CAP 1 Smogon's First "Create a Pokemon": Poll 6, part 2

What will be the ability of our new pokemon?

  • Compound Eyes

    Votes: 43 29.3%
  • Ice Shell

    Votes: 67 45.6%
  • Snow Warning

    Votes: 37 25.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Well, all of these abilities has their positive and negatives. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
wow snow warning is wining, but only by 1, i havent chosen which ability to go for yet, i wish the sprite was made by now then it would be easy to choose.
how about it having 2 yanmega can have speed boost or tinted lens.

still wish snow cloak was considered...

EDIT: I thought ice shell blocked spikes/toxic spikes/stealth rock, ALL ROCK TYPES is a little to good i think...
The way you changed Ice Shell is dumb. Making it only avoid SR makes no sense, if it can avoid that it should stock all spikes. Second, why would it only be immune to rock for a brief second? Third, you shouldn't chage the ability halfway through the poll. Fourth: It makes no sense to be immune to rock when switching, but no other time.

I shall vote later.
dragonsyth1 and drakhun are right cooper. it it avoids traps it avoids traps, you cant make this ability so it fits exactly with what the pokemon needs. dont change it please.
This pokemon is just broken plain and simple. Superb stats, great movepool and a top notch ability.

This thing is basically Lucario only immune to Hail instead of Sandstorm. Short of getting EQ it won't do jack to fire types, it gets OHKO'd by most Steel walls, and Blissey walls it fairly well too.
I voted snow warning, man i wish i could take that vote back... actually bug and ice switch in on sr and all other rock types with ice shell would be devastating. Other wise Snow warning is perfect.
Terrick, how is it broken? Agreeing with what Deck Knight said.

If this is broken to you, many already existing Pokemon in the Metagame should also be broken in your view.
Ehm i voted for Compoundeyes
1. Thats only 1 pokemon not taking damage from SR
2. Yanma FTW
3. 91% Bliyyard is enough too
4. 33 % KO attacks -.-
Xyra, I can understand all your reasons, but the first one seems kind of weird lol

Yeah its only one Pokemon, but this guy will be owned, mark my words, owned if Stealth Rock is up against you. If you have to switch him in, you lose 50% of your health.
lol, I think we are going to have a Poll 6, Part 3 at this rate. Almost no one else likes the change to Ice Shell, meaning most of them want to repeal their votes.
He editted the change to Ice Shell on 8th post (not including OP). Thats early enough for people to know, I barely saw any votes before he made that change.
It's actually very possible for me to change Ice Shell at this point. Here's why:

1) SR completely kills this thing specifically. Spikes kill everything, so why should this pokemon be any different?

2) Blocking all Rock moves for the turn is in no way broken. What Rock moves are used in the metagame? Let's see... Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Rock Head. How many pokemon use those? Any wall will use SR once, Tyranitar, Aerodactyl, and Rampardos. How common are Aero and Rampy? Not very. Coming in on DDBoah using SE isn't very likely, and even if it is, the chances of OHKOing it aren't good.

3) I gave everyone fair warning about this change. It's in size 6, red font on the front page for Christ sake!

4) It's my program and I can do whatever the hell I want *crosses arms and sticks out tongue*.

If people really want another ability poll, fine. But I was under the impression people wanted Ice Shell to block SR. Spikes and TS were just a bonus.
That ability makes no sense. No damage from any Rocks on switching in? Why is switching in so special? Why not just give it Rock Absorb, and finish the job off. IMO, being able to switch into TTar, Gyara, Hippo, etc, without taking one bit of damage if you predict right, is shattered beyond belief.

Just make it no indirect damage on entry to battle, ie, SR, TS, Spikes. Simple, easy, isn't broken, and makes sense.
*sigh*, the made up ability is going to win...

Remind me what's the logic behid not taking damage from SR on switchins again? As in in the world of pogeys, is there some kind of reason that makes it invulnerable?
What's are any of the pokemon wielding Stone Edge going to be using it on? Anything that flys? They all have better things to be doing while Skarm sits on the field, like stat-upping or switching out. TS is stupid, the only pokemon using it being Forretress. If you need something to help you avoid three layers of spikes, try a new team. No, this new Ice Shell (it will be called Mountaineer in the future) is perfect for our new pokemon. It's situational and doesn't allow for excessive switching, which isn't common for mixed sweepers anyway.
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