Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Also, general toss: if anyone has a HA (Prankster) Liepard/Purrlion with Fake Tears spitback I would love one. Can definetly find something decent lurking my boxes.


EM: Fake tears/Feint attack/Foul play/Covet

(bred by me TSV hatched by reddit user)

You taught me how to gen5 RNG you can have this for free if you want it? is female so u can use it for breeding also
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Do the Everstone & Destiny Knot influence the odds of inheriting a non- hidden ability from a parent who has it?

'Cause I got a 31/x/31/31/31/31 timid Noibat from wonder trade. It had infiltrator, so I slapped an everstone onto it and left it at daycare with a ditto.
So far, 10/10 of my hatchlings had infiltrator.
So annoying lol
Do the Everstone & Destiny Knot influence the odds of inheriting a non- hidden ability from a parent who has it?

'Cause I got a 31/x/31/31/31/31 timid Noibat from wonder trade. It had infiltrator, so I slapped an everstone onto it and left it at daycare with a ditto.
So far, 10/10 of my hatchlings had infiltrator.
So annoying lol
Do the Everstone & Destiny Knot influence the odds of inheriting a non- hidden ability from a parent who has it?

'Cause I got a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Noibat from wonder trade. It had infiltrator, so I slapped an everstone onto it and left it at daycare with a ditto.
So far, 10/10 of my hatchlings had infiltrator.
So annoying lol
Items have no effect on which ability the offspring will get. So you're just getting really unlucky :/
If you want, I can give you an ability capsule though.
In my quest to hatch a 31/0/31/31/31/31 (aka, perfect in my opinion) Timid Contrary Snivy, I hatched two 31/0/31/31/31/31 Overgrow Snivys (Snivies?). Unfortunately, Overgrow Snivy is nowhere near as good.

Is there a decent moveset out there for an Overgrow Snivy? I looked on the Serperior page, and all of them have Contrary (for obvious reasons).

Calm Mind
Giga Drain
Dragon Pulse
not sure (Substitute?)

And maybe for my other one...

Light Screen
Giga Drain
not sure

I don't play competitively, which is why I'm so bad at this. I'm just breeding for the hell of it right now.
i beleive i have a timid hp fire snivy 31/0/31/30/31/30 if you want that
Hey guys, looking for a few spitbacks, will trade for them or whatever.

LF female pokemon in the balls listed:


In the bug catching contest ball from Gen 4 (Sport ball?)


Dream Ball

Thanks =).
Do the Everstone & Destiny Knot influence the odds of inheriting a non- hidden ability from a parent who has it?

'Cause I got a 31/x/31/31/31/31 timid Noibat from wonder trade. It had infiltrator, so I slapped an everstone onto it and left it at daycare with a ditto.
So far, 10/10 of my hatchlings had infiltrator.
So annoying lol
That's nothing .I was breeding a sturdy female Aron and marowak , and got 34 IN A ROW WITH ROCK HEAD. I thought my game was glitching lol.
Hey guys, looking for a few spitbacks, will trade for them or whatever.

LF female pokemon in the balls listed:


In the bug catching contest ball from Gen 4 (Sport ball?)


Dream Ball

Thanks =).
I can help you the Sport ball Nincada and Pinsir. PM/VM me.

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Does anyone have a Happy Hour Event Jolly/Timid Meowth that they'd be willing to redeem/trade for me? (IV's don't matter)

I can breed competitive Pokemon, EV train, or offer some shinies in return. PM/VM me if you can help
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LF: Careful or Jolly 5IV Jirachi. I am trading a lot of 4-5IV things including HA Froakie, Bulba, Chansey, Houndour, Gible and much more. Onviously I will trade more than one for a Jirachi! CMT for what I have, but it might be a bit outdated so PM if interested! :)
Do the Everstone & Destiny Knot influence the odds of inheriting a non- hidden ability from a parent who has it?

'Cause I got a 31/x/31/31/31/31 timid Noibat from wonder trade. It had infiltrator, so I slapped an everstone onto it and left it at daycare with a ditto.
So far, 10/10 of my hatchlings had infiltrator.
So annoying lol
That's nothing .I was breeding a sturdy female Aron and marowak , and got 34 IN A ROW WITH ROCK HEAD. I thought my game was glitching lol.

I cant remember the percentage but ability from parent is more likely to be passed down regardless as to wether your breeding for HA or not,
I think its more likely to come from mum so not sure why aron wouldnt have passed sturdy down but Marowak can have rock head also as a ability so maybe there is a small bug there or just a series of improbable happenings
I cant remember the percentage but ability from parent is more likely to be passed down regardless as to wether your breeding for HA or not,
I think its more likely to come from mum so not sure why aron wouldnt have passed sturdy down but Marowak can have rock head also as a ability so maybe there is a small bug there or just a series of improbable happenings
Mothers will always pass have a chance of passing down their abilities, Fathers will only have a chance if breeding with a Ditto, and the below ratios will the be the same.
Chance of HA Mother passing down its ability= 60%
Chance of HA Mother passing down a normal ability = 40% (20% if it has two normal abilities, 40% if it only has 1)
Chance of Normal Ability Mother passing down its ability = 80% (Unless it only has 1 viable normal ability, then = 100%)
Chance of Normal Ability Mother passing down other ability = 20% (Unless ^, then = 0%)
LF: Careful or Jolly 5IV Jirachi. I am trading a lot of 4-5IV things including HA Froakie, Bulba, Chansey, Houndour, Gible and much more. Onviously I will trade more than one for a Jirachi! CMT for what I have, but it might be a bit outdated so PM if interested! :)
If you don't mind waiting a bit and don't mind clones, i can help
LF: Careful or Jolly 5IV Jirachi. I am trading a lot of 4-5IV things including HA Froakie, Bulba, Chansey, Houndour, Gible and much more. Onviously I will trade more than one for a Jirachi! CMT for what I have, but it might be a bit outdated so PM if interested! :)

If you don't mind waiting a bit and don't mind clones, i can help
I don't mind either, just PM when you got some time :)
I still got a couple of Nelson Tangela jirachi if you want that one but not around until tomorrow
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