Hi guys. Being French, I'll try to give my opinion on those using both language, as I think their might be some interesting things in the French translation for once :
Expanding Force : Vaste Pouvoir : If in English we can see the notion of 'expanding', which, as some said, could make us think of a charge with some psychic barrier, in French, there's only 'vaste', and it sounds more like 'wide'.
I'm not saying it won't be some 90BP Physical Psychic move like a lot of people are expecting it, but I'm more in the Superpower/Psycho Boost vibe, and I'd even say that's maybe a Psychic type Earthquake.
If we only keep in mind the English translation, then it could always be some kind of Psychic type Power-Up Punch.
Steel Roller : Métalliroue : A lot of things here. In my opinion, we could have a Steel-type Rapid Spin, Flame Charge, or even Flare Blitz.
Can't say much, except that there's more the 'wheel made of metal' aspect in the French translation, which makes me think a lot about speed, and therefore directs my choice more towards the Flame Charge version of it.
Scale Shot : Rafale Écailles : Dragon type move, which could be a 100BP physical/special move if we keep the English name. In French tho, it gives a big multihits vibe, thus a 25BP, 2-5 hits.
I'm not a big fan of this, as we already had Dragon Darts which, although not really a multihits, feels roughly the same as one.
Meteor Beam : Laser Météore : Rock type, god sake, I want this so badly, give us the Rock Type Special Earthquake we all want in some movepool. I'm really not seeing a physical move here, so whatever it is, if it's special, it should be fine. Unless it's 20BP...
Misty Explosion : Explo-Brume : I can see two things here. Obviously some selfdestructing move, with 200BP, and would either set the misty terrain, or lower the accuracy. But also, maybe just like Blacephalon, a BIG recoil move. Also, it could just be an explosion sent on the foe, thus not involving recoil at all.
Grassy Glide : Gliss’Herbe : The 'Gliss' makes me feel a lot of +2 Speed vibe, as it's more a French translation for Slide than Glide.
Could also be some Grass type Flame Charge, would be nice to see this.
Rising Voltage : Monte-Tension : The puns in both languages obviously redirect us towards some Levitate kind of status, just like Magnet Rise, but maybe with some downsides and advantages, for it not to be a complete copy paste of the move.
Could also be a damaging move which, in opposition to Roost, makes us rise until the end of the turn, which could be huge on some mons.
Terrain Pulse : Champlification : Of course, we all think of a Terrain varient of Weather Ball. But the 'amplification' in the French trad make me doubt it. It could be a boosting move, which would boost a different stat depending of the terrain. +2 Spe Def on Misty, +2 Spe Att on Psychic, +2 Att or maybe Def on Grassy, +2 Speed or maybe Att on Elec.
Maybe even +3, considering the dependence to terrain it would bring, but it seems to much for me.
Skitter Smack : Ravage Rampant : Could also be Dragon Type, but I feel like the Bug Type is cool here, with the 'Rampant' thing, fitting this type pretty well.
Could eventually be like a Bug type Thousand Waves, 90BP and trapping opponent, I can see that.
Maybe a Bug type Outrage, it could definitely be huge in some case.
Burning Jealousy : Feu Envieux : I love the idea some people had of a statut move which steals the stats.
Even if it would maybe be broken, I'd love to see another Spectral Thief in the form of this new Fire Type move.
Anyway, the special equivalent of Punishment everyone is bringing on the table is really the most likely, although, for me, not the most hype.
Lash Out : Cent Rancunes : I really like the idea of a Dark Type Reversal, it could be so nice to finally see another move like this one.
Obviously, we can always see some Dark Type Fire Lash, but the French trad is very specific.
If 'Cent Rancunes' is tied with 'Rancune', Grudge in English, then it could maybe be an offensive move which decreases the PP of the last move used by the opponent.
Nightmarish stalls in coming.
Poltergeist : Esprit Frappeur : Don't like the idea of a field clearing thing, removing entry hazards, but why not.
I mostly see a Trick or a Ghost Type Knock Off here.
To be continued.
Corrosive Gas : Gaz Corrosif : As said by others, could be a lot of things :
- A Poison Type Freeze Dry, which would either hit Steel or Rock super effectively, or even both, who knows.
- A statut move, which makes Pokemon weak to Poison, ignoring immunity.
- A Poison Gas also affecting Steel Types, making it a good balanced move.
- A Salazzle Toxic, basically just badly poisoning everything.
Coaching : Coaching : Could be anything, I'm mostly seeing a double move here.
Flip Turn : Eau Revoir : A lot of people are saying : "IT'S WATER UTURN LMAO".
It could, but it could also be some kind of Parting Shot.
In French, Parting Shot is 'Dernier Mot', and the pun of 'Eau Revoir' reminds me of that, 'Au revoir' being most of the time the 'dernier mots', or last words, you say to a person before splitting up.
Maybe some kind of variation for Parting Shot, dropping both Defs.
It could also be a Water-type Dragon Tail or Teleport, who knows.
Don't hype yourself so quickly, Game Freak can break those dreams in an instant.
Triple Axel : Triple Axel : Lot. Of. Things. Possible :
- Ice Type Rapid Spin.
- Ice Type Triple Kick.
- Ice Type Shift Gear.
- One of those three, but a special counterpart.
- Ice Physical counterpart for Quiver Dance.
It can be so much things, I won't list everything here but really, hyped for this one.
Dual Wingbeat : Double Volée : Please be a Flying Type Dragon Darts. I beg you.
Scorching Sands : Sable Ardent : I see some things for this, like everybody already said :
- Ground Type Freeze-Dry, for Grass and Bug Types, Physical or Special.
- Ground Type Scald, Physical or Special.
- Ground/Fire variant of Flying Press, Physical or Special.
Signature moves :
Wicked Blow : Poing Obscur : Maybe Dark Type Dynamic Punch, can't say for now.
Surging Strikes : Torrent de Coups : Maybe multihit Water Type move, can't say for now.
Jungle Healing : Selve Salvatrice
Shell Side Arm : Kokiyarme : Slowbro-Galar, Probably Physical.
EDIT : New leaks of one new ability :
Quick Draw : A fantastic ability to bring would be one which grants its user +1 or +2 Priority on their first move each time they arrive on the field.
I'll keep updating this post whenever new ideas comes to me, or if we get more infos.
Thanks to you guys for reading, and feel free to give me feedback.
Have a nice day.