Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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Everything is hidden but images.

I don't know. This is so strange.

Well, sincerely hoping for a Fire/Fighting starter. This one would make sense.
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I just went on a tweeting spree. Here's what I had to say.

I'm a huge fan that Pikachu gets many hats, though I'm a little disappointed he doesn't get Gold's iconic cap.

The new Alolan Pokemon look cool, except for Alolan Persian, which just looks weird to me.

Unfortunately the Chinese starter leaks are real. No clown evolution for Popplio.

It's interesting to note that maybe 80% of the Pokemon revealed take up the entire leak. Game Freak just loves to show stuff off.

The new evolutions look cool, if a little predictable. I especially love Wimpod's evo, I think I'll definitely be using him now.

The new Ultra Beasts are weeeeird. The one with a star-looking think on it's head is the strangest to me.

That's it for right now. Will we get more later? Who knows?
I'm quite surprised that we see a woodpecker evolve into a toucan.

Fine, bird Pokemon tend to turn from one species to another (or at least get traits from them) as they evolve... but the change is really drastic this time.

Not that I'm complaining, though.
I'm quite surprised that we see a woodpecker evolve into a toucan.

Fine, bird Pokemon tend to turn from one species to another (or at least get traits from them) as they evolve... but the change is really drastic this time.

Not that I'm complaining, though.

Not really. Both are in the order Piciformes - both are cavity nesting, zygodactyl (two toes forward, two back), and tend to be arboreal. Meanwhile, you have stuff like Pidgey, clearly a songbird (Passeriformes) evolving into Pidgeot, which is probably a bird of prey in Accipitriformes that includes eagles and hawks (possibly Falconiformes). So GameFreak actually did well this time, but people are jumping to conclusions.
Do we not have Alolan Marowak's Shiny form? The page with all those images doesn't have it.

Apparently its this.

Why do y'all think Ultrabeasts will be catchable? Keep in mind that the Pokestar Studio props in B2/W2 were also technically Pokemon (the UFO, Brycen Man), had types, movepools and everything, but were only used for those instances.

The Ultra Beasts have shiny sprites though, where the Studio ones didn't, which we think means they're catchable. Like cmon why else would they have shinies :P
Apparently its this.

The Ultra Beasts have shiny sprites though, where the Studio ones didn't, which we think means they're catchable. Like cmon why else would they have shinies :P
Fair point I guess. It just seems weird catching these monsters that as far as I'm aware, have been described to be not considered Pokemon, which resemble characters in the game.
So the game wouldn't explode if somebody hacked it to be that type with some third-party hardware or glitch. Could also very well also be the reason why UBs have shiny formes.
This is what I'm thinking. They simply added the shiny forms to avoid problems if someone decides to hack their game, add a UB to their team, and try a generic shiny code which would work for any other thing technically considered a Pokemon.
So the only thing useful to vgc players is the alola dex being added. I find it hilarious that they scrubbed out all the stuff one would use for theorymoning... but left the sprites in. (Slightly less hilarious that my assumption of UBs being contained with that, but eh, what are ya gonna do?) I don't mind that there are about the same amount in this generation and can see it staying this way going forward.
This is what I'm thinking. They simply added the shiny forms to avoid problems if someone decides to hack their game, add a UB to their team, and try a generic shiny code which would work for any other thing technically considered a Pokemon.

Its possible, but I'm not sure we'll have any idea until the actual games are released.

Also is it just me or is Marshadow just a lazy mashup of Phantump/Litwick
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