
Rock slide = 75 x 1.3 x 1.3 = 126.5

With life orb attached, you're not doing damage to yourself (according to new encourage definition, I guess) so basically you've got a flat out attacker with 165 base attack. Zen headbutt lacks stab, but has higher BP still. Same with Crunch. I think that everyone here should think about that for a minute before they try to comprehend what Rampardos is capable of.
For a choiced set, I still think mold breaker would be better. You don't want to be choiced on eq, and having a gengar switch in.
Rock slide = 75 x 1.3 x 1.3 = 126.5

With life orb attached, you're not doing damage to yourself (according to new encourage definition, I guess) so basically you've got a flat out attacker with 165 base attack. Zen headbutt lacks stab, but has higher BP still. Same with Crunch. I think that everyone here should think about that for a minute before they try to comprehend what Rampardos is capable of.

Great. Rampardos doesn't take Life Orb recoil! Now it can take...

I can really see Rock Slide being used more than Stone Edge on Sheer Force sets. After factoring in the SF boost, it has an effective BP of 97.5 (146.25 with STAB).
It ends up being just under 4 points weaker than Stone Edge, with 10% more accuracy.

Also, should there be a mention of potential TR sets? Rampy is slow enough that he might do really well on a TR team.
Rock Polish Rampardos could be really good in RU once Rhyperior is gone. The latter's Ground typing is fairly useless in this tier, with Earthquake hitting Aggron 4x effectively it's going to OHKO regardless of STAB. Meanwhile, Rampardos has enormous power, interesting coverage options, and only really suffers in physical defense compared to Rhyperior.
it can get baton passes for Shell Smash...

Think of White Herb Gorbyss. It won't attract Water hits, will likely scare off Ground types, (that threaten Ramp), and packs a boosted Ice Beam for Grass types. Yeah, Ramp can do well with Shell Smash.
I've always wanted to use Rampardos. TR seems good in the lower tiers and Head Smash more usable because you can invest in HP, but in in OU Ferrothorn and Conkeldurr are two new issues, even beside the regular array of priority moves.

Speaking of Conkeldurr...
252 Jolly CB Rampardos Sheer Force Zen Headbutt vs. 252/4 Conkeldurr:
101.9% - 120.3%

Since Fire Punch is illegal with Sheer Force, CB Hammer Arm mauls specially defensive Ferrothorn (sometimes OHKO with Adamant) and 2HKOs physically defensive variants.

Rampardos is so tempting to use in doubles. Yeah, he's priority weak and dies to EQ and Surf. But, if you use Sheer Force, your Rock Slides become extremely scary for both foes. And if you use Mold Breaker, your still powerful Rock Slides can flinch Pokemon with Inner Focus, and of course you ignore sturdy and your Earthquakes hit levitators. It probably wouldn't work against a human player (or be better than Terrakion), but maybe in the Battle Subway or something where the AI can be abused. Dedicated team support and/or Protect (he's an attack magnet) help.

And just a note, Rampardos and Pinsir are the only Pokemon whose SR can't be reflected by Magic Mirror. Neither of them are great at putting it up, unfortunately.
I wonder if he means the surprise factor in passing to a Rampardos. Although Rock has (ironically) so few resistances that getting a successful pass to this guy would be almost impossible. In addition, Rampardos shares Gorebyss's Grass weakness.

I'd rather use Choice or... Double Dance.
I still don't understand how Rock doesn't resist Rock. Seriously.

Anyways, the only set I've ever managed to use well was Choice Scarf. Head Smash is brilliant.
I still don't understand how Rock doesn't resist Rock. Seriously.

Anyways, the only set I've ever managed to use well was Choice Scarf. Head Smash is brilliant.

Really have you tried rock polish? it can sweep if you send it in after a pokemon faints kinda like durant, it cant take a hit but if it sets up it can do something. haven't tried choice scarf yet but i agree it would be a nice idea, can outspeed the genies with a scarf, requires no setup and still hits like a truck.
if only it got dragon dance...
I'm still gonna stick to my guns and say that trick room rampardos with sword's dance is the best you're gonna get. The problem is finding something to set up on, but that can be accomplished with smart play and forcing switches (only attempt to force switches when playing in tournament finals or when you get higher up in the ladder).

Scarf rampardos is pretty good, I'll admit. Well, good on the scale of how "good" rampardos can actually be.
ooh i was reading through the thread and i had an idea ,A mini terrakion! that...happens to have a higher attack
Rampardos W/ life orb adamant/jolly
evs 4 hp 252 atck 252spe
rock polish
swords dance
stone edge/rock slide
this rampardos can set up both attack and speed while still having good coverage
send rampardos in after a pokemon has fainted (not really any other time to safely do so when it comes to rampardos) on a pokemon it can force out (Read:anything slower that is koed by it) now depending on if your battling offense or stall use rock polish or swords dance. if you can get the other off to great if not oh well. stone edge on mold breaker and rock slide on sheer force earthquake has good coverage with rock and is usually the best option zen headbutt or fire punch can go here though (Read:fire punch and sheer force are illegal so run stone edge if you decide to do this) am not sure about nature maybe adamant but im not sure if the speed boost from jolly lets you outspeed anything before rock polish. this is the closest thing to DD rampardos can run if only rampardos got DRAGON DANCE REALLY ITS A REPTILE LOOK AT IT!!! THEY GAVE A FREAKIN' FISH DRAGON DANCE WHY NOT A PACHYCEPHALOSAURUS!!! anyway... just needed to vent about that i need advice about the nature and i would like someone to test it out! Good luck!
Unfortunately there's one thing that walls this thing, even in the lower tiers.
GLIGAR. Gligar can wall this thing any day of the week. And if we're talking OU then you have gliscor to worry about. Overall, rampardos begs for Rock head. If it got rock head, then it could CS with head smash.
Unfortunately there's one thing that walls this thing, even in the lower tiers.
GLIGAR. Gligar can wall this thing any day of the week. And if we're talking OU then you have gliscor to worry about. Overall, rampardos begs for Rock head. If it got rock head, then it could CS with head smash.

so true dd+rock head rampardos is easily uu if only the thing got either
Once sheer force cranidos is released, you can just run LO Ice beam for those two. Obviously, gliscor would have to switch into rock polish, but you get my drift.
Once sheer force cranidos is released, you can just run LO Ice beam for those two. Obviously, gliscor would have to switch into rock polish, but you get my drift.

why wait for dw cranidos here are some calcs

Gliscor:166 Atk vs 186 Def & 354 HP (95 Base Power): 316 - 376
(89.27% - 106.21%)

Gligar:166 Atk vs 376 Def & 334 HP (95 Base Power): 160 - 192
(47.90% - 57.49%)

gligar calc is assuming maxspdef if you run naughty you can use ice beam without sheer force
I personally don't understand why there's no Rock Head Cranidos, its head is definately made of a rock, so it makes sense that it would have that ability. Yet GF had to troll us with ****ing Mold Breaker. Imagine the power of 150 power 100% accuracy Head Smash Rampardos with no recoil! Hell, you could slap a Choice Scarf on and it'd still hit harder than any CB Stone Edge from powerhouses like Tyranitar and Rhyperior. Rock Head Rampardos would be easily UU.
I personally don't understand why there's no Rock Head Cranidos, its head is definately made of a rock, so it makes sense that it would have that ability. Yet GF had to troll us with ****ing Mold Breaker. Imagine the power of 150 power 100% accuracy Head Smash Rampardos with no recoil! Hell, you could slap a Choice Scarf on and it'd still hit harder than any CB Stone Edge from powerhouses like Tyranitar and Rhyperior. Rock Head Rampardos would be easily UU.
80% accuracy. But it'd still be 50% more powerful than Aggron's... and that hits like a truck. It does 81.4% - 96.4% to physically defensive Skarmory, for example. You'd need hazard support for it to actually turn a lot of 2HKO's into OHKO's, but it could be worth it.

Also, Choice Scarf Rampardos with Head Smash would rip up RU, seeing as there's relatively few decent Rock resists (Aggron... Gallade?) It might even get banned from the tier if Bugs remained as prevalent as ever.
80% accuracy. But it'd still be 50% more powerful than Aggron's... and that hits like a truck. It does 81.4% - 96.4% to physically defensive Skarmory, for example. You'd need hazard support for it to actually turn a lot of 2HKO's into OHKO's, but it could be worth it.

Also, Choice Scarf Rampardos with Head Smash would rip up RU, seeing as there's relatively few decent Rock resists (Aggron... Gallade?) It might even get banned from the tier if Bugs remained as prevalent as ever.

REALLY 50%!!!! agreed trollfreak strikes again and remember the pachycephalosaurus (rampardos) doesn't get DD but of course the FISH!!! does (whiscash).