Credit to Force Fire for these amazing Stadium model PNGs! Banner by me.
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With the Viability Rankings established and the Global Championship and RoA Spotlight behind us, it seems like a good time to open up this thread. Here you can discuss anything pertaining to Stadium OU, such as teams, interesting sets, metagame trends, replay analysis, or just general opinions. This format has only recently gained a "reliable" simulator in the recent updates to Pokemon Showdown, so the current format can be seen as quite new.
Thread Rules
• Do not ask basic questions here, go to the Simple Question Simple Answer thread for that.
• No one-liners, contribute to the discussion at hand.
• If posting a replay, explain what makes it significant, etc
• Posts should be related to Stadium OU and not deviate from the standard ruleset.
- Stadium Sleep Clause - A player cannot put two of their opponent's Pokémon to sleep at one time. Run innately by Stadium itself, only it also counts an opposing Pokemon using Rest as well. This doesn't affect its activation, so multiple Pokemon can be resting at one time.
- Freeze Clause - A player cannot freeze two of their opponent's Pokémon at the same time. All effects of moves that would cause freeze are prevented from taking effect while Freeze Clause is active. This is run innately in Stadium.
- Self-KO Clause - In the event a Pokémon KOes itself with Self-Destruct or Explosion and the use results in a tie, the user automatically loses.
- Species Clause - A player cannot have two Pokémon with the same National Pokédex number on a team. For example, you cannot have 2 Koffing on your team.
- Evasion Clause - A Pokémon may not have the moves Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
- OHKO Clause - A Pokémon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, or Horn Drill in its moveset.
- Endless Battle Clause - In the event of an endless battle, a draw is called.
- Tradeback Clause - Tradeback moves from GSC are not allowed.
Some starter prompts:
- Any thoughts on Team Preview and the strategies it can provide? Eg. Intel for Zapdos/Rhydon teams, lead prediction, etc.
- Thoughts on Substitute? Experienced players tend to see it as an interesting twist that gives the metagame a strong identity, while others believe it's broken and should be banned.
- With the rise of RestEgg, Exeggutor has taken a strong position in the metagame. Do you think it will stay that way, or do you think it will gradually drop off as the metagame adapts?
Pretty much everything went wrong for Golem besides its critical hit rate being amped up. Substitute and Team Preview make Exploding with it a very difficult prospect: if the opposing team has Gengar, Rhydon, or other good absorbers, the player is going to be much less inclined to expend them, as they will want to save them to switch in on predicted Explosions. A similar situation can be seen with Zapdos teams, as they will now never bring it in at all knowing full well that they lose momentum for doing so: Golem has much less opportunity to switch in and do its job. All of that being said, Rhydon is the better Pokemon by a country mile, not only doing better than Golem stat-wise except in Speed, but being drastically boosted in viability by Substitute directly buffing something it was already doing extremely well. I cannot fathom why people use Golem in a tier that has only nerfed it while buffing a Pokemon known to outclass it in almost every scenario. If you want a Self-KO move user, BoomLax is right there and even does the role far, far better.
Jynx, on the other hand, ends up making Team Preview very predictable while sleep has catastrophic nerfs in the 0-3 turn duration and Rest counting in Stadium's Sleep Clause. In regards to the sleep nerf, you effectively have a 50:50 chance of getting the cursed 0-1 turn wake while 2-3 is kind of whatever against some Pokemon. While Golem is at least usable for Explosion and better Rhydon team matchups (I guess?) I genuinely see no reason to use Jynx over most other Pokemon. Unless it has some serious adaptation for Lovely Kiss dying off, it seems like it'll drop off extremely quickly. Reviewing the Spotlight Tournament usage stats, all 6 had Lovely Kiss and the win rate overall was middling. If we look at the Global Championship usage stats, we have 42 Jynx uses, ~79% of which revealed Lovely Kiss, with a ~39% win rate overall and a below-average win rate when using Lovely Kiss itself. Every replay I've seen bar a very small minority have it basically choking on air.
In terms of those prompts...
I think Team Preview helps Stadium OU distinguish itself while making it more accessible for players with a passing interest in RBY. It keeps that newgen familiarity factor while introducing older mechanics at the same time. Additionally, it reduces variance that the lack of Team Preview can cause, such as surprise sweeps from things like Articuno or Zapdos. There flexible leads also adds some flavour: if you know they're doing a lead Thunder Wave sort of thing, use a fast Substitute or Snorlax, etc. Sure this is just generic stuff that those who play Team Preview gens know, but it's cool in the context of RBY, y'know?Any thoughts on Team Preview and the strategies it can provide? Eg. Intel for Zapdos/Rhydon teams, lead prediction, etc.
I've noticed that the people who dislike Substitute are usually the ones that have not played the metagame for more than like, 15 games at most. While counterplay to Substitute was limited, it wasn't erased and oftentimes the users complained about actually suck at using it. For example, Substitute Alakazam is effortlessly PP stalled because it's forced to only run Psychic while also losing to Seismic Toss Chansey...I legit see that set as a noob killer at best. Starmie is in a similar boat, and Chansey can sometimes experience hardship as it has a slight case of 4MSS when using it. Substitute can certainly lengthen games but from what I've seen it's about the same as regular RBY on average.Thoughts on Substitute? Experienced players tend to see it as an interesting twist that gives the metagame a strong identity, while others believe it's broken and should be banned.
Considering the metagame isn't intensely played and there aren't many other options for the walking palm tree, I can see RestEgg sticking around for a very long time. Stadium kind of broke this poor bastard's kneecaps: sleep nerf, Substitute, Explosion generally being a bit worse...despite this, it's adapted in the best way possible. I really like this new Exeggutor and I think it has a lot of further optimisation potential.With the rise of RestEgg, it has taken a place as a very strong Pokemon in the metagame. Do you think it will stay that way, or do you think it will gradually drop off as the metagame adapts?