Pokémon GO

Tried the name trick for eeveelutions with no luck (all named Rainer). First Eevee transformed into Vaporeon, then Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon so no success there.
poke go jynx13872853_10153768540626475_5610393958201066971_n.jpg I finally got a Jynx!! I was waiting in a sushi shop for my dinner, got impatient, so opened Pokemon GO, and she appeared.
View attachment 66200 I finally got a Jynx!! I was waiting in a sushi shop for my dinner, got impatient, so opened Pokemon GO, and she appeared.
Reminds me, I got Jynx twice from eggs. The second one, I was like "ugh", but then I realised she has a little fast Frost Breath unlike the first one. Could at least take half health of 2200 CP Dragonite with Steel Wing.

Looks like Ice Pokemon is quite good with Ice still having good coverage. I don't have Laplace yet, but Jynx is good enough for now.
I came to try the battle system in Go. Well....

About Special Attack, while it is true that there are some attacks that require less energy and thus more spammable, it is not always the best thing. Charging attacks leave the Pokemon vulnerable to attacks, which is a bad thing if one rely on dodging a lot. I would say generally, two to three bars would be best. Maybe one, if one doesn't mind using special attacks often anyway, but two energy bar attack is probably the best attacks.

Seriously, I certainly don't want to be caught in Hyper Beam while charging attack too.
Is there a "guide" how to battle ? I've never fought until today (I finallt get a 950 Smogogo, my others Pokemon are around 300), but it's hard to know what to do (attacks, dodge, how I can use special attack, when etc...)
I'm so confused - why would Gyarados be so low? It can reach high CP fairly easily, has good moves with an optimal set, and good stats, especially by this game's standards.

because bite and dragon breath are its only options for fast moves, and they're both very weak and un-stabbed. If it had water gun or something, it'd be a lot better. Its base HP is also mediocre compared to vaporeon/slowbro.
because bite and dragon breath are its only options for fast moves, and they're both very weak and un-stabbed. If it had water gun or something, it'd be a lot better. Its base HP is also mediocre compared to vaporeon/slowbro.

Fair, thanks for the clarification. The moveset system in this game needs a complete overhaul - leaving it down to rng is unjustifiable. I had a 25/15 IV Lapras and had to settle for a 20/15 one over it because the latter had the perfect moveset and the strong one had shard/pulse. :(
View attachment 66200 I finally got a Jynx!! I was waiting in a sushi shop for my dinner, got impatient, so opened Pokemon GO, and she appeared.
I had encountered a jynx and it was a high CP compared to my average but I couldn't catch it because I could lent hit it with the the number of poke balls I had. I ran out of poke balls and I couldn't catch it!

Ps I would Attach a file with the picture in but it's too large!
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Holy scraps, in local mall I met a Dragonite!

Ahem... what would be best move for Dragonite? Is Dragon/Dragon attacks good? Since... no coverage, but Dragon hits hard and Steel Wing only hits Jynx and fairies, no? The second one happens to be Dragon Claw, should be great.
Some odd things I have not seen mentioned I have noticed in the battling and wondering if anyone else has taken similar note or are some of them perhaps lack issues?
1) Defender Pokemons spam moves with maximum energy bar twice in a row. This has happened multiple times with Snorlax spamming Earthquakes and Vaporeons spamming Hydro Pumps.
2) Defending Pokemon seem to do more damage (but at lower rate). For example, today when battling against CP 1480 Flareon using CP 1420 Flareon visually it looked like the enemy attacks did 50% more damage
3) Sometimes after defeating an Opponent Pokemon, my Pokemon heals itself a little bit (say 10%). Is this a feature or just some lag issue?
I think most people probably have stumbled upon this by now, but for those who haven't and might be wondering where that tier list that Cresselia posted came from, the equivalent of "Smogon" for Pokemon GO is "The Silph Road" on Reddit:


The people here have looked into the mechanics of the game and have done data dumps to figure out e.g. how IVs work, STAB and type chart modifiers, what Pokemon are best for attacking and defending, etc.

The most up-to-date and accurate "tier listing" can be found in the spreadsheet here:


The guy here did an analysis on a data dump to rank all the Pokemon by how much damage they do per second. The rankings also take into account move combinations, so for instance, Arcanine with Bite/Flamethrower is known to out damage all other variants of Arcanine (disregarding type advantages). Interestingly enough, the results also show that some overpowered fast attacks like Water Gun and Mudshot can make the special attack unviable, like how it's always best to just spam Water Gun with Vaporeon or Psycho Cut with Zam and never bother with the special attack due to slower special attack animations.

To get the rankings from the spreadsheet, you need to download it and go to either of the "Results" tabs. Ordering all Pokemon by "TDO" ranks them by overall DPS (damage per second) when they're in the attacking position for a gym battle. Ordering by "def_TDO" ranks them by overall DPS when they're in the defending position. The two lists are different because the AI controls defending Pokemon, and the AI always uses the special attack when possible. This causes, for instance, a Vaporeon with Water Pulse to be significantly worse than other variants at defending because the AI would do more damage simply spamming Water Gun in the time they spend using Water Pulse.

Hope this helps people.
About defending, I noticed that defending Pokemon have timed pattern of normal attacks few times. This makes the animation duration of normal attacks irrelevant in defence and base power is more important. As such, Dragonite with Steel Wing is best suited for defending while one with Dragon Breath is useful for attacking (well, if dodging is preferred; Steel Wing gives more DPS even compared to STABed Dragon Breath, but it's also slow).
About defending, I noticed that defending Pokemon have timed pattern of normal attacks few times. This makes the animation duration of normal attacks irrelevant in defence and base power is more important. As such, Dragonite with Steel Wing is best suited for defending while one with Dragon Breath is useful for attacking (well, if dodging is preferred; Steel Wing gives more DPS even compared to STABed Dragon Breath, but it's also slow).

Yup, there is a timed attack pattern. People have found that the attack rate of a defending Pokemon is always 1.5 seconds, and the AI will always try to use the Special when possible.