Smogon Simple Questions & Suggestions Thread

It blocks you from seeing any content by that user. It doesn’t block alerts from them (such as them liking/reacting to your posts) but blocks any other alerts (like them quoting your post, you won’t get an alert since you can’t see the post they quote it in).
does it block them from seing my content or contacting me?
this feature looks kinda pointless right now.
does it block them from seing my content or contacting me?
this feature looks kinda pointless right now.
It doesn’t block them from seeing your content. Oftentimes you won’t want someone to know you blocked them, which is the reason why. Most block features function that way.

It doesn’t stop them from contacting you on their end, but it stops you from seeing that they’ve contacted you or anything they said while contacting you. So basically yes, they just won’t know you’ve blocked them.
can you please change your policy so we will receive direct messages instead of alerts when we become temporaary banned from posting in some parts of the forums or when the "reports" we do get rejected?

the notifications don't stay around for long(after we receive too many we can't see them) meaning that we may end up forgetting our past mistakes and repeating them.
also being able to reply can be very usefull.
Did something change with the spacing on the small sprites? There's basically no more space vertically or horizontally.

seconding the above. sprites were formerly exactly two [indent]s wide.

:protowatt:Now they're all misaligned with each other,
:palkia:and we can't space text with them nicely anymore.
They also don't align with indents like they used to.​
:geodude:Was there a type of post that needed the extra space back?
Thirding. I can't claim to know what the benefits are of getting rid of the even spacing, but it certainly did mess up a lot of nice formatting.
It's been restored to what it was (I have no idea what why it was like that or what was done to fix it).
Could we please get free-for-all specific movesets for gen9 random free-for-all?
This isn’t the place to ask this (the Random Battles subforum is!) but as rands staff I can answer.

Plans for this to happen exist, slowly. It’s not a high priority for us, we’d generally rather create new formats and maintain our existing competitive formats. FFA doesn’t have a ranked ladder, even though it’s fun among friends. Furthermore, as a team, there are some philosophical views that we’re somewhat split on regarding the FFA revamp based on the gut check, such as whether Protect makes the format slow and unfun so we should get rid of it, or whether a well-timed Protect is crucial skill expression and so should be on almost everything all the time.

So the answer is yes but at some unconfirmed point. Recently rands has been granted the ability to do more things like this due to something in the back end (to do with where our files are located in showdown’s code); this will permit us to give FFA its own set data. This only happened recently and we have two imminent more exciting things to use the opportunity for first, both of which are well underway.
This isn’t the place to ask this (the Random Battles subforum is!) but as rands staff I can answer.

Plans for this to happen exist, slowly. It’s not a high priority for us, we’d generally rather create new formats and maintain our existing competitive formats. FFA doesn’t have a ranked ladder, even though it’s fun among friends. Furthermore, as a team, there are some philosophical views that we’re somewhat split on regarding the FFA revamp based on the gut check, such as whether Protect makes the format slow and unfun so we should get rid of it, or whether a well-timed Protect is crucial skill expression and so should be on almost everything all the time.

So the answer is yes but at some unconfirmed point. Recently rands has been granted the ability to do more things like this due to something in the back end (to do with where our files are located in showdown’s code); this will permit us to give FFA its own set data. This only happened recently and we have two imminent more exciting things to use the opportunity for first, both of which are well underway.

Thanks for your comprehensive response! This is the 3rd place I've posted this... I'm new to smogon forums, sorry.

Personally I also think that protect in free-for-all makes the game mode boring. It sometimes turns an ultra casual game mode to 35 minutes of frustration. This is caused by players who protect every other turn.

In some games however protect is awesome, but this requires all 4 players to have some decency about how often they protect.

Maybe a solution could be like:
A) Only 2 pokemon with protect
B) Only special forms of protect (wide guard, spiky shield etc)
C) Protect accuracy is 70%
D) Protect cooldown is 2 turns

Now that I got myself going, I'd like to mention hazards. I think they are great, but there are games where toxic spikes basically sweeps my team. So a combinational solution of something like hazard removal, rest, H-D boots feels necessary.

Great to hear you've got a lot of things going! You've been doing a fantastic job so far imo.