Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Along with the cyndaquil spitback, does anyone have any female spitbacks of nest ball turtwip, dive ball piplup, and lux ball chimchar?
Please help, I have a Play! 2016 unnerve shiny mewtwo to offer
There can't be female spitbacks of the sinnoh starters, they were released as male only on 5th gen.
Looking for a Scrappy Pancham/Pangoro! PM me!

I am in need of a Pokemon used for capture in B/W (Like a high lvl mon w/ False Swipe, status moves, etc), if you have one to offer please PM me, I can offer spitbacks in return :)
I would like to be able to find a 6V foreign ditto, so that I can easily breed shiny pokemon that are competitively viable, that way my only hassle is finding the desired shiny with the desired nature and egg moves (if necessary).
PM me if you have anything to offer, and I can offer certain shinies, or specifically HA Modest Eevees rejects that i have left over while breeding for a shiny.
LF: Speed Boost Blaziken

Prefer 6IV, will settle for 31/31/31/xx/31/31
I have a 6IV Garchomp to trade in exchange, and it's a female, so breed away.
Will trade Legendaries too.

FQ: 2681-3745-9296
Diverted from the Soft Reseting Guide Pokémon XY and ORAS Thread:

I'm getting ready to start going for the Regi's, but need a Sableye with 0IVs in Speed. The 31 IVs in HP and tacking on Feint Attack and Pain Split should be easy enough, but I don't have anything that has 0IVs in speed that I can breed with one of my Sableyes.

If anyone can get me the appropriate Sableye, I'd appreciate it. Even something with the right IVs that I can breed with Sableye will do. I'm trying to catch something I can breed with, but I've had no luck.
Diverted from the Soft Reseting Guide Pokémon XY and ORAS Thread:

I'm getting ready to start going for the Regi's, but need a Sableye with 0IVs in Speed. The 31 IVs in HP and tacking on Feint Attack and Pain Split should be easy enough, but I don't have anything that has 0IVs in speed that I can breed with one of my Sableyes.

If anyone can get me the appropriate Sableye, I'd appreciate it. Even something with the right IVs that I can breed with Sableye will do. I'm trying to catch something I can breed with, but I've had no luck.

THIS giveaway can get you a 0speed ditto if you cannot get a sableye, look under the Trick Room tab
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