Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

15 year old, am i the only one that finds no beauty in younger girls ?
i mean the hormones that make them women are still working you can hardly see the genetic difference between the two sexes until 14-15 !
i personalty enjoy women as the women should be not some skinny short girl that has no idea about life or whatsoever.

Go for the 18 year old you also wont risk getting suit by her parents for sexual abuse.
bloody hell, im not sure if this is the right place to put this, but im gonna do it anyway.

i dont have alot of sexual experience, but my gf, which i have been with for over 2 years now, (who'se also a bit uncomfortable with that stuff because she's sort of religious), wants to do it with me but without violating the “rules” set by the bible (i.e. sex is forbidden without marriage and shit like that.)
any loop holes/ideas, as im not willing to buy a copy of the bible and read all of it just for some quick sex.

btw, im 16 yrs old, so yeah.


Banned deucer.
bloody hell, im not sure if this is the right place to put this, but im gonna do it anyway.

i dont have alot of sexual experience, but my gf, which i have been with for over 2 years now, (who'se also a bit uncomfortable with that stuff because she's sort of religious), wants to do it with me but without violating the “rules” set by the bible (i.e. sex is forbidden without marriage and shit like that.)
any loop holes/ideas, as im not willing to buy a copy of the bible and read all of it just for some quick sex.

btw, im 16 yrs old, so yeah.

if you want to have sex while following the bible, you have to get married. no loopholes there ¬_¬


Impressively round
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Guess I'm gonna have to go with the 15 year old. What a difference one day makes. Oh I'm 19 by the way, she's about to turn 16. Other one has seemingly moved on. Man I hate getting played like that.

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
bloody hell, im not sure if this is the right place to put this, but im gonna do it anyway.

i dont have alot of sexual experience, but my gf, which i have been with for over 2 years now, (who'se also a bit uncomfortable with that stuff because she's sort of religious), wants to do it with me but without violating the “rules” set by the bible (i.e. sex is forbidden without marriage and shit like that.)
any loop holes/ideas, as im not willing to buy a copy of the bible and read all of it just for some quick sex.

btw, im 16 yrs old, so yeah.
Well check out Ezekiel 23:19-21 for a brief synopsis on how Bible views all instances of unmarried sex.
Guess I'm gonna have to go with the 15 year old. What a difference one day makes. Oh I'm 19 by the way, she's about to turn 16. Other one has seemingly moved on. Man I hate getting played like that.
Alright then, problem solved.

@dead mans oddysey the Bible never specified that you had to be legally married.
bloody hell, im not sure if this is the right place to put this, but im gonna do it anyway.

i dont have alot of sexual experience, but my gf, which i have been with for over 2 years now, (who'se also a bit uncomfortable with that stuff because she's sort of religious), wants to do it with me but without violating the “rules” set by the bible (i.e. sex is forbidden without marriage and shit like that.)
any loop holes/ideas, as im not willing to buy a copy of the bible and read all of it just for some quick sex.

btw, im 16 yrs old, so yeah.
Oral sex !


protected by a silver spoon
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it's a sin to spill seed needlessly, so anytime you cum not directly into her womb is against the rules. idk what solution there would be unless she doesnt really know so much about the bible


be the upgraded version of me
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bloody hell, im not sure if this is the right place to put this, but im gonna do it anyway.

i dont have alot of sexual experience, but my gf, which i have been with for over 2 years now, (who'se also a bit uncomfortable with that stuff because she's sort of religious), wants to do it with me but without violating the “rules” set by the bible (i.e. sex is forbidden without marriage and shit like that.)
any loop holes/ideas, as im not willing to buy a copy of the bible and read all of it just for some quick sex.

btw, im 16 yrs old, so yeah.
lol whatever you guys end up doing, it'll be premarital sex if it involves the genitals
Guess I'm gonna have to go with the 15 year old. What a difference one day makes. Oh I'm 19 by the way, she's about to turn 16. Other one has seemingly moved on. Man I hate getting played like that.
You may want to look into your state's consent laws then if y'all plan on doing anything. I'm not saying you shouldn't date her or anything, just saying you should be careful.
oddysey, why don't you just ask her what she had in mind since it's her ruleset, nor yours? I'm pretty sure you don't have to decide what is and isn't appropriate within a religion you don't follow. Not to mention lots of people have different definitions of what's bible appropriate, from grinding only all the way to anal and/or "just the tip".

Also will never cease to be amazed at the amount of people who are happy to go back into the high school dating pool after leaving, but that's another story entirely.
Yeah, the Bible contradicts itself semi-often, especially due to discrepancies between the Old and New Testaments. Reading that book will not really get you far into hearing what she wants, especially since they speak [as I recall] in this strange blend of old and modern English that is difficult to make sense of unless you've read it for a long time.


Ce soir, on va danser.
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Okay, this has kinda veered into some ridiculous territory recently, and I really wasn't helping. Let's get this back on track, or else I'm closing it. Kinda past its due date, but it can still potentially create good discussion.


i woke up in a new bugatti
for some actual relationship shit

my boyfriend is traveling abroad for 3 weeks and im not really into the whole "talk every day or so thing"; im more of a face-to-face (no not skype) person and it makes me feel really bad cuz i go all "im the worst boyfriend ever"

i want him back and see the pictures and all but while he's gone i'd rather there be some actual space or something.

maybe i should just tell him instead of telling all of you

also 6 months next week yay

edit: i think after those two long-distance "relationships" i had i really dont wanna deal talking with someone i love very often over the internet or IMs or whatever, its just like no.


Ce soir, on va danser.
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Don't feel any guilt over that, I'm the same way. If I don't have physical contact with a person, I begin to lose interest. To me, there is nothing worse than talking on the phone every single day, because in my experiences, every relationship I had where that happened has failed, because we inevitably run out of new shit to talk about way too quickly. But, if you talk too little, then you lose interest in each other, so there is a balance to strike there if you want the long distance to work.

But really, 3 weeks of travel is not as bad as circumstances could be. For me, I tried to hold a relationship with a girl in San Jose, CA (from Buffalo). After that, I tried Boston, and still didn't work. I just don't work long distance, and I've accepted it.


INTellectual gamer
is a Tiering Contributoris a Past WCoP Champion
My girlfriend is really afraid of sex. I'm 17 and she's almost 14, so there is a small age gap, but she is really afraid of sex. She's a late bloomer and actually just got her first period three or four months ago, so maybe her vagina is weirding out her hormones or something. Anyone have any ideas of how I can warm her up to the idea?

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