Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Also seems like there's some drama going down involving WPM. 2chers reported him to the police for taking photos during the movie (you know, to get photos of the pokemon)
That sucks, a lot.

EDIT: Probably because he said the movie was the worst Pokemon movie ever. :/
Here are my thoughts on the name Minezumi. It was obvious what Nezumimi meant (nezumi is mouse, mimi is ear, duh lol), and I'm fairly sure Minezumi still has to do with mice, since it looks fairly rodential. Since people often ask me to decipher the name, which is a fairly shaky task, I decided to give it a shot this time and see if it's more than just a random syllable thrown before 'nezumi', which it well might be. 峰, mine, means peak or ridge, so it could be a reference to the ridgey landscape we've seen an image of -- maybe it's found there, since Isshu has some mountainous terrain? That's a fairly wild guess though. It looks like a certain early-game Pokémon (BIDOOF) to me. :/ Just like Mameapto looks like Starly. 実, which is just mi, also means fruit, nut, or seed. I'll keep thinking, but these are possible explanations.
I dont know what label to stick on this Gen,alot of these pokemon are intese and cool. Then the othere half is cutesy and not really awesome. Gen 5 is so confusing.

Mario With Lasers

Self-proclaimed NERFED king
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
For the record, triple battles have technically been around for a bit.
Battrio, anyone?

Also seems like there's some drama going down involving WPM. 2chers reported him to the police for taking photos during the movie (you know, to get photos of the pokemon)
I just hope they will be hypocrites enough to even then post leaked scans of Corocoro.

Like, you know, they always do. Fucking Japanese and their butthurtness.
God damn, who the fuck reports someone for something like this? Ohey, thanks for the new pokemon, enjoy ten years in jail. I swear I'll boycott everything if Pokebeach goes down. <___<

Mario With Lasers

Self-proclaimed NERFED king
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
God damn, who the fuck reports someone for something like this? Ohey, thanks for the new pokemon, enjoy ten years in jail. I swear I'll boycott everything if Pokebeach goes down. <___<
Nah, at worst, W-P-M will get deported back to California and the pictures deleted. The site won't be taken down, neither will W-P-M.

Now I just wonder how 2ch will handle the upcoming Corocoro leak. "lol no that's illegal i report u wwwwww jp jp?". Bah.
Minezumi looks neat IMO, but the unnamed rodent looks kind of unappealing to me, and lol at the powerpuff girls comment.
Lol, digimon jokes aside, I'm very certain that the chipmunk is going to have an american indian theme to it.

Also, did anyone notice the wifi symbol on the bottom screen? Must have something to do with other people being able to heal your pokemon in battle, though I expect this to be exclusive to wild battles. The feature would certainly be usefull when attacked by multiple pokemon.
Lurk, lurk, lurk.

I would have to note that this unnamed Pokemon is probably the only one so far that has received originally positive recognition so far. Just for the record. (Though Mijumaru's evolution did too a bit, but it was an evolution of another originally hated one, so I am not too sure it it counts.)
Edit: As in positive comments before negative ones.
Edit: Also, what is up with the Pokebeach illegal thing?
Meh, I think the other sites didn't like Pokebeach getting the little scoop.
Because no-one had any problem posting scans from Coro-coro or screenshots/clips from Pokemon Sunday/Oha Suta etc.
BTW, that new Pokemon is definitely Alvin from the chipmunks, with a mean streak.
Lol, digimon jokes aside, I'm very certain that the chipmunk is going to have an american indian theme to it.

Also, did anyone notice the wifi symbol on the bottom screen? Must have something to do with other people being able to heal your pokemon in battle, though I expect this to be exclusive to wild battles. The feature would certainly be usefull when attacked by multiple pokemon.
Is that thing next to Mamopato confirmed?

Edit: I guess it is, lol.

My god...I've never hated a Pokemon more in my life.
Lol, because he's right. 2ch was probably just trolling him and/or the Japanese police.
And most Pokemon webmasters are whiny kids that like to make adults feel ashamed for them. I'm glad I already commented on how ridiculous Bulbapedia is previous to this:
[uote]many people, such as several of the administrators of Bulbagarden, have condemned WPM's actions[/quote]
At least it's funny. xD
Does anyone else imagine that new rodent saying "You kids get off my lawn!"

I don't see the point in video chat with people nearby considering you could just talk to them if you're so close =/
Does anyone else imagine that new rodent saying "You kids get off my lawn!"

I don't see the point in video chat with people nearby considering you could just talk to them if you're so close =/
exactly the same non-point in talking to them with picto chat when you are that close.

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