Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Well, now that I got the complaining out of the way, gonna do some speculating.

Reshiram has a very "ghostly" feel to it, from the wispy hair/fur/tail, and the feathery/angel like wing. Suffice to say that I think Reshiram will be in charge of the afterworld/spirit. Ghost/Flying: bank on it. Drifblim: here comes the competition! (Not) Black has also been traditionally a color of mourning (I think), and could be associated with the void, underworld...etc etc.

Zekrom, like other has mentioned, has a very metallic, artificial look to it. Its wings, unlike that of Reshiram, are rigid, angular, and while Reshiram is fur like, Zekrom is streamlined and compartmentalized. Not to mention the metallic, engine like tails. Zekrom then will be a Pokemon resembling the artificial then? Steel/Dark, based on its coloring? White can be interpreted as steel-like, artificial cleanliness, if you want to stretch it...

It's not uncommon to find the theme of Spirit vs. Technology in Japanese art/anime, with Princess Mononoke coming into mind. I wouldn't be surprised if B/W is based on this then.
Really, really don't want yet another Psychic or Flying legendary, but Psychic/Flying would be my first prediction on Reshiram if they're not adding any new types. In a stretch, though, I could imagine any combination out of Normal (if Arceus can do it), Ice, Steel, Dragon, Fire (white flames), Ghost, Psychic, and Flying for it.

Calling Dark/Steel or Dark/Dragon for Zekrom. Can't imagine anything else on that front.

Reshiram looks fine, don't like Zekrom. Don't like the way either of them are a single solid color--I'd rather see some glowing Kyogre-style symbols or something, but oh well.

I too would love to see a more realistic game where the characters aren't so goody-goody. I hated the black-and-white philosophy of Diamond and Pearl, where everyone except the evil team was an absolute saint. Whatever happened to the moral ambiguity of the earlier games? [...]

I don't read the Pokemon Adventures manga myself, but I've heard that the first story arc basically involves the Elite Four trying to kill all humans and make a world only for Pokemon. Pretty sweet, huh?
If a Pokemon Adventures reader described to me all of the complexities and the great things that happen in that manga--not just in the first arc, but in basically every arc; not just from the villains, but also the protagonists--before I read it myself, when I was only familiar with the games and anime, I'm not sure I would have believed them.
Yes I know, but I just want to say that McLuvdisc and Shadow Tectike has to stop, I mean, we now all know that McLuvdisc doesn't really like the new legendaries but now there comes just a whole war! I mean, please, just please, shut up about it! We now know it: ML don't like them, ST likes them. Ok? Everybody knows it now. Now stop it.
Dekodon, if you wanted me to stop arguing my point because you felt it was taking up space on the thread, you should have said so. Not that you have any right to tell me that, since you're not a moderator, but I would have at least understood where you were coming from.

Nowhere in your post did you tell me and Shadow Tectike to stop debating. The ultimatum you gave was directed only at me, and you were basically telling me to start liking the new legendaries, or leave the thread. Again, you have no right to make that kind of statement.

So right now I guess you're basically trying to cover your ass by pretending that you were trying to be some kind of peace maker. Get real. If you think that Zekrom and Reshiram are so unbelievably kick-ass that everyone should be forced to like them, then why don't you enter into this debate and provide some evidence for that claim?

Unless you're very persuasive, you're not going to be able to sway my opinion. I still don't like these two new Pokemon. Moreover, I find their derivative, over-the-top art style disturbing, since it suggests that other new Pokemon will share these traits that I dislike.
Really, really don't want yet another Psychic or Flying legendary, but Psychic/Flying would be my first prediction on Reshiram if they're not adding any new types. In a stretch, though, I could imagine any combination out of Normal (if Arceus can do it), Ice, Steel, Dragon, Fire (white flames), Ghost, Psychic, and Flying for it.

Calling Dark/Steel or Dark/Dragon for Zekrom. Can't imagine anything else on that front.

Reshiram looks fine, don't like Zekrom. Don't like the way either of them are a single solid color--I'd rather see some glowing Kyogre-style symbols or something, but oh well.

If a Pokemon Adventures manga reader described to me all of the complexities and the great things that happen in that manga--not just in the first arc, but in basically every arc; not just from the villains, but also the protagonists--before I read it myself, when I was only familiar with the games and anime, I'm not sure I would have believed them.
Yeah, the single color is kinda ugly...Especially on Zekrom.
And doesn't Zekrom kinda remind you of Palkia?
On the whole RAM/ROM claim - the current English names are very much derived from Japanese. Is there any computing connection in the Japanese names? If not, then while the translators may have thought of RAM and ROM, the Pokemon themselves are unlikely to have any relation.

I think - or maybe just hope - these legendaries WON'T be Dragon type. They did three dragons in DPPt, I don't think they'll do it again. Reshiram might be Psychic, since that would fit with the whole "back to the roots" things being as how the RBY and GSC legendaries were predominantly Psychic. Maybe Reshiram could be pure-Psychic, with 106/154/90/110/90/130 stats (basically Mewtwo with physical and special swapped) and Levitate to fit the wings in the design and also have the Ability that is the "counterpart" of Mewtwo's (and everything's :-( ) Pressure.
Hmmm, maybe we'll see another Fire-Electric-Ice/Water trio too.


Triple Threat
is a Researcher Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
I don't particularly like the design of the new legendaries, but since I don't ever use legendary Pokémon, I don't care. Chances are good that most of the non-legendary Pokémon in the game aren't going to look like this.

EDIT: Just for fun, I'll try to guess the types of these guys. Reshiram will be Normal/Psychic and Zekrom will be Dark/Psychic.
Not the biggest fan of either but Zekrom is OK. Yeah they look kinda weird, but when Dialga and Palkia came out a lot of people called them weird. It's bound to happen when something's new.
Everyone has the right to voice their opinions, and that's true even if they don't like them. I never liked Dialga/Palkia whatsoever, and they never grew on me, but I still played the game.
I never liked Dialga/Palkia/Giritina and tbh, i still don't. (although the Origin Forme is pretty amazing)
However these legendaries look awesome, although they do look a bit yu-gi-oh-ish...
I see a lot of talk about a Light type. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Psychic originally the Light/Magic type in Japan and we called it Psychic? I remember hearing that. Because as far as typing goes I see it like this:

Reshiram: Psychic/Dragon or Flying/Dragon
Zekrom: Dark/Dragon
Psychic's Japanese name translates as Esper which is a person that can use telepathy. Although, I still consider the Psychic type the "Light" type so that's probably going to end up being the types for them, even though I really don't think we need more Dragon Ubers.

Lol can't believe how many people are crying about it over the internets, they don't look like Pokemon to you because they are NEW Pokemon. Are you trying to say there is a coherent theme of design between Magneton and Pikachu? between Shaymin and Giratina? no.
This. I've thought every single Pokemon that's come out since Gen 3 has looked weird when I first see them but I eventually come to like them.
@McLuvdisc, I'm just trying to stop you. It's just annoying to see people bitching about Pokémon because one likes it and the other one doesn't. Also I'm not a 'fake peacemaker' also I never said that I think that those legendaries are 'kick-ass' I never stated that. I like them, but they aren't kick-ass... they look like Lugia and Palkia only in a evolution-form. And I mean come on. Where's that debate going to end? You still keep hating them and Shadow Tectike keeps liking them... This will just be a long-ass debate who takes-in unnecessary space.
My hope is that it's pure Flying, mostly because that would be a first, but partly because I can't see it being a whole lot of anything else. It's too wispy and cloudy and whatnot, you know? And as far as Zekrom, it's almost invariably going to be part Dark. Probably another type to go with it, too, chief among them being Poison, Steel, and possibly Flying, but given the theme going on here...Dark, at least.
A pure flying would be awesome and kinda wierd at the same time since we've come to see it paired with other types. The engines on the asses is still so epic, lol I wonder if there gonna have some sort of Tailwind effect on entrace LOL! w00t!

Oak said:
There's no need to start hating like a group of bigots. Zekrom looks exactly like a black Garchomp with a Slowbro tail. Look closely at him, it looks precisely like Chompy/Bro.

Reshiram looks like one of the legendary birds fused with Arceus. Its design is pretty nice, streamlined.
Man I think your just blind buddy. Garchomp has such a distinctive face, looking like a WWII era fighter plane with the shark artwork (no one can doubt this).

Not seeing the resemblance with Reshiram here, Arceus is incredibly ugly and looks like something gone wrong in a lab (on the same level as Mewtwo) while this thing is streamline and very graceful looking to say the least.
I think, tehy're ok! Zerkrom looks better imo, but Reshiram isn't that bad, I like the rings ot its neck Dx Yeah, they're both pretty cool, although at first I just thought "WTF?!?!" Dx

They look really BIG, I wonder how their sprites (and battle animations) will look like o.O
Chances are good that most of the non-legendary Pokémon in the game aren't going to look like this.
This is a good point. Since RS, legendaries have tended to be the most "elaborate" of Pokemon. Reshiram and Zekrom are not that complex. They're simpler than the Dragon Trio, and in colouration simpler than the super-ancient Pokemon. The tails are odd, but other than that, I'd say they are 'detailed' rather than 'complex' - they've got things like feathers and claws and hair, not appendages and jewels.
So I think gives hope for the majority of the new Pokemon to not be overcomplex.
Dekodon, if you wanted me to stop arguing my point because you felt it was taking up space on the thread, you should have said so. Not that you have any right to tell me that, since you're not a moderator, but I would have at least understood where you were coming from.

Nowhere in your post did you tell me and Shadow Tectike to stop debating. The ultimatum you gave was directed only at me, and you were basically telling me to start liking the new legendaries, or leave the thread. Again, you have no right to make that kind of statement.

So right now I guess you're basically trying to cover your ass by pretending that you were trying to be some kind of peace maker. Get real. If you think that Zekrom and Reshiram are so unbelievably kick-ass that everyone should be forced to like them, then why don't you enter into this debate and provide some evidence for that claim?

Unless you're very persuasive, you're not going to be able to sway my opinion. I still don't like these two new Pokemon. Moreover, I find their derivative, over-the-top art style disturbing, since it suggests that other new Pokemon will share these traits that I dislike.
Take it easy man. And I'm not only directing this to you. (Dexodon as well and some other people)
You've all made your point guys. Personally I don't think detail is a bad thing and it will be necessary for more diversity if we have around 600 Pokémon this gen. Change happens, and good or bad, you have to accept it. This time, I think it's good. But that's just me.
McLuvdisc, I respect your opinion and I think that if we all had the same ideals when it comes to aesthetics, this world would be a boring place. However, lets not try to see who wins with "I like this" or "I hate this". We've seen good arguments from both sides here and we've also seen that noone is going to convince the others so there's no point in keep discussing this.
The only way I see these two "countering" each other would be if they are:

Reshiram: Psychic/Flying (hopefully an offensive one cuz we already have Lugia)
Zekrom: Dark/Fighting (broken typing I know but they did give Palkia Water/Dragon)
The only way I see these two "countering" each other would be if they are:

Reshiram: Psychic/Flying (hopefully an offensive one cuz we already have Lugia)
Zekrom: Dark/Fighting (broken typing I know but they did give Palkia Water/Dragon)
Why do they need to counter each other o.0

Lugia > Ho-oh
Kyogre > Groudon
Dialga > Palkia

By this I mean in a one on one battle, these would be the winners. They don't necessarily need to "counter" each other, hell they may not even share a single type.
The only way I see these two "countering" each other would be if they are:

Reshiram: Psychic/Flying (hopefully an offensive one cuz we already have Lugia)
Zekrom: Dark/Fighting (broken typing I know but they did give Palkia Water/Dragon)
I love that Dark/Fighting idea^^ Lovely typing (don't care if it's broken - everyone knows 99% sure they're going straight to ubers anyway xD).
So, adding detail automatically improves the work of any artist? Man, I guess Picasso was a pretty terrible artist then.

Look at that painting! That guy has no hair, and the background is just a blur. Picasso really should have painted with more detail and realism. Then his art would have been respected.
That painting is by Edvard Munch, not Picasso. you're point still stands, but just saying.

I also like how everyone (not directing this specifically at anyone, I should point out) is assuming that Pokemon need to look a certain way; like there's specific rules that need to be followed when designing them. there's not. it's a fucking video game about catching imaginary creatures, why the fuck can't they look like this? what exactly did you expect them to look like? if you could design better ones then by all means go ahead.

not saying you have to like them, but when you start bringing up the design principals in general you sound like a stupid tool; trying to make your personal preference sound more like facts, and acting like you're somehow better because you only like the original Pokemon. (because Rattata has such a great design, right?) if you're going to do that, at least use better reasoning then "Digimon/Yu-Gi-Oh lol!" because at that point you're not even trying.

I happen to like them both. I had to take in their designs a bit, but once I got a good look at them I was very pleased with how they turned out. I expected much worse, to say the least. the names sound very Middle Eastern to me, maybe Egyptian.
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