Platinum Battle Hall Single Record: 192 Win Streak
Lv. 55 Garchomp @Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
IVS: The only ones I know exactly are 31 Attack and 31 Speed, thanks to the man in the Battle Tower (says they're perfect).
EV spread: 6 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed
~Swords Dance
~Fire Fang
Strategy: Not really much to say on this, aside from the fact that I believe the three attacking types above hit everything for at least neutral damage. The ability to Swords Dance while being saved by Focus Sash and then OHKOing the pokemon you're up against has proven pretty useful. I know some people may opt for Stone Edge over Fire Fang on the Swords Dance sets, but I haven't found it needed so far. Everything I've fought so far either got killed by Outrage or Earthquake. I'll admit I've only used Fire Fang once I believe, and that was for Bronzor/Bronzong.
As far as actually taking on types I like to do Ice and Dark first (try and get Weavile as early as possible so it doesn't mess up streak with Ice Shard). After that I went to Water cause I know a lot of them like to carry Ice Moves. I then preceded to ground to try and check for Torterra or Mamoswine (Ice Shard). Grass right after, checking for Torterra again. Then I did Normal cause there's random ones that are pretty bulky. After that I honestly believe you can pretty much pick and choose as you please. Ice, Dark, Water, Grass, and Normal are the only types I worry about with Garchomp, so far. I've had some random problems in other types that I'll touch on below.
How I lost: I lost to a Licklicky, which sucked cause I had already got Ice, Ground, and Dark out of the way (didn't want Mamoswine or Weavile to show up). I started with Swords Dance while it dropped me to 1 HP with a critcal hit Ice Punch. Sure enough, I freeze and I basically call it a game. However my Garchomp decides to unfrost on the first turn and attack with Outrage, which to my shock knocks Licklicky to what looked like either 1 or 2 HP. Then of course Licklicky finishes me off, ending my streak. -_-
Random notes of interest: I'll touch on the problem pokemon I've seen so far, both expected and not so much:
Torterra: Whether using Band or Swords Dance Chomp I'd say to be wary of this pokemon. I'm glad I Swords Danced and then chose to OHKO it with Outrage instead of just out and right Outraging. The reason being because I worried I might knock it into Overgrow range in which case it may OHKO me with its Wood Hammer (which was already a 2HKO in the first place). I honestly don't know if those that have tried Choice Band sets have problem with it, but it's something to note.
Charizard: I fought this one in Rank 9 of Flying I believe and it almost beat me! It's some sort of stalling version I guess, that tries to wait out the burn. I hit it with Outrage, which it lived and then burned me with Will-O-Wisp. It protects and my Outrage does nothing, while slowly taking burn damage. Then I hit my self in confusion on the attack, plus getting smacked by a nice Air Slash and some burn damage for insult. At this point I was somewhere below 10 HP I believe. Luckly, even though Garchomp didn't break out of confusion, he still attacked and KOed Charizard. If it had protected, however, I would of lost. So that was an encounter I don't exactly jump with joy of maybe having to do again. Needless to say, I don't like Charizard much anymore......
Scyther: This thing could of taken me out, maybe. Not only did it outspeed my Garchomp, but it Swords Danced also. I on the other hand went on the attack and Outraged, sure enough turns out Scyther has a Focus Sash! Then it X-Scissored me, activating Focus Sash on Chomp, who finished it with Outrage. Just the fact it was faster then Chomp with a Focus Sash has me worried. I don't know how much X-Scissor without a Swords Dance does on my Chomp (not sure of the exact defense IVs) but if it's a 2HKO this could be a problem in the future. If it really is a 2HKO then it's a problem for even Choice Band varients as the Scyther will outspeed you and not have to worry about the intial hit because of Sash. Just something for people to think about.
Piloswine: It's really Mamoswine that's the real possible problem but none the less. When I fought this thing it was another pokemon that took the intial hit with Focus Sash then Ice Fanged, forcing Chomp to use Focus Sash. Now granted it didn't Ice Shard after taking the Outrage, but what worries me is that it might of been able too. I don't know if Piloswines carry Ice Shard because I never say it use one, but it's still something of concern. This pokemon however is a huge threat to the Choice Band Chomps I'd believe, who fail to OHKO because of Focus Sash and then are Ice Fanged to death.
Those are the main four things I can remember running into that could cause problems. Everything other then those that caused a stir was mostly from hax like a crit (Focus Sash is helpful for these) or the freeze that happened while battling Lickilicky. I'll also stress, even though I didn't run into them this 192 streak, the threat that Mamoswine and Weavile possess thanks to them having Ice Shard. Weavile in particular because of the whole Focus Sash bit. Those are really the only problem things I can recall running into. I'll edit in later if any more come to mind.
Lv. 55 Garchomp @Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
IVS: The only ones I know exactly are 31 Attack and 31 Speed, thanks to the man in the Battle Tower (says they're perfect).
EV spread: 6 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed
~Swords Dance
~Fire Fang
Strategy: Not really much to say on this, aside from the fact that I believe the three attacking types above hit everything for at least neutral damage. The ability to Swords Dance while being saved by Focus Sash and then OHKOing the pokemon you're up against has proven pretty useful. I know some people may opt for Stone Edge over Fire Fang on the Swords Dance sets, but I haven't found it needed so far. Everything I've fought so far either got killed by Outrage or Earthquake. I'll admit I've only used Fire Fang once I believe, and that was for Bronzor/Bronzong.
As far as actually taking on types I like to do Ice and Dark first (try and get Weavile as early as possible so it doesn't mess up streak with Ice Shard). After that I went to Water cause I know a lot of them like to carry Ice Moves. I then preceded to ground to try and check for Torterra or Mamoswine (Ice Shard). Grass right after, checking for Torterra again. Then I did Normal cause there's random ones that are pretty bulky. After that I honestly believe you can pretty much pick and choose as you please. Ice, Dark, Water, Grass, and Normal are the only types I worry about with Garchomp, so far. I've had some random problems in other types that I'll touch on below.
How I lost: I lost to a Licklicky, which sucked cause I had already got Ice, Ground, and Dark out of the way (didn't want Mamoswine or Weavile to show up). I started with Swords Dance while it dropped me to 1 HP with a critcal hit Ice Punch. Sure enough, I freeze and I basically call it a game. However my Garchomp decides to unfrost on the first turn and attack with Outrage, which to my shock knocks Licklicky to what looked like either 1 or 2 HP. Then of course Licklicky finishes me off, ending my streak. -_-
Random notes of interest: I'll touch on the problem pokemon I've seen so far, both expected and not so much:
Torterra: Whether using Band or Swords Dance Chomp I'd say to be wary of this pokemon. I'm glad I Swords Danced and then chose to OHKO it with Outrage instead of just out and right Outraging. The reason being because I worried I might knock it into Overgrow range in which case it may OHKO me with its Wood Hammer (which was already a 2HKO in the first place). I honestly don't know if those that have tried Choice Band sets have problem with it, but it's something to note.
Charizard: I fought this one in Rank 9 of Flying I believe and it almost beat me! It's some sort of stalling version I guess, that tries to wait out the burn. I hit it with Outrage, which it lived and then burned me with Will-O-Wisp. It protects and my Outrage does nothing, while slowly taking burn damage. Then I hit my self in confusion on the attack, plus getting smacked by a nice Air Slash and some burn damage for insult. At this point I was somewhere below 10 HP I believe. Luckly, even though Garchomp didn't break out of confusion, he still attacked and KOed Charizard. If it had protected, however, I would of lost. So that was an encounter I don't exactly jump with joy of maybe having to do again. Needless to say, I don't like Charizard much anymore......
Scyther: This thing could of taken me out, maybe. Not only did it outspeed my Garchomp, but it Swords Danced also. I on the other hand went on the attack and Outraged, sure enough turns out Scyther has a Focus Sash! Then it X-Scissored me, activating Focus Sash on Chomp, who finished it with Outrage. Just the fact it was faster then Chomp with a Focus Sash has me worried. I don't know how much X-Scissor without a Swords Dance does on my Chomp (not sure of the exact defense IVs) but if it's a 2HKO this could be a problem in the future. If it really is a 2HKO then it's a problem for even Choice Band varients as the Scyther will outspeed you and not have to worry about the intial hit because of Sash. Just something for people to think about.
Piloswine: It's really Mamoswine that's the real possible problem but none the less. When I fought this thing it was another pokemon that took the intial hit with Focus Sash then Ice Fanged, forcing Chomp to use Focus Sash. Now granted it didn't Ice Shard after taking the Outrage, but what worries me is that it might of been able too. I don't know if Piloswines carry Ice Shard because I never say it use one, but it's still something of concern. This pokemon however is a huge threat to the Choice Band Chomps I'd believe, who fail to OHKO because of Focus Sash and then are Ice Fanged to death.
Those are the main four things I can remember running into that could cause problems. Everything other then those that caused a stir was mostly from hax like a crit (Focus Sash is helpful for these) or the freeze that happened while battling Lickilicky. I'll also stress, even though I didn't run into them this 192 streak, the threat that Mamoswine and Weavile possess thanks to them having Ice Shard. Weavile in particular because of the whole Focus Sash bit. Those are really the only problem things I can recall running into. I'll edit in later if any more come to mind.