this thread could use some shaking up. new mon noms inbound
Marshadow --> Tier 1.5
honestly this is the minimum placement that i see this mon ending up in. It singlehandedly brings offense back into the metagame and failure to prepare for this mon will result in absolute destruction. It's effective with or without setup cheese support and has perfect coverage with its STABs.
Gardevoir-M --> Tier 2
This is again the minimum of where i see gardevoir succeeding this gen. It was absolutely amazing last gen, and although there are a few changes that hurt gardevoir, (pixilate nerf, tapu competition) I see no reason to not fear this mon. its still going to hurt anything that isn't resisted and its tech options are as relevant as ever, especially trick room.
Lopunny-M --> Tier 3
This is a pokemon that was largely unusable last generation, but it faced fierce competition from a mon whose name is no longer to be spoken. Fighting is a great type, and its got perfect coverage with scrappy. With the inclusion of marshadow, this pokemon is more important than ever due to its good matchup versus it, and its ability as the only usable thing that can fake it out. oh yeah, and fake out. very few things get it at the moment so lopunny won't see much competition with regards to this.
Gengar-M Tier 1.5 --> Tier 2
I thought this thing was a little overrated in the first place but now it's facing competition with marshadow for the same team slot. and a big selling point is that marshadow doesn't take your mega slot. It's still valueable as something that outspeeds marshadow, and i think that you could even use them together for some success, but in general I think it's going to be less splashable than before.
Kyurem-B Tier 3 --> Tier 2
See my post in the DPL sets and spreads thread. This pokemon is extremely effective when used as a tank, and it's a lot more splashable than a lot of people give it credit for. this pokemon has the best of all worlds between its great bulk, coverage, power, and speed control. there's no reason not to be using this thing.
Rain setters Tier 4 --> Tier 3
I think a lot of people are sleeping on rain atm. With all the HO teams running around at the moment, rain is something that needs to be discussed. It's one of the most consistent ways to build a HO team due to Swift Swim giving you a pokemon with doubled speed AND increased power. it can be used with marshadow, and it is effective against it, meaning that it deserves to be a significant part of the metagame at the moment.
Swampert --> Tier 3
This is related to the last nom because it's one of the most threatening swift swimmers you can see. I know it has already been nommed for four, but i want to see it higher. Mega evolution speed mechanics have really dug this thing out of the gutter this generation, and its coverage is impeccable. also this.
Other than this, I'm shaky on a ludicolo rise as i think it's not as good as the other two swift swimmers, and i could definitely see if people wanted to argue for porygon2 and/or baby diancie rising, but I don't really feel strongly enough about either of those to nom them myself.