Pokémon GO

Orbeetle, iirc, was teased recently.
Orbeetle, Kingler & Alcremie were all teased with Toxtricity, and I think the twitter kept showing them off after that, but like right after the orbeetle tweet they released Lapras in an event with regular dynamax Krabby so it's anyone's game imo.
Change in plans for February unfortunately due to complicated circumstances. We do plan to attend a Pokemon regional in Puerto Rico which is much closer. Hopefully another but better planned opportunity will come for us in the future in Europe so stay tuned.
Don't know if anyone still maintains a PoGo dex, but they just added Fidough to the game for a new event in the Wild, so be sure to snatch that up if you care.

It's also pretty good in PvP if you play that (3rd Bulkiest Fairy and Cheap Charge moves with Charm).
Yeah I've been keeping up to date. Fidough is pleasantly not rare.

So hey, how about a little check in from my end, eh?

As a reminder, 2023 introduced 56 Pokemon.
2023 TOTAL: 56
-Jan 7 - 1 (Kecleon)
-Feb 27 - 2 (Gimmighoul line)
-March 1 - 1 (Hawlucha)
-March 8 - 1 (Bruxish)
-March 11 - 1 (Regidrago)
-April 4 - 2 (Cutiefly line)
-April 9 - 1 (Regieleki)
-April 20 - 3 (Bounsweet line)
-May 2 - 2 (Larvesta line)
-May 6 - 1 (Kleavor)
-June 6 - 2 (Sandygast line)
-June 21 - 1 (Carbink)
-June 29 - 1 (Turtonator)
-July 15 - 1 (Komala)
-July 20 - 1 (Zygarde)
-Aug 4 - 1 (Diancie)
-Aug 11 - 1 (Passimian) [23]
-Sep 5 - 11 (Gen 9 starters, Lechonk line)
-Sep 10 - 9 (assorted Gen 9)
-Oct 7 - 2 (Skiddo line)
-Oct 12 - 3 (Smoliv line)
-Oct 19 - 2 (Greavard line)
-Nov 5 - 1 (Clodsire)
-Nov 7 - 2 (Tadbulb line)
-Dec 18 - 2 (Cetoddle line)
-Dec 23 - 1 (Wyrdeer)

About half of them were released through August, then the Paldea rush started in the last 4 months of the year (& Wyrdeer, for Go). 20 less than in 2022, but 8 more than 2021.

2024 released 40. That's lower than any other year!
2024 TOTAL: 40
-Jan 19 - 1 (Annihilape)
-Jan 27 - 2 (Varoom line)
-Feb 5 - 1 (Drampa)
-Feb 14 - 1 (Enamorus)
-March 1 - 1 (Poipole)
-March 5 - 3 (Charcadet line)
-April 22 - 2 (Wiglett line)
-May 23 - 3 (Naganadel, Stakataka, Blacephalon)
-May 30 - 2 (Necrozma, Marshadow)
-July 17 - 2 (Tandemaus line) [18]
-Sep 3 - 13 (Gen 8 starters, Dreepy line, Stonjourner)
-Sep 18 - 3 (Hatenna line)
-Oct 22 - 1 (Morpeko)
-Nov 16 - 2 (Toxel line)
-Nov 27 - 1 (Cursola)
-Dec 3 - 2 (Sinistea line)

I am sympathetic, to a point. After accounting for mythics, spinda & zygarde there is, I believe, only 143 Pokemon left. Technically 141; they announced the Mudbray line was coming to the Safaris this year. 47 of those are legends, paradoxes and mythics; all Pokemon they're in no rush to be releasing and when they are released they want to make them "pop". Probably why they haven't released the raidons yet. And new mons are always the bigger eye-grabs; so they kind of can't push a bunch out.

But also damn man 40 huh? You didn't release anything at all in August? I feel like they could've bumped it up to 50.
Also it is so weird to me that the Cursola & Sinistea were released in random events at the end of November & start of December and neither of them were the Halloween release. Like Morpeko is a dark type and has the hunger theme going on for Halloween, but like...ghosts! Corsola-G/Cursola were the only gen 8 cross-gens not released with the others so I just assumed they were sitting on them for a future halloween event. But, uh, no. OK???? No basculegion this year is also bizarre (I mean, for the Go players obviously I already got mine).
'tis the evening of the twelfth day of Christmas, so let's recap what Niantic got us this year.

*Clears throat*
*Old-timey record starts playing*

On the first day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Another freakin' hat for Pikachu.

On the second day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Two red Poké Balls,
And another freakin' hat for Pikachu.

On the third day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Three Revives,
Two red Poké Balls,
And another freakin' hat for Pikachu.

On the fourth day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Four times the app froze,
Three Revives,
Two red Poké Balls,
And another freakin' hat for Pikachu.

On the fifth day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Four times the app froze,
Three Revives,
Two red Poké Balls,
And another freakin' hat for Pikachu.

On the sixth day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Six Nanab Berries,
Four times the app froze,
Three Revives,
Two red Poké Balls,
And another freakin' hat for Pikachu.

On the seventh day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Seven manky Mankey,
Six Nanab Berries,
Four times the app froze,
Three Revives,
Two red Poké Balls,
And another freakin' hat for Pikachu.

On the eighth day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Eight basic Potions,
Seven manky Mankey,
Six Nanab Berries,
Four times the app froze,
Three Revives,
Two red Poké Balls,
And another freakin' hat for Pikachu.

On the ninth day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Nine 5k Eggs,
Eight basic Potions,
Seven manky Mankey,
Six Nanab Berries,
Four times the app froze,
Three Revives,
Two red Poké Balls,
And another freakin' hat for Pikachu.

On the tenth day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Login failed ...

On the eleventh day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
Eleven GBL quests,
Ten make-up Stardust,
Nine 5k Eggs,
Eight basic Potions,
Seven manky Mankey,
Six Nanab Berries,
Four times the app froze,
Three Revives,
Two red Poké Balls,
And another freakin' hat for Pikachu.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Niantic gave to me:
12 months of events,
Eleven GBL quests,
Ten make-up Stardust,
Nine 5k Eggs,
Eight basic Potions,
Seven manky Mankey,
Six Nanab Berries,
Four times the app froze,
Three Revives,
Two red Poké Balls,
And yet another f**kin' hat for Pikachu.
Freeze Burn and Ice Shock's adventure effects have been datamined:


Honestly both a bit meh, but I could see them being useful for raid hours and similar events with lots of legendary encounters.
Freeze Shock could be very useful for Shadow Raid hours or quick catching in Cm Days, where mons can attack a lot or you don't want a streak interrupted by a Frame 1 Attack animation. Depending on how cheap it is it could have some use at least

Also, a heads up for Shadow Ho-oh Raid Day on the 19th, the announcement wording suggests ANY Ho-oh can be TM'd to have Sacred Fire, not just ones caught that day or Shadows/Purified ones, so stockpile a couple TMs if you have some good Ho-oh, since they make good Master League mons and could be useful to trade or use as "newbie" Fire Raiders.
Maybe now that they've turned Max Battles into the "must be there" content (with GMaxes and generic 5*'s being a thing now), they'll relax on the Remote restriction going forward. At the very least, make this a regular Feature for Takeover/Rocket events going forward.
the announced not-a-battle-pass is whatever
The deluxe version being $15 is crazy

Them ALSO selling a $20 Deluxe version that has the first ten ranks unlocked is just gross.
Don't be an idiot like me and hang around after work for 45 minutes to make multiple thoroughly painful shots at Dynamax Articuno. Just... don't.
I had to build a bunch of not-readily-available stuff like GMaxes or Legacy Move Metagross to pull off a Duo with a well built Best-Friend. Legendaries are doable but very tricky if you're not coordinating.

Hopefully options open up to make things approachable by the time we get more relevant Legends to pursue.
The lure module I plopped down spawned a Shellos, Paldean Wooper, Sheildon & an Alolan Geodude

So eggs it is

Why is the common route bird Pokemon so annoying to catch again, Niantic?
The lure module I plopped down spawned a Shellos, Paldean Wooper, Sheildon & an Alolan Geodude

So eggs it is

Why is the common route bird Pokemon so annoying to catch again, Niantic?
I sat by a cluster of about 6 stops with Lures on them through SPotlight hour and caught about 10. Not as common as they should be.

Sometimes I wonder if Niantic forgets how common or rare some Pokemon are because of how useful they are (Corv is pretty busted for a Route 1 Mon and they already "squandered" Talonflame as a common-useful) and/or how few new releases they have until next game.
Also don't get me started on Shroodle

I expected it to be in 12km eggs but dog there's been ONE on the gts since launch and its' for a BDSP Hisuian Electrode.
Also don't get me started on Shroodle

I expected it to be in 12km eggs but dog there's been ONE on the gts since launch and its' for a BDSP Hisuian Electrode.
Is the latter even possible to obtain or a listing they missed for illegitimate combos?
Is the latter even possible to obtain or a listing they missed for illegitimate combos?

No, it's an annoying oversight - you can request a form from a game it doesn't exist in, like a Galarian Meowth capable of travelling to LGPE or a Paldean Tauros capable of travelling to SwSh. There's quite a few people requesting these sorts of combinations, it's the new flavour of trolling (level 1 legendaries is so 2010s...)

Update today indicates pretty strongly that Kubfu will be coming next season, very likely as a season-long research ala Cosmog and Poipole. Nice, I really like Kubfu so I'm prepared for mine to have garbage stats. I expect they'll eventually make more Urshifu available though since it's a branched evolution and a Gigantamax species.

(though it's funny how much Dual Destiny would have been fitting for Kubfu conceptually)
Soon Scatterbug will be available as shiny, and while I've collected at least one from all regions, I may still save postcards from rarer regions going forward.