Alright. I've made some initial changes and will be discussing them. Please know that there isn't much to go off of these initial weeks, so these will definitely fluctuate and change. However, this should be at least somewhat of a guide to why things are placed where they are at.
S Ranks:

Poliwhirl is the best lead and functions as a wrath check and a way to weaken down your opponent's team's water checks in general. Double Poli isn't mandatory, but it's definitely looking like the inital meta for now. I imagine this will go away with time (or it will go back down to B if/when we ban wrath) but for right now, Whirl is a premier part of the meta.

The biggest hitter in the tier. If you let this thing set-up without a way to easily break it, gg. Even if it doesn't sweep you itself, it'll weaken your team enough for Raichu or w/e to finish off the rest of a team. As others are saying, I think this is looking to be NUBL, but it's way too soon to tell. I also am a firm believer that Poliwrath is viable Pokemon in UU, and I'm hoping others will see that in time, removing it either way.

Really good against Poli, but also one of the fastest pokemon in the tier. STAB TBolt is really great and Surf provides near perfect coverage (only having problems with Grass). Agility can be ran to not care about paralysis, but Body Slam and H Beam are great moves too. Raichu is another Pokemon I'm thinking is over dominating the meta. But we'll see. Definitely an S Rank and probably meta defying even without Wrath
A Ranks:

Still the best Mime check, Clef can paralyze and sing, do nice damage with Body Slam and H Beam, and has good coverage with BoltBlizz. It's still holding itself as one of the better mons in the meta.

Thanks to Wrath, Electrode is now more important than ever, because it's got a high crit rate and STAB TBolt to break through Poli's Amnesia. Explosion and being faster than Raichu is good as well. Raichu + Electrode is viable and is actually really good atm, so Electrode can hold itself as an A Rank, at least for now. I think this could change in the future though.

Exeggecute is the best check to Raichu , Electrode and Mr Mime, making Egg better and more important than ever. Double Powder can be used to cripple the opponent, while Psychic does decent damage. Rest is good for Defense and can be used to check mime and raichu harder while explosion is good to take out the threat entirely. Single powder with Rest and Explosion would be good too, but that's not something I've tried yet.

Fearow finds itself with new targets to kill with D Peck thanks to Egg and Wrath. Rock usage is also down thanks to Poli and Raichu both being great anti-rock mons. So Fearow finds itself with new purpose. Raichu and Electrode both give it problems though and it needs support.

Mr. Mime
Still one of the best special attackers in the game. Psychic and Thunderbolt both hit wrath super effectively and t wave helps keep chu in check. Nidoking is still seeing some usage, so STAB Psychic is important as well. Raichu + Mr Mime is a scary amount of special offense that doesn't need any set-up. The core can't get past rest Egg though, so fortunately it's not too bad, yet. With time I expect this core to become more common though. ~~Assuming Chu doesn't get banned~~

Despite all the powerful water attacks at the front of the meta, Nidoking still finds use as a mix attacker. EQ w/ BoltBlizz provides good coverage and can do serious damage to anything without an amnesia boost. Being able to come in on Electric-types for free is also a good asset. With Zard and Moltres in the back of the meta as well, it seems like Rock Slide is less useful and Sub is better now as well. Which is huge for punishing switching out of Nidoking, making it even better. I'd say this is the best mixed attacker atm.

With two Set-up tanks dominating the meta, a wallbreaker is great rn. Super Fang + STAB H Beam helps with that, so we have Raitcate. Pre-Alpha has people scared of using Raticate, because of the proper pivoting to make it work. However, with a couple of mons setting-up and wanting to sit there, that pivoting and planning became a lot easier. Raticate's 4th also seems like it can change with the meta. Thunderbolt or Blizzard seem to be the move of choice atm, but I think Subsitute and Quick Attack might be worth considering too.

Yes, a team can run 3 Amnesia mons and expect to win. Slowpoke adds another amenisa water mon into the fray. This time one with Thunder Wave. Initially this seems to be enough with 2x Poli to overwhelm a team. However, Slowpoke is the slowest Pokemon in the game and is cannot be as good as either Poli, which makes Slowpoke more of a support mon in comparison. It's still good though.
B Ranks:

It's not seeing much use right now and is more theoretical, but I'm keeping it B for now. Raichu absolutely destroys it, but it does have some use against Poli. EQ can also be nice to snipe an electric. It may not stay B, but it's still worthy of the rank for now.

Honestly this things usage fell off a cliff. While considered top 3 in Pre-Alpha, Zard isn't getting use at all. It's still a fast mon with Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Slash SD and EQ. So It still has potential of hitting things like Egg and Mime. However, it needs some serious support to beat the new S Ranked mons.

Same as Blastoise, this has something more theoretical than something that has actually been used. STAB Blizzard hits hard against non-waters, especially Egg. It also forces Poli to choose between Psychic or Blizzard for coverage meaning that it + Egg might have some kind of core there, similar to what you see in Ubers for Mewtwo. However, it's more theorymon, so it's here for now until it proves less useful in actuality.

AgiliWrap is still legal and still stupid and doesn't care about Amnesia. DNair is the only NFE with H Beam and may want to take advantage of it here, especially with fewer rocks.

Not as good as Egg now, it still works as a good Mime check that can tank hits and paralyze/sleep the team. Despite the huge shifts, Drowzee might not actually change much. Time will tell how true that stays though.

With so much competition and Raichu in the meta, and Fires not existing, Kabutops has fallen on hard times. It's still great when it's needed, but it's hard to justify it now. It may end up dropping from B rank soon.

Holding on by the skin of its teeth thanks to its nice bulk, power and the stupidness of Toxic Agility Wrap, Moltres is still getting ranked. It hits non-Waters really hard, and can OHKO enough things with a crit to make you scared of switching in on it. This is one fire type that might not go anywhere, but I may also be overestimating it by a long shot.

Another ToxicWrapper. This one doesn't fear Electric-type attacks though and has pretty good special. It's anyone's guess if this thing will last in B though.

It hits hard and is another good set-up mon. It can do a lot of damage to an unprepared or weakened team, making it a good something to still fear in the meta. It may even be getting better and rise to A, but there's not really anything to base that on, other than gut feeling.

Another Another Toxic Wrapper. Same as Ninetales, but it's faster than Raichu, gets Agility and has different offense and defensive trade offs.

This might not be as dead as you might expect. If Poli is taken care of, Then Raichu + Seadra has good offense. Throw in a Fearow and you have a strong Agility based offensive team. It's more theoretical than anything else though.

Out of Venusaur's ashes comes Weepibell. It pales in comparison, as it doesn't even have 99.6% chance to crit with razor lead. However, it does get Wrap and Stun Spore so there's something there. It's also a grass-type that Raichu hates to go against, so it's got something against all 3 of the S Ranks, despite how poor it actually is.

It's holding itself out as a fast Sleep Powder user. Mega Drain or Psychic hit Wrath super effectively and Raichu doesn't hit it super effectively. With less Fire-types running around and with less competition, Veno might be even better than before.
C Ranks:

Rock-typing helps with the occasionally used Fire-type. Unfortunately it's Flying-typing is more of a weakness. It's weak to everything Raichu throws out it (except H Beam) and with Electrode in the tier, it can be outsped and killed by that. This thing may not stay up here or it may go to UU. But it's definitely not B Rank or higher atm.

Unfortunately, without Fire Spin, Arcanine just can't find a niche for itself. Being strong against other fire-types doesn't mean much if you're going up against Waters. I think this thing might fall even lower than C Rank if the meta keeps going the way it is atm.

Golem, always the niche and never the meta. It just can't catch a break. With Poli and Raichu on every team, Golem just can't find a solid place for itself. It does have a place, stopping Fearow, Electrode and BSlam, H Beam TBolt Clef. However, that's not really enough to make it meta atm. It may also drop lower soon.

Weepinbell does seem like the better choice, but Double Electric + Double Grass was a team I made and had some success with it, so I think Ivysaur has some legitimate use here. It's not so niche to be D Rank either, which I think makes it a solid C Rank choice. See Weepiblell, if you want to know why you'd use this thing.

It's kind of here, because it was here in Pre-Alpha. It does everything that King does, but it's not as good thanks to different stats. It may find itself some use though, especially with Sub seemingly better than Rock Slide in this meta

Not much use for this thing at the moment. Its biggest niche is dead, but it does get Thunder Wave and Recover. But really it's not going to be doing much of anything now, so another potential drop.

Weezing might be the only legitimate use of Haze so far. Stopping Poli's boosts, at the cost of whatever status it had, it may be able to do something yet. Unfortunately it has 4mss and haze is a risk to click, if the opponent has something statused. It's unproven, but maybe it can work.
Also I realized that D ranks were just carried over from Pre-Alpha and I've removed it for the time being. Feel free to suggest some (with evidence) though.