Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

My streak has hit 140 (And is still active)! 170 is pretty much a shoe-in (Fire/Bug/Poison left lol) and I am using standard SashChomp. Other than the obvious 'take out Ice then Dark asap' I'd recommend Water and Ground next, as there are some annoy buggers in those types.

Also, I battled and defeated the SashWeavile. Wanna know how? ;)

Fire Fang. Seriously. Flinched it, and burned it. I forgot to save the battle but it was the most amazing thing ever. Bastard... Ruined 3 of streaks beforehand,\
Just got 21 in the Battle Factory using

695 | Scizor | Jolly | Salac Berry | X-Scissor | Quick Attack | Reversal | Endure |

673 | Alakazam | Timid | Wise Glasses | Psychic | Charge Beam | Signal Beam | Grass Knot |

744 | Gyarados | Adamant | Persim Berry | Outrage | Waterfall | Stone Edge | Giga Impact |

Factory Head Thorton's Pokemon:


I immediately switched in Gyarados and it took out Heatran AND Nidoking easily. Then I simply X-Scissored away his Regi after Gyarados went down. His team was very similar to Palmer's second team (strange huh). But yeah, I think I had received some of the best 3 Pokemon possible this round (finally some good luck). I shall continue my streak tomorrow.
Achieved a streak of 225 in the Single Battle Hall using this:

Salamence @ Choice Band
Adamant, 6HP/252Atk/252Spe
~Stone edge
~Fire Blast

Stone edge saw no usage during my streak, or my two previous ones. Fire Blast over Fire Fang was just a matter of convenience

I lost to the following:
H294 | Rhydon | Adamant | Sitrus Berry | Dig | Stone Edge | Rock Slide | Megahorn | HP/Atk

Earthquake hit, but didn't KO, Rhydon's Stone Edge response had no such difficulties.

Apart from the accursed Weavile (who I haven't encountered yet in any of my streaks), other trouble Pokemon include various Rank 10 Rock pokemon
H438 | Regirock | Brave | Sitrus Berry | Stone Edge | AncientPower | Giga Impact | Thunder Wave | Atk/SpA

Encountered this thing twice, both times for my Coloured Plate match during my first two streaks. Again, EQ will not KO, but the responding SE will.

H457 | Rhyperior | Brave | Quick Claw | Rock Wrecker | Earth Power | Giga Impact | Reversal | Atk/Def

This is just theory, however if a CBMence EQ cannot OHKO RhyDON, then it stands to reason Rhyperior will also survive and KO with a return hit.

Encountered a few Shapedo, however Intimidate provides adequate protection from Ice Fang while EQ 2HKOed it. Higher Ranked Wobbs can be scary. I managed to OHKO a rank 8 one, but not a rank 9 one. Fortunately the AI opted for Mirror coat that match, allowing me to continue my streak. Manectric with Focus sash can also be difficult. Unless you run +speed on Mence, it has 2 turns to hit you with STABed Thunders, which can bring you down

Anyway that's it, hope this is useful for anyone planning a Salamence run through the Hall
yeah that is exactly what I wanted to ask, the species counts as pokémon allowed to enter and continue with the streak.

but can you switch the moveset in the middle of the streak?

this is not a strategic problem for the first 170 as you can make a moveset/nature/EVspread for each type...but after that, you have to choose 10/17 types for streak 171-180, then the other 7 types are 181-187 plus 3/17 again, 10/14 for 191-200, 4/4 for 201-204 and 6/17 for 205-210, etc.
-> this is somewhat hard to do if you need a particular 4th move for some types hmm so you have to make type-groups but still not easy

don´t worry I´m gonna update the list when I have a little bit more time...although there is hardly anything beside garchomp-hall lol...I am also too focused on a battle hall theorymon right now, going through all of the 477 movesets ._.

hell, the scizor is a bitch

also big thanks to diana for the log you posted...did you go in that order?

OK there seems to be a pattern:
rank 10
lv.42 = type #1
lv.43 = type #2 & #3
lv.44 = type #4
type #5 maiden silver symbol battle was lv.44 or lv.50? which pokémon? is this a random pokémon?
lv.45 = type #6 & #7
lv.46 = type #8 & #9
lv.47 = type #10 & #11
lv.48 = type #12 & #13
lv.49 = type #14 & #15
lv.50 = type #16 & #17 (gold symbol battle, doesn´t seem to be a random pokémon)

everything over 170 is level 50

EDIT: if others playing battle hall could also please note which pokémon were rank 10 and in what type, that would help a lot

I am gonna highlight those pokémon on the list I posted earlier

EDIT 2: OK after checking what diana and some others faced at rank 10, I think the line is at #270, (H 271-477 on TRE´s list or my list) are the only pokémon you will face at rank 10

the thing with shedinja (H 101) at rank 10 occured IMO only because of the hall maiden...this has to be proven wrong by theory would also mean no wobbuffet (H 206) at rank 10 either yay

I guess this narrows down the threat list for anyone who wants to theorymon beyond 170
yeah that is exactly what I wanted to ask, the species counts as pokémon allowed to enter and continue with the streak.

but can you switch the moveset in the middle of the streak?

I'm not sure why my post got deleted, or maybe I never hit the submit button, but yeah, I've tried different movesets for two different pokemon (as in different nature, IVs, etc.) of the same species in the same streak, and it does continue. You can only switch your moveset after every 10 streak though, of course.

caelum edit: this post was much clear than your other one in what you were trying to say. I merged your old one with this one etc. I just didn't want you to think you were crazy so that's why I wrote this. edit it out if you want.
I was playing through the battle hall with Magmortar

Choice scarf
IVs:Negator's mag so check the redis one for IVs
EVs:not sure

Lava Plume(needs to be replaced with fire blast)
Cross Chop
Thunder bolt

I lost when CC missed a gastrodon the first time, he failed to KO, but cross chop was at best a 2KO(that includes a CH)
That's what order I did it in, yes.

Maiden Silver battle was level 50, it was a random Rapidash.

But yeah, If we know the cutoff that'll be really helpful, for when anyone else wants another streak. I was worried that when I posted that huge thing it would be too long, lol. But next time I'm in the Battle Hall if we haven't figured it out by then I may have to log more, maybe not as detailed but for the higher ranks at least.

EDIT: 170 didn't fit the type either, Cresselia was randomly there for the Hall Maiden when I was running through fire.
I was on an 156 win streak in the Battle Hall using this Garchomp:

Garchomp @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Veil
Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)
EV: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Fire Fang

It was working great, I only had grass and electric types left, until I met a Bellossom who first paralyzed me with Stun Spore, next turn Leaf Stormed for ~50% of my health, I was fully paralyzed so I couldn't 2HKO with Outrage, then she Leaf Bladed and it... critical hits me for the kill.
Does anyone know about the abilities of Hall Pokemon? Are they random or set, because both Bronzors I battled were Heatproof.

Also, Metagross is great for the Hall. I only lost when it hit itself in confusion twice.
I think the Bronzor I faced was Levitate because of Fire Fang's damage output but I can't say I'm sure.. My guess is that the ability is random.

Battle Factory is a total bitch, got fully paralyzed twice in my loss in battle 24.

Battle Castle will be too if I keep getting haxed by brightpowder...
Achieved a streak of 225 in the Single Battle Hall using this:

Salamence @ Choice Band
Adamant, 6HP/252Atk/252Spe
~Stone edge
~Fire Blast

Stone edge saw no usage during my streak, or my two previous ones. Fire Blast over Fire Fang was just a matter of convenience

I lost to the following:
H294 | Rhydon | Adamant | Sitrus Berry | Dig | Stone Edge | Rock Slide | Megahorn | HP/Atk

Earthquake hit, but didn't KO, Rhydon's Stone Edge response had no such difficulties.

Apart from the accursed Weavile (who I haven't encountered yet in any of my streaks), other trouble Pokemon include various Rank 10 Rock pokemon
H438 | Regirock | Brave | Sitrus Berry | Stone Edge | AncientPower | Giga Impact | Thunder Wave | Atk/SpA

Encountered this thing twice, both times for my Coloured Plate match during my first two streaks. Again, EQ will not KO, but the responding SE will.

H457 | Rhyperior | Brave | Quick Claw | Rock Wrecker | Earth Power | Giga Impact | Reversal | Atk/Def

This is just theory, however if a CBMence EQ cannot OHKO RhyDON, then it stands to reason Rhyperior will also survive and KO with a return hit.

Encountered a few Shapedo, however Intimidate provides adequate protection from Ice Fang while EQ 2HKOed it. Higher Ranked Wobbs can be scary. I managed to OHKO a rank 8 one, but not a rank 9 one. Fortunately the AI opted for Mirror coat that match, allowing me to continue my streak. Manectric with Focus sash can also be difficult. Unless you run +speed on Mence, it has 2 turns to hit you with STABed Thunders, which can bring you down

Anyway that's it, hope this is useful for anyone planning a Salamence run through the Hall

Stone Edge is mostly filler
Aqua tail can be an alternative, OHKOing things like rhyperior
Stone Edge is mostly filler
Aqua tail can be an alternative, OHKOing things like rhyperior

Yeah, that idea came to me after I lost. Still I cannot seem to think of a solution for that blasted Regirock.....

Also, just a quick question. Are the natures for Battle Hall Pokemon set, or are they random like that Battle Tower Pokemon?
natures are very likely set, i asked that earlier

Stone Edge is mostly filler
Aqua tail can be an alternative, OHKOing things like rhyperior


307 Atk vs 182 Def & 190 HP (90 Base Power): 171 - 204 (90.00% - 107.37%)

aqua tail will only ohko 30% of the time factoring in its accuracy (and not factoring in the times sala gets QCed). hydro pump ohkos without any EV investment at 112% min damage but its an egg move and also doesnt help with an unintimidated regirock (which wouldn't kill without intimidate aside from CHing)
yeah that is exactly what I wanted to ask, the species counts as pokémon allowed to enter and continue with the streak.

but can you switch the moveset in the middle of the streak?

this is not a strategic problem for the first 170 as you can make a moveset/nature/EVspread for each type...but after that, you have to choose 10/17 types for streak 171-180, then the other 7 types are 181-187 plus 3/17 again, 10/14 for 191-200, 4/4 for 201-204 and 6/17 for 205-210, etc.
-> this is somewhat hard to do if you need a particular 4th move for some types hmm so you have to make type-groups but still not easy

don´t worry I´m gonna update the list when I have a little bit more time...although there is hardly anything beside garchomp-hall lol...I am also too focused on a battle hall theorymon right now, going through all of the 477 movesets ._.

hell, the scizor is a bitch

also big thanks to diana for the log you posted...did you go in that order?

OK there seems to be a pattern:
rank 10
lv.42 = type #1
lv.43 = type #2 & #3
lv.44 = type #4
type #5 maiden silver symbol battle was lv.44 or lv.50? which pokémon? is this a random pokémon?
lv.45 = type #6 & #7
lv.46 = type #8 & #9
lv.47 = type #10 & #11
lv.48 = type #12 & #13
lv.49 = type #14 & #15
lv.50 = type #16 & #17 (gold symbol battle, doesn´t seem to be a random pokémon)

everything over 170 is level 50

EDIT: if others playing battle hall could also please note which pokémon were rank 10 and in what type, that would help a lot

I am gonna highlight those pokémon on the list I posted earlier

EDIT 2: OK after checking what diana and some others faced at rank 10, I think the line is at #270, (H 271-477 on TRE´s list or my list) are the only pokémon you will face at rank 10

the thing with shedinja (H 101) at rank 10 occured IMO only because of the hall maiden...this has to be proven wrong by theory would also mean no wobbuffet (H 206) at rank 10 either yay

I guess this narrows down the threat list for anyone who wants to theorymon beyond 170

From the rank 10's I can remember they are:

Whiscash (Water)
Abomasnow (Ice)
Steelix (Steel)
Luxray (Electric)

I'm going to go continue my streak and get back to you on Fire and Bug lol, sorry my mind went blank.

Edit: Also to back up the other 10 people who said it, you can switch the Pokemon you are using in the Battle Hall after each streak. I could use a female physical Empoleon one streak, and then a male special Empoleon the next streak.

Edit2: Fricckk. My streak ended at 169, because Argenta's Cloyster survived WITH 1 GODDAMN HP, WHAT THE HELL MAN ._. 200 was so clooose (At least I made it onto the top 10 here hEH >_>)

My Battle Factory streak is up to ~30 (don't remember), I had to rest because I was starting to fall asleep while playing...
H444 | Infernape | Adamant | Life Orb | Close Combat | Flare Blitz | Mach Punch | Fake Out | Atk/Spd

If this gets a +speed nature, it will outspeed +speed Lucario. If Lucario does not have a +speed nature, it will outspeed it unless it gets a -speed nature.

Fake out or mach punch negate Lucario's focus sash and I think flare blitz or close combat would KO it. Note I do not have experience doing this but it looks like a big threat to Lucario Sash.

Lucario can beat Infernape because Lucario cannot be flinched if it has Inner Focus. If it has Steadfast, it will raise it speed so next turn it can outspeed and OHKO with Close Combat.

Lucario can only lose if Infernape gets lucky with a CH from Mach Punch.

Currently I am trying a lvl. 30 Lucario. Being level 30 means a lot of the Pokemon won't be evolved yet.
It will be holding a Focus Sash, have an Adamant Nature, 252Atk/252Spd and have something like Close Combat/Extreme Speed/Crunch/Thunder Punch
I don't think that level is a factor in which type of Pokemon you face...only how far in your streak determines if the Pokemon you face get tougher.

Being lvl.30 means I won't encounter any Garchomp, Salamence, Tyranitar, any fully evolved starters, probably all Legendaries and more. Without these powerhouses, there will be less obstacles in the Battle Hall.
no it doesn't, sorry but you'll still encounter them at lv. 30 even though you can't obtain them at that level
Being lvl.30 means I won't encounter any Garchomp, Salamence, Tyranitar, any fully evolved starters, probably all Legendaries and more. Without these powerhouses, there will be less obstacles in the Battle Hall.

I meant the game won't care. You'll face the same things everyone faces, just at a reduced level. Otherwise, couldn't you just go in at level 1 and fight baby Pokemon with something like a Porygon-Z or Roserade?

I'm pretty sure your strategy won't work. :|

Edit: Man, I'm so slow at replies. >_>
I meant the game won't care. You'll face the same things everyone faces, just at a reduced level. Otherwise, couldn't you just go in at level 1 and fight baby Pokemon with something like a Porygon-Z or Roserade?

I'm pretty sure your strategy won't work. :|

Edit: Man, I'm so slow at replies. >_>

The rules states that you have to enter a Pokemon at least lvl.30.
If the levels doesn't affect the Pokemon in the Battle Hall then I guess my strategy won't work. Are you sure that I'll encounter a lvl 30 Tyranitar?
I encountered a level 43 Dragonite on one streak, so I can confirm this.

I'm up in the Tower now, just going to facilities at random, I lose one I go to another, any findings I get obviously will be posted here.