Okay, I'd like to expand on Zari's new formula:
Seed / 16777216 + 0.00390625x = t[SIZE=1]x[/SIZE]
note that you can add any number you want before the decimal point, since the numbers to the right always repeat every 256 numbers.
I'd like to put this into code, if I am understanding the equation correctly. Here's my idea in pseudocode:
int N = 10; //seconds offset, aka "the number before the decimal"
int c = 16777216; //can this number be an int?
int seed = 21757; //0x5f4d ... I'll explain later
double Tinter; //intermediate time
int t;
int m = 100;
double e = 0.0001; //stop watch offset
int finalx = 100000;
output "Tmin = " + seed/c + " seconds.\n";
output "Desirable Stopwatch Times\n";
for (int x = 0; x<=finalx; x++) {
Tinter = seed/c + N + x/256;
if ( frac(F/m) < e ) {
t = (int) Tinter; //cast Tinter as an integer aka remove decimal part
output t + " sec\n";
This basically shows times that can be put into a countdown timer (stopwatch) that are
very accurate to the hundredth of a second (which is why m = 100). If you are using a stopwatch that does not have a hundredths place display, I recommend finding something else, but you can always set m to 1 so that you get a solid seconds value.
I think this method may be flawed, because what if no values for a certain seed satisfy that accuracy? We'll put that aside for the time being.
As I promised, let me explain my decision for the seed 54fd. What I did was go into Time Finder in RNG Reporter and opened up the min and max frames to about 600 and 640 (these are arbitrary as you will find good numbers anywhere, and they have no significance in FR/LG). I then searched for:
HP >= 30
Atk >= 30
Def >= 29
SpA >= 30
SpD >= 29
Spe >= 30
It came up with two spreads:
seed: 9E0C026F, FRAME 1493, PID A227E10F, HASTY, 30/30/29/31/30/30
seed: BF0D0283, FRAME 734, PID 8B49E2CB, HASTY, 30/30/29/30/30/31
I put the first seed into Neosyrex's program and it didn't find a seed. So, i input the second seed and it came up with
Enter seed:
-32134: 54fd
I then put 54fd into RNG reporter and searched for the seed. It was on a higher frame, 32868. I thought this was weird, so I put it into RNG Reporter's IV to PID function. it gave me a seed of B633AED6. I put this into Neosyrex's program and it gave me the correct frame, 32868, most importantly with the same seed.
I hope this information is useful. I'll keep working on this later.