Achieved a streak of 225 in the Single Battle Hall using this:
Salamence @ Choice Band
Adamant, 6HP/252Atk/252Spe
~Stone edge
~Fire Blast
Stone edge saw no usage during my streak, or my two previous ones. Fire Blast over Fire Fang was just a matter of convenience
I lost to the following:
H294 | Rhydon | Adamant | Sitrus Berry | Dig | Stone Edge | Rock Slide | Megahorn | HP/Atk
Earthquake hit, but didn't KO, Rhydon's Stone Edge response had no such difficulties.
Apart from the accursed Weavile (who I haven't encountered yet in any of my streaks), other trouble Pokemon include various Rank 10 Rock pokemon
H438 | Regirock | Brave | Sitrus Berry | Stone Edge | AncientPower | Giga Impact | Thunder Wave | Atk/SpA
Encountered this thing twice, both times for my Coloured Plate match during my first two streaks. Again, EQ will not KO, but the responding SE will.
H457 | Rhyperior | Brave | Quick Claw | Rock Wrecker | Earth Power | Giga Impact | Reversal | Atk/Def
This is just theory, however if a CBMence EQ cannot OHKO RhyDON, then it stands to reason Rhyperior will also survive and KO with a return hit.
Encountered a few Shapedo, however Intimidate provides adequate protection from Ice Fang while EQ 2HKOed it. Higher Ranked Wobbs can be scary. I managed to OHKO a rank 8 one, but not a rank 9 one. Fortunately the AI opted for Mirror coat that match, allowing me to continue my streak. Manectric with Focus sash can also be difficult. Unless you run +speed on Mence, it has 2 turns to hit you with STABed Thunders, which can bring you down
Anyway that's it, hope this is useful for anyone planning a Salamence run through the Hall