Smogon Simple Questions & Suggestions Thread

is there a way to see a list of all the images/icons/gifs that can be inserted into posts by typing them
:like-this:? I know there's emotes that can be inserted and seen from the menu but they don't cover all the possibilities like pokémon sprites, items, etc.
is there a way to see a list of all the images/icons/gifs that can be inserted into posts by typing them
:like-this:? I know there's emotes that can be inserted and seen from the menu but they don't cover all the possibilities like pokémon sprites, items, etc.
The smog dex is going to be your best bet for ease of use. For example, pokemon and items (which afaik are the only 2 classes supported). Specifying a gen posts the respective dex image. So for instance :rb/charmander: will auto to the /dex/rb/pokemon/charmander sprite. Similarly for all the others

Shortcuts are (in plain text) converting the names to lower case, replacing space with -, and removing any special characters that aren't - (i.e. Mr. Mime becomes :mr-mime:.
how to insert a pokemon spritte in our message? How to make a signature appear?
To make a signature, click your profile at the upper right, then there should be an option for signature

Every time I attempt to login to my account (the one I’m using currently to access this board) it says I’ve used the wrong password. I’ve have two separate Admin help me reset the the password but the problem keeps happening… and no it’s not user input error. Does this have something to do with me accessing showdown via my iPhone? Because I do get a weird polio every now and then saying something about proxy server jargon… any idea?
Yo, I have a constant problem with connecting to PS! with one of my devices. I can make it work the first few times, but after that, I can’t connect. My internet has Adblock, and I have Securly and a device manager, any troubleshooting?
Yo, I have a constant problem with connecting to PS! with one of my devices. I can make it work the first few times, but after that, I can’t connect. My internet has Adblock, and I have Securly and a device manager, any troubleshooting?
Securly is your problem. It doesn’t work on my Securly device either.
Couldn’t find this anywhere so asking here:
is it possible to pursuit trap a pokemon switching out thanks to eject button in gen7? (Probably more easily to pull this off in doubles)
Couldn’t find this anywhere so asking here:
is it possible to pursuit trap a pokemon switching out thanks to eject button in gen7? (Probably more easily to pull this off in doubles)

It is indeed.

I don't think it's possible to activate Eject Button like that in singles, Pursuit would have to hit the opponent first for the Eject Button to eject, but I did try to make it work:
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Does Blood Moon Ursaluna currently have a smogon minisprite?
Like one of these I mean:


If so, is there also some repository somewhere with all the minisprites/names?
There is a common issue when doing tours where a user can spam the buttons for Battle and Cancel, extending indefinitely the duration of the challenge step. This happens because the timer resets each time. It can be fixed if a moderator removes them manually from the tour, but a permanent solution, like not resetting the timer, would be a better option.
I have got a suggestion about the rules of the forums:

since "Lurk More" is so vague you should bring up examples where people got called out for things that either not prohibited by other rules or even for following the rules to the letter.

I don't think that I am allowed to mention any examples, I will get into trouble if I do.
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Question, fairly new to smoogon too, btw. I see the "Report" and "Reply" buttons but I can't seem to locate the like button? I'm on Desktop. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm just a little confused :-(|
EDIT: I just refreshed the page with the theme, that seems to have fixed it. Couldn't see it on Smogon Classic+ Smogon Dark.
Question, fairly new to smoogon too, btw. I see the "Report" and "Reply" buttons but I can't seem to locate the like button? I'm on Desktop. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm just a little confused :-(
The like button appears after you post a certain number or times, either 5 or 10 I don't quite remember which. It'll be next to reply when it does appear!
Question, fairly new to smoogon too, btw. I see the "Report" and "Reply" buttons but I can't seem to locate the like button? I'm on Desktop. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm just a little confused :-(
I believe you need to post 10 times before you can see the Like button on the bottom right of posts.
That's a custom title and is limited to badgeholders or certain contest winners, or Smogon Discord nitro boosters.
Also one more thing, how do you guys have the quote under your username? That looks really cool to have!
Unfortunately you can only get it (the custom title) if you have a badge. Badges are rewarded for distinctly valuable contribution to the community over a sustained period of time.
Hi, I'm returning to Pokémon after a long hiatus.

In Gen 7 I had completed my all-ribbon Pokémon (excepting the GCN purification ribbons, which were impossible for my chosen Pokémon to get), and although I didn't think I wanted to return to the series, the coming 3DS and later Bank internet shutdown galvanized me to getting my ribbon Pokémon onto Home in order that they wouldn't become "extinct."

I also want to get the newer ribbons, however, and that's what this comes to: one ribbon, the Master Rank Ribbon, requires playing against other players in the Ranked Battle system to acquire. It's also just in Sword and Shield, evidently, a set of games somewhat older now.

Is it going to be possible for me to get enough matches to get that ribbon on 4 Pokémon? If it's totally desolate, is it possible for a friend to just get on the Ranked Battle system and sort of supply me with random matches? Or is that a misunderstanding of how the system works?

Thanks for your consideration.

EDIT: I also noticed several years ago my avatar changed from a picture of Mew smoking a blunt to a small Pokémon sprite. Was there a reason for that? If it's not offensive I was thinking of putting the avatar back up.
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