Bs, Only Scrafty prevent the perfect month.Mew up from UU
Metang up from PU
Bs, Only Scrafty prevent the perfect month.Mew up from UU
Metang up from PU
Jynx is not represented as BL3 in its analysis page: its tier is RU (this being its analysis page).
I believe BL3 has something to do with the way Antar collects usage statistics.
(if that makes sense)
edit: slow
NU will be dominated by stall. New Spinblocker and no more cryo :(
I believe Abo will get even more usage this month thanks to upgraded Kyurem.
But Mew??
Mew, Hippowdon, Abomasnow, and Deoxys-D are OU.Hey I am on mobile so I cannot see the full list. Could someone link me the tier shifts or tell me them? Thanks
| 55 | Slowbro | 8530 | 3.083% | 7049 | 3.092% |
Sand Stream and Snow Warning are what was banned from UU, and not the pokemon themselves. Therefore if the ability Sand Veil is banned, I could see this retest happening. But it would be a terrible precedent to set if you just started allowing any pokemon into a tier without certain abilities, unless the ability itself is banned. With your reasoning, something like Scizor should be tested in UU because without Technician it wouldn't be overpowered.
With Sand Stream and Snow Warning being banned but Hippopotas and Snover still legal, hasn't that "terrible precedent" already been set?
Not quite. If Hippopotas and Snover were banned from using their weather abilities but other Pokemon were allowed to use those abilities, that would be the precedent, but as it is, the ability bans apply equally to all Pokemon that might have them.
Of course, by that logic, a Sand Veil and Snow Cloak ban would be fine if applied to all Pokemon the same way. But that's only if people are willing to go for it.
But if Sand Veil and/or Snow Cloak get released, a lot of people might want a re-testing of Sandstream and/or Snow Warning (which I'd fully understand), although I don't care either way personally.