What we really want is a Timid Raikou that can use Weather Ball and Aura Sphere. However, when Volt Absorb Raikou gets released, I would think that it would get some uses ober Jolteon in the form of a SubCM set. SubCM also makes better use of Raikou's superior bulk over Jolteon, but alas, we must wait for the next Nintendo event or game before we can enjoy Volt Absorb Raikou for ourselves.
Having used Timid Raikou with aura sphere ( teambuilder doesn't stop you changing natures) I can say it is a hit underwhelming in terms of power, even at plus 1 I failed to ko a Terrakion in the sand and it koed back. The same with Jolteon, volt absorb is a bit overrated as it's a dangerous prediction game because if rotom-w hydro pumps it ohkos in rain and almost does outside of it. Also plus 1 Dragonite kos Jolteon with extremespeed after 2 or 3 sr switchins so it's not the best check. There is a reason rotom-w is the tiers premier electric type.