Dinosaurs aren't dragons.. and Whiscash is named something along the lines of "Dragon Catfish" in Chinese
you dont actually need any spatck evs to OHKO gliscor but ice beam is definitly an optionI have to agree with alphatron that Rampardos is an amazing TR sweeper. If the opponent is down to 3 monsters, set up TRoom and let Rampardos rip. Ice Beam is surprisingly effective - thanks to LO, it has no problems scoring an OHKO on Gliscor, and it should also be able to 2HKO Hippowdon. Of course you have to invest a lot of EVs in special attack, but you can afford to do this since it is a TR sweeper that doesn't require Speed.
Since Rampardos only has 3 turns to utilize Trick Room, I usually go full-out attack rather than Swords Dance. I would advise Stone Edge > Head Smash, since LO & 50% recoil really drains Rampardos. Although, if you're treating Rampardos as a suicide bomber who is clearing way for another physical TR Sweeper, then Head Smash may be effective. As my final move, I chose Hammer Arm, because it lets Rampardos finish off Tyranitars and Blisseys, among others. Zen Headbutt would hit Conkeldurr the hardest but that's about it.
To prevent Hippowdon from walling Rampardos you need the Special Attack EVs.
i think he means a conkeldurr switch in but good pointBut Pocket, why mention Conkeldurr when he'll just Mach Punch you anyways?
Scarf Ramparados is actually a half-decent threat in OU; it's capable of clean up sweeping quite easily with its monstrous attack once threats to it (priority, faster pokes) are gone.
Recoil or not, Head Smash packs a punch and can put a ver large (and important) dent in your opponent's team
Choice scarf Rampardos is much easier to slap on any team than the Choice Band variant though. Thanks to Mold Breaker and his massive attack, he can easily spam Earthquake and sweep late game, even without STAB. The TR variant is better on a team dedicated to it, but CS requires much less team support.
The problem with this is that he's outclassed by so many other choice scarf users though. Haxorus immediately jumps to mind, serving a similar purpose (deal insane damage through a ridiculously powerful unboosted move) and he can outrun a lot more stuff and take hits better than Choice Scarf Rampardos. Then there's the issue that even with Rampardos' ridiculous attack stat, without any boosts it's going to get walled pretty easily by the likes of Skarmory and Ferrothorn.
While you're right about it being easier to throw on a team, that doesn't matter when Rampardos pretty much needs a massive amount of team support to succeed. If you're going to use a scarfer as slow as Rampardos, use Tyranitar instead.
Even with a scarf, I'm pretty sure you can 2HKO Standard Skarm with Head Smash. While I agree that TTar is an all around better scarfer, Rampardos can function as a Wallbreaker and revenge killer at the same time, which is a pretty rare trait. CS Haxorus fills a similar role but has more bulk like you said, but Rampardos' extra power still gives him an interesting niche.
I will agree that rampardos is an excellent wall breaker, but why cant we just use scarf aggron? or band aggron? other than a lot more attack and base 8 more speed it doesnt have much over a recoiless head smash.
Even with a scarf, I'm pretty sure you can 2HKO Standard Skarm with Head Smash. While I agree that TTar is an all around better scarfer, Rampardos can function as a Wallbreaker and revenge killer at the same time, which is a pretty rare trait. CS Haxorus fills a similar role but has more bulk like you said, but Rampardos' extra power still gives him an interesting niche.
As a plain TR CBer Zweilous is better imo.it may have like 15 less base attack but:
1.dragon is a better offensive type than rock
2.Zweilous doesn't die from BP Scizor which is everywhere
3.Zweilous doesn't have to kill itself to dent the opponent.
Also if we are talking about Head Smash on Rapmardos then there is no accuracy issue with Zweilous since his most spammable move has also 80% accuracy.
And anyway i don't think that Rampardos is good as a TR sweeper(in OU)
since Scizor and Conk are everywhere.