I'm probably way off the mark on some of these by trying to adhere to a "every type is represented" mindset (fully possible some of these are of the same type or even more exclusive moves like we think Shell Side Arm is) but
Expanding Force | Psychic |
Steel Roller | Steel |
Scale Shot | Bug |
Meteor Beam | Rock |
Misty Explosion | Fairy |
Grassy Glide | Grass |
Rising Voltage | Electric |
Terrain Pulse | Normal |
Skitter Smack | Dragon |
Burning Jealousy | Fire |
Lash Out | Dark |
Poltergeist | Ghost |
Corrosive Gas | Poison |
Coaching | Fighting |
Flip Turn | Water |
Triple Axel | Ice |
Dual Wingbeat | Flying |
Scorching Sands | Ground |
Worth noting that "Skitter Smack" is the far more "Ravage Rampant" in french. I have no idea what's going on in Italian. Felt kind of dragon-y.
I can help with Italian to see if we can sort out the types. Judging from it, there are certainly some types with multiple moves.
Also, one of my favorite mons is Passimian, so I'm very biased. Don't worry, it'll make sense once you read my post.
Expanding Force (
Vastenergia): in italian it sounds also like "large energy". Either psychic or normal.
Steel Roller (
Ferrorullo): same literal meaning (the only thing that changes is that "ferro" is "iron", irrelevant), undoubtedly Steel
Scale Shot (
Squamacolpo): could also translate to Scale Hit/Swing. It is worth noting that "Colpo"refers to physical, direct hits much more than "shot" would. Could be physical, certainly dragon-ish by the sound of it.
Meteor Beam (
Raggiometeora): same literal meaning, could be a rock powerful special move (since it's notably lacking).
Shell Side Arm (
Armaguscio): much broader translation, meaning "armed/weaponized shell". Either way, it's going to be whatever type Galarian Slowbro will be, with possibly larger distribution in the future (it is eerily similar to the Razor Shell situation)
Misty Explosion (
Nebbioscoppio): same literal meaning, Fairy.
Grassy Glide (
Erboscivolata): similar meaning, but it is worth noting that "scivolata" also means either "slip/slide" or, more interesting, it is the "tackle" action in soccer. It's either a general grass move that gets stronger in terrain (since you "slide"/"glide" on Grassy terrain) or (much more unlikely) a specific move for physical/humanoid-like grass types, or again something like a Soccer-playing Galarian Passimian (I know it doesn't make sense since it's already in the game, but a man can dream).
Rising Voltage (
Elettroimpennata): similar meaning. Undoubtedly Electric. "Impennata" also mean "wheelie" in motorbiking, but unless it's an electric variant of flame wheel I would not pay it too much attention.
Terrain Pulse (
Campopulsar): same literal meaning, certainly sounds like a terrain dependent Normal move.
Skitter Smack (
Strisciacolpo): you're right, this is a weird one, since "striscia", from the verb "strisciare", it's literally "slither", and it is associated with both going faster (like going through things quickly) or slower (like dragging around), unlike skitter which is associated with accelerating. My guess is that it could be either Poison (snake mons), Dark (slithering around very conspicuously) or Dragon (snake, vyvern mons and the like)
Burning Jealousy (
Fiamminvidia): almost the same meaning (invidia is more envy than jealousy, but who cares), Fire.
Lash out (
Sfogarabbia): very similar meaning, either Dark or Fighting (like a boxer going nuts).
Poltergeist (
Poltergeist): Ghost.
Corrosive Gas (
Gas Corrosivo): same literal meaning. Either a Move that resembles Salazzle's Ability or a Poison Move that is super effective (a là Freeze Dry) against either Steel or Rock.
Coaching (
Coaching): could have translated it, almost certainly Fighting. It certainly sounds like a moves for doubles or either a boosting move for accuracy (you know, by getting coached you improve your technique and finesse, etc...) by two stages or accuracy and something else by one stage (a lot of fighting mons have both Stone Edge and Dynamic Punch, this could be handy).
Flip Turn (
Virata): 99% water. "Virata" is the move swimmers make at the end of the pool to change direction and go back, or either a 180 U-turn, but done by a ship. Almost certainly a Water U Turn. Much more unlikely scenario: it is also (Passimian again...) the spin you do in basketball, either while dribbling or keeping the ball in your hands, but unless there's a basketball playing Galarian Variant (basketball in the UK?), it's Water U-Turn going by all three languages.
Triple Axel (
Triplo Axel): same literal meaning, certainly refers to figure skating, it's one of the most elusive and difficult moves to pull off. Sound very signatur-ish.
Dual Wingbeat (
Doppia Ala): most similar meaning you could get in italian, certainly Flying. Likely similar to either Double Hit / Dragon Darts.
Scorching Sands (
Sabbiardente): same literal meaning, sounds like a Ground Scald.
Jungle Healing and Wicked Blow: both very similar, both for Zarude. Grass and Dark without a doubt.
Surging Strikes (
Idroraffica): "Idro" is "Hydro", a given for Water again. Raffica is either "gust" (like the Flying move) or a flurry, a rapid sequence. Could be a physical Water attack affecting either attack or defense.