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Pokemon Shuffle General Discussion

Uh? 10.000 coins? 30 hearts? I play with 3DS, but I got neither :(
Do they usually take some time to roll out?

Don't forget there's another log-in bonus of 20 hearts for 3DS players tomorrow. Make sure you have at most 79 hearts in the bank before checking in.
New Content

Returning Content
Mega Houndoom (Bring Landorus-Incarnate, Ash-Greninja)
Diancie EB
Landorus-Incarnate (Drops PSB's, MSU's)
Ash-Greninja (Drops PSB's)
Daily Pokémon #5 (Drops Coins)

Future Content
Hoopa-Unbound Competition (Bring Xerneas, Poké Ball Vivillon)
Angry Pikachu Safari (Now with Poké Ball Vivillon)
Xerneas (Drops PSB's, RML's)
Talonflame (Drops PSB's)
Zygarde-Complete (Drops PSB's)
Special Daily Pokémon #1 (Drops PSB's)

Poké Ball Vivillon: Base 60 Bug-type w/ Flash Mob.

EB Prizes
Lv30: 1× Raise Max Level
Lv50: 1× Diancite / 1× Mega Speedup
Lv80: 1× Skill Swapper
Lv100: 1× Mega Speedup
Lv130: 1× Attack Power ↑
Lv150: 1× Raise Max Level
Lv200: 2× Raise Max Level
Lv250: 2× Mega Speedup
Lv300: 3× Raise Max Level

More to come.
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Again with the damn Escalation battles. I distinctly remember Diancie's was terrible, so much like Keldeo I doubt I'm finishing this one.

Might grind some PSB's for Ash-Greninja this week.
I wanted to put off the decision of SS Ashninja until later on, guess I have to decide now.

Oh man, I also have 91k coins to somehow spend...
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Again with the damn Escalation battles. I distinctly remember Diancie's was terrible, so much like Keldeo I doubt I'm finishing this one.

Yeah, Diancie's EB was really awful, mainly because of the lack of good options against fairies. Now it should be easier to handle, provided that they didn't buff the HP of (pre-)boss stages.
Obviously, I didn't invest in any Poison- or Steel-type lately (no Lv15 Dialga-Cobalion-Muk, no Lv20 RT Mawile, no Lv15 Nosedive Skarmory, no Poison team), so it's still going to be a pain for me. I'll probably stop at 200 again, even earlier if I get tired of it :/
They're postponing the remainder of the daily check in rewards to be distributed from May 8th onwards.
May 8th: 20 Hearts
May 9th: 1 Mega Start
May 10th: 1 Complexity -1
May 11th: 1 Swill Swapper
May 12th: 1 Skill Booster M
May 13th: 1 Moves +5
May 14th: 2,000 coins
It's times like these I regret not using some of the previous chill weeks to level up or getting PSB's for some of the weaker BP Pokemon like Gulpin and Croagunk which seem to be popular choices for this EB. Cobalion let me down a few times in boss battles when Po4+ didn't activate a few turns.
April 18th new content
Angry Pikachu Safari (added: Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon)
Hoopa (Unbound) Competition (starts tomorrow; bring Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon and Xerneas)

Returning Content
Winking Daily Pokémon (Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Jigglypuff, Clefairy; drops PBS's)
Xerneas Special Challenge (drops PSB's, RML's)
Talonflame High-Speed Challenge (drops PSB's)
Zygarde Complete Forme Ultra Challenge (drops PSB's)

Future Content
Alolan Pokemon
Poké Ball Vivillon: Bug-type, 60 BP, Flash Mob.
Slow week for me I guess. Already caught the PP Vivillon ... and I need to put him level 10

Zygarde-C and Talonflame are not mandatory to level up
Xerneas Quirky+ is already lvl 3

I'm level 251 in EB ... I don't know if I will try level 300
I stopped at Level 200 on the EB. Diancie last time had normal stretches that called for items to clear consistently on top of pretty BS boss stages, and they nerfed the move count/HP ratio too. I think my Hearts (much less coins) are better spent grinding PSB's for Ash-Greninja's Unity Power, and the Coins better spent on the competitions (even the lower brackets award a similar number of MSU's and RML's relative to the coin investment).
I'm at 246 of the EB, probably just gonna stop at 250, unless I catch Vivillon soon and have extra time to grind coins to go all the way. Might grind Xerneas for a bit too for the competition.
Ok, I just reached stage 191. Of course I already failed it three times. Is there a reliable strategy to beat the 191-199 stretch aside from having a candied mega-Steelix or relying on absurdly high damage rolls from Risk-Taker?
Ok, I just reached stage 191. Of course I already failed it three times. Is there a reliable strategy to beat the 191-199 stretch aside from having a candied mega-Steelix or relying on absurdly high damage rolls from Risk-Taker?
Have you tried Mega Boost Jirachi with Mega Steelix? I had to RNG that and hoped I got a stage skip.
Have you tried Mega Boost Jirachi with Mega Steelix? I had to RNG that and hoped I got a stage skip.

My team is Mega-Steelix (uncandied), Jirachi (11, SL2), Dialga (13, SL2) and Cobalion (10, SL2), but it takes too much time to evolve Steelix, especially if MB+ refuses to activate on 3-matches. I suppose a M+5 would be enough to secure the win, but I don't feel like spending 7200 coins just to get to stage 200. And I don't feel like feeding 11 MSUs to Steelix either...
I did get to level 200 using just Jirachi and Steelix. There was some RNG, but I made it without spending coins outside of a +4 Skip. That said, I had a SL4 Level 20 Mawile for Burst damage, which went a long way in this Escalation.

On a different front, Ash-Greninja is up to SL4 on Unity Power. Hopefully I can get him close enough to max for some Cookies by the time the stage ends. Also need to level him on Victini
Even without a high level Mawile, I somehow beat stage 191 itemless. However, I struggled so much that I bit the bullet and resorted to using items for the rest of the stretch. M+5 for 192, 198 and 199, MS for 193+4, so in the end I spent only 4400 coins. I also beat level 200 a few minutes ago, so I'm done with this EB. With Unity Power Ashninja already at SL4, I'll now alternate between Meowth and Xerneas (aiming for SL3 Po4).
I stopped the EB at 250, and got Ashninja to SL3 or SL4 (I think). Gonna have to level up Poke Ball Vivillon (finally found it!)
I went all the way with Diancie. Pretty much used Poison + Poison Pact spam for virtually the entire EB (Spooky Gengar as mega of choice except for Beedrill in the 90's) though I had to switch to Steelix/Jirachi/Skarmory/Dialga for 191-199 (Full Speedup Steelix), and used Beedrill/Skarmory/Gulpin/Muk for 200 (as part of a cheap out strat to win with AP↑/M+5). All the regular stages including 30/50/100 were done itemless, 250 and 300 were pretty bad for me though since I got bad RNG. Basically the buff to Poison Pact's damage multiplier to 2× DMG made poison spam significantly more viable and it showed in my experience with the team in this EB. As for the Hoopa-U competition, I did like three item runs and stopped caring. My score is pretty terrible by my standards at 65k (especially since I've managed 100k scores in the last three competitions in four attempts max), but it isn't worth my sanity improving, especially given how expensive a run is.

So I have been having fun coin grinding and finding alternative mega evolutions for itemless Survival Mode. With perfect Unity Power Ashninja alongside Keldeo/Wailord at perfect stats, I've managed to use it to beat SM itemless with some other mega evolutions not named Beedrill, namely Heracross (The buffs two weeks ago really help Hera out and is worth the speedups if you have all the necessities invested in, and Heracross is proven to work on generic burst teams as well), Blastoise, and even regular Audino. Really refreshing to be honest.
Just tried the competition and wow, it's super RNG-reliant, especially since there isn't a way to reliably remove the starting disruptions given that they more or less fix your team with the later disruptions.
New Content
New Main Stages (Mega Gallade)
New Expert Stages (Rapidash)
Special Shop
Mimikyu (Drops PSB's, RML's)
Safari (Geodude-A, Graveler-A, Golem-A, Salandit, Togedemaru)
Cosmog Once-a-Day (Drops PSB's, Skill Booster S, Exp. Booster L)
Daily Pokémon #7 (Wishiwashi, ...)
Oranguru Try 'Em Items

Returning Content

Future Content
Alolan Meowth (Replaces Meowth)
Magearna (Replaces Victini)
Incineroar EB (150 Stages)
Daily Pokémon #8
Decidueye Competition
Safari (Rattata-A, Diglett-A, Rockruff, Raticate-A, Dugtrio-A)
Popplio <3
Passimian Try 'Em Items (Alternates with Oranguru)

Main / Expert Stage Pokémon
Gastly: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Tauros: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Ponyta: Base 60 Fire-type w/ Flash Mob.
Shellos-East: Base 50 Water-type w/ Cross Attack.
Haunter: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Ekans: Base 40 Poison-type w/ Constrict.
Gengar: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Ralts: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Gastrodon-East: Base 60 Ground-type w/ Swap+.
Arbok: Base 60 Poison-type w/ Poison.
Pancham: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Mawile: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Ducklett: Base 50 Flying-type w/ Prank.
Kirlia: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Clauncher: Base 50 Water-type w/ Block Smash.
Swanna: Base 60 Flying-type w/ T-Boost.
Wurmple: Base 30 Bug-type w/ Paralysis Combo.
Pangoro: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Diglett: Base 30 Ground-type w/ Stabilise+.
Clawitzer: Base 70 Water-type w/ Rock Break+.
Silcoon: Base 40 Bug-type w/ Mega Boost+.
Gardevoir: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Poochyena: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Ditto: Base 40 Normal-type w/ Transform.
Gallade: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Glaceon: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Miltank: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Beautifly: Base 50 Bug-type w/ Eject+.
Mightyena: PSB Farmable Repeat.
Mega Gallade: Fighting-type, 16 icons, 10 Speedups, erases icons with two vertical jagged lines (ala Mega Manectric).
Rapidash: Base 70 Fire-type w/ Non Stop+.

Special Pokémon
Litten: Base 50 Fire-type w/ Barrier Shot.
Mimikyu: Base 60 Ghost-type w/ Spookify+.
Geodude-A: Base 50 Electric-type w/ Rockify.
Graveler-A: Base 60 Electric-type w/ Blockify.
Golem-A: Base 70 Electric-type w/ Non Stop+.
Salandit: Base 50 Poison-type w/ Three Force.
Togedemaru: Base 60 Electric-type w/ Counterattack+.
Cosmog: Base 30 Psychic-type w/ Quirky++.
Wishiwashi: Base 30 Water-type w/ Crowd Control.
Komala: Base 60 Normal-type w/ Nap Time.
Fomantis: Base 30 Grass-type w/ Mega Boost+.
Torracat: Base 60 Fire-type w/ Last-Ditch Effort.
Oricorio-PomPom: Base 60 Electric-type w/ Three Force.
Oranguru: Base 60 Psychic-type w/ T-Boost.
Meowth-A: Not Available.
Magearna: Base 80 Fairy-type w/ Calm Down.
Incineroar: Base 70 Fire-type w/ Super Tackle.
Rowlet: Base 50 Grass-type w/ Rock Shot.
Decidueye: Not Available.
Rattata-A: Base 30 Dark-type w/ Crowd Control.
Raticate-A: Base 60 Dark-type w/ Barrier Bash+.
Diglett-A: Base 30 Steel-type w/ Rock Break+.
Dugtrio-A: Base 60 Steel-type w/ Three Force.
Rockruff: Base 40 Rock-type w/ Rockify.
Vulpix-A: Base 40 Ice-type w/ Flash Mob.
Ninetales-A: Base 70 Ice-type w/ Freeze+.
Salazzle: Base 60 Poison-type w/ Poison.
Popplio: Base 50 Water-type w/ Block Shot.
Brionne: Base 60 Water-type w/ Last-Ditch Effort.
Sandshrew-A: Base 50 Ice-type w/ Rock Break+.
Sandslash-A: Base 60 Ice-type w/ Ice Dance.
Cosmoem: Base 40 Psychic-type w/ Quirky++.
Lunala: Base 80 Ghost-type w/ Phantom Combo.
Passimian: Base 60 Fighting-type w/ Crowd Control.
Dewpider: Base 40 Water-type w/ Barrier Bash.
Oricorio-Pa'u: Base 60 Psychic-type w/ Three Force.
Grimer-A: Base 50 Dark-type w/ Last-Ditch Effort.

EB Prizes
Lv25: 1× Mega Speedup
Lv50: 1× Skill Swapper
Lv75: 1× Raise Max Level
Lv100: 1× Mega Speedup
Lv110: 1× Raise Max Level
Lv120: 1× Mega Speedup
Lv130: 2× Raise Max Level
Lv140: 2× Raise Max Level
Lv150: 3× Raise Max Level

All done. This is a three week update.
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