Rock slide = 75 x 1.3 x 1.3 = 126.5
With life orb attached, you're not doing damage to yourself (according to new encourage definition, I guess) so basically you've got a flat out attacker with 165 base attack. Zen headbutt lacks stab, but has higher BP still. Same with Crunch. I think that everyone here should think about that for a minute before they try to comprehend what Rampardos is capable of.
I think Shell Smash Baton Pass is viable, especially considering the surprise factor.
I still don't understand how Rock doesn't resist Rock. Seriously.
Anyways, the only set I've ever managed to use well was Choice Scarf. Head Smash is brilliant.
Unfortunately there's one thing that walls this thing, even in the lower tiers.
GLIGAR. Gligar can wall this thing any day of the week. And if we're talking OU then you have gliscor to worry about. Overall, rampardos begs for Rock head. If it got rock head, then it could CS with head smash.
Once sheer force cranidos is released, you can just run LO Ice beam for those two. Obviously, gliscor would have to switch into rock polish, but you get my drift.
80% accuracy. But it'd still be 50% more powerful than Aggron's... and that hits like a truck. It does 81.4% - 96.4% to physically defensive Skarmory, for example. You'd need hazard support for it to actually turn a lot of 2HKO's into OHKO's, but it could be worth it.I personally don't understand why there's no Rock Head Cranidos, its head is definately made of a rock, so it makes sense that it would have that ability. Yet GF had to troll us with ****ing Mold Breaker. Imagine the power of 150 power 100% accuracy Head Smash Rampardos with no recoil! Hell, you could slap a Choice Scarf on and it'd still hit harder than any CB Stone Edge from powerhouses like Tyranitar and Rhyperior. Rock Head Rampardos would be easily UU.
80% accuracy. But it'd still be 50% more powerful than Aggron's... and that hits like a truck. It does 81.4% - 96.4% to physically defensive Skarmory, for example. You'd need hazard support for it to actually turn a lot of 2HKO's into OHKO's, but it could be worth it.
Also, Choice Scarf Rampardos with Head Smash would rip up RU, seeing as there's relatively few decent Rock resists (Aggron... Gallade?) It might even get banned from the tier if Bugs remained as prevalent as ever.
REALLY 50%!!!! agreed trollfreak strikes again and remember the pachycephalosaurus (rampardos) doesn't get DD but of course the FISH!!! does (whiscash).