu-Alola is a Raichu-Alola with all non banned Electric and Psychic moves in its movepool.
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:pheromosa: Back to the Past :ninjask:

Pet Mod Concept: Porting mons and moves from newer generations back into RBY while trying to maintain a general RBY style.
Explanation: Any mon or move from gens 2-9 will be able to be changed and submitted into the metagame as long as it follows general RBY mechanics and style. Something like U-turn or Stealth Rocks would not be allowed in, but something like Parting Shot or Dragon Tail might be, despite it being impossible to do on cartridge. There will be no attempt to keep current RBY OU mons in their current viability, but it will still be balanced around RBY OU powerlevel.
:sv/glaceon: GlaceMons :sv/glaceon:
Pet Mod Name: GlaceMons
Pet Mod Concept: A sequel to JolteMons, GlaceMons seeks to shake up the National Dex OU metagame by adding and changing moves, items, and abilities, as well as making non-stat Adjustments to Pokemon.
Explanation: If you're familiar with JolteMons and VaporeMons, then you already know basically how GlaceMons will work. If not, I've included a full explanation of the rules below:
Submission Phase (5 days)
During the submission phase, you can submit 4 new or changed moves, items, and abilities as well as 4 non-stat adjustments to Pokémon. Templates are provided below. There are very few restrictions for what you can do with moves, items, and abilities, but please keep your submissions balanced and codeable because the council reserves the right to veto any submission deemed uncompetitive, broken, or unfeasible. For Pokémon Adjustments, you can change the Pokémon's typing, abilities, and add or removes moves. You cannot create new moves or abilities for the Pokémon, you must submit those as part of your moves or ability submissions. Multiple moves / items / abilities can be subbed in one slot if they are clones of each other and multiple Pokémon can be adjusted in one slot if they are direct counterparts of each other.

Voting Phase (1 day) -
During the voting phase, you may vote for up to 6 submissions in each category. You are allowed 2 self-votes. The top voted submissions will win and be added to the metagame, with at least 2 winners in each category.

Discussion (1 day) -
The discussion phase of each slate gives us a quick period of rest to get the newest slate coded, discuss what we got in the newest slate, and potentially do a little playtesting before the next slate. Unlike in JolteMons, distribution discussion is no formally longer part of the discussion phase, with distribution now being decided by council.
- Host of SylveMons, JolteMons, and VaporeMons Yoshiblaze gave me the permission to make a SV National Dex version counterpart to VaporeMons, so thanks to them!
- There is no continuity between the aforementioned Pet Mods, GlaceMons will have different elements.
- Terastallization is banned.
- Council will be ran by myself, Runo, and Adriyun, though if any Pet Mod user is interested you can ping me in Pet Mods Discord @ hidin.
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With Legends Z-A in the horizon, I thought it was only right to bring back:

Pet Mod Name: Eternal Pokémon
Pet Mod Concept: Give Eternal Floette-like formes to other NFE Pokémon.
Explanation: Eternal Pokémon are given the same typing of their base formes, and the same BST of their Final Evolution's -1 point, playing a completely different competitive role than their base forme's evolution with a brand-new stat distribution, ideally designed so the Eternal Pokémon don't outclass their base forme's evolution, and vice versa. Eternal Pokémon are also given a brand new signature move. Lastly, submitters are expected to choose among the abilities that the slated Pokémon has available to them, which one the slated Pokémon should be locked to.
Miscellaneous: There are a few changes from previous iterations of Eternal Pokémon, please read the intended OP for more details

— Eternal Pokémon: —
— Everlasting —

What if AZ could save more than just his Floette from the whims of the Kalos war? What if more Pokémon were eternally revived in this grotesque manner, faded to everlasting beauty?

To answer these questions, so returns the beloved Eternal Pokémon Pet Mod from generations 7 and 8. This time, due to the philosophy change of the Pet Mod since the last iterations, there are no returning Eternal Pokémon (oh the irony): submissions will be done from scratch, but submissions referencing previous Eternal Pokémon are not only welcome, but encouraged! Any relevant changes to the previous iterations of Eternal Pokémon are highlighted in bold!

— Submission Phase

In the submission phase, users get to submit the Eternal Formes for Pokémon currently slated, which can range from three to four Pokémon per slate.

Eternal Pokémon have the same typing of their base formes, and the same BST of their Final Evolution's -1 point, playing a completely different competitive role than their base forme's evolution with a brand-new stat distribution, ideally designed so the Eternal Pokémon don't outclass their base forme's evolution, and vice versa. Eternal Pokémon are also given a brand new signature move. Lastly, submitters are expected to choose among the abilities that the slated Pokémon has available to them, which one the slated Pokémon should be locked to, as Eternal Floette is always locked to Flower Veil, for instance. This doesn't apply to Pokémon slated that only have access to one ability.

When designing your submission, do note that Eternal Pokémon do not benefit from Eviolite, but do benefit from species-exclusive items, such as Light Ball for Pikachu, for example.

The Submission format is as follows:
Name of the Eternal Pokémon: (e.g. Eternal Floette)
New Stat distribution: (e.g. 74 (+20) / 65 (+20) / 67 (+20) / 125 (+50) / 128 (+30) / 92 (+40))
Signature Move: (e.g. Light of Ruin - Fairy, Special, 140 BP, 5 PP, 90 Acc, User takes 50% recoil)
Chosen Ability: (e.g. Flower Veil)
Design/Flavor (optional):
Competitive Analysis (optional):]
Do keep in mind that these Pokémon are intended for an OU power level, no higher, no lower. Prior to voting, submissions that are evidently too strong may be vetoed and/or submitters may be asked to tweak certain problematic aspects. And after submissions have been voted in, if they're been proven to be too weak or too strong for the metagame, they will be accordingly buffed or nerfed, respectively.

— Voting Phase

Voting takes place in this thread. Users shall provide a list with their most preferred to least preferred options, and are allowed to vote for as many or as few submissions as they like. Users are allowed to vote for their own submissions, even as their "most preferred" option, as long as they vote for at least one other submission.

Please provide your votes with the exact Smogon username of the user you're voting for, each in a newline (ordered and unordered lists are fine as well), so that voting can be automated, e.g.:
  1. Calem
  2. Serena
  3. Xavier
  4. Yvonne
The voting system used will be Ranked Pairs. In the eventual case of any ties, the community will be reasked to vote.

— The Metagame

Eternal Pokémon is to be played with the Legends: Z-A Regional Pokédex as its basis. All Eternal Pokémon created in this Pet Mod will be found in said regional Pokédex. The Pet Mod will follow Scarlet and Violet mechanics. Mega Evolution will be allowed (for any Mega Evolution available in Legends: Z-A). Terastalization will not.
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:rb/charizard: Bootlegmons :rb/blastoise:
Pet Mod Name: [Gen 1] Bootlegmons
Pet Mod Concept: What if the original 151 were replaced with weird knock off monsters? Inspired by the good old days of a whole bunch of terrible Pokemon bootleg games, this mod is a Gen 1-based Fakemon mod. Gen 1 has a bunch of weird and funny mechanics that make it stand out significantly from other generations (like Speed-based critical hits, or the combined Special stat), but I think the current Gen 1 mods aim to focus more on expanding what already exists in the context of the fragile balance of RBY OU, making them a little less approachable to players not already intimately familiar with the ins and outs of the metagame.
Explanation: Slates would consist of restrictions loosely based on existing Gen 1 Pokemon (with more room for free-er slates as the slates progress). As an example, the initial slate would be based on the starter trio, with each having their respective types made mandatory as well as a BST requirement of 425.
- It could be worth exploring mechanical-based slates, such as bugfixes for RBY's base mechanics, like fixing Focus Energy's quartering of crit rate or Dig and Fly's invincibility glitches (see here Burgundy's Slate 0), or things like adding new moves (within the bounds of Gen 1's power level, of course) but I'm unsure where those sorts of slates would be best implemented (bar the obvious Slate 0 for core mechanics tweaks).
- Sprites would not be required (but very very much encouraged!). They wouldn't have to be GOOD at all (hell, weird sprite edits are totally welcome!), but I think having sprites for a fun flavour mod like this adds to the experience. Only requirement would be that they fit the Gen 1 limitations (which is mostly just size limits and using 2 colours from a predefined palette + white/black, but I'd be totally willing to help with this).
- Would absolutely appreciate help running this thing since I don't know a thing about coding lmao
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Pet Mod Name: Breeding Variants
Pet Mod Concept: Variants of Pokémon based on breeding.
Explanation: Alongside returning Variants from V1, V2 and V3, we take slates to create new variants of Pokémon based on the donor of the same Egg Group, regardless of gender or genderless (with the help of Ditto Goo), although Undiscovered Pokémon(*) are not allowed. The following are donated by a Pokémon of same Egg Group;
  • One of the donor’s type to replace the base’s types; if the base is single type, then simply add one of donor’s types as the secondary type.
  • Five moves from the donor’s movepool, based on latest availability.
  • One of the donor’s Abilities; the base can only have one of it’s Abilities replaced, not added upon.
    • Form-changing Abilities like Zen Mode and Ice Face can be donated, and stat changes are based on the differences between the base form and the other form.
    • Palafin and Wishiwashi must be used carefully as donors because of the massive stat boosts they provide from the only Ability. This also applies to Minior to a lesser extent.
    • Stat changes by Zen Mode depends on the donor; regular Darmanitan grants the bulky, higher Special Attack, Psychic-granting Zen Mode, while Galarian Darmanitan grants the faster, higher Physical Attack, Fire-granting Zen Mode.
  • Averaged base stat (HP, Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, Speed) of both the base and donor’s. Only the donor’s base form counts for this.
  • A new suffix to indicate the donor.
  • Optionally, a dex entry.
  • (*) Baby Pokémon are considered as the same Egg Group as their evolved form(s).
Miscellaneous: Based on NatDex OU and it’s banlist this time, with only Mega Evolution allowed as super mechanic; this means no Z-Moves, no Dynamax + Gigantamax, no Terastalization. Ditto cannot be a base nor a donor; Slaking cannot be a base; Smeargle cannot be a donor; Pokémon that is classed within UU or higher in NatDex (with regular or alternative form like Megas in higher tier having higher priority) cannot be the base Pokémon. Power level preferably closer to OU Gen 5 to 7.
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Two-Step Mons v3
The pet mod where it takes double the time to make a new Mon finally returns to generation 9!

In this pet mod, Pokémon creation takes two steps: one is the creation of a custom element, and the second one is the creation of the Pokémon proper. Here are some guidelines for how the steps work and how the mod is organized:
Step One - Moves and Abilities:
- Each slate will provide parameters that the move or ability must adhere to. These will be outlined in the post for that slate.
- Try not to give your new moves or abilities too many effects. Try to limit it to one or two things, unless there is a precedent in an existing move or ability.
- Depending on how powerful the custom element is, the pokemon we create around it may need to be more or less powerful. Just try to avoid making a move or ability that accomplishes too much for too little effort ( i.e. sets Stealth Rock just for switching in ).

Step Two - New Pokemon:
- The slate will simply be one pokemon for each move or ability that was decided on in the previous slate.
- You can create a fakemon based around the new move or ability; you can also take an existing pokemon and modify it as much as you want.
- If the pokemon is receiving a custom move, try to make sure it would use that move on a majority of its sets. If it receives a custom ability, that must be by far its best ability.
- No custom elements aside from those that the pokemon is based around.

:chi-yu: woo
:unown: Scoopapa
Pet Mod Name:

Pet Mod Concept:
- In VGC - TCG, people will modify and design old and new Pokémon that fit the spirit of TCG.

- "TCG" stands for the Pokémon Trading Card Game and features many unusual ideas, such as the concept of Technical Machine, Tag Team, Trainer Pokémon, Dark & Light Pokémon, Pokémon ex, V Star, Delta, etc. For some of these concepts, we will work for a while before moving on to another.
- If you want to look at the bigger picture, we will essentially create a customized, regional dex from the ground up--one in which people can have fun and go "wild" with their ideas. By "customized", I'm referring to anything between modifying existing Pokémon (stats, movepool, etc., within reason, of course) or coming up with new Pokémon, items, moves, and so on. Again, you are literally Game Freak working on a new regional project, with the main focus on adhering to the spirit of TCG.

- This project will assume a non restricted format, meaning, no main legendaries, like Groudon. Previous generational features generally won't be included, such as Dynamax or Z-Moves. Depending on people's wishes, certain moves might not be included or severly limited. This could even lead to removing Dual Wingbeat from Dragonite, for instance, as it could be considered a tutor move that does not exist in this project's region. That said, moves like Hidden Power and Return/Frustration are not available.
- Moreover, this project encourages team work; you don't necessarily have to work alone.
- You do not need good knowledge of VGC or TCG. I'm here to guide you, after all.
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I can just slip in one more surprise before the approvals roll along....
Pet Mod Name: A Multiversal Tale
Pet Mod Concept: Once upon a time...there lived a library of every book imaginable. Every day, characters from the various books duke it out for the endless intelligence that the library offers, from old to new, from children's books to adult fiction, from fiction to non-fiction, from language to language, from east to west. And unlike in a certain world where characters from various universes fought with each other...this time, every book gets equal representation....As long as the library can get to them!
Explanation: This pet mod will consist of various slates which are known as chapters. In each slate/chapter, three book serieses will be shown. These can consist of books, comic books, manga, and graphic novels. You may submit up to five characters that originate from one of the three book serieses as competitive Pokémon, listing out their types, abilities and movepools, alongside their roles in the metagame. Then, after a while, voting will commence, where up to nine entries can win: The three characters of each book series with the most votes will get into the metagame! (For example, there will be three winners from Book Series A, three winners from Book Series B, and three winners from Book Series C) The user whose entry got the most votes gets the chance to nominate a book series into the next slate!
Miscellaneous: This is a Micrometa, meaning only the created characters will take part in it!
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had this idea forever ago and ended up dropping it but then i brought it out during CCAPM today and it got second in the concept polls so screw it, I'm sneaking this in last second

Pet Mod Name: TeraForming
Pet Mod Concept: Terastallization has been an interesting but extremely controversial mechanic over the course of Gen 9, especially in the Pet Mods community where the most successful mods with unchanged Tera (Banhammers and Masquerade) aren't played much (not counting the solomod Balls, shoutouts to Balls). This got me thinking, "How could I make a metagame with Tera appealing?" and the answer lied in a bit of inspiration from Masquerade, a bit of inspiration from Terapagos, and a bit of inspiration from Mega Evolutions to create the new mechanic of Tera Evolution. In this Pet Mod, only Pokemon with Tera Evolutions can Terastallize, retaining the same mechanics that Tera normally has still applying. Additionally, these Pokemon gain new Tera forms similar to Terapagos' Stellar form, gaining up to a +50 BST boost (down from Terapagos' +100, since Tera is still very strong) and a new ability. This serves to buff up weaker Pokemon or give already strong ones a new angle while making Tera much more predictable and even more committal but still strong.
Explanation: The mod will have 10 slates, adding ~30 Tera forms total. 6 of them would be Free-for-all slates where 3 Tera Types (4, when Stellar is slated) Tera are slated and you submit a Tera Evolution of those Tera Types and 4 Slates would be slates where 3 Pokemon are selected by the council and you'd submit Tera forms for them of any Tera Type.
Blank Template:
Tera Type:
Type of Tera Form:
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview:

With Explanations:
Pokémon: The Pokemon you're making the Tera form for.
Tera Type: The Tera Type of the Tera Evolution. Tera forms can only ever become 1 Tera Type, like Terapagos' Stellar or Ogerpon-Wellspring's Water, for example.
Type of Tera Evolution: The type of the Tera form. This type does not have to include the Tera Type of the Tera form nor does it have to match the type of the base form. This type decides what other types the Tera form has STAB on and if its Tera Type grants it an an Adaptability boost on moves of its Tera Type.
Ability: The ability of the Tera form.
Stats: The stats of the Tera form. These follow the same rules as Mega Evolutions, so you can't change the HP stat, but instead of a set +100 BST boost, you're allowed to add up to +50 BST. This means you can add less than 50 BST if you wish.
New Moves: New moves the Pokemon learns, may be added to help it utilize its new Tera form. Keep in mind that every Pokemon you could submit will already have access to STAB move of their Tera Type due to Tera Blast.
Removed Moves: Moves removed from the Pokemon's movepool for balancing purposes. Note that removing moves will also remove them from the prevolution's movepool.
Competitive Overview: A brief summary of what the Pokemon does in the metagame and why it should be added

Example Submission:
Pokémon: Hydrapple
Tera Type:

Type of Tera Evolution:

Ability: Shell Armor
Stats: 106 / 80 / 135 (+25) / 135 (+15) / 90 (+10) / 44 (590 BST)
New Moves: Focus Blast
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: I don't know what Kieran was cooking with his Tera Fighting Hydrapple, but here you can turn the bulky Regenerator pivot into a dangerous wincon with Acid Armor + Tera-boosted Body Presses that you can't crit through due to Shell Armor. Focus Blast gives Nasty Plot Hydrapple another STAB if you want it.
- For a full look at how Tera Evolution works in battle, look at this replay.
- Tera Evolutions would be item locked, like Megas.
- Ogerpon would still be allowed to Terastallize, with its item being its Masks (with one added for Teal Ogerpon). However, as of now I don't plan on having a slate for Ogerpon, since the Mask power buff and Embody Aspect kinda make up for not having that +50 BST boost. This could change once the mod gets going.
- This likely won't start immediately after approvals, since I'm super busy with school and other mods, but the wait shouldn't be too long, definitely before the end of the year.
- Would be run by a council (especially would need help due to the above point).
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Trainer Support v2

Teams gain a Trainer slot, where teams can select a single Trainer to provide a single universal effect to the team, as a universal Ability the entire team gains access to. This will be a gen 9 ou meta without tera.

Explanation: Each slate will either feature a themed slate/a free for all, and the community will submit abilities for each trainer/any trainer.

  • Trainers Abilities may not be designed to effect a specific Pokemon.
  • Trainer Abilities should be one singular effect.
  • Trainer Abilities should be thematically relevant to the trainer.
Just to get this in before the deadline.

Pet Mod Name: Criss-Cross Revolution
Pet Mod Concept: Based on the OM Cross Evolution, rebalancing the metagame and adding Fakemons to expand the roster
Based on one of my favourite OMs, Cross Evolution, the playstyle will work as the OM does. Very briefly for anyone who is not familiar with the meta, NFE Pokemon can nickname themselves after another Pokemon to "evolve" into them and gain the stats, typing, and movepool that would normally come with that evolution.

What I want to do is turn this into an OM that 1) balances some of the elements of the tier that have gotten banned over the years, and 2) introduce more Fakemon evolutions so we have more bases and evolutions at our disposal.

Just like the base Cross Evolution, this would be an "Ubers-based" metagame, meaning that Ubers are allowed. This is simply due to how strong a number of the strong evolvers are when given to stronger bases.

The meta would start off with a combination of the Gen 8 (SS) and Gen 9 (SV) Pokedexes, allowing for a number of the tier staples of the current generation, along with the return of certain key offensive or defensive players from last generation, such as Wailmer or Nidoking. (This still allows for certain key tier changes, such as the dexiting of Pursuit and the removal of moves like Toxic from a lot of the cast, while also giving us some of the useful things that the Gen 8 meta gave us, such as the abundance of a buffed Teleport). Here is the link to the Gen 8 Cross Evolution for those interested.

There would be three types of slates:

1) Nerfing a banned/ban-worthy element. The most common way this will be done is nerfing a base form NFE Pokemon, though there will also be cases where an evolution has to be nerfed. Sometimes this will mean reducing the evolved form's BST, but reducing the benefit of an evolution may also include buffing a Pokemon's pre-evolution so the evolution doesn't get as many stats from the evolution. (I know this requires some explaining for those unfamiliar with the meta, so see the below).

:petilil: 45/35/50/70/50/30
:lilligant: 70/60/75/110/75/90 (CE 25/25/25/40/25/60)
:lilligant-hisui: 70/105/75/50/75/105 (CE 25/70/25/-20/25/75, + Fighting)
Lilligant-Hisui is one of the Pokemon whose evolution was banned in Generation 9 Cross Evolution. While at a glance its stats don't seem that overwhelming, it is the fact that it is evolving FROM Petilil that gives the Cross Evolution Bonus so much power. Pair that with access to the move Victory Dance, and two great abilities in Hustle and Chlorophyll, and you can see why these stats were considered overwhelming for the tier.

So, in this theoretical example of wanting to nerf Lilligant-Hisui, how would we go about it? The first rule would be that it has to have the same BST as its counterpart, base Lilligant, so we cannot just reduce one of its high stats. A possibility then, is to buff Petilil. While this might seem surprising, the Cross Evolution stats next to both forms of Lilligant are calculated by the difference between Petilil and its evolutions. So, by making Petilil stronger, the stats that it gains to evolve into either Lilligant is reduced, possibly making the evolution more balanced. See the below for that theory in action.

:petilil: 60/45/60/75/60/45 [modified] (+15/+10/+10/+5/+10/+15)
:lilligant: 70/60/75/110/75/90 [unchanged] (CE 10/15/15/35/15/45)
:lilligant-hisui: 70/105/75/50/75/105 [unchanged] (CE 10/60/15/-25/15/60, + Fighting)

This change alone would likely not be what it takes to balance Lilligant-Hisui, but giving players the option to buff a base form Pokemon in order to nerf the evolution would have an effect on how the stats of the Cross Evolution change.

2) Introducing a new Cross Evolution. This would be the creation of a Fakemon that would be the evolution of an existing Pokemon. The Pokemon in question would be chosen by council, and would have to be lower-tier Pokemon who could in theory evolve (no Pokemon already from a three-stage line for example). The idea of this would be to make both a base form that people would want to use, and an evolution that would be an interesting but balanced addition to the meta.

3) Free slate. This would happen once every 3-5 slates most likely. This is an opportunity for various Pokemon in the tier to be rebalanced, as in Step 1, but the players would choose what Pokemon to change. This could be buffing a weaker base Pokemon or evolution to allow it to be actually useable, nerfing a strong Pokemon or evolution to limit the damage it can cause, or just expanding the options certain Pokemon have.

Note that for the entirety of this there would be no custom moves or abilities. Any new Fakemons or changed existing Pokemon would only be allowed moves and abilities that already exist.

After however many slates it takes, the changes and additions should make for an interesting meta that differs drastically from either generation's base Cross Evolution meta.

  • No coding experience for Showdown so a coder would be needed (though at least to start it would be as simple as porting over the code for Cross Evolution)
  • Initial banlist based on the current Cross Evolution meta (I am on the Cross Evolution council so I am aware of the power levels of the tier)
  • At least the first phase or two would be playtesting to see how the Gen8 and Gen 9 metas interact to get a feel for the new tier balance.
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And the other one, right before the deadline.

Pet Mod Name: Typecast
Pet Mod Concept: This Mod takes the type chart and lets the player base turn it upside down. We will use this to make bad types better and good types worse, while also potentially combining, renaming or splitting up current types. Who knows, maybe a later slate would also include the creation of a brand new type that we would add to the game. Whatever the case, the type chart at the end of this will look dramatically different than it does right now.
Explanation: Each phase of the Mod would go as follows:

  • Step 0: Choose what the new type would be, and/or what type(s) it came from. This would be decided by council (with input from the community), not necessarily voted upon. A few of the early ones would involve rebalancing some types that need some assistance (nerfing Fairy, buffing Bug or Ice, etc) and a couple pre-determined type combinations (i.e. combining Rock and Ground to create the new Earth type).
  1. Design the Type Chart. Submissions would be made for what this type should be able to do Offensively/Defensively, and the community would then vote on which one would be applied. These changes would also include more than just weaknesses/resistances, but also include other interactions, such as how the Flying type is immune to grounded hazards, or how the Electric type is immune to paralysis.
  2. Move Creation and Adjustment. Some moves of this type will need to be adjusted or redistributed in order for the balance to be maintained. Players will have a chance to adjust up to three moves of a type, and create up to three new ones. (For our purposes, suggesting that a move should get increased distribution counts as an "adjustment" in this phase, but you could also make a change to a move and also recommend it be distributed to more Pokemon).
  3. Redesign some Pokemon. Any time a type is changed, a number of Pokemon will look different as a result. This slate will allow submissions for some of these changed Pokemon to get new secondary types and updated movepools (including some of the moves that came up in the previous phase). This slate would also allow some Pokemon to gain this new type as a secondary type. Base stats of Pokemon will NOT be part of these changes, nor will abilities. The only changes in this phase will be changes based on Steps 1 and 2, as those are the only changes impacted by typing.
  4. Playtesting Phase. Is this new type balanced on paper, but the adjustments make another type very strong or very bad? We adjust accordingly, giving that type its own little slate for players to repeat Step 1 (and possibly steps 2 or 3) to adjust. Rinse and repeat all of these steps until we have a new type chart that still manages to be balanced and competitive to use.

Step 1) Designing a Type Chart

Example 1A] Modifying a current type
New Name: Magic

Offensive Table
Super Effective (x2)Not very effective (x1/2)No effect (x0)

Defensive Table
Weak to (x2)Resists (x1/2)No effect (x0)

New mechanic: Magic-type Pokemon are immune to the Infatuation condition.
In this example, the submission modifies the Fairy (now called Magic) type to swap its resistance to Bug to instead be Not Very Effective against Bug, and turning its Immunity to Dragon to a Resistance, as well as adding a new mechanic. Note how the original type chart is still referenced with the previous selections being struck through, and the new additions being in bold. After making changes, as well as the new type mechanic, there would normally also be a requirement for an explanation as to why this change has been made.

Example 1B] Making a new or combined type

Offensive Table
Super Effective (x2)Not very effective (x1/2)No effect (x0)

Defensive Table
Weak to (x2)Resists (x1/2)No effect (x0)

New mechanic: some moves will now have the Grounded condition, which the Flying type would be immune to. A number of these moves are currently Ground type moves (Earthquake, Spikes, etc.) but some other moves will also have this property added to them.
If I was making an actual submission here is where I would add that list of moves.
In this example, a number of elements have been taken from both types, but with a handful of changes for this new type. Obviously a detailed explanation would accompany this, as well as the list of moves to which the new mechanic would apply. Note how unlike the modification of an existing type, no boldening or strikethrough is required, except to note its interactions with itself.

Step 2) Move Creation/Adjustment

Potential Pokémon With This Move

Step 3) Pokemon Adjustments

Type: remember that one of these MUST be the new type of the slate
New Moves:

  • My coding skills have never been used for something like this so a coder would be required.
  • This will be an anti-dexit meta (all Pokemon available with their most modern movesets, but no Mega/Z-Moves/Dynamax/Terastylization
It's about that time again, here are the next round of Pet Mod Approvals!

:blacephalon: DLCmons :tapu koko:

DLCmons!??!? In 2024!?!? Yeah, after 2 years, time for DLCmons to be back!

Pet Mod Concept: This mod is about creating DLCs for official Pokemon games, last version of DLCmons was for Alola games.
Explanation: The goal is really to create an expansion pack, a bit like for Galar and Paldea. So it means existing Pokemons not available in the regional Dex, new regional forms, new Fakemons, legendaries, Tutor Moves... The goal is really to create what DLCs would have been.

Pokemon slates would have 2 phases: one where people sub for concepts (be it a competitive one or a flavour one), and one for actual subs respecting said voted concepts.

Miscellaneous: Last iteration was for Alola games, but a vote will be done at the beginning of the mod in order to determine if we still do SM or if we do another games. If we stick with Alola, then a vote will be done to determine whether we keep the older subs or if we reset everything.

Old thread
With Legends Z-A in the horizon, I thought it was only right to bring back:

Pet Mod Name: Eternal Pokémon
Pet Mod Concept: Give Eternal Floette-like formes to other NFE Pokémon.
Explanation: Eternal Pokémon are given the same typing of their base formes, and the same BST of their Final Evolution's -1 point, playing a completely different competitive role than their base forme's evolution with a brand-new stat distribution, ideally designed so the Eternal Pokémon don't outclass their base forme's evolution, and vice versa. Eternal Pokémon are also given a brand new signature move. Lastly, submitters are expected to choose among the abilities that the slated Pokémon has available to them, which one the slated Pokémon should be locked to.
Miscellaneous: There are a few changes from previous iterations of Eternal Pokémon, please read the intended OP for more details

— Eternal Pokémon: —
— Everlasting —

What if AZ could save more than just his Floette from the whims of the Kalos war? What if more Pokémon were eternally revived in this grotesque manner, faded to everlasting beauty?

To answer these questions, so returns the beloved Eternal Pokémon Pet Mod from generations 7 and 8. This time, due to the philosophy change of the Pet Mod since the last iterations, there are no returning Eternal Pokémon (oh the irony): submissions will be done from scratch, but submissions referencing previous Eternal Pokémon are not only welcome, but encouraged! Any relevant changes to the previous iterations of Eternal Pokémon are highlighted in bold!

— Submission Phase

In the submission phase, users get to submit the Eternal Formes for Pokémon currently slated, which can range from three to four Pokémon per slate.

Eternal Pokémon have the same typing of their base formes, and the same BST of their Final Evolution's -1 point, playing a completely different competitive role than their base forme's evolution with a brand-new stat distribution, ideally designed so the Eternal Pokémon don't outclass their base forme's evolution, and vice versa. Eternal Pokémon are also given a brand new signature move. Lastly, submitters are expected to choose among the abilities that the slated Pokémon has available to them, which one the slated Pokémon should be locked to, as Eternal Floette is always locked to Flower Veil, for instance. This doesn't apply to Pokémon slated that only have access to one ability.

When designing your submission, do note that Eternal Pokémon do not benefit from Eviolite, but do benefit from species-exclusive items, such as Light Ball for Pikachu, for example.

The Submission format is as follows:

Do keep in mind that these Pokémon are intended for an OU power level, no higher, no lower. Prior to voting, submissions that are evidently too strong may be vetoed and/or submitters may be asked to tweak certain problematic aspects. And after submissions have been voted in, if they're been proven to be too weak or too strong for the metagame, they will be accordingly buffed or nerfed, respectively.

— Voting Phase

Voting takes place in this thread. Users shall provide a list with their most preferred to least preferred options, and are allowed to vote for as many or as few submissions as they like. Users are allowed to vote for their own submissions, even as their "most preferred" option, as long as they vote for at least one other submission.

Please provide your votes with the exact Smogon username of the user you're voting for, each in a newline (ordered and unordered lists are fine as well), so that voting can be automated, e.g.:

The voting system used will be Ranked Pairs. In the eventual case of any ties, the community will be reasked to vote.

— The Metagame

Eternal Pokémon is to be played with the Legends: Z-A Regional Pokédex as its basis. All Eternal Pokémon created in this Pet Mod will be found in said regional Pokédex. The Pet Mod will follow Scarlet and Violet mechanics. Mega Evolution will be allowed (for any Mega Evolution available in Legends: Z-A). Terastalization will not.
Grouping these two together, as both are returning past Pet Mods that'll be sure to do great with a modern coat of paint. Approved and Approved.

:pheromosa: Back to the Past :ninjask:

Pet Mod Concept: Porting mons and moves from newer generations back into RBY while trying to maintain a general RBY style.
Explanation: Any mon or move from gens 2-9 will be able to be changed and submitted into the metagame as long as it follows general RBY mechanics and style. Something like U-turn or Stealth Rocks would not be allowed in, but something like Parting Shot or Dragon Tail might be, despite it being impossible to do on cartridge. There will be no attempt to keep current RBY OU mons in their current viability, but it will still be balanced around RBY OU powerlevel.
Knowing you, I am personally extremely interested to see how this mod goes, I think it has a lot of potential to be successful and having another RBY mod coming off of the current success of RBY CAP makes a lot of sense. Approved.

:sv/glaceon: GlaceMons :sv/glaceon:
Pet Mod Name: GlaceMons
Pet Mod Concept: A sequel to JolteMons, GlaceMons seeks to shake up the National Dex OU metagame by adding and changing moves, items, and abilities, as well as making non-stat Adjustments to Pokemon.
Explanation: If you're familiar with JolteMons and VaporeMons, then you already know basically how GlaceMons will work. If not, I've included a full explanation of the rules below:
Submission Phase (5 days)
During the submission phase, you can submit 4 new or changed moves, items, and abilities as well as 4 non-stat adjustments to Pokémon. Templates are provided below. There are very few restrictions for what you can do with moves, items, and abilities, but please keep your submissions balanced and codeable because the council reserves the right to veto any submission deemed uncompetitive, broken, or unfeasible. For Pokémon Adjustments, you can change the Pokémon's typing, abilities, and add or removes moves. You cannot create new moves or abilities for the Pokémon, you must submit those as part of your moves or ability submissions. Multiple moves / items / abilities can be subbed in one slot if they are clones of each other and multiple Pokémon can be adjusted in one slot if they are direct counterparts of each other.

Voting Phase (1 day) -
During the voting phase, you may vote for up to 6 submissions in each category. You are allowed 2 self-votes. The top voted submissions will win and be added to the metagame, with at least 2 winners in each category.

Discussion (1 day) -
The discussion phase of each slate gives us a quick period of rest to get the newest slate coded, discuss what we got in the newest slate, and potentially do a little playtesting before the next slate. Unlike in JolteMons, distribution discussion is no formally longer part of the discussion phase, with distribution now being decided by council.
- Host of SylveMons, JolteMons, and VaporeMons Yoshiblaze gave me the permission to make a SV National Dex version counterpart to VaporeMons, so thanks to them!
- There is no continuity between the aforementioned Pet Mods, GlaceMons will have different elements.
- Terastallization is banned.
- Council will be ran by myself, Runo, and Adriyun, though if any Pet Mod user is interested you can ping me in Pet Mods Discord @ hidin.
Speaking of mods where I'm extremely interested in how they turn out, the next iteration of the beloved SylveMons series being helmed by someone with as much experience in the base metagame as yourself has me super excited for this one. Approved.

had this idea forever ago and ended up dropping it but then i brought it out during CCAPM today and it got second in the concept polls so screw it, I'm sneaking this in last second

Pet Mod Name: TeraForming
Pet Mod Concept: Terastallization has been an interesting but extremely controversial mechanic over the course of Gen 9, especially in the Pet Mods community where the most successful mods with unchanged Tera (Banhammers and Masquerade) aren't played much (not counting the solomod Balls, shoutouts to Balls). This got me thinking, "How could I make a metagame with Tera appealing?" and the answer lied in a bit of inspiration from Masquerade, a bit of inspiration from Terapagos, and a bit of inspiration from Mega Evolutions to create the new mechanic of Tera Evolution. In this Pet Mod, only Pokemon with Tera Evolutions can Terastallize, retaining the same mechanics that Tera normally has still applying. Additionally, these Pokemon gain new Tera forms similar to Terapagos' Stellar form, gaining up to a +50 BST boost (down from Terapagos' +100, since Tera is still very strong) and a new ability. This serves to buff up weaker Pokemon or give already strong ones a new angle while making Tera much more predictable and even more committal but still strong.
Explanation: The mod will have 10 slates, adding ~30 Tera forms total. 6 of them would be Free-for-all slates where 3 Tera Types (4, when Stellar is slated) Tera are slated and you submit a Tera Evolution of those Tera Types and 4 Slates would be slates where 3 Pokemon are selected by the council and you'd submit Tera forms for them of any Tera Type.
Blank Template:
Tera Type:
Type of Tera Form:
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview:

With Explanations:
Pokémon: The Pokemon you're making the Tera form for.
Tera Type: The Tera Type of the Tera Evolution. Tera forms can only ever become 1 Tera Type, like Terapagos' Stellar or Ogerpon-Wellspring's Water, for example.
Type of Tera Evolution: The type of the Tera form. This type does not have to include the Tera Type of the Tera form nor does it have to match the type of the base form. This type decides what other types the Tera form has STAB on and if its Tera Type grants it an an Adaptability boost on moves of its Tera Type.
Ability: The ability of the Tera form.
Stats: The stats of the Tera form. These follow the same rules as Mega Evolutions, so you can't change the HP stat, but instead of a set +100 BST boost, you're allowed to add up to +50 BST. This means you can add less than 50 BST if you wish.
New Moves: New moves the Pokemon learns, may be added to help it utilize its new Tera form. Keep in mind that every Pokemon you could submit will already have access to STAB move of their Tera Type due to Tera Blast.
Removed Moves: Moves removed from the Pokemon's movepool for balancing purposes. Note that removing moves will also remove them from the prevolution's movepool.
Competitive Overview: A brief summary of what the Pokemon does in the metagame and why it should be added

Example Submission:
Pokémon: Hydrapple
Tera Type:

Type of Tera Evolution:

Ability: Shell Armor
Stats: 106 / 80 / 135 (+25) / 135 (+15) / 90 (+10) / 44 (590 BST)
New Moves: Focus Blast
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: I don't know what Kieran was cooking with his Tera Fighting Hydrapple, but here you can turn the bulky Regenerator pivot into a dangerous wincon with Acid Armor + Tera-boosted Body Presses that you can't crit through due to Shell Armor. Focus Blast gives Nasty Plot Hydrapple another STAB if you want it.
- For a full look at how Tera Evolution works in battle, look at this replay.
- Tera Evolutions would be item locked, like Megas.
- Ogerpon would still be allowed to Terastallize, with its item being its Masks (with one added for Teal Ogerpon). However, as of now I don't plan on having a slate for Ogerpon, since the Mask power buff and Embody Aspect kinda make up for not having that +50 BST boost. This could change once the mod gets going.
- This likely won't start immediately after approvals, since I'm super busy with school and other mods, but the wait shouldn't be too long, definitely before the end of the year.
- Would be run by a council (especially would need help due to the above point).
I'm not gonna waste time tooting my own horn here, the other mods liked it and people liked the concept during CCAPM, so yeah. Approved.

That's all for now! Hope you have fun with the new wave of Pet Mods! And keep your submissions coming, the next round of approvals will be here before you know it!
So if the council suggests only one should be submitted at a be it! (You'll find the other five ideas originally on this post over at the workshop)
Pet Mod Name: Generation ALTER
Pet Mod Concept: This Pet Mod aims to create regions based off terms that the Pokémon Company would never allow, such as a microscopic region, or one based off another video game, while at the same time, creating a healthy metagame out of it.
Explanation: This would work out as a variation of the popular Generation X pet mod which covers supernatural topics, following a very similar slate format.
Miscellaneous: This is an Micrometa, meaning that only the new Pokémon can take part in it.
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Happy to see new and old submitting Pet Mods, but a couple things to note

Pet Mod Name: The Ultimate Lifeform (Resubmission)
Pet Mod Concept: Mewtwo....the supposed ultimate lifeform, said to possess the most savage genes of all Pokémon. Said to have been spliced together with the best Pokémon, including it's base, Mew...but can you do better? Can you splice the DNA of over 1,000 Poké create the Ultimate Lifeform?
Explanation: For each slate, you can choose one Pokémon, and ban it! Then, you can choose another Pokémon, and transfer any number of the banned Pokémon's stats, moves, typings, or abilities to the Pokémon to replace their own. For example, by choosing Delibird and Aggron, Delibird will be banned and it's attributes can be transferred to Aggron in any way. You can replace any number of Aggron's stats with any number of Delibird's stats, replace any number of it's abilities with any number of Delibird's abilities, convert it to either an Ice/Flying, Ice/Steel, Rock/Ice, Steel/Flying, or Rock/Flying type, and/or give it any number of Delibird's moves. Each slate will accept the five splicings that get the most votes, and you can choose spliced Pokémon too!
Miscellaneous: This is a National Dex OU meta, so all Pokémon are allowed, but Terastalization is banned.
It's too late now since they're already posted and really aren't a problem, but I do want to use this opportunity to clarify that any submissions that weren't explicitly rejected are considered valid submissions for the next cycle of approvals, so they don't have to be resubmitted. This has always quietly been the case, but never outright stated afaik, so yeah

Very happy to see new faces here! However, as per the rules stated on the first post of this thread, you must have at least 15 posts across the Gen 8 and Gen 9 Pet Mods subforums (Solomods subforum included) in order to post submissions. I will be deleting these 4 submissions for now, but once you've hit the required amount of posts then you can post them again or I can undelete them.

For those new to the community with ideas to share, I recommend you post your ideas to Pet Mods Workshop, as not only will this get you 1 post on the way to 15, but you'll be able to get feedback on your ideas as discussion on submissions isn't allowed in this thread.

Thank you!